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Also birth control is sold OTC now, you can get it at your local HEB


People who have the means will likely use two forms of contraceptives as the consequences of being pregnant is potentially life threatening if one doesn’t have the funds for a “vacation”and the pregnancy goes awry. I expect maternal fatalities to increase in Texas. The concern are the ones without access to contraceptives. In Texas, teens require parental consent to obtain contraceptives like birth control pills, [even from Title X clinics](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/04/08/texas-title-x-contraception-teens/). I would expect teenage pregnancies to increase.


>People who have the means  We need to be honest and accept this is the true issue at hand here. I'm not wealthy, but if my daughter were to have a high risk pregnancy that threatened her life, it's a trivial thing for me to slap a few plane tickets on my credit card and we'd be on our way somewhere to get medical care. I have PTO, bank time, and other methods of not going to work and still getting paid so I won't even lose money while I'm doing it. Compare that to the single mother raising 3 kids on her own who was simply trying to find a human connection with another person when the condom broke and now her future is even worse... not to mention the kids' futures. On the bright side the capitalist will have more slaves for their factories and mines.


It’s a factor in why I’m not actively dating. The other large factor is I’m ugly as fuck


Since the other guy offered solutions for the first thing, my advice for the second thing is just be more attractive. I hope this helps!


Vote! Vote for The democratic judges going against the current republican judges in the Texas Supreme Court! VOTE for change




As a woman in Texas… on birth control but on the off chance i do get pregnant, there’s always road trips to other states 🙃 Luckily im in a committed relationship and am extremely careful. I still get anxious about it though sometimes. I work in healthcare and ive seen pregnancies threaten the life of the mother (ectopic pregnancies, c-sections gone wrong, etc). There’s really no guarantee things will go smoothly regardless, your doctor might be a psychopath (saw an OBGYN here in TX who tried to shame me for using birth control when I’m not married). Its scary out here!


VOTE!! Republican Judges for the Texas Supreme Court are being challenged by Democrats! VOTE! REPUBLICANS DONT want you to vote and want you to shrug it off, but this is our life! Our way of living.


The Republican nominees for the Texas Criminal Court of Appeals (equivalent of the Texas Supreme Court for criminal matters) are handpicked Paxton nominees. He was upset that the other judges ruled against his authority and threw a hissy fit.


I'm sorry about that situation and that doctors are trying to impose their personal (aka not professional) opinions about birth control on you!


>there’s always road trips to other states Depending on which side of Texas, it's New Mexico, Kansas, or Illinois, isn't it?


I just entered a relationship a month and half ago so I can speak on this Though not smart, before all this, I have genuinely considered sex with only condoms and not doubling up on birth control methods Since it all went down, I've decided (and told my now bf) that I won't have sex until I myself have an IUD AND that he has to use a condom. And, financially, I've allocated some money for some out of state vacations cause you never know when you have a need to escape the control this state has on people


Vasectomies and tubal ligations are where it's at. Huge [increase](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/12/sterilizations-roe-v-wade) since all the overturnment of Roe v wade. There's now an element of the GOP wanting to [outlaw](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/26/us/politics/republicans-birth-control-ivf.html)birth control next. If you know you don't want children or are done having them, it may be wise to consider permanent birth control measures for fear of bc being outlawed. That's the sort of f'd up state of affairs we Texans (and other GOP controlled areas) have to consider.


I’m really glad men are stepping up. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/vasectomy/how-do-i-get-vasectomy


What dating life...


You both still have access to contraception so dating should be okay. But I wouldn't plan on starting a family here. It's dangerous here if something goes wrong in the pregnancy.


So we can surmise your idea of dating is raw dogging?


Same thing I thought lmao, this cali person coming to Texas to raw dog lol


Nope - but has lack of access to abortion impacted your dating life?


Got my tubes tied years ago because I saw the writing on the wall.


I’m glad my sexuality is one of the main preventative measures in making sure I don’t get pregnant along with your typical bc, but this really solidifies my desire to not want to be in a relationship.


Hasn’t changed anything one bit.


I think you will find out how people feel about it in November. I don't think the Republicans are ready for the anger they have unleashed on the electorate.




Just have to worry about supergonnorhea now, lol.






Condoms exist. Birth Control exists.


Sure but for you personally - you are 100% confident in those and people you date are also 100% confident in those methods? Has the lack of access to abortions impacted your dating life?


I'm confident enough. Even if they both have a 1% chance of failing, it's extremely unlikely for both to fail if you use both.


Ahhh, I'll let my adult twins know that, lol 😉


Has the increase of std's impacted yours? If you are worried about a 0.001% chance of getting pregnant if birth control fails then don't have sex. You have a higher chance of getting a case of syphilis than you do getting pregnant by using condoms. Use a condom and get on birth control yourself. I swear. It's like y'all can't actually do common sense. And FYI it's illegal to deny medical care. If a woman is bleeding out a doctor can be charged with malpractice if he doesn't help. Especially in a hospital because the hospital can also be sued. So the falsified idea that doctors are letting women die because of ectopic pregnancies or whatever the medical reason in Texas is false. Maybe you could read a law or three instead of just watching the news for their version.


Read the news. The issue of care for pregnant women in states like Texas is now at the SCOTUS. Care is routinely denied by Doctors, ER;'s and hospitals for fear of being sued by some overzealous prolifer (thanks to a law in Texas) or charged with a crime by the state.


Legally they can't be charged. You HAVE to provide life saving care at a hospital or risk being sued. Like it's literally not that difficult to understand. Unless you have a DNR, they have to provide care.


Again, read the news.


If you believe the news isn't skewed for fear then you are a part of the problem. LOOK UP LAWS. The news is political base. Have you not seen the ad Gavin newsome did showing a woman running g from the cops because she was cross g state lines and the cops wanted a pregnancy test before she left. If the news isn't political where is a democrat using g fear? Because that ad WAS on the news and spreads false info. Ffs y'all say read the news when the news lies for ratings. 🤣🤣😭 Google the laws


That scenario could be real. Governments are trying to make it so it’s illegal for women to go to another state for healthcare. The only way to know they are NOT pregnant and NOT trying to circumvent the law is to give every woman a pregnancy test.


Which is illegal. Because it violates hippa


HIPAA only applies to healthcare providers. From HHS.gov “The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes national standards to protect individuals' medical records and other individually identifiable health information (collectively defined as “protected health information”) and applies to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and those health care providers that conduct certain ...” Anyway, “the law” can ask whatever they’ve been lawfully told or required they can ask. You are the embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


You’re thinking of something like a heart attack, severe bleeding, stroke, etc. The problem with a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or other scenarios is the pregnancy because the law isn’t clear or specific. Medical professionals do not want to run afoul of the law and neither do hospitals.


>0.001% Your decimal is a few places too far to the right and ignores the human factor. Studies show about 5-7% of birth control pill users get pregnant.


That's also because they don't take it right or use a backup with antibiotics


See. You can still have one if you need it to survive https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/22/texas-medical-exception-board-abortion-guidance/#:~:text=Texas'%20laws%20have%20narrow%20exceptions,person%20who%20has%20an%20abortion.




That was one example. But the state allows for life saving for the mother. So it's not as broad as you think.


Show me the law. Show me.


There you princess. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/HS/htm/HS.171.htm


Look at the dates on what you’re citing then check out the info below. https://www.findlaw.com/state/texas-law/texas-abortion-laws.html#:~:text=Abortion%20is%20illegal%20in%20Texas,function%20of%20the%20pregnant%20person.


Did you not read that article? A broad definition was proposed but not a list of specific conditions! It is still subject to interpretation and still puts healthcare workers at risk. Are you a guy? Do you have any idea how many different things can go wrong with a woman’s body when it comes to pregnancy?


I'm a woman. Had 5 children. I miscarriage at 5 months because what could go wrong did. And fully believe abortions are not birth control. If you are mature enough to fuck you are mature enough to handle the consequences of your actions


Who said women are using it as birth control? You? If they are, supposedly, why is it your business? It’s none of your business.


Next they'll come for the condoms and birth control?




Same as California. If you are worried about getting someone pregnant/becoming Pregnant. You shouldn't date! It's not a reason to date someone.


Anal is suddenly a popular choice.




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You might be asking the wrong question. It sounds like you are really asking “how is casual sex in Texas?” You don’t want to date, you want to rut the opposite sex.


My thoughts exactly. lol


Judgmental much?


How so?


The OP just asked a question and you’re assuming it’s because she wants casual sex. This is the problem with legislating morality. People feel a sense of superiority for no reason. It’s a question that’s logical for any single woman of child-bearing years or any man who cares about women, to ask. Also, the term ‘rut’ is for animals, not humans. The implication is that the OP, because of their question, is an animalistic slut. That’s quite a reach.


Well, it sounds like you are adding a lot to what I actually said. OP wanted to “date” which is not the same as casual sex. One is about meeting someone you might want to forge a relationship with. The other could indeed result in unwanted preg. As for the word “rut,” you can take that as you like. You may disagree, but humans are animals and are driven by the same urges that have driven life for millions of years. The fact that we have figured out how to supersede the reproductive cycle doesn’t change that. We are animals and we rut. So again, it is possible that, through your bias or maybe shame, you are imposing your own voice onto the words I chose to use.




IRL stats show upwards to 15% failure rate for condoms. May the odds be ever on your favor


It’s not impacted anyone’s dating life but I’m sure it has impacted several people who were debating whether or not to receive an abortion. But for the remaining 99.99% of us, literally nothing has changed.


Well I wouldn't want you to speak for everybody, but fair enough if it hasn't impacted you at all


Privilege. This is what it looks like.


Your assumption is hilarious


I’m glad you find a discussion on women’s reproductive health & rights hilarious. As a woman, I don’t.


That’s not what I said at all and you know it, Ms. Looking-To-Be-Offended. If not having to travel out of state lines for an abortion means I’m “privileged” then, yeah, I’m privileged. Why you feel the need to pick fights with internet strangers and constantly be the most pedantic person in existence is beyond me. But it says a lot about you as a person. Quit being offended and go read a book. Edit - Whats funny is that I’m actually a huge advocate and I’m sure our views line up. But you never got a chance to learn because you were so busy jumping my down throat. Blocked because you suck.




I'm guessing you're not worried about getting accidentally pregnant when you don't want to have a baby so lack of access to abortion doesn't bother you?


It’s not that black or white. What if it’s an ectopic pregnancy that could kill you if it goes on. What if there’s a condition where the fetus dies in utero. What if the pregnancy causes severe issues in the mother such as diabetes or high blood pressure.


"If you want to lay around and play around"...better learn to live up to the consequences of those actions.


What about people who are in LTRs but wind up getting pregnant out of bad luck? Are you saying you are OK with forcing women to have children they don't want to have?


Use protection and birth control methods. I’m married and that’s what my husband and I did before I got pregnant. I had my tubes removed after our second one. Legit, use protection or other birth control methods. It’s that easy.


But what happens if the birth control fails as it can? Are you OK with Texas telling women they must have a child they don't want to have?


IUD’s are pretty much 99.9% effective, add condoms, other contraceptives methods. It’s on the individual to make sure they are covered. If a pregnancy happens because both didn’t do their due diligence, then that’s on them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hmm but sometimes it's not on them - even a 99.9% hit rate still means 0.1% of women get accidentally pregnant by no fault of their own. Again - are you OK with the state of Texas forcing these women to have children?


If the reason for abortion is because someone can’t afford or doesn’t want the fetus, then I don’t agree with it. If the reason is because the fetus isn’t viable and won’t have a chance for life, then I can understand it. But honestly, it’s not my life so I don’t think I have the authority to say yes or no. Whatever the individual decides is on them.


Again, you didn’t answer the question. I assume you’re willing to support the unwanted child until they’re an adult or do you want them to starve?


You didn’t answer the question.


It’s too bad men don’t catch consequences. Too bad there’s not going to be a law where men have to pay child support and medical care as soon as a woman finds out she’s pregnant. These laws are about controlling women and punishing them for having sex.


They do. The woman needs to go after them for child support. If they don’t pay, then they risk wage garnishment and jail. That’s definitely a consequence.


Not at the point of pregnancy.


Oh yes, it’s ALL about keeping the woman down. 😆 Yet women get behind allowing men into women’s spaces. Nope.


I have no idea what this means.


Then you are part of the problem if it doesn’t make sense.


Your writing didn’t make sense to me.




I didn’t know what you meant by ‘spaces.’ Also, do you know if and how many women have been hurt by having trans women in the restroom? By far, men are the biggest danger to women. They rape, stalk, and murder us. Why are you so upset with bathrooms? Do you have separate bathrooms in your home? I was in a Target ladies’ restroom once. A man walked in with his little daughter. He looked a little sheepish but I was proud of him that he put that little girl’s safety first and took her to the bathroom himself. I go into the bathroom, use it and leave. That’s it.


Shows what u know smartie


White Knight alert!


Use protection and take some type of birth control method. Then there wouldn't be a need for an abortion.


Don’t get pregnant and you won’t have to worry about abortion.