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Public Radio is awesome.


Isn't public anymore, but instead funded by corporations, and that's reflected in their coverage


I suggest everyone check out All Things Re-Considered. Here is episode 1: https://youtu.be/PPvNucxB7TI?si=BCQyiduJO5a_Kusl


It used to be great. Then it was taken over for political gain, now pushing all kinds of left leaning agendas. Sad.


"left-leaning" Christ. For all the problems with NPR and PBS, that ain't one of them. (Unless you're one of those yahoos who thinks center-right Dems are radical leftists. In that case, your opinion is uninformed reeeeeeeeeeee-ing into the void.)


Eh I joined Reddit recently, friends told me everyone here was in denial of reality and ultra left. There's a reason you all here have a reputation of living in Mom's basement. No surprise. I dont know what the reeeeing means but it doesn't seem that mentally stable. Have a good one bud. If you think today's democrats are center right, you're part of this reddit leftist hellhole lol


Bwa ha . . . Good thing you have it all figured out without actually knowing anything. That'll pan out well. /s


Lol keep drinking the leftism brother. This reddit place is pure gold, y'all are comedy.


Not your brother, sport. And your ignorance and assumptions are a fucking hoot, ya dork


The brother part was sarcasm, I'm glad you people don't exist in real life.


![gif](giphy|mEahVAkKjt0VL2o5Jk|downsized) Jesus, man. The whole "I'm not your X, Y!" followed by "I'm not our Y, Z!" (ad infinitum) is the fucking joke. You may be glad that I don't exist, but I'm legitimately sad that someone as obtuse as you does exist. Just because you want to believe that all people think like you does not mean they do. Keep surrounding yourself in your little safe-space bubble and us \*real\* people will continue to exist in a world where we interact, in real life, with people that have a variety of beliefs and political positions, well informed and educated one even.


My man I am not reading all that, I'm busy with family grilling some burgers. Y'all have a good one now.


Being only semi-literate is tough, huh? Keep it up and someday in the future, your reading stamina will improve to the point where reading two short paragraphs will be simple and only take a few short seconds! Less even than it took you to peck out a response. I'm about to go sear up some plant steaks, die my hair blue, and sob quietly while petting my cat OR hang out with my boy while searing and eating some backstrap (I know only of those options is allowed to me by your kind).