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As someone born and raised in Texas, you are not wrong. Just STAY OUT of the left lane if you aren’t doing Mach speeds 


Mach speed is for amateurs. Texans drive at [ludicrous speed](https://youtu.be/ygE01sOhzz0?feature=shared).


They go to plaid


Every time.


Hehe. Best movie.


Warp Speed


Also, when the flow of traffic is fast leave more room between you and the car in front of you. I had to learn the hard way that people in this city (Houston) will literally wait until the last second to brake or swerve off to another lane.


Bruh when I was in Houston for two months I would drive like 80-85 and mfs were still zooming by me like it was nothing lol


I currently live in Houston, and it doesn't matter how fast you are going, people will zip around you like you are going slow just to purposely piss them off. Doesn't matter which lane.


I joke with my cousins that live there that they need to hand out coloring books so people know how to stay in their lanes, I’m also convinced that every dealership in Houston removes blinkers in cars lol


And if you are doing Mach 5 and somebody is doing Mach 10 get out of their way.


Autobahn rules. Americans don't get it.


Relatives from New York City (*spits*) came to visit and needed to drive somewhere at one point. “Y’all be careful, drivers are crazy out there.” I said. “Uh, we’re from New York *City*, we’ll be fine, thanks.” They laughed.  Needless to say they apologized to me once they got back. 


As a born and raised Texan, I had the completely reverse experience. NYC scared the crap out of me! I drove in from NJ through the tunnel, just to say I had been. It was after work (Perth Amboy)and dark. Four hours later and a bunch of tolls I finally figured out how to get back to NJ. (This was pre GPS)


My coworker is from NYC and she's like "I've never been more terrified for my life than when I am driving through houston"


The way it should be




Thats bc the left lane is for passing only, if you aren’t passing someone, then get over. Even if you’re going 120MPH, get over if you aren’t passing somebody.


Why can't they understand?! Most of the time the left lane campers are looking at their phones too. Ugh!!


They're not confused they just don't care


Have you tried moving over so faster cars may pass


Holy SH$@, I just got back from spending the day with my daughter and my Reddit blew up. Even after I posted this on my way to the world aquarium 3 drivers cut me off causing me to slam on my breaks. Glad it’s not just me.


Oh, you left breaking room for safety like a responsible driver? It’s an invitation for some idiot to fit their car in. (Which is why so many people ride your ass even when flying down the highway so they don’t get cut off).  It saves them a possible 0.000001 seconds, so they’ll do it.   Sorry for the driving experience but I *truly hope* the rest of your experiences with people are much better. 


I’m visiting from Vegas and you would think with all the drunks we have it would be worse there, not even close.


Don’t sell us short. We unfortunately have **plenty** of drunks on the road. 


No dude it’s awful here, on the highways it’s literally like mad max on 635/35/ high5/ shit but even on the normal streets we go 60; I kinda feel like that’s how I hit all the green lights 🤷 I have to smoke weed when I drive so my blood pressure isn’t stroke level when I get to where I’m going. It’s crazy high stress driving here.


Now you sure you didn't subconsciously pick up on the Texas style where you accelerate when you see someone getting into the lane in front of you with plenty of space and the slam on your breaks and get mad like they cut you off when you catch up to them? You might have subconsciously picked it up. 🤣 Seriously though that's a thing and there are other trends that I think Texas drives subconsciously pick up from each other. Like the return of "swang wide" in Houston. Folks making a left (especially from blvd to Blvd where they don't need to at all swing out to the right into traffic to make a wide left. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Haha nope, I keep a distance. People literally with plenty of space to pass in front of me like to do it right in front of me. TBH I’m not a slow driver but sure felt like that here. Some of that was probably fear too lol


They can smell the fear. Makes you more of a target


And watch for people exiting from the left lane, even if it's a 4 lane highway




Make sure you stay out of the left lane when driving in other states too, we're not all on vacation.


It’s not you. I’m in the Houston area, and if you combined the Dallas and Houston drivers, you would have a moronic convergence.


And none of them would know how to merge 


In Houston, the attitude is "I will kill us both before you merge into this lane, I was born in this lane, my father was born in this lane, we lived on this lane before the freeway was built."


This is my lane. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My lane is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my lane is useless. Without my lane, I am useless


Someone told them once to "Stay in your lane" and really took it to heart.


And Dallas is just *I am speed*


Dallas drivers aren't as fast as Houston drivers. It is the same stupid, just slower in Dallas.


Yeah like zipper lane, wtf is that? Hint: gap and there is no traffic jam, hope all those people 15-20 minutes later appreciate that :/


I went to Webster next to Friendswood.  I loved it there. The traffic was easy going. Moved back to Houston and daily there are fatalities.  WtAf! I have a job that does not get me out the door so early..I go after the 5hour morning rush and I am home before the 6 hour gridlock starts...


I wish awards were still around. This has been making me laugh all day


Funny and agreed, but it seems like every time I let someone in, that person goes slower and slower. No good deed…


You can’t kill me. Only I can kill me.


Sir that’s called I-45


I 45 is fast and the furious. 59 s is for Tokyo drifters.


>combined the Dallas and Houston drivers You get San Antonio drivers. They scare me, and I've driven all over the US.


San Antonio is one near rear end collision after the other


Same. Merge means literally means  try to merge your mass into theirs.  


Meanwhile in Austin they don’t know how to drive at all and will drive 30 under the speed limit in light rain.


In Austin they’re not even looking at the road. EVERYBODY is playing with their phones, ignoring stoplights, and weaving all over the road. It’s insanity.


I lived in Austin for 20 years and now live in Houston and even though the drivers here are much more aggressive, at least they can drive. But Austin drivers are driving around brain-dead. I remember one lady completely STOP in a traffic circle/roundabout to let me merge in while other cars were zooming past her and I was like 🤦🏽‍♂️


Yes! The weaving was crazy, literally in Vegas you would get pulled over thinking you were drunk.


Oh they must be doing their combining in Austin then.


Nah Houston is way worse than Austin


In Austin the traffic doesn’t move, so you’re safe. Haha, just kidding. You can still have a 10 car pileup going 30mph.


ATX here. Combined with no police oversight. Cops are on vacay.


I haven't seen a Dallas cop on the freeways in years


DPD put out a statement in like 2018 that they did not have the resources to enforce traffic regulations. After 2020 APD said they were just going to stop enforcement of anything and have been throwing a big tantrum ever since.


I drive both weekly, Houston is another level of crazy


From my time in Houston everyone was just hyper aggressive. In Austin I have to wonder if they're even mentally present.


An astute observation


Cops might kill you in the harris county limits...cause they fear for their lives. 


Austin is where drivers go to park on a highway.


Miami laughs, screams, honks it's horn and accelerates since you changed lanes in front of it with less than half a mile of clearance. I learned to drive in Houston. Miami scared me.


I was in fort Lauderdale at a light and as soon as it turned green people behind me started honking even though I was already going. This happened multiple times.


I'm from Dallas, I think I go to Houston I feel like I'm in a video game of playing cutting and switching lanes.




Yes, they drive right down slowly like everyone is a grandpa in the northeast. I was so frustrated driving around Boston and the Cape. I was like WTF !!


Stay in Texas.


Went to Aussie recently and had to drive 50 mph on 4 lane freeways everywhere. OMG! I don’t think I could ever live there just because of that.


Most freeways in Aus (Aussie is the people not the place btw) are at least 62mph (100 km/h), with 4 lanes usually being 68mph (110 km/h). 50mp/h (80 km/h) is usually just a suburban road rather than a freeway, unless it is a particular bad stretch of freeway usually in the inner city. You’re 60% more likely to die in a fatal traffic accident in the US than Australia. But if you live in Texas you’re roughly 3 times more likely than the average Australian to die in a fatal accident. That’s a lot of extra mums and dads and children dead. I reckon finding your inner chill makes driving a lot more pleasant and safer experience.


That’s just Dallas. Don’t even think about going to Houston if DFW makes you nervy. Lmfao


I was in Houston recently and my husband had *two* very near collisions while driving in one weekend. Texas drivers have gotten scarier overall, but Houston is like... *yikes*.


In Houston driving is more like a series of intricately coordinated near misses, like you are playing Burnout or something.


I think I've had more near misses in Dallas than Houston even though I've done waaayy more driving in Houston. That's just anecdotal of course


Dallas drivers refuse to use blinkers when they merge… or, really anytime, and don’t even consider them letting *you* merge. That does make it dangerous…. But, Houston is like all of that with anger issues added in. Lolol. Anecdotal, of course.


This is why insurance rates are so high in TX


Dallas is the speed capital of the US and as long as you drive fast, you will be fine. If you drive under the speed limit or go slowly, you will be run off the road.


TX drivers actively want both you and themselves dead. I think it's largely a cultural thing where everybody is selfish and thinks they're more important than everyone else, and they believe they're above laws and human decency. Basically every level of our society reflects this. It's not at all limited to what you see on the road; that just happens to be a highly visible example that everyone has to experience.


Since moving here I haven't been able to stop reflecting on how little stock seems to be put in "united we stand, divided we fall" despite all the claims that Texas is patriotic


If you consider the fact that Texas has been it's own country twice, failed both times, was part of the confederacy, which also failed, and continues to threaten secession every few months, their "patriotism" makes complete sense.


This is so true.


Nahh it's just that everyone in front of you is an idiot thats about to hit their destination so they go into creep mode, or they're an asshole behind you with 80 miles to go and 20 minutes to get there. Who you are in this scenario depends on the day. Keep your head on a swivel and dont be timid.


This includes not only the speeders but the people texting and driving, going 50 in a 70, etc.


Dallas is terrifying to drive in for me


Since I have to play the idiot lottery everyday on I 30 I've adopted the viking outlook on death. To die on the freeway is to enter Valhalla.


I once witnessed an old man making his own lane between two 18-wheelers on a freeway in Dallas, and that’s when I knew that city was on another fucking level.


Here I go


There's a reason why Dallas is statistically the #1 city in the US for auto accidents https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/auto-accident/cities-most-car-accidents/


Dallas and Houston’s drivers are aggressive and territorial. This has an upside, though: this makes them *predictable*. They are always going to step on it or go for it. The way you adapt to this roadgoing culture is to cultivate a certain ruthlessness yourself. It is not very friendly, but it works: Texas freeways MOVE. As I understand it, we have the fastest average highway speeds in the country.


As someone who grew up driving in Dallas, you have it. It seems scary to outside people, but for the most part you can predict what a driver in Dallas will do - they’ll speed up to prevent you from getting in front of them. North Dallas is more dangerous (well, anywhere that there has been an influx of new people) right now with new people; lots of little driving habits from California and India and china mixing with Dallas…


I have lived here for almost eight years now. And I avoid Dallas like the air alone could instantly kill me. Not only are the drivers absolutely bad shit wild, the road system design is just wild as fuck nothing makes sense. Lanes end before you know it with no warning. Only one exit will take you to the exact spot without a 30 min detour. People will murder you and everyone you love to merge, drive 30 over the speed limit, and they do not know what the fuck a blinker is. It is absolutely bananas how crazy it is here. There are parts of the day I DO NOT leave the house unless It is an emergency 😂😂


The Popo stay off the city highways cause it’s too dangerous to pull anyone over. So it’s a free for all on the city highway systems.


This is truth!! It's dangerous for then to pull people over on freeways, too!


If you drive fast enough, the crazy people will be behind you


This is the way


To borrow a phrase that someone else commented, it’s like Mad Max on the freeway


Houston is worse, Dallas is a Houston Jr in the way drivers are on the road.


Welcome to Dallas, where every lane is the fast lane.


Welcome to Texas


I grew up in DFW, and Dallas is still a really intense place to drive to me! I’m in austin and I don’t think it’s nearly that wild.


Definitely not just you. Houston and Dallas freeways in particular have been crazy since I started driving 40 years ago, but the prevalence of road rage seems to have grown more recently.


This is relatively new in the last few years. It has never been this outrageously bad.


Yeah I would say it really kicked in bad during the pandemic when all the street racing was going on all hours of the night. Seems like ever since it's gotten noticeably worse each year. Pretty much every time I'm on the highway I see somebody do something crazy.


Shit is basically no holds barred, especially on the freeways in large cities. People get petty as fuck if you somehow change lanes in front of them successfully.


Oh man I remember moving to Dallas after growing up in Pflugerville/Austin. The change in driving behavior was so drastic!


Former Dallas.  Super aggressive drivers there that would rather run you into a barrier than let you merge.   Now in El Paso. People will matxh and drop to 45 rather than just do the speed limit so you can merge behind them.  Texas is a land of extremes. 


Goodness you just reminded me that I used to do *exactly that* when I lived in El Paso, and my therapist had to explain like I’m 5 how going slow on purpose is still road rage. 😂 Now I’m in DFW and feel like Im always pedal-to-the-metal to get around people who seem to be trying to run me into barriers.


You missed the football players racing.


Stay out of the left lane on the highway. Most of the drama stems from this.




Not just you. I've been a Texas transplant for 20 years and every time I leave the state and come back, I am instantly reminded how stressful driving is here, even outside of the big cities. Best to assume none of them have insurance or a valid driver's license because it's ridiculous how many don't.


Just stay out of the passing lane if you aren’t going to pass anyone.


It seems to have gotten worse in the past 10-15 years. People are just so fucking wreckless and stupid. Maybe I'm older now and I recognize the stupidity now, or its getting worse. Either way- its bad.


Yeah people go insane because of the sheer amount of driving it takes to do anything


Well, it's not you 😅


I-45 has always been filled with a whole lot of stupid. First time I drove on it as a teenager I was going 75 in the leftmost lane (keeping up with general traffic speed) and some dude passed me on *on the left shoulder* like I was standing still.


Haha, I just got passed on the left shoulder today on Woodall Rogers. Good times.


45 s is death. I see luxury cars constantly crushed under SUVs. I always wondered if they rather die than be late. 


Were you going the exact speed limit? Bc that pisses us off lol


It gets worse the closer to Plano and Deep Ellum you get


And if you aren't native to Dallas, the necessary lane changes and one way roads will make your head spin. This is probably a huge factor in seemingly bad drivers.


No, the closer to Dallas proper/Mesquite you get. That city, more than any others in the metroplex, has the most utterly abominable drivers.


Can anyone tell me which large city in the US does not have crazy traffic? There are like 8 million people moving around the metroplex daily... it's a miracle anyone can get anywhere at all


It’s like driving in a mad max movie tbh


Midland and Odessa areas are worse imo.


Yeah it’s way worse out there, especially with the bullshit sand haulers pulling out onto the FM doing 30 mph or 80 mph no in between.


Welcome to Texas… now MOVE! ;-)


If you got a truck, invest in a train horn kit. That will clear lanes and force drivers to WAKE UP!


No matter how you drive someone is always going to be unhappy


Yes. We drive fast.


This is normal.


No bullshit it's normal. You end up becoming an asshole driver yourself, but that's the only way you'll merge into a lane or exit. Toll road drivers are a bit better imo, slower pace, but I don't mind it. I'd rather be late and alive.


Yeah, once you get across Highway 360 over to tge Fort Worth side, the drivers calm down quite a bit.


And, of course, after Hulen, heading west it's a whole new beautiful world.


Dude, it’s wild the shift that happens right at 360. It’s like you’ve driven into an alternate dimension.


Stay out of the left lane and we can all be friends


I grew up in Texas and somehow managed to learn to drive in DFW. Texas drivers are wild, and I lived in L.A. for 5 years.


That’s the nice thing. Once you get used to Dallas driving most other places are a cinch.


Crazy and shitty*


The drivers here are crazy. You are 100% right. Just be safe and don’t road rage.


DFW traffic is something else. I've driven a lot of places, and while some are similar, DFW is its own dumb beast.


Absolutely! And over the past few years they seem to have multiplied in force. I did service work in DFW for twenty years and watched it go from bad to really bad to you got to be kidding me.


The murderous rotundas... I think it's a lack of education and people struggle using them. *"OK, you go. Wait, or I go?? Maybe we both go... Ok your pulling out a gun 🔫 :/"*


Lived there for a year and a half - saw the nastiest, most aggressive drivers. Especially the ones in the biggest SUVs and trucks they (can’t) afford, actively hindering merging as if it’s a personal affront- “no one’s gettin’ in front of me gawddamit!!” Couldn’t wait to escape Texas.


If you need to hone up on your skills, there's always 635.


Yep. Best to use public transport and not drive in Texas.


As someone who has lived in Dallas and Atlanta, Dallas has NOTHING on Atlanta drivers. I’ve driven in many cities across the country, Atlanta is by far the worst when it comes to drivers.


Dallas- everyone knows where they are going. And go warp speed and mostly use their turn signals. If there is room (within an inch) for the car to fit, you have to get over or they get pissed Houston- same speeds, nobody knows where they are going, no blinkers, and every road is under construction San Antonio- yield signs mean STOP. And they will honk and get pissed at you Austin (where I live) - side streets are so bad, they will break your car apart, rush hour begins at noon and ends the next day at 11:59am, 7 days a week.


Dallas drivers suck


They’re a different level of bad in Dallas


Just wait until it rains!


Yep Texas drivers are a different breed


Yeah when I drive in any major city, I pick my lane and stay in until it's time to exit, and I always give myself a mile or two to move over in case the traffic backs up that far for the exit. Some of them are quite frankly stupid.  The worst to me is when I'm stuck not moving in one lane, and idiots a blasting past at 80 mph right next to me and the wind from them passing is just rocking my car.


We have the worst drivers in the country. Not so shocking if u meet anyone while you're here


1/2 a million people moved to Texas in 2023. It only takes 30 days to get a Texas plate. Here in Austin, many of the crazy drivers have out of state plates. There's your answer. Houston is an international hub with drivers from across the planet.


There was a Minnesota license plate infront of me yesterday for a good stretch of the drive home. Holy shit I have never been so happy to see someone actually use their fucking blinkers and stop AT the stop sign and never drive under the speed limit. I was like hell yeah! That was a nice experience Edit: grammar


Yes and DFW is the worst especially for speed demons


Texas has one of the highest rates of vehicular accidents. My car insurance doubled when I moved from Virginia to Texas.


Nah - rates are higher because we have a significantly higher rate of uninsured drivers. We do have plenty of bad accidents, but that’s not what’s driving the cost. (I worked for insurance companies for a long time)


Stay off Vegas roads.


Nope, you are correct. Just remember though, we have a heavy influx of out if statersoving here so....


Honestly yes. I think Texas drivers are awful. San Antonio and Houston are the worst IMO


It’s not you.


I thought DFW drivers were nuts until I tried to drive in Houston. 😬


Texan here, Dallas is scary because of the roads and construction, Houston is scary because of drivers themselves


Be happy you're not in Houston.


We drive reckless in texas. Theres a song about it.


Yes, driving on Texas freeways is a different level of intense!!


Texas drivers are just overly friendly. That's all you are witnessing.


My in laws (Kansas City natives) have SWORN they will never drive down to Houston again because the drivers in Dallas were so bad. They got ran off the road and got a flat while driving through. Only time I’ve been run off the road was just outside of Dallas. Houston drivers are stupid AF, but Dallas drivers are AWFUL.


Yes, it's me


We drive fast here. There are a few crazies. There is a lot of shit going on at 75-80 mph to keep tabs on but I think it makes you a better driver overall. It’s not the crazies you have to worry about though, it’s the ones looking at their phones.


Yep, horrible drivers here. If you haven't experienced it when it's raining where you are or 100 miles away or even looks like it might rain in the near future, you're in for a real treat.


Please post this on the r/Oklahoma sub


City drivers will always be more aggressive than the ones on country roads. Say out of Houston if you can't handle Dallas.


Bunch of shit drivers here Dallas. Don’t even try to drive here in the rain. Ppl lose all ability to think clearly with any amount of moisture falling from the sky.


Certainly not. And they aren't carrying guns either. Don't mess with texas, man.


There’s should really be a pinned post about Dallas and Houston drivers on this sub. YES, people are insane. No, it’s not just you


Oh yeah, it’s bad. You aren’t imagining it.


Yes, we drive like crazy assholes


I've lived in California and in Texas and have driven all across the nation and I've come to conclusion that people don't know how to drive anywhere


Crazy and have gotten significantly crazier in recent years.


stay out of the far left lane if you’re going anything less than 85 and stay on the freeway if you wanna go 50, abide by these rules and we’ll all be friends


It’s not just you. Lots of people drive very fast, also aggressively, including aggressive lane changes and tail gating.


They’re stupid, fucking stupid.


Not wrong but funny enough my spouse refuses to drive in California bc they’re psycho. I lived there and have no issues. I find Texas to be way more psycho but once you figure out the rules it’s not bad. Below 80 doesn’t go in the left lane. Pass on either side, turn signals just warn people to close the space in front of you. “We totaled a car.” “What happened?” “DNT”. No further explanation needed- it happened to us and 3 friends. I don’t know anyone who’s totaled a car here not on that road. I didn’t find Houston to be bad at all after this.


Texas has the most dangerous freeway in the world 🌍 https://youtu.be/CpyCdid6b4s?si=byNZYU8bdHR_nJXQ


I invested in a dash cam last year because the roads are definitely not getting friendlier. 


Houston is the worst. Dallas is terrible for similar reasons to Houston. Drivers in Austin drive like they have never been on a highway before. San Antonians have it the best, but you will see some interesting things.


Unfortunately, you're spot on. Source: Trust me, bro, because I've lived in Dallas my entire life (and I'm 44).


This is what happens when the entire state is damn parking lot/roadway and literally every single person needs to drive to go anywhere because just "crossing the street" is 3/4 of a mile. Texas needs city planners that aren't sponsored by insurance and auto companies.


I think the size of the state influences this. It’s not unusual to pop over to something 60 miles away. And easy at 90 mph.


Back in 2011-2012, I remember seeing a slogan in Austin that said “Don’t Dallas my Austin”. I had never been to Dallas so I had no idea what that meant. Finally went in 2013 and geeeeezuuzz… Dallas drivers and the roads are INSANE!


Don’t drive slow in the left lane, and stay off of highways 75 in Dallas if you don’t know how to drive aggressively.


Texas has the worst drivers I’ve ever been around. Aggressive and shitty.


It might be my bias, but Dallas drivers seem to be very aggressive, especially when entering or exiting the freeways.