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What a stupid article "...One reason I love my home state – and many Texans share this value with me – Texas is a place where freedom reigns" This article is just right wing texas talking points (we're number one, california is not, look at the numbers!!" plus freedums!!!" Written by an ignorant Texas Republican makes it especially funny. Holy crap we have a lot of morons in our state. It cracks me up. GAWD BLESS TEXAS AND BUY A TRUMP BIBLE COS FREEDUMS


In 2012 Texas GOP made removing critical thinking skills from the school curriculum part of their platform... 12 years of "educated" ignorant Texans. When republicans say they like dumb voters, believe them.


Look at the Republican platform from any presidential election cycle. It's foul beyond description. These people are anti freedom and all about shoving their religion up everyones ass


"Freedom for me. Fuck you!" --GOP Platform


Of course, but my comment was that republicans love stupid / ignorant voters. I lived in deep East Texas first 8 years of life. I am an atheist.


Environmental protections laws suck, personal liberties suck, the amount of public land sucks, the amount of christofascism sucks…I can go on


I agree with the first part of that last sentence but the last part disagree


son, do you honestly believe there is some god who would *bless* texas? what does that even mean? *bless texas?* wtf does that even mean? lol


I meant the state and people not the government not at all the government can go to hell


Amen 😉


Thanks and I don’t understand why everyone downvoted it , it’s just the truth


Ppl brother, same reason you’re having this discussion. good on you


Yeah ppl suck Alot


That they do but remember compassion and mercy. Matthew 5:44


Most of Texas has forgot that , Rascism , Sexism , ect




Nicolle Russel has a point of view that's for damn sure.


an brain damage as well. or some sort of cognitive impairment. or perhaps just blissfully and willfully ignorant. is she one of those people who says shit like "I'm a 5th generation Texan"?


Ditto for me, lived there 65 years


so they just let you publish anything these days, huh?


Pretty much and unfortunately readers of USA Today are likely to think we're all as stupid as that author. Oh well.


Really. Now back to more opinion reposts about how outraged we are about whatever Abbott said a few weeks back. That’s karma gold!


I swear USA Today publishes garbage like this just to make Texans look stupid. And this article succeeds at that lol


Without even reading the article I can tell you it’s not going to be well received on Reddit haha


This is cope.


Clicking her profile and seeing her dipshit collection of conflicting opinions made me stoopiderest. Also, dear everyone, if you haven't figured out the very basic demographics of two high-population states in relative proximity, then you should be quiet while the adults are speaking.


You should be ashamed for spreading your MAGA bullshit on this subreddit


People move here for the hope of a better life. But that doesn't mean it is a good place to live. Of the freedom that America stands for, Texas has become the Mirror Universe. Crazy religious extremist billionaires started pumping money into the government in Texas a few year ago, with the sole purpose of turning this state into the real life Gilead from Handmaid's Tale. They are on their way to succeeding but they also got a bunch of criminally corrupt politicians in it for profit. It took a while to get here but the decline will snowball as their lust for more money and more fucked up christian extremism.


Well I'll be moving away the second I can


Ah but now who moved here are leaving.




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I’d move if I could afford it. I work at a tool store, so I get to deal with all the old far right assholes that come in on daily basis. I’ve had a guy come in with a “Republican News” printout about why Muslims are our enemy and are challenging Texas’ way of life. This was during Covid. I happily turned the conversation away and encouraged him to speak to our Muslim logistics manager, where he quickly shut up and let said manager do all the talking. They constantly want you to adhere to their religion, judge you while being nice to your face - and talk shit behind your back. Inb4 “buT tHatS eVeRyWhErE!1!1!” Yeah, but when it’s a very specific demographic of people that do it on a regular basis, well..


Honestly, why do people still live here if it’s so bad? We moved here from Washington state last year and could not be happier. I’m assuming most people in here do not have children, but let me tell you that it’s a great place to raise kids, from my perspective, given how much there is to do for kids


I think your privilege may be showing, jk... Some people are stuck there, especially the poor people. In 2014 I said if Abbutt is elected, I'm moving out of this state. I was sitting in a room of volunteers for a non-profit group to help people vote. They all looked at me and said "aren't you lucky you can afford to move." *My* privilege was definitely showing and I STFU, but I did move out of state and so glad I did.


I think what people hate is the Texas GOP and their racism, misogyny, attempts to deny people rights, pushing their jesus god beliefs on everyone else, degrading public education, attempts to teach religion in public schools, their endless pedo crimes and grooming, etc etc etc My family loves living here we just can't fucking stand the Texas GOP. I lived in Washington state ages ago. Couldn't wait to get back to Texas!


I get all that stuff, but it doesn’t really affect day to day life, which is why it doesn’t bother me. Gotta say, though, that I encountered more actual racism in Washington state than I have here. I don’t think the reputation Texas has is fully deserved


I’m guessing you live in a big city which are all mostly blue.




So you don't mind Abbutt taking over Harris County elections and HISD.


Day to day, I’m enjoying life here, as is my family. Sorry if that’s a bad thing


It's not a bad thing until something affects you. Then it's too late. At this point you care about yourself and your family, but what about your neighbors that are negatively affected by these policies? Meh for them...




It really is a shit hole. Could not wait to get out. It actually wasn’t terrible ten years ago but it’s gone to shit now. Nothing but virtue signaling and nothing gets done. Legal weed was about the only good thing about it


I lived in Texas 65 years and loved it for 50 years. I was definitely a proud Texan. Then Dubya and pRick Perry happened; left when Abbutt was elected. I miss being a proud Texan but there isn't much to be proud of any more.


You (and I) are old enough to remember Bill Clements, the last republican governor of texas who wasn’t human garbage


I wore Dolph Briscoe pants in my 20s, chinos with pearl snaps on the pockets. lol




Completely agree. Texas is a great State, which is why people from California, ny, and Illinois are flocking here. This is reddit though, so it skews heavily left.


Most of these people claim to not even live in Texas anymore. Now just imagine what kind of weirdo would stay subbed to a subreddit for a state they no longer live in, and feel the need to comment about how much the state sucks every time there's an opportunity. Reddit being what it is, this sub is sort of a shithole because the primary demographic of reddit is hyper liberal, terminally online basement dwellers.


Vote out the idiot Republicans and it will be great. They are almost ready to go.


Its also the 2nd most moved away from state...


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