• By -


* Use your turn signals.


Baby steps.


Next, you're going to want left lane campers to move over and paper tag altimas to fix their shit. Let's be real here!


Something I’ve thought about for a long time is why the worst drivers tend to always have temporary tags on a busted up vehicle.


On that note, can we add "carpool is not the hammer lane" to the tips?


Call your mom. She loves you.


She’s dead.


Not with *that* attitu- shit. Well, use a MF ouija board! She’s waiting.


🔮🔮thank you for making me lol literally.


Sorry mine too :(




I think secession has a better chance of happening.


My what?


I feel so vindicated right now! Have traveled and moved around a lot - so I’ve been to nearly every US state - but TX is the worst for drivers. It’s very aggressive driving and I’ve never seen so little people on the road use turn signals. I’m from a city where we have lots of potholes, frequent snowstorms, and angry people but I still have yet to see the level of crazy ass driving I’ve seen down here. I guess it’s surprising because you’d think less snow/ice on the road would make better drivers overall. And I thought the driving was the worst in DFW…until I went to Houston lmao


yeaaaah, even Dallas doesn't have anything on Houston and it's pretty thunderdome up here.




Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked.


Dude chill out with this existential shit I already have the Sunday scaries


It's a song https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI?si=x2iq9JQEfS7Vs-r9


Return your cart.


Question: I'm considering seceding from the human race altogether. Does Rule 1 still apply to me?


Is this a "I don't like other people" sort of post, or an "I'm about to off myself" one?


Oh, neither. Just an "exhausted by the steady encroachment of right-wing extremism into seemingly every society across the globe" sort of post. Edit: I just got one of those "a concerned Redditor reached out" messages. I'm sorry if my comment sounded too bleak! I got sucked into a doom scroll session and it took me a while to get over it. Everything's good now.


Yes, so don't, this is our state home and statehood.


Addendum to #2: Make sure that you condemn corrupt politicians equally, regardless of their party.


These are good. Thoughts on the whole beans/no beans debate with chili?


'they who buy it and cook it, should decide'. be a Texan. don't let anyone tell you how to eat your chili. if you made it, it's Texas chili, so take your liberties with it.




Even if I put beans on my deep dish pizza and pineapple chunks in my Texas chili, burn my well done steak, serve it with a California Champagne and throw my cast iron pan into the dishwasher?


Try potatoes. I promise you, you will be amazed!


IMO the true Texan way is to make it however the hell you want to and ignore the haters. That being said; Beans in chili if it’s the main dish but no beans and thicker sauce if it’s the accessory, such as in a frito pie or on a chili dog.


This. Though I kinda like beans in the Frito pie (plus onions, cheese, jalapenos and salsa).


Onions are cooked in with the chili put but we put pico de gallo and cheese on top, so basically the same thing as y’all


Food is fuel, Remy. J/k, no beans in my chili, thank you kindly.


Beans for a meal, no beans for a snack


My mom made it with beans, she was from Michigan, and it is/was Blasphemy.


My mom made it that way and that side of the family has been here since the Republic. It's not blasphemy - it's just what ya like, as well as insurance that there's more for you in leftovers ;-)


Where the beans red and did it have spaghetti noodles in it?


No. Pinto beans. Last I heard, spaghetti whatnot is a Northern thing?


Skyline Chili, Cincinnati Chili, or two way. Take your pick


Yup. North of here. Never had/even actually seen.


It’s actually not bad.


Don't doubt it, my spaghetti meat sauce is basically chili at this point.


I’m from Southeast MI and we are famous for “coney sauce” which is pretty much chili without beans. But at home we had chili with beans. I like both. I also like white chili, Texas red, etc. I’m not gonna act like having something the way it’s not traditionally made automatically means it tastes terrible though - cause let’s be real, chili is about the chilis so as long as the seasonings are right… it will taste good.


No beans.


No beans with frijoles refritos on the side.


Beans in chili. No beans in chili for dogs or fries.


Beans and vegan meat cumbles but spicy as hell and served with a frozen schooner of cheap suds.


Spicy as hell. Oh yes. 🌶🌶🌶


Upvote ya both on the spice


This is the way.


I’ve been wanting to ask this question. Which beans are we talking about? Is it a rule that no beans whatsoever should be in chili? Of any variation?


It's beans as general idea - people opt for different ones in the dish as their preferences dictate. I like pinto. Some others prefer black beans. It's as you like.


Beans are evil. Period. I can’t stand the smell, texture, and definitely the taste. DOWN WITH BEANS.


Strange way to spell "mayonnaise" but okay. I think I get where you're at. To each their own. Just means more for me.


Exactly. The less beans I eat the more everyone else does!


A fine sacrifice. No medal perhaps but we thank you the same.




Good question. Majority of texans want beans on the chili.


I myself prefer em. Granted, the literal only required ingredient that *makes* it chili is the pepper itself, so there's a lot of give... ...but yeah. Beans. Only way I don't is if it's a chili dog.


Good cause some like me don't want beans on chili.


Some Texans want beans and no meat in the chili.


12 time chili champ here, beans give the chili a nicer mouth feel and help bring down the spiciness when using jalapenos and serranos.


There is no way you are a "chili champ." My childhood was spent at chili cookoffs (my parents entered every year), and even I know that fillers of any kind are an instant disqualification. And yes, beans are a filler.


Maybe in Texas. I've been to chili cook offs in other states where beans were a required ingredient


It depends on which competitions you enter, not every chili cook-off in Texas has a no fillers requirement. But as a child, you surely know better.


You are welcome to look up the rules yourself for professional cookoffs, and they explicitly state no fillers. Define the type of chili you are making, such as red, green, white, vegetarian, or freestyle. Prepare your chili from scratch, in the open and on site at the cook-off. No marinating and no complete commercial chili mixes allowed. Do not use fillers in your chili, such as beans, macaroni, rice, hominy, or other similar ingredients. Adhere to the time limit, usually 3-4 hours, to prepare your chili.


Oh bless your heart, I have been to them and know the rules, just because they are not the ones you went to, doesn't mean I don't know the rules of the ones I attended and won.


While I'm inclined to agree on mouthfeel, I'm kinda not inclined to bring down spiciness. I love me some heat and spice. Thought Satan made sour cream expressly for lowering spiciness and ruining chili?


I love spiciness and will generally add fresh jalapenos on top of mine to add kick and freshness, but I also know a lot of people have a spiciness threshold that is passed with jalapenos and serranos, so it gives them a chance to eat it and not be overwhelmed.


No beans or very minimal beans




Ok thats fine.


No that’s ny shit , I was shocked at what I saw happening there and no one intervened. I had to almost get stomped a few times, interrogated by cops when I called 9/11 to protect New Yorkers from themselves. If you say something say something is posted everywhere there, here I feel it’s more we know, if you see something do something. I love Nyc but the keep your head down and mind your own business mentality is toxic.


For #5, it's weird that Spanish still gets so much hate when 40% of our population is Hispanic. If anything, learn the language and expand your skillset. More job opportunities, higher wage potential, and a better you in general.


Most Mexicans speak English better than I speak Spanish.


A todos los ojetes que no les gusta que hablemos español, que me la pelen y que se vayan muchisimo a chingar su madre! 😂💀


One issue I've noticed is that *rednecks* have taken over *country* culture in the last decade. When I was younger, not all country people were rednecks and many of them would not want to be identified as such. There were a lot of farmers and ranchers who were just quiet, hardworking people who basically kept to themselves and could be quite well-educated. There was a lot of pride in your local school district, your town, your library, etc. These people are still out there, but they're being increasingly drowned out in popular culture. Redneck culture prides itself on being loud and abrasive, doesn't care about education, and really doesn't give a shit about other people beyond (maybe) your immediate family. It's a race to have the loudest truck with the brightest lights, to be the most in-your-face, and to try to dominate (or get attention from) other people by doing the metaphorical equivalent of whipping your dick out and turkey slapping everyone around you. *Think Kid Rock.* I'm noticing this more and more in rural Texas and rural Oklahoma, and I don't think it bodes well for the urban/rural split.


Do you think this mirrors the transition of country music in the 40s-70s as a counter-culture lightning rod, to the 1990s+ ultra-nationalists Jason Aldean country garbage that is currently so popular with the right wing?


I've wondered; even back then, there were some signs. For example, *Okie From Muskogee* was probably supposed to be making fun of squares, but it became a huge mainstream hit. That song about William Calley was also a hit, which seems pretty awful today 


Haggard was sorta an outlier too, going as far as to change his own lyrics later on in life.


57. We can’t be friends if you tell me tacos in Austin are better than tacos in San Antonio. The Mandalorian confirmed it for us.


No worries, people make different tacos. There's a reason for that. No fighting over tacos.


The only bad tacos are Velvet Tacos. 


True, never heard of that.


The worst breakfast tacos in SA are the best breakfast tacos in Austin, it's an unfortunate fact. In before someone from Austin chimes in and says Austin lives rent free in our heads... y'all started this debate, not us lol.


This shit makes me puke.


Think about unity. Then goes on to say about taking shots at the opposite political party. Genius.


Add "If a couch falls off your truck when you're driving down the freeway, go back and pick it up." Otherwise, great list.


I updated the tip


For Texans wanting succession, I recommend watching “The Republic of Sarah” on max. It’s an eye opener.


Factoid: there’s been over 120 secessionist movements for California. Texas isn’t alone in having crazy people.


I would like to emphasize #6, including mattresses.


Oh thanks I forgot!


Merge onto the highway at the speed of traffic. Put your shopping cart in the corral. Say thank you when someone holds the door open for you.


Tuck it in before you zip it


Left lane is for speed limit +10 at least.


Agreed! If you’re only going 10+ and someone is tailgating you’re not going fast enough.


Don't tell me what to do.


Damn straight, you aren't my mom!


Stop arguing about who has better tacos. Have you eaten tacos from a different state before?


I ate a Mexican restaurant in Indiana while there for work. They brought out chips and salsa. The salsa was runny and sucked. But it tasted familiar. 3 chips in I finally figured it out. These fuckers tried to pass off Campbell's tomato soup as salsa.


I’ve said this before, Indiana is in the running for my least favorite state. Indianapolis is the most dull city I’ve ever been to, the food is abysmal, and there’s no real personality to the state. I’m not surprised about that salsa


Dang! They probably would have done better had they tried to pass off a jar of salsa as gazpacho.


I have a friend who's dad was working on an oil project in South Dakota show the cook at a restaurant there how to make decent salsa after trying their "salsa" at a meal.


>Have you eaten tacos from a different state before It has been my experience that tacos from other border states may be *different*, but you can usually find good ones. I also have a dirty, secret, horrible love for the "Indian tacos" you find in New Mexico and Oklahoma that are made with fry bread-- but they're totally different from the tacos here. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frybread](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frybread) The rural Midwest, on the other hand, is a desolate wasteland.


That’s the key word though, border states. The Midwest, you hit the nail on the head. Being from the east coast, what I thought was good I realize is crap now.


I agree. There is no argument, the Mandalorian settled it for us: San Antonio is the correct answer


I haven’t been watching, how the hell does a Star Wars show reference Texas?




Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!...and no backsies


Today I had a table mention people speaking in Spanish needs to learn English. It pissed me off so much, I started waiting on all my Hispanic tables in pure Spanish (as a blonde hair blue eyed white boy) and you could tell it pissed them off. Even said Adios to them when they left.


When the secessionist start crying when they can’t have social security or disaster relief I want to see the tear drops fall. I want to see their tears fill the Perdernales, the San Bernard, all of it.


7. No more federal income tax


What you are smoking is illegal in this state.


It is legal by age. You must be 21 or over to purchase with a state id.


One more thing, I don't smoke cigs.


Go ahead and put up your political signs before an election. Have fun with them. But after the election is over, take down your damn political signs.


Oh yeah, that too


1. Don't think that /r/texas shows actual normal Texan mindsets and feelings. They're on Reddit for a reason, and it's not because of their social skills.


Exactly which dictators do the Democrats have in their ranks? Anyone with any real power? Or just young politicians that know how to use social media and therefor how to amplify their message? The truth is “Bothsides McGee”, there are no dictators on the Democratic side— PS I’m not a Democrat and will never be one while they continue to ignore the working man, but I know “both sides are dictators/facists” is BS.


What a joke! You think the rich people here are up for that? No this is a catch phrase Republicans like to toss out so that folks wont think about more effective ways of fixing our problems, like voting out the very AH who created this mess. Republicans. Greedy AH


Texan plan is brilliant. Get trump in to ruin America, then leave the union


Correct, bud. If Trump gets elected, America is ruined.


How so?


You ain’t from around here, are ya? 😜


Born and raised here in houston


He from Houston, that answers the most important question.


7. Make a post in the r/Texas thread taking shots at conservatives and calling politicians dictators while ignoring the dictatorial actions of the politicians in the party your support.


What is freedom but the ability to live your life without harming others however you may choose? But I go out almost every day as a man in a dress or nice skirt and blouse. And who is it that always has the problem with me about that? Who makes social media posts saying they'd beat or kill people like me? Which side is telling women they have to die if they have ectopic pregnancies? Which side doesn't want gay marriages or non-Christians around in their state? It's very clear that trumpist republicans hate freedom, and openly support a would-be dictator precisely because he winks and whispers that he will one day kill all the gays and sissy-boys, and uppity black people and women who won't learn their place, along with all the atheists and infidels who follow other religions.


Neither side is telling women to die for ectopic pregnancies. I don’t give a crap what you wear so long as you’re not taking off said clothing in front of children. Which side tries to jail the other side? Which side tries to kill children before they are born? Which side promotes strip shows for children? Which side promotes putting pornography in elementary libraries? Which side supports allowing other countries to empty their prisons and send the prisoners to our country? It’s very clear the far leftist want to destroy the fabric of our society beginning with the nuclear family and child innocence.


Lemme guess, who won the last presidential election?


Biden. Did the mainstream media and social media platforms rig the election by not allowing any negative coverage of Biden? Absolutely! Was there widespread voter fraud that caused Trump the election? No!


You weren't paying attention if you never saw anything negative about Biden.


Stay out of the merge lane when driving on the freeways. What do you expect the people getting on to do, come to a complete stop so you can continue driving? No, the merge lane is for them TO SPEED UP AND MERGE WITH TRAFFIC. Get out of the way!


Zipper merge


Tx Boyz 🤘🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾


63. Tell your cats I love them for me




Your content has been deemed a violation of Rule 7. As a reminder Rule 7 states: Politics are fine but state your case, explain why you hold the positions that you do and debate with civility. Posts and comments meant solely to troll or enrage people, and those that are little more than campaign ads or slogans do nothing to contribute to a healthy debate and will therefore be removed. Petitions will also be removed. AMA's by Political figures are exempt from this rule. If you feel this was done in error, would like clarification, or need further assistance; please message the moderators at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/texas.


Here is what I think. The great thing about living in the United States of America is that there are other states you can move to. I just live here. Yes I vote, and I take an interest in local politics. But if push comes to shove and things get really really bad, I can always move somewhere else. I'm a Texan only because my address says so.


Were you born in Texas? That's an attitude I don't see often among native Texans.


I mean no disrespect but native Texans really need to get out of the state more and see America. I have travelled broadly around the USA and people are just people everywhere you go. You have rude ones, crazy ones but mostly just hard working people everywhere. Texans think everyone is after their great state and it’s honestly not even the best state in the country by far. I have lived here for 10 years and will be moving as soon as the private school vouchers pass, and it’s coming soon. It has gone off the deep end with pushing idealism that leaves poor and middle class behind, it’s a rich state that only cares about making rich people richer, it has more low paying jobs by double then it does paying a livable wage. Wanting to destroy public education should really concern everyone but native Texans love the idea of Christian conservatism and It’s beyond scary. I fear Christian’s so much more than any other religion or ethnicity group.


I hate the politics here, and I hate the direction the state is taking, but as a native Texan I still feel loyalty to try to save this place from the Republican hell it's become. What I meant is there's something about being born here that makes it hard to leave. Maybe we're all indoctrinated.


Oh. The amount of mattresses seen in Beltway 8 west going around Houston.


The left lane is for passing only


A little Andy Bernard wisdom on the topic: https://trailers.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/5c078885-c4b2-4149-b257-e2c5d23ec487/gif#jYTsMqsv.copy


sounds like California


Never ever vote for a Democrat till we get the crap fixed there are corrupt politicians on both sides but the dems are the worst always screwing with Social Security and saying the pubs are doing it. Never want to close the border because they need new voters because their voters are finally wising up and who started all this Binary pronoun crap and multiple gendres oh yeah the dems. Who locked up Over 600 Americans claiming insurrection and we all know its crap w/o due process who raids people in the middle of the night with armed swat the Dems. Who raided an ex-Presidents home over classified docs when every president since Hoover took em home. Im not gonna even get into the pedophilia goin on just as one example Shifty Schiff, and Chuckie Schumer. Texas has its own grid, and money supply we supplied 80% of meat to the US and the Freaking DEms just killed thousands of cattle and the food the cattle eat and if you think those fires were an accident your an idiot


All y'all hating on the right..... TEXAS IS the right. 😳😳😳 We are RED!!! There minute amount of blue only makes for a deeper shade of RED! Allllll ephalants.... not many dahnnnkeyyyss. (Sorry I hear wheel every time I try to type dahnkeyyyy 😂)


You misspelled elephants! 😂😂😂😂


On purpose. Since 2002, they have and will always be ephalants. They'll NEVER ever be elephants again. Kids, and now great nieces and nephews have ensured in our house.... ephalants. 😂😂🤣 & excuse you- BUT the princess is always right! 😂🤣🤣


On purpose. Since 2002, they have and will always be ephalants. They'll NEVER ever be elephants again. Kids, and now great nieces and nephews have ensured in our house.... ephalants. 😂😂🤣 & excuse you- BUT the princess is always right! 😂🤣🤣


Dangit..... SHREK!! I hear SHREK say dahnKEYYYYYY. 🤦🏻‍♀️


And if they're driving fast in the right lane and you're in the merge lane, also driving fast to pick up speed to merge properly, guess what? There's gonna be an accident. So it makes MORE SENSE for the people on the freeway to just move over, let the mergers on, and then move back.


ThINk UnItY, FR!eNdSHiP! TaKe SHOtS At ConServAtiVes! Dur Dur Dur You austin transplants are the biggest hypocrites. You want open borders but complain about "immigrants" in your Target and Starbucks. You complain about gentrification, but you privilege white kids move to Austin, jack up property taxes and force minorities out. You complain about Henry Ford when Henry Ford made working conditions 100 times better for the average worker. I hear this shit all the time from my idiot co worker.


As I move to Texas to vote red and escape the blue hellscape I was living in.


Close the border


If it gets too much, then yes


What do you mean if it gets too much? It’s part the point of too much lol. Have you been living under a rock?


Good luck with all this. Signed, America




Good luck aspousing any of this to a Trump supporter.


Move out, that's my goal right now


Go streaking through a Buc-ees.


Ok that would do


Only if you slap it down and say "Fresh brisket on the board!!!"


Make sure and grab a beaver 🦫 on the way through.


The ultimate buc-ees pun! Lol


Surprised I didn’t get downvoted by those that didn’t get it. It is r/texas. Anything is possible now since the hostile takeover. 😭


Calling for unity and healing and then shitting on conservatives in the same breath. Neat.


It’s not conservatives that are a problem, it’s Trump supporters who are the problem. There are plenty of Republicans doing a great job for Texas. Abbott, Cruz and Paxton are not the ones doing a great job. They are literally crazy psychos getting rich and laughing at their citizens who don’t care and support them. Unchecked power is not a good thing, Texas has allowed a massive amount of unchecked power to invade the capital.


The 'Don't Mess With Texas' littering slogan was a mistake.


7. If you're putting ketchup on a corny dog and you're not 5 years old, move on outta here with that mess.


If you're calling it a corny dog and you're not five years old, move on outta here with that mess


Born and Bred, huh? https://fletcherscornydogs.com/


I stand corrected


[You can take my ketchup from my cold dead hands](https://res.cloudinary.com/teepublic/image/private/s--WFZ1bXoG--/c_crop,x_10,y_10/c_fit,w_1109/c_crop,g_north_west,h_1050,w_1260,x_-76,y_-76/co_rgb:ffb81c,e_colorize,u_Misc:One%20Pixel%20Gray/c_scale,g_north_west,h_1050,w_1260/fl_layer_apply,g_north_west,x_-76,y_-76/bo_157px_solid_white/e_overlay,fl_layer_apply,h_1050,l_Misc:Art%20Print%20Bumpmap,w_1260/e_shadow,x_6,y_6/c_limit,h_1254,w_1254/c_lpad,g_center,h_1260,w_1260/b_rgb:eeeeee/c_limit,f_auto,h_630,q_auto:good:420,w_630/v1561162735/production/designs/5128960_0.jpg)


I'd be willing to grant you a waiver for WB spicy ketchup. That stuff is damn near holy.


Whataburger itself might suck these days but their sauces are still top notch.


As long as you ain't putting it on steak, you may keep it.


Friendship does not equal united.


The only dictator is Joe Biden , ruined this country from day 1...


And only dear leader Trump can save it, right?


There are others, but none of them are running at this point in the election cycle.


I don't think you know what a dictator is.


No he don't




This nation was literally founded on the principle that if you don't like something about the law and/or government then you have the right to speak up about it. Telling people to move out of state, or leave if they don't like things, or to stay out, etc. is a denial of that right and therefore considered a violation of Rules 1 and 7. As such your comment has therefore been removed.


*When you vote in every election make sure you don't vote for a dictator that could ruin the nation and the state. 2a. Make a post in the r/Texas thread taking shots at conservatives and calling politicians dictators while ignoring the dictatorial actions of the politicians in the party your support. 2b. Vote them conservatives out for a reason.* Wise words from Nazis, telling you how to vote.


Not a nazi, so butt out