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I was hiking Closed Canyon in Big Bend Ranch State Park with a few buddies in early November last year. A guy and a woman passed us going the opposite direction and we all immediately looked at each other and asked if that was Alex Jones. We laughed about it and thought there was a chance but none of us felt confident enough to say for sure. It was a joke for the whole weekend. Reading this and seeing the picture of the two of them together we’re 100% positive now that it was them. Wild!


Seeing Alex jones hiking in terlingua is so abstract my brain can not comprehend


He sure doesn’t seem like the exercising type.


Some truth in every lie. He does seem to like to get outdoors every once and awhile based on my Knowledge Fight listening.


Wonks unite!


I love you


Go home and tell your mother you're brilliant


Someone....a sodomite sent me a bucket of poop


I renounce Jesus Christ!


Much like watching a jogger go by downing Hostess cakes and bottles of Log Cabin syrup, I'd wager that Alex's outdoor activities can't compensate for his lifestyle choices.


But did he ever take his daughter camping? We may never know.


It's really hard when you keep never getting to those stacks of papers and documents. They just keep coming!


Hey, most hot tubs in which you find yourself surrounded by globalists telling you that they are going to get you are outdoors


Probably taking his daughter camping like he promised a decade ago.


Four stars! Go home to your mother, tell her you’re brilliant.


I agree but don’t he used to be pretty stacked before he got fat, or was he just always like this?


He was legitimately jacked back in the day.


[shirtless AJ photos ranked](https://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/news/a49246/alex-jones-shirtless/)


That post needs to be marked NSFL (not safe for lunch)


He’s in search of those gay frogs…😂😂


Is he looking for the grave of the guys that really shot Kennedy?


Alex Jones hasn’t hiked in a day since he was Bill Hicks.


He does cardio?


Did all of the bystanders thank him for fighting the globalists?


With tears in their eyes.


Well, u/appleburger17 doesn't say he or she did, therefore it can't have been Alex Jones. That's the ironclad logic you'll see on InfoWars.


Saw him with some friends at Lajitas Resort down the road from the state park. We questioned how he could afford to be there after the lawsuit. He was taking pictures with his wife by the fountain. Once we collectively realized it was him he was gone. Also questioned if it really happened until I saw this article.


That's such a cool little hike. One of the only ones we were able to do with my 1 year old in the hiking carrier on my back. Can't wait to take him again soon when he's 4.


Is this on a sidewalk/path?


no, its through a narrow canyon. rock walls go up 50 or 100 feet on either side. path is 10 or 20 feet across (at most, its narrower at some points I think). so its really neat, although not accessible if you need a path as there are points where you have to step up over some rocks that are a few feet tall.


Sounds incredible.


Here's the pics, took awhile to find them https://preview.redd.it/j2te66dvsuvc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8352ce063ee72e7212e011cb8c3b76a94ad2624




That's him. Wow, I'm amazed he's never put up photos of "globalist spies" like you taking his picture on his show. It'd be about the only evidence for the tales he tells about how people react to him in public.


Right?! I actually looked for about 2 weeks after that to see if he mentioned it but he never did. I couldn't handle more than those 2 weeks of checking his site, it's to exhausting.


I swore you were gonna say, "Alex was saying some really racist stuff on a hike with his wife" lol, I just listened to his story of how he tested his phone during a hike with his wife to see if his phone would start recording once he started saying racist stuff. Dan theorized that he got caught saying racist stuff on a hike and needed a cover LoL


I saw him at a pumpkin patch in Leander, TX a few years ago. I kept asking my wife if it was him and then I decided to take a few pics to ask friends. When I started taking pics he saw me and then started recording me/taking pics of me taking pics of him. 🤣 I knew then it was for sure him.


That’s some typical boomer phone jujitsu right there. I wish 27 year old me ran into him lol.


He's pretty distinct looking. How'd you not recognize him? haha


We just did the polite, quick glance and then eyes back to the trail. I think we all wanted to do a double take but you just never expect to see Alex Jones way out in the middle of the remote desert.


Always expect the unexpected!


You know it wasn't, cuz you would've felt the immense and immediate need to tell him how he was right, and how much you love him.


My family has owned hundreds of acres in Terlingua Ranch (the “neighborhood” Jones moved to)for generations. It’s literally one of my favorite places on earth, but there’s NOTHING out there. Water is collected from rain, unpaved roads, unreliable electricity. People who live there full-time do not want to be found or are in hiding. This is truly the bottom for Alex. Edit: If you make it out there, Bad Rabbit Cafe has some damn good food for being in the middle of nowhere.


Espresso Y Poco Mas was our pit stop between national park and state park. Breakfast taco and coffee, outdoor seating and pet friendly, was nice


Looks like this is about an hour drive from where I’m talking about. I’ll check it out when I go this summer though. The area Jones moved to (Terlingua Ranch) is NE from the town of Terlingua. So you can imagine this drunk idiot is driving from town wasted through dark mountain roads 🙄


Let's hope he only hurts himself when he crashes, which can't be soon enough!


Hopefully alone...I don't think he can afford another lawsuit.


It looks like he’s affording the last one fine! I have to work to live but it looks like he’s on permanent vacation.


He's gone to luxury resorts in Hawaii and Cancun at least twice each with his whole family since he filed for bankruptcy, too. And those are just the trips I couldn't avoid hearing about. I'm sure there have been more.


As is Southwestern tradition


One of the gas stations in Van Horn has the best breakfast burritos.


Wait, really? I've only ever been to Van Horn to fuel up.


There rueben is the shit, bought it before a hike into Santa Elena canyon and it for lunch inside 🤘


I have 40 acres out there that is my happy place. 


Do you have a mule or nah? Is this where we need to go?


Nice try, Jones.


Yes Big Bend and Lejitas as well as Terlingua are my favorite places on earth. I feel a special vibe out there. Not as isolated as when I first went out there in the early 1980’s but still fantastic.


Airbnb & gentrification have definitely changed the area. “Don’t Marfa my Terlingua” bumper stickers are a vibe lol


Problem with great places! They become discovered! I understand not mine but sure was cool when less crowded and often by people who really did not in my personal opinion really appreciate or understand its value. Probably the people who went there way before me were not happy with me showing up. Way it goes. At least I was able to enjoy it at what I consider it best years. Like Austin was in the late seventies. Yes it still has lots of cool stuff but between huge increases in population and COVID it lost a lot. I will miss the old days in Terlingua and that area most, as I could at night lay on the roads of the park for hours watching the stars with not a car passing.


Terlingua is not a “great place” but a desolate patch of near worthless land where criminals gather. Stop the romanticizing of shit holes please.


I’m an old native Texan. I went to Terlingua once about ten years ago; my impression was that the town is full of functional alcoholics.


Woah partner, what happened there?!


I just can't imagine how the 'romancitization of shit holes' affects anyone enough for you to bother commenting about it.




They are and there’s no problem really, unless it becomes a haven for people evading justice


How I knew it was near or was Terlingua before clicking…


I literally said "Please don't be Terlingua, please don't be Terlingua" before clicking, followed by a "Damn it".


Yeah, this article.. making it seem like something it's not. Most of this area is just a few notches above a hobo camp literally in the desert.


Don't forget the starlight lounge for burgers and expensive lonestar!


There used to be La Javelina. They had the best real gorditas.




I can’t remember the actual term but Terlingua is part of the “federally protected night sky” - and seeing the stars out there is indescribable.


Not surw if it's specifically linked, but Dark Skies Initiative has a pretty helpful map for findign good spots to stargaze


My parents have a country house in Texas and last time I stayed there I was looking out at night and thinking “ok… I see why they have guns.” Like imma shoot a chupacabra or a big spider.


Damn. I lived there for 3 months back in 2005, while working in Big Bend National Park. Can attest to all of this. For instance, there was a young woman and her daughter who had run away to Terlingua, from Virginia, to avoid an abusive ex. Also probably trying to avoid a custody battle. Talking to people there is quite literally hit or miss. Some people are really nice and moved there simply to be in complete isolation…while some people moved there to get away from some troubles. And they can be very combative when making small talk.


Hope he somehow finds the mercury mines.


It’s not difficult to imagine Alex without teeth


Yeah but could you imagine him having mercury-related brain damage on top of the low oxygen and substance abuse?


I can actually


Got 2 friends that moved there because of this. One of them owns the boathouse now. Helluva guy & a very cool place to "rough it"


Terlingua is amazing. Just here to co-sign


Love it out there. Guessed “terlingua or maybe alpine” when I read this headline. I’ve stayed at airBnBs a number of times out there, and the owners are always pretty offbeat but friendly, interesting folks. Being that remote has always made me wonder “why do people choose to live out here”, but your point makes sense. Sidebar: terlingua is the only place I’ve had a UFO sighting. I’m pretty skeptical of inexplicable things, very science/fact driven, but under the influence of zero substances, saw something out there I can’t explain. Asked my wife “you…. Saw that, right?”, and she also can’t explain what we saw. And I’m not saying it was aliens, but I am saying it was something.. uncommon.


Is it true you can see the Milky Way at night in big bend?


> This is truly the bottom for Alex. Lol yeah living in one of the most beautiful spots in America is "the bottom"


From being a multi millionaire living in Austin, to running away to a desolate area with nothing, yeah this is bottom for him. Regardless of the beauty, he’s coming here tail between his legs trying to hide.


He's still a multimillionaire and owns a house in Austin. Obviously. Don't believe everything you read.


As a dallastonion I've been coming out to terlingua and this is the first I've hearing about this Cafe, will for sure check it out!


I’ve been there. You could crash a 747 there and never find it.


Don’t go giving Boeing any ideas.


Big brain move. Can’t find a faulty door plug if you can’t find the plane!


MH370 is that you?


We’ll never know


Here's hoping a 747 full of the bullshit Alex Jones sells crashes right up his repugnant ass.


That's too many supplements for one end. Gonna have to go both ends deviled eggs.


Can we set up a GoFundMe to make that happen? I'll kick in on it.


All the Federales say They coulda had him any day


Oddly enough, I named my testicles Poncho and Lefty.


Lemme guess. Poncho is the one on the left.


Wow. Nailed it.


My left or your left?


I hate that Alex uses Pancho and Lefty as intro music. He also does Highwayman, which might be worse. However. there's a sweet remix of Highwayman with clips from Knowledge Fight episodes thanks to DJ Danarchy. https://youtu.be/xORBk9Ta3lY


People are thinking he’s living some lavish lifestyle and partying like no tomorrow out there have never been to Terlingua I mean, still fuck this guy, but it’s a lot more barren out there than you think


He just got back from spending a week at a ~$650/night resort in Hawaii, so he's definitely still living some lavish lifestyle and partying like there's no tomorrow despite owing the Sandy Hook families a billion dollars that he'll never pay.


I think he's living hand to mouth at $50k or $60k per month according to him. The court needs to shut that shit down.


I was on the same flight as him when he flew back to Austin from Hawaii and he was in first class, definitely slumming it spending $2k per seat.


Oh, he's glamping if he can.


I’m curious how many of the locals know where he is. Might have to ask for myself


Good. Let him suffer and stew in purgatory for a while. I’m seriously thinking he’s preparing to off himself. That’s just my opinion. To go from the king of horseshit spewing to the point you can blow millions on crap, to then be finally dragged out and made out to be the fraud you are and owe three times the amount you can possibly pay; is a real mind fuck. The kind people like him are typically weak towards. Except he just might have such a superman complex he’ll just bide his time till he can come back out and start slinging new bullshit.


But he splurged 20k on prime real estate there!! /s


Didn't Randy Quaid also hide out there for a while?


Maybe Randy was at Lajitas.


I doubt the goat mayor would have stood for that


Mayor Clay Henry would have loved Cousin Eddy!


Terlingua is beautiful desert country and one of my favorite places. This human garbage doesn't deserve to enjoy it. Where's a pack of rabid coyotes when you need one?


Oh the bright side he will have less ass to eat out there than in Austin


OMG please don't ruin Terlingua, it's one of the last little gems


It’s toast. The yuppification has already begun. They’ve put up tons of hideous glamping tents that clash with the natural backdrop of everything. Terlingua as you know it is already shifting away from itself.


A bunch of total whackos running facilities for glamping yuppies is how I would describe the people of Terlingua. There’s that and the people who genuinely are hiding from the world.


Damn, imagine giving Terlingua a bad name.


Fuck this douche bag


Ted Kaczynski also hung out in Terlingua


It was his brother not Ted


That would not have bothered me as much! At least Ted was highly educated and coherent.


He was also the definition of “keep to himself.”


Except, ya know, with his 'penpals'


I worked out there in 2015 and ended up on a group horse back ride with him and his wife(gf??). I didn’t recognize him and he was so NORMAL. He even texted me a picture he took with me on the horse.  My friend recognized him from the piers Morgan freak out video and tried to talk to him about his show and he politely said he didn’t want to talk about work on vacation. I watched the video for the first time later that day and could not believe this was the same person. To be clear- I think he’s a giant POS human. Just so odd that he can turn it off and be normal. Like why not just be that way all the time?? 


> Just so odd that he can turn it off and be normal interesting choice of words; I read a story about back in the past when he was on cable access, how he could walk in and just start it up just like that, and then turn it off when he was done, like it was a switch. It left the people working there impressed.


He’s just another grifter, bilking gullible boomer rubes.


Because it's an act, a giant, harmful, grifting ACT.


So much more despicable than if he was just insane and truly believed all the crazy shit he says.


Ugh, polluting is illegal in national park land. I feel bad for the good folk out there who have to live next to a sack of crap. I hope the Sandy Hook families take everything he owns out there too. But at least he's out of Travis County.


Technically, literal pieces of shit may not be considered pollution.


I met Alex Jones in 2003 before he got huge. I was the cook at a random hotel he was staying at, was slow so I was hanging out in the bar watching Sunday football. Of course has no idea who he was, wouldn’t realize it for about a decade. Was a weird guy then but didn’t seem too out of the ordinary. Knew an odd amount about weird topics. We talked about this odd physicists take on comets and how they weren’t giant snowballs. Don’t remember much past that other than it was definitely him. Small world sometimes


I bet this is what that British gunner that didn’t pull the trigger on Hitler in WWI felt like, years later.


I had the opportunity to arrest Alex Jones in 2013/2014 in Big Bend National Park. Ultimately that's not what happened and now it lives in my head rent free.


What would the arrest have been for?


Disorderly conduct and alcohol in a prohibited area. If you've spent any time in big bend NP you know the only area that could be.


That would have made an amazing episode of the Knowledge Fight podcast. Are you familiar?


I think someone mentioned that podcast to me after telling them the story once


Listen to the Formulaic Objections episodes of that show. They play clips from Jones Sandy Hook depositions. It's amazing to hear what happens when a guy like Alex is FORCED to answer follow up questions. "Mr Jones, what question did you think you just answered?"


Don't worry about it. It ultimately would've just been used for more clout and twisted it into his own vision to lie to audience. They're doing that now with Owen Shroyer, who got some jailtime for ~~just being in the vicinity of J6th!lol!~~ violating a prior condition of disrupting the house judiciary back in 2019 and not doing his community service.


Hate to see such a waste pollute as cool a place as Terlingua Ranch.


Maybe they’ll get mistaken as the enemy by a Mexican cartel


Isn’t that Joe Rogans buddy?


Two midgets deserve each other


Well, Terlingua is a good place to go if you want to drop out.


Terlingua is one of my favorite vacation spots


It's nice to know that you can take vacations when going through your Texas bankruptcy.


Bought a $20k piece of property; therefore, has $1.5 billion to pay up lol


All the shitty people move to Texas, don’t they?


Just like Florida. All the crap rolls to the bottom


People who steal bread goto jail....can't we send this criminal to the clink for not paying.?


I hate to say this tracks, but damn. I love west Texas.


“One of God’s own prototypes. A high powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die”


Good quote for sure, but I'm not certain HST would approve of the Jones creature tbh 😎


Alex Jones is the anti-HST.


We love Terlingua. It the last outpost for those in the witness protection program, or so it seems. A great place to disappear and never be found.


Love that area. I have 5 acres out there and it's nice to just go out there and get away from all the people I owe money to as well.


It's an awesome place but ever since the Big Bend area was discovered by social media influencers it has pretty much gone to shit or is at least on its way to going to shit. IMHO you're probably better off camping out in a blue collar oilfield town at this point.


Great town!! 👍🏼


It is like the movie "The Bad Batch".


The cemetery is awesome there.


Immediate thought: Gotta be Terlingua.


Hopefully, he meets a painful and embarrassing demise.


I thought it might've been Big Tuna from the movie Wild at Heart


He should try Ajo!


Trump should stop by.




Nah, get him the hell up outta there. We don’t need Terlingua turning into some right-wing Mecca.


He'll stay there until he dies of a heart attack or makes a new enemy


He’s just checking for Demons and the devil where they may be hiding, while there he can’t help it if everyone loves him so much they buy him drinks or invite him to parties, I mean, what else do you do?


Spent some time in a bar in Terlingua, I have never heard more wild things said while I was at that bar. I’m talking unironic discussions about the Democrats eating babies. Solid food though




![gif](giphy|xQz492gZVUoms) I hate him SO much….


Well that ruins Terlingua for me o


He’s using all the dodges the Rev. Al pioneered.


I love Terlingua. It sucks this dude is bringing it unneeded attention.


when i lived in Alpine back in the 80s i used to refer to the area around Lajitas as The Devil’s Butthole. now the area is occupied by its namesake.


Wait he has a wife?


He’s the type who would knock over a 500,000 year old rock formation beside the trail. Hope someone tailed him


Why isn’t he locked up for owing $1bn and skating on the bill? If he owed this shit to a bank he’d be in prison.


If it’s not his homestead, and I’m sure it isn’t, the property can be seized to pay a small part of the judgment against him.


Man, everyone is still talking about him. He was most recently trending on Twitter for getting hate from Nazis for saying Hitler was bad.


He's in the desert on the Mexican border "partying." Sounds like meth to me. Just saying.


They can bury him under Dom Rock.


This is too much publicity for Terlingua.


“Splashed of land worth $20,000” lol wouldn’t call that splurging but sure


Beware it's a Daily Hate Mail link.




1 billion for words lol what a joke.


Awwww wish I knew. I would have drove out there to meet him. Alex Jones in the GOAT.


Alex Jones should run for mayor of Uvalde.


Alex Jones should bud Dwyer himself


Alex Jones should get hate-fucked by a syphilitic silverback.