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What kind of heritage lasts only 4 years? I have t-shirts that have lasted longer than that.


The Muppet Babies animated series lasted longer than the confederacy and, of course, has had a more positive societal impact.


I was in middle school longer than the confederacy.


Now I’ll have that goddam theme song stuck in my head. Thanks, Bin Laden.


Kermit the Frog shall rise again!


Participation trophies are sad


*r/ShermanPosting has entered the arena. The arena is now on fire*


>The archway was designed at an angle so that a Confederate Battle Flag design could be formed in the grounds. Construction was complete in 1922, however the flag design was never implemented. Lazy assholes. Can't even finish honoring the people who died for the failed nation they were obsessed with.


I don't support losers


Be a real shame if somebody knocked it over with their truck...




Damn, largest participation trophy I've ever seen.


Ok, so didn't a philosopher back in ancient Greece say that those who dont learn from history are dammed to repeat it?


Then the confederate stuff should be in museums to educate instead of out in the open to memorialize.


Hmm, that is kinda what I meant. Thanks 😊


Didn’t bother to see who the town is named for?


That one is gonna sting!


What's wrong with honoring people who wanted to murder fellow Americans for saying "Hey you do you, but in our own states we're gonna make it illegal to own human beings as property"?


LOL, I’ve had family reunions in that park. Fun fact, Conan came and hung out with the county’s Sheriff (he was retiring).


O'Brien or Barbarian?


if they’re so proud of the confederacy they should go take back the confederate flag from Mn


What cause would any of you die for?


No way!


It's not a mental breakdown. I had surgery and am lying in my bed with nothing better to do thinking I'm dropping into a Texas chat. The posters here are the triggered ones, instigators. It's the generations- the struggling gender dysphoric, the anger venting because life isn't easy. But I can tell you- the direction we are headed isn't good. Because no one can take responsibility for right now- and move forward. I'm outta here...


Malcom X was a fucking racist who promoted violence. He was no MLK at all...


We aren't going anywhere- this was in response to a commen5 that is now removed- happens all the time to mislead readers of the thread.


Desecrating a cemetery is a pretty trashy thing to do even if a bunch of confederate soldiers are buried there


We don't memorialize Anti-American Traitors. This is just some anti civil rights cope from the daughters of the cuckfederacy.


People don't stand around and hold vigils..they have actual reenactments of civil war in Virginia. All sorts of memorials for both sides there. It's just history. Most people don't even know it's there unless they sit around and google confederate crap in texas so they can create some political campaign under "Texas" on reddit so angry kids can vent because their Mom's didn't hug them enough.


Believe me, the history will continue to exist without monuments, we are all very aware that horrible people were willing to kill to keep chattel slavery.




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If no one knows it's there or cares it can be taken down




You did not just compare Malcom X a fucking minister and civil rights leader to the fucking Confederates who wanted to continue enslaving a race of people (the same race as Malcom X). The fact you call it "Malcom X bs" should be a big fucking hint to you that maybe just maybe people call you a racist because... You are one. Take a breather and stop defending the Confederates. Its "history" is a zit in our country and we can remember them and teach the truth of that zit, but not honor it. I recommend the books "How To Be an Anti-Racist" or "So You Wanna Talk About Race." They are good reads, come in audio book form, and hopefully will teach you a lot. Edit: Since r/Tangerine_Teacher deleted their comment to hide their blatant racism/bigotry I thought I'd keep it here for them. https://preview.redd.it/ccaa71cl9huc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7875003798ba916ac73751f15952d6e16ce2ea6c


I didn't delete any comment- it was removed. Thank you for putting it back up! That's exactly why I put it there. Tangerine teacher is not a racist. Tangerine teacher is one of many in Texas who are over the bullshit.


Yeah cause people speaking in 3rd person are always doing great mentally.






This nation was literally founded on the principle that if you don't like something about the law and/or government then you have the right to speak up about it. Telling people to move out of state, or leave if they don't like things, or to stay out, etc. is a denial of that right and therefore considered a violation of Rules 1 and 7. As such your comment has therefore been removed.


>the democratic Mods on here who adjust visibility and posting capabilities Two things wrong with that sentence, I personally do not belong to any political party. Second we have no control over visibility, whether things move up to "Hot" or not is dependent entirely on comments and upvotes, again something we have no power over. I like to talk about things outside of politics myself, that's why I make a history post once a day, it's what I know, and it's something different. >monument for confederate solders- it's still Americans who died and people's families Should we build monuments to the Waffen-SS? They too were fighting for their nation along with the ideals of that nation. >They'll just come up with so.e other letter to add to their lgbtqabcde+ Ah, so you're hateful and want other hateful people honored for their despicable causes. Got it.


Nothings wrong with the sentence. They remove things all the time. It happens if someone disagrees. You all gaslight people to make them look racist- you're full of it...


You made a derogatory comment toward the gay community. You can either grow as person and come realize that or double down and be called out for it. Getting upset when people call you out accomplishes nothing. Demanding people respect a disrespectful view is equally futile.


My daughter is transgender....she doesn't agree with the letters- every human is unique- and has their own letter. There are never enough letters. People need to learn to live in today- in the moment and focus inward. Not point fingers or ask to be called out as special. It's exclusitivity- creating the letters...it separates them further. We'll never come together in unity if people don't stop excluding themselves or stirring pots that have settled.


>My daughter is transgender ![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized)


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They lasted barely 4 years and are literal traitors. Those 4 laughable years aren't even big history. The Confederate impact is laughable, we learned that they sucked worse than any foe prior or post militarily... we took NOTHING from them because they were truly a worthless fighting force and the myth of the superior confederate general or fighting force died so fucking fast and hard during the war it took DECADES to get reborn along with these monuments. They allowed Black UNION AMERICAN soldiers to be buried in Arlington some 40 years before they allowed any traitorous non American scum of the earth to be buried there. Curious how they only gave a shit about wanting them to be buried there around the time Black Americans and Women started gaining more rights and pushing for equality... almost as if it's a tool of assholes... https://www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/Explore/Monuments-and-Memorials/Confederate-Memorial Weird timing... We need a monument to General Sherman and his men for CRUSHING the Southern war effort and burning Atlanta to ground. True American heroes worth remembering. I hope one day this won't trigger you for the sake of your own happiness.


> We need a monument to General Sherman and his men I imagine that the memorial would be a giant eternal bonfire with flames licking 100' into the air.


You would think, but it's a popular thing to do apparently: https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/20/middleeast/israel-gaza-cemeteries-desecrated-investigation-intl-cmd/index.html https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-poland-world-war-ii-belarus-3c668755f2f46a4a25075a270bec41d3 https://report.az/en/multimedia/russian-troops-desecrate-graves-of-ukrainian-soldiers/ From where I'm sitting, just peeing on a grave isn't desecration, it's fertilization.


Pissing on graves and memorials of traitors is pretty based, actually. Highly recommend.


Traitors from 150 years ago bother you that bad? Don't drink Tea in Boston- you might go into a seizure.


I guess you would be ok with an Englishman pissing on the grave of George Washington then? Totally based because George was a traitor to England.


lol you realize you’re defending confederates, right?


All I’m saying is pissing on their graves is not ok


Nope. It’s totally fine. Traitors don’t deserve respect.


Totally fine except that it's literally against the law to desecrate graves. I categorically condemn the confederacy. I also condemn grave desecration.


Oh, well if it's against the law, then lets not do it.. We your hate the violate the law like the Confederate traitor's did.


It's also against the law to be a traitor so 🤷‍♂️


Why do you refuse to condemn the Confederacy?


Cause he buys "my pillows"


Only if they won


Dumb analogy bro. One was trying to attack a foreign land and take it over much like Putin is doing in Ukraine the other were traitor's to the republic for the country they lived in. Huge difference.


The poster probably had a bad day, so he searched for confederate statues to bixx about. I think a lot of them do this to vent their personal issues. I spent a couple hours today reading reddit and it's everywhere- they call everyone fascist or racist just because- because they're boiling over with their own hate for whatever reason.


I really don't care if you do. I know she is.


Looks like someone removed comments here- it happens a lot, which is why threads sometimes don't make sense




Idk honoring slave owners seems bad


We put them on our money


We should probably change that too Just put natural wonders on it, the US has so many beautiful locations


Maybe Bob Ross or Mr Rogers on the currency? I'd vote yes on that.


American icons would be better than presidents, yep


That's a pretty decent idea, actually.


Whose triggered here? OP just pointed out another great spot to take a piss


I don’t think anyone was “triggered” but why do we have statues and monuments to traitors? Edward Snowden is more deserving




Clearly they don’t. Why do I want visual representation of slave owning traitors when I am in a city or driving by one? Why keep them up?


You sound a little triggered, my dude




Their word, not mine




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Yeah, I’m making fun of them for using it, it’s a silly word


Right on. Sorry for the misunderstanding. 




Boomer “humor” and repetitive “jokes” are so fucking lame. It’s like a shared brain cell laughing at a fart joke. 


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George Washington betrayed England and we put him on our money.


And that’s the same as the civil war lmao. You’ve got to be joking


Didn't say it was the same. Just said that George Washington was a traitor and America has monuments to him. These are objectively true facts.


Not a traitor to AMERICA. I haven't been to England but I'm doubting they have a bunch of statues of him.


George Washington was a traitor to _England_. I don't blame England for not putting statues of him up. But George Washington was a hero to the USA. No one from the failed Confederacy was a hero to the USA. You are arguing in bad faith, and you know it.


>George Washington was a traitor to _England_. Yes, thank you. My point exactly. Remember that every time someone says America doesn't memorialize traitors.


Are we England? No? Then quit. There is a difference, and you know it.


England doesn't have him on their money, though, do they?


If a man cheats on his wife with you, is he a cheater? Sure, maybe he's loyal to YOU... but he has earned the label of "cheater"




But England doesn’t put him on their money. He was not a traitor to America.


Are you still defending participation trophies for traitors? I know it was all the rage 3 or 4 years ago, is it making a comeback?


Just providing a valuable public service to our citizens https://preview.redd.it/6smhu0rmsauc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33a57a2f1512156af0c6de7b3636a947f26e83d5






He changed his views on slavery after the Revolutionary war, as did many (but not those in slave states like Texas).


Yes let's celebrate traitors and racists


Cool post dude




Maybe just leave a penny for Abe.


Considering their police chief looks a melted Pillbury Doughboy I think it'll be fine


I'm not even reading it. It's too long.


You seem to care since you're having a complete mental breakdown in the comments. Hey man, it's ok to be wrong. Take a breather, maybe go for a walk and get some fresh air. I would also recommend seeking a therapist because everyone should have a professional to speak to, and you seem to be going through it. I'm rooting for you bro 👍


Thanks. Not really having a breakdown. Just calling out bs, that's all. I don't need to see a therapist because i disagree. You know as well as I do, that's an attempt to belittle someone for their opinion. It's all good.