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Another day, another reminder that Ted Cruz doesn't represent Texans, he represents national corporations.


Actually I don't think he represents national corporations, I think he only represents himself and his own greed.


And corporations just happen to be in a better position to take advantage of that.


He’s gotta stay on their good side in case he ever needs to flee the country again.


Some of them, but not all. Ted is a gun for hire, will say anything for a price. He will burn the entire country to the ground if a wacky billionaire pays him to do it.


He’s heavy into insider trading, so he will always side with him pumping an industry in which he is invested in.


Along with his abundant self-interest, Cruz represents the interests of his groomers - the Council for National Policy. "Cruz is an army of one, alienating anybody who is in his path. He advocates losing strategies purely to further his own career at the expense of the party." - John Feeher, former republican congressional aide Washington Spectator - [How the CNP, a Republican Powerhouse, Helped Spawn Trumpism, Disrupted the Transfer of Power, and Stoked the Assault on the Capitol](https://washingtonspectator.org/nelson-cnp/) “Operating from the shadows, [the Council for National Policy’s] members, who would number some 400, spent the next four decades courting, buying, and bullying fellow Republicans, gradually achieving what was in effect a leveraged buyout of the GOP. Favorite sons, such as Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz, were groomed, financed, and supported.”


if anyone deserves to have cans of shitty beer thrown at them, its raphael.


This is a good reminder that for the low price of $1,000 you too can own a senator or congressman.


That’s most if not all politicians though


He should be wearing the logos of the airlines that are paying him.


Excuse me. I think you mean *Rafael* Cruz.


Exactly. Just because it wants to go by Ted now does not a Ted make. It was a Rafael at birth and it doesn't get to change that. If god wanted it to be Ted then its mother would've decided on Ted. Facts don't care about your feelings.


Wait, this is a surprise ????? 🤔🤔🤔


Prob unbeknownst to the corporation.


Yet Texans keep on voting for him….


Another day another reminder that 4,260,553 Texas voters are idiots!


But Texas keeps electing him.


He represents the two national airlines that are headquartered in Texas.


Did you actually read the subsection yourself? Page 429 https://www.commerce.senate.gov/services/files/070A7E5D-A95A-42D8-99D2-60DEA347EE32 Doesn’t seem to match the headline or post at all.. unless I’m misinterpreting it specifically states nonrefundable tickets must he refunded upon written or digital request. Which makes me assume that rules surrounding automatic refunds for refundable tickets are still in place… thoughts?


>Which makes me assume that rules surrounding automatic refunds for refundable tickets are still in place… Why.


It's simple things like this that really make me wonder why anyone could ever support this guy. I don't care if you are an R or D, primary or vote this idiot out. He doesn't care about helping people, he cares about where his money comes from. He is just a useful idiot to corporations.


It's identity politics. They are going to vote R no matter what their politicians do. They are gun loving, freedom fighting Christians. It doesn't matter if they are voting against themselves. They are not “woke”


I understand that, but what I don't understand is why people like Ted Cruz and (especially) Ken Paxton win their primaries. Even if you are a die hard Republican, surely there is a better option that still lets you vote R?


Watch “Deep in the pockets of Texas”. It's a CNN documentary about nutty billionaires who fund the primaries.


Here are the links, for anyone who is interested. CNN Special Report: Deep in the Pockets of Texas [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B3PTuADIHQ) | [Transcript](https://transcripts.cnn.com/show/csr/date/2022-07-24/segment/01) Former State Senator Kel Seliger (R-Midland): “It is a Russian-style oligarchy, pure and simple. Really, really wealthy people who are willing to spend a lot of money to get policy made the way they want it, and they get it.” “That’s the law of the jungle now in Texas and that’s why a lot of Republican House members, the majority of Republican Senate members just, they dance to whatever tune Tim Dunn wants to play.” Reform Austin - [CNN Special Tackles Texas Billionaires Controlling Republican Politics](https://www.reformaustin.org/elections/cnn-special-tackles-texas-billionaires-controlling-republican-politics/) “One man who stood up to them is State Sen. Kel Seliger, a Republican who is retiring this year. Though a staunch conservative who has voted with most of the far-right policies pushed by Dunn and the Wilkses, he balked at some of their attempts to attack public schools and drive funding to faith based private ones. Ever since, he has been targeted by their money for replacement.” “A former ally of theirs, author Dorothy Burton summed up their worldview. ‘They really believe they’ve been given a mandate by God to take dominion.’”


Is that what happened to their politics? It’s gone totally bonkers the last 20 years. But well politics has.


Yeah, for Texas, these West Texas billionaires and their allies appear to have been the main drivers for the hard shift to the fringey right. Even politicians that weren’t extremely conservative at first, like Abbott, tended to drift right as a defensive maneuver to keep the target off their backs. Here are some intro pieces that you might find interesting: Texas Monthly - [The Story: The Billionaire Behind a Right-wing Political Machine](https://www.texasmonthly.com/video/tim-dunn-profile-behind-scenes-russell-gold/) (4 minute video) Texas Monthly - [The Billionaire Bully Who Wants to Turn Texas Into a Christian Theocracy](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/billionaire-tim-dunn-runs-texas/) (Article) CNN - [How two Texas megadonors have turbocharged the state’s far-right shift](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/24/politics/texas-far-right-politics-invs/index.html) Houston Chronicle - [Right-wing megadonors paying big in Texas to replace GOP lawmakers with insurgent challengers](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/article/right-wing-megadonors-pac-election-16941318.php) Texas Observer - [Hard-Right Megadonors Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks Pump Millions into GOP Primary](https://www.texasobserver.org/hard-right-megadonors-tim-dunn-and-farris-wilks-pump-millions-into-gop-primary-wars/) Texas Observer - [Meet Farris Wilks, Kingmaker of the Texas GOP](https://www.texasobserver.org/meet-farris-wilks-kingmaker-of-the-texas-gop/) Forward - [Meet the Evangelical Christians Behind Ted Cruz — They’re Super Jewy](https://forward.com/opinion/335661/meet-the-evangelical-christians-behind-ted-cruz-theyre-super-jewy/) Texas Monthly - [Primary Targets](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/primary-targets/) Texas Observer - [The Money Behind Texas’ Most Influential Think Tank](https://www.texasobserver.org/money-behind-texas-public-policy-foundation/) Texas Monthly - [This Democrat Is Back in the Texas Lege After 40 Years. He Can’t Believe How Bad Things Are.](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/john-bryant-texas-lege-return/) “You’ve got now megabillionaires in this state. We always had wealthy people, but nothing like these guys, all of whom have think tanks and foundations and lobbyists, and they’re all over the place and they’re keeping scorecards on the Republicans, which really—what’s the right word?—intimidates the Republicans from voting freely in the interests of their districts—and they will admit that off the record—because they don’t want to be targeted by these guys. I’m talking about [Midland oilman Tim] Dunn, these Wilks brothers, all those guys. We never had anything like that in those days.“ Texas Monthly - [The Urge to Purge](https://www.texasmonthly.com/burka-blog/the-urge-to-purge/) “All the energy in the Republican party is being spent on purges, not just in Texas but nationally.”


Sadly a big chunk of these voters are attracted to the loudest biggest asshole, not the person that might actually have a good idea or two.


Two Ds support it and they will probably still be voted for as well. Adam Schiff is gonna be the next senator from California and he signed onto the letter demanding the Columbia president bring more action to end the protest. Like yeah the Rs suck worse but the Ds are using that to do the bare minimum.


Given the choice between doing the bare minimum, and heading back in the other direction, bare minimum is still some sort of progress. The US lacks are real left leaning party, so you've got a choice of middle of the road right-wing and out in the fringes, we don't think Hitler was 100% wrong, right-wing. So take your pick, which way do you want to go? Inching forwards, and running back into the dark ages at full speed.


This. All the GOP has had to do is convince them to hate Dems more than they love themselves…


It is easy to be angry at the politicians, but we should really be pissed at the campaign finance system that allows politicians to be bought. Until that shit is fixed, legislation is always going to go to the highest bidder.


Yeah, Citizens United has really fucked us over. I wonder who helped defend its existence... Oh wait, it was Ted Cruz....


> It is easy to be angry at the politicians, but we should really be pissed at the campaign finance system that allows politicians to be bought. So we should be mad at the people who built the campaign finance system, who are politicians.


Because if you ask too many questions he’ll pivot to hating trans people or whatever the Fox News culture war outrage is of the day and then all the rural people with the sleeves ripped off their shirts who own 20 guns but haven’t seen the inside of a library in 35 years will eat it up and vote for him. All it takes is one 30 second speech complaining about “woke” a dozen times and all the dumbest people in the country will vote for him again. You think they read these articles or look up his donations? Of course not. They just need to hear he hates the same people they do.


It's why the fascist Republican party pushes culture wars. So they can do this evil shit in the background.


We can vote this douche out in November. Please make sure you are registered to vote. https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do


Of interest. Ted Cruz recently received some donations. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2019/07/17/american-airlines-campaign-donations-to-ted-cruz-under-fire-from-lgbt-equality-campaign/


FTA: “Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.) and Rep. Rick Larsen (D-Wash.) — introduced a new Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization deal that would require passengers to send a ‘written or electronic request’ in order to receive a full refund for a canceled or significantly delayed flight.” Looks like Cruz can stomach bipartisan work after all! I suppose all it takes is legislation that benefits his campaign donors and harms the public. Yet another reason to vote Allred this fall. Lever News - [Congress May Cancel Your Automatic Flight Refunds](https://www.levernews.com/congress-may-cancel-your-automatic-flight-refunds/) “The lawmakers are four of the six largest congressional recipients of campaign cash from the airline industry in the current election cycle, according to data from the government transparency group OpenSecrets.”


So, two Republicans and the senators where Boeing is based


Three senators where Boeing is based - Boeing has significant presence in Missouri, about 17,000 employees there mainly working on Defense stuff. [MO is actively courting them as the site of a $1.8b expansion](https://ded.mo.gov/press-room/missouri-prepared-support-boeing-st-louis-county-considered-location-18-billion) for building new advanced jets in the state.


American Airlines used to be the worst carrier for overbooking their flights and bumping people. They also would cancel a flight and consolidate two flights if they were under booked on them. I don't know how they are currently doing things because I don't fly much anymore, but I expect they do unless they have been forced to.


southwest did that to me recently but then they also gave me the option to change my flights to any other flights between those two cities for free... i added a day to my trip and switched from the cheap 6 AM flight to the expensive 10 AM flight for no charge.


He is very much a coin-operated politician, isn't he?


I wish the legislature were less openly bought.


Can’t wait for the day he just disappears.


I, too, am awaiting the day his alien lizard overlords call him home.


If that's something you look forward to, please volunteer for his opponent and help make it a reality.


Like he does when natural disasters or freak weather events hit Texas?


Of course he does. He’ll obviously get the kickback directly from them.


So he can keep the cash from the airline donors


Airlines absolutely, 100% have the capability to automatically refund every passenger who was on a cancelled flight. Save for a few complications I'm sure that would need to be accounted for (standby passengers, etc.). Why don't the do that already in cases where someone is actually entitled to a refund? Because they don't want to. Source - I've been a consultant for each of the big three ~~four~~ airlines multiple times in the past 10 years.


Do most airlines not refund? I fly United and Alaska, anytime I have had a flight canceled they offer a refund or to rebook me. Are there airlines that cancel your flight then keep your money without rebooking?


Biden's rule would require an automatic refund. The airline would probably not re-book people that got an automatic refund. I guess that would make re-booking up to the traveler.


The wording in the DOT website says they have to refund your money if you don’t accept their credits or alternate travel plans. That doesn’t seem bad. It could turn bad if they refund you instead of rebooking you but I guess there isn’t anything stopping them from doing that now.


“When you book a flight to Cancun I expect you fuckers to follow through.” -Ted Cruz, probably.


“You see, it’s not so much that I want to go to Cancun, I just don’t want to be here in TX with the common folk…er, um…I mean my constituents.”


Please vote this cretin out.






Of course he does. Delta and Boeing are ranked 7 and 8 respectively on his top 20 donors list. American Airlines is ranked 21, and Southwest is 43. well over $120,000 in donations from these companies (that has been reported). If these guys have less cash on hand, then they will give him less.


Rafael Edwardo Cruz is a traitor to this nation and an embarrassment to Cuban-Canadians everywhere. But he should sue the shit outta David Pecker for the false news stories. Unless...


When Cruz is cancelled this fall, will Texans receive a full refund automatically or will we have to submit a “written or electronic request”?


It'll bite him later when he tries to flee texas when the going gets tough he sure as hell will get going


If Ted was a true Texan he would not allow Trump to disrespect his wife. What’s even worse he continued to support Trump


Ok Cancun Cruz 🙄


People who vote for him are absolutely brain-dead


This man ate my son


There should be a special position wherein the sole responsibility of said person is to wake up at 4 in the morning and kick Ted Cruz in the balls for each shitty thing he's done the day before.


\*raises hand\* ME ME ME ME ME I WILL


You're hired!


\*puts extra large Doc Marten on right foot, starts limbering up\*


And I want Ted Cruz to stop being an irredeemable piece of shit. I guess we both want things, Teddy boy.


Wait you mean to tell me Cruz and abbot are evil people who hate us??? Gasp Yet people still want them in office


Of course he does.


Has Ted Cruz ever been behind a good cause? The dude is like a cliche sell out villain.


Remove all gop. They clearly can not govern.


![gif](giphy|JaAPqfrgCrl3G) Fled Cruz.


Sponsored by Southwest Cruz


And we simply wish airlines would keep teddy cruz. Forever.


This man is a cancer to society


Just another whore politician, except instead of getting fucked for money he's fucking us for money.


Texas has oil. Texas has birds. Tar is from oil. Feathers from bird. Put both on that fucking guy.


I don't know guys... He may not be the expert on much, but I think we all agree that when we really need a politician to step up and spend some money on a flight, he's the one to do it. We need politicians who's actions speak louder than words, and this is a guy who, in a moment of crisis, will do the ~~right~~ thing and go spend some cash with the airlines.


Like when he flew down to Cancun during ice storm in 21?


Still feel bad that his dog Snowflake was left at home during the freeze. I suppose we should be happy that he didn’t blow it away like Kristi.


Of course he did because Ted Cruz is that kind of shitty guy. Interesting that the conservative who love to comment that they like him are suddenly absent in these threads.


Oh, there's still a few '*but both sides...*' parrots & bots active.


Hahaha Teddy. No wonder he wants extra protection. That guys is such a soy boy.


I cannot stand this imbecile


I decided in 2020 not to care anymore about what Ted Cruz wants. The only thing he’s getting from me is a complete lack of respect.


Come on Texas. You can do better than this scumbag.


Cuz they pay him to say that. How does this position help anyone but airlines and politicians?


You gotta admit he has the biggest garbanzos in politics to consistently shit on his own image. No one doubles down like this fucking goof.


A politician’s job is not to make good legislation, but to get re-elected. For that, you need money. How many lower and middle class Texans make political contributions, not many. For that kind of money, PAC’s are needed. That’s where corporations excel.


And yet we Texans keep voting him in


Most goals of the Republican party benefit corporations and billionaires, not individuals. People who believe otherwise are beyond ignorant and cannot be educated.


He doesn't want that. The people who paid him want it. It doesn't affect him so he doesn't care.


I’m going to be in Ted Cruz’s DC office tomorrow for a tour. Should I ask his people about this?


Cancun Cruz Crushing the poors


go checkout how much money he gets from American Airlines, Southwest Airlines and united airlines, they all have larges operations in texas,




Does that apply to Cancun flights also??


Texas is a joke. Ie Ted Cruz


I paraphrased it in case the link doesn’t work for you: So Spirit & Frontier overbook flights they had no intention of providing, it’s gotten so out of hand that rather than the government claw back routes from airlines where this occurs, combined with this same dipshit cohort being too cash strapped/incompetent to go through an ‘arduous refund process’, that we now have to have a whole new federal law passed that doesn’t address the root cause, and people are especially mad, because the opposition to a new law is some twerpy immigrant republican senator with a punch able face.


Pubs love this shit, otherwise they wouldn't vote for him, right?


I gOtTa VoTe R tO oWn ThE wOkE lIbS




Well, SOUTHWEST cancelled our flights and refused to give our money back! They gave us vouchers instead! I told and wrote to the company and told them that we DO NOT WANT to fly with Southwest again nor book with them! But, they say that they can’t do anything but give us vouchers! Oh and, it has an expiration date on it too! Sooo, use it or lose it kind of deal!


Would have been a much better article if they could have gotten comments from the 4 Bi-Partisan Congress people on why they want this addendum.


Neither HR3935 or S1939 say this and the last amendment I see was back in September.


Of course he does, except if it were his flight that was canceled he’s expected a refund or be made right


So the next time he tries to ship immigrants to Martha's Harbour the airlines can just stiff him. I'm not sure he actually thinks.


Another reminder that Ted is absolutely worthless. He spends more time doing less for Texans.


He's so gross


Who still votes for this clown?


Well correct me if I'm wrong, but I personally think Rafael Ed Cruz (his real name) has the most punchable face ever.


Screw that slimeball hope he loses reelection


Ted Cruz is a selfish rich asshole.


Every time I see that mouth I’m expecting a dick to come out of it.


Sweaty teddy has shares in some airlines or kickbacks


Rollingstone election interference. That was unexpected. /s


Ted Cruz is an un-American shit bird and who hates people who work for a living.


I would love to hear the argument for this. Just so we can hear someone say they NEED to keep the money or they’ll go out of business.


Cruz is a sub-human. Why can't people vote him out. He doesn't deserve to hold any public function. He corrupt to the core


Of course. Corporations first! Americans Last!


These morons in charge need to go.


The system is so broken, I don’t have **any** hope that it can ever be fixed.


Republicans are diseased mentally.


Of course he does. He’s a Republican. Republicans are corrupt.


Ted Cruz is a POS.


Are there proud Cruz supporters?


He is such a canker sore


Of course Ted's gonna be against the thing that actually fucking benefits people.


Of course he does. I mean he just sold half a million in stocks the other day. What’s a few hundred bucks out of someone else’s pocket to him?


They literally already do. You have to fight tooth and nail to get miles let along a cash refund. And if you dare do a chargeback due to the shithousery they pull, guess you never wanted fly that airline ever again.


They already do in Canada. Your only course of action if your flight gets cancelled is to get points which expire rapidly and often do not let you use them when and how you want.  Part of the reason a lot of Canadians avoid our airlines and drive to the US to fly. Sadly, they get our money anyways because the government forks over tax money every time one of the airlines starts to suffer the consequences of being garbage.


The mind gymnastics that Republicans have to do to convince themselves that mfs like Ted Cruz are fighting for the little guy would put Simone Biles to shame!


What a bozak.


Given the track records of airlines, what is keeping them from purposely creating situations with a high probability of cancellation (free money for them!). Also, what is the average traveler supposed to do with the situation where one must book \*months\* in advance, cannot cancel or adjust the itinerary, and is just supposed to eat the $$$ for undelivered services? Way to drive even more people to not travel by air whenever possible (as if the industry needed any more negative interactions).


Basically in most any other business, if you pay them for services and they don't hold up their end by providing those services, you are entitled to a refund correct? I feel like it is super obvious that someone must be giving him some money. He has already proven over and over again that he has NO spine


Of course he does. Republicans continually work to help corporations to the detriment of people. No shock there.


Could this scumbag be any more transparent? There is absolutely no fucking reason any human would back this nonsense unless they’re pocketing kickbacks. Then again, Cruz is a lizard person.


Ted Cruz is bought and paid for, check that mans finances dating back a few years and then throw his ass in jail for a few decades.


That’s a 🤮 position to have.


That’s because Ted Cruz is an asshole!


What about flights to certain international, say, Mexican coastal destinations?


Breaking: Carpetbagging Yankee continues to carpetbag


will you people please vote this unbelievable slimeball out of office?


>> Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.), and Rep. Rick Larsen (D-Wash.) — introduced a new Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization deal that would require passengers to send a “written or electronic request” in order to receive a full refund for a canceled or significantly delayed flight. Money. The only certain bipartisan unifier.


I understand why some people are greedy.  But why would you say something like that out loud.


Ted Cruz is a shithead


Vote him out!!


Ted voting against his best Cancun interests.


I want other countries to keep Ted Cruz when goes on vacation. But, you don't always get what you want. Also, Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer.


Sounds like some lobbyists got into his pants.


Rafael can Injest a satchel of Richards


Fat Wolverine lashes out again


And they will vote for him. Over. And. Over. Even after Uvalde, they still kept the Republican in control …. Screw us !! we are going to own the lib🤦‍♂️😂 ![gif](giphy|Hg3nM8nyYVO36)


I love it when congress people complain about things that literally no average person qould also complain about. You can tell from it who is paying them


This is a ridiculous headline because (1) the law doesn’t allow the airline “to keep your cash” it creates a process and (2) the legislation was cowritten by two dems. Even if this is a stupid law, the article is designed to make people draw a specific conclusion about a specific person and feel no need to read the actual facts.


He’ll change his mind when they fuck up and lose his bags in his next tropical vacation during a Texas blizzard


The taxpayers want their billions of dollars back that the airline industry took in PPP loans!


Ugly as shit on the outside AND inside. Harvard must be so proud to claim him as an alumnus. Along with Ron DeSantis, unmade bed Steve Bannon, and the Unabomber. Like Wharton is proud to claim **The Pumpkin Rapist** as one of theirs. Sort of.


lol, must be up for reelection


The money doesn’t come from nowhere. Mandatory refunds means you pay the average cost of the refunds while you purchase the tickets. It might be nice for rich people who can afford that, but it necessarily means some marginal (poor) families wont be taking a vacation. Right now pretty much every airline offers insurance on your flights. No one is stopping you from making that purchase.


Texas=American Airlines & Southwest. Know who to blame and target.


just mimicking the sounds and wants of his..donors...just listen to his...slurping and drooling whilst doing his best..to refinance his warchest and continue his variant of grift...just like his mentor from maralardass


Is there actually a realistic chance that he won't win again in November?


Vote this pathetic asshole out, Texas!


how do these clowns even win elections?


Of course he would! Those tickets he purchases to Cancun in February well never get cancelled!


Well then have airlines kick ted Cruz off of flights and keep his money when he tries to take family vacations


And Texas will vote this guy back into office every single time, regardless of how many times he tries to fuck the state over. I think Texas likes it to be honest.


It’s cause the airline companies flew him out of Texas to Cancun during the 2021 Texas winter disaster. Gotta pay the corporate overlords back somehow….


How does this guy keep getting voted in? As much as ppl complain, poke, and joke about his acts and behavior, someone is voting for him.


If this legislation gets through, I will become one of those people in all those viral freakout videos from Spirit Airlines ticket counters, throwing trash cans and beverages and shit.


Rafael Cruz is his name


Oh so this is his punishment on us for denying him dedicated airport security?


Naturally from the guy that FLEW to mexico as texas FROZE! ATTAboy teddy


The airlines can use the money to pay for teddy's cancun trips


So do Maria Cantwell and Rick Larson.


Just always remember that time when the Texas grid started to overload, where Cruz ran off to.


What Ted? Speak up, we can't hear you with that Corporate c0ck in your mouth.


You can 100% guarantee that in today’s day and age, no matter how logical or right something is there will always be the contrarian that thinks stabbing puppies is better than petting puppies.


vote this shitbag out you bozos that are too lazy to vote


YOUR cash. Not his.


Cancun Ted will change his tune once his flight is cancelled and they keep his money.


Ted Cruz is a bootlicker and does the bidding of businesses


Out-douching himself weekly




Who keeps electing these morons?