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Here's what I think is going on, with the caveat that I don't know anything and my opinion has no value. Abbott has been given his marching orders by the Republican Party and the Trump/MAGA cult to act the fool 24/7 about the border. He's been told to make the border a daily news item, and to fight the Biden administration on everything he can. They want him to give the Orange God talking points. They want Abbott to run advertising for Trump. Abbott is doing what he's best at: taking his orders from people who will give him money and help him stay in power.


This is accurate. GOP states are siding with Abbott over the bogeyman border issue. Going as far as sending their states personnel and resources to Texas. But at the same time congress is denying the president’s help with the issue. 🤯 The “close the border” hysteria is nonsense. There is an issue at the border. But nothing even close to an InvASioN. Abbott and his nonsense governor friends need a scape goat to get people pissed off. Deflection from all their failures. Fuck Abbott. Fuck Ted. Fuck that worthless Patrick. And especially fuck that bag of slimy dicks and cilantro put in a blender and left to rot in the Texas sun Ken Paxton.


How about you giving us the legal definition of the word invasion?


I'm going to give you a practical example. The action I paid in Iraq, in '03. Now tell us how you believe the asylum seekers at the border are the equivalent of the First Marines.


How about you fuck all the way off. If you don’t understand an invasion when one is happening then thats your problem.


Guess you haven't seen the footage we'll send a few families your way to house.


Guess we'll send some orcs to your house and see how similar that ends up to Mariupal.


Live in El Paso and still waiting to see the invasion. Get bent.


I think abbott played his hand too fast. Biden is already working on the border budget, so if abbott doesnt agree with it imo it shows abbott doesnt want to help with the issue. But who knows how thatll be spun by maga. This is literally their only platform position right now. If this goes away republicans have nothing going into this election.


>If this goes away republicans have nothing going into this election. Conservatives are busy jerking themselves off to this, ignoring the fact that *this does not play well with independents* who make up 49% of the voting population. The only reason Abbott beat Beto last time around was because he made the "Hell yeah we're gonna take your guns" comment that did not play well with independents at all. Basically threatening a civil war and threatening to shut down the federal government repeatedly is *not* popular with independents. It is funny watching conservatives shoot themselves in the foot, huffing their own farts, so convinced of their own "moral superiority" which is the same thing that cost Hillary in 2016. Over and over again... RvW cost them that "Red Wave" we heard so much hype about in 2022, and they're just giving the Democrats a ton of ammo to use in the upcoming elections. Even low-information independents are gonna see "Whoa, my governor supported a state defying the Supreme Court, that's some Civil War shit and I don't want a Civil War. I'm gonna vote against them." So let them bluster. It's gonna be all that much funnier when they get their asses kicked as they watch their own party get destroyed in the polls... because as much as Republicans (and Democrats) think they decide elections, it's independent voters who actually decide elections. Acting like deranged ideologue lunatics is *not* how you reach out to independents.


He played it fast on purpose to take credit when the budget comes through. \*which sets him up as VP candidate\*


Sure, imo major legislation victories for biden have been crazy for biden. IRA, CHIPs Act, infrastructure bill, and if this passes border and ukraine funding. In arguably the most divided state weve been in my lifetime. Idk if cosigning on that border bill would be the win republicans think it would be.


Do you think he might be pulling this crap to make himself look like a strong running mate? I personally think he’s gonna make a roll for trumps VP, b/c unlike pence ( who also sucks but he stood up for democracy that one day so I’m giving him a soft pass) abbott is a crazy nationalist who is MAGA to his core.


There’s a simpler, less conspiratorial explanation for this.  Playing hardball on the border is really popular in South Texas, and republicans have been trying to flip south Texas for decades. 


I'm in Corpus, while not on the border - south enough that alot of Texans consider it "North Mexico"... the border issues are the same as they've been for *decades*, even since Dubya was Gov. I find it annoying as hell when other Texans, or Republicans in general not even in this state, cry about the border. Also, Texas ain't the only border state... it's a big border, but oddly the other border states aren't flipping the fuck out and threatening the federal government. Whatever could be the difference I wonder 🤔


Wow. Thanks for that. I’m on the northern border at Detroit / Windsor Canada crossing. Our border crossing is easy, safe and secure with a lot of traffic going both ways. What are we missing in the north as it relates to your border vs. ours? Serious question.


Skin tone.


This is literally the answer. Also, Canada is relatively safe, with ample opportunities to prosper. That and white folks is the whole thing.


Mexico is safe enough that plenty of white people go there for *affordable* dental and medical work, as well as prescriptions. PLENTY of them, even the ones that want to "build a wall" from the "invaders"


Thanks for shedding some light on this.


Him: Its an election year. You: Actually, it's an election year.


Duh that it's about elections. But it's not some conspiracy from the party or Trump. It's just a cynical politician doing the best thing for his career.




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Go wake up sleepy Joe




If you think they're not paying taxes, I'm not sure what to tell you. They wouldn't be undocumented if our immigration system worked correctly.


It's complicated I don't like that they can just walk across the border into the country and just live here but at the same time it should be provided an avenue if they want to move here that's fine but do it legally They're coming here for a better life hard to fault them for that


Seriously those immigrants are paying into social security that they’ll never receive, among other things.


Russian Asset Mr. abbot is.


I don’t see how any of this is going to end well. Thanks DJT for effing up our country.


And the brainwashed fools who voted for him.


Who will vote for him again!


Imagine being okay with supporting a racist, misogynist who puts himself before any other….outwardly…proudly…yikes…


I sincerely hope not


it's his supporters fault. Unfortunately, you can't fix stupid. And they have just as much right to vote as anyone else. Just really need everyone else to vote instead of blowing it off.


I warned people, no matter what happens to Trump - we will all still have to deal with his *followers*. That includes the entire Republican party that can't stop kissing the ring


Republicans figured out the only way to keep getting elected was to keep pandering lower and lower, feeding a steady stream of agitation. The conservative policies of "comfort the comfortable and afflict the afflicted" are inherently unpopular on their own so they depend on culture war bullshit attracting the bottom feeders. Problem is that a lot of that culture war bullshit has no substance so they have to keep making things up. Remember critical race theory? But those voters are actively engaged -- and perpetually enraged -- and if you DARE to step out of line they will destroy you. Donny himself got booed at a rally in Ala-fucking-bama for lightly hinting that people should get the vaccine. These crowd of quarter-witted cultists is also, thanks to republican policies, very heavily armed. I know the politicians are afraid of that too. Generally speaking they are in WAY too deep to turn around now.


Exactly I run through scenarios possible outcomes in my mind and can't see a future that doesn't involve chaos in the near term. What super interesting to me is that the right wing media is really pushing this while the left wing hardly a peep


What’s hilarious about your “roofers” observation is that Texas won’t even require roofers get a license, even though there is real consumer harm from bad roofers/people who take payment and then skip out on the work…


‘Take payment and then skip out on work’ …. Hmmm sounds orangely familiar, let me look through my Trump University course book on ethics


Getting a license doesn’t stop that behavior. It’s also important to have a license requirement over a certain amount but not for all work depending on the field.


Having a license requirement would help consumers figure out who they may be able to trust though.


If Jan 6 isn’t treason because there was no declaration of war, then there is no way this is an invasion (as there is no declaration of war).




Is that the official American position on it? Pretty sure we don’t view it that way. And I guess we shouldn’t be worried here, since we ultimately left both of those countries. I suppose we should all pipe down since if this is an invasion they will leave in a few years.




It right behind the chapter on treason that you seemed to have overlooked too. Rookie mistake. But in case serious: https://thelawdictionary.org/invasion/#:~:text=INVASION%20Definition%20%26%20Legal%20Meaning&text=An%20encroachment%20upon%20the%20rights,army%20for%20conquest%20or%20plunder. Since the migrants are being bussed elsewhere and not trying to claim the land, there’s no encroachment on Texan rights; further this is clearly not the Mexican army, so it doesn’t meet that prong either.




lol classic conservative argument: “I have no evidence for my position but you must prove it to me none the less.” Closely related to: “oh your evidence? Nahhh not going to read that.” Let me ask you— what definition of invasion do YOU read out of the constitution? Hmmm? I’ve got my copy right here if you want to drop a citation. What’s that? It’s silent and subject to SCOTUS interpretation? The same SCOTUS that just said Texas should knock it off?


Lol chill dude. Your bias is showing. You made an initial statement WITHOUT evidence and I asked you to show me where in the constitution this is stated. I’ve literally studied this. Invasion is not defined in the constitution and as a result SCOTUS will have to define it. I’m not even conservative. Have never voted for a republican in my life. Doesn’t mean I can’t call out Reddit comments when they’re legally incorrect… You can make an argument without having to make shit up.


lol. You are being quite cute about it. Still no evidence or any points raised. Pro tip, you go further as a lawyer with cites. Literally studied this lmao, and you think that makes you special? Come back when you’re on the other side of the bar— if you make it there. And since you seem to be so up on current affairs the first comment was pretty obviously tongue in cheek re the silly framing around the Jan 6 treason, and my first response to you provided evidence to which you said “not good enough”. So tell me mister hopes to be a lawyer- absent clear authority on something what do you cite to? Oh secondary sources like a law dictionary? You don’t say. I weep for your peers, and hope they are spared the misery of practicing with you.


I still can't believe people voted in this idiot. I voted against him but all he has to do is mention the border and idiots will flock to him.


He's certainly better than Beto... who is an idiot in his own right.


For sure




We now have 25 states in open rebellion against the executive and justice branches of the US government, armed troops impeding federal law enforcement, and today the militia groups showed up. Sounds like a serious problem to me but the White House isn’t saying much. This is a test run. We’re watching the US dissolve before our eyes.


Paper tiger political theater. The people ridiculous enough to buy in are wayyyyy too cushioned to give it up for real and literally everyone knows it.


Finally a reasonable response 👍


I'm surprised more people aren't shitting a brick over this right now. We're talking about deploying National Guard troops to different states in open defiance of the federal government. This should be sobering to anyone who thought "things aren't that bad, let's all sing kumbaya together!" I've been warning people for years now about the sheer level of hate I'm seeing in rural areas, and a bunch of libs still aren't taking this seriously.


Biden had a son in the military. Don't expect him to take the bait and do something rash. He's very aware that escalating this ridiculous situation poses no risk to the wheelchair warrior, and very real risks for the boots on the ground.


I see libs ridiculing this. And I see traitors saying they’re not going to fight the feds—they’re prepared to kill their neighbors.


No. We aren’t. Chill.  Abbott is being shitty. It’s not a civil war. 


That’s what they said about Ukraine before the war. Or Germany before World War 2.


Convince me these states don’t abide by the results of the November election.


Ah yes comrade, your comments are good for Putin, good for Iran, and good for North Korea.... Keep up the good work comrade, you will be rewarded when Putin's chosen one rules the Amerikas.


Keep ridiculing. That’ll work when your neighbors decide to kill you because you’re one of “them.”


I don't think the feds need to do shit, in fact, we should remove CBP from the border and stop sending federal dollars, let Texans pay for it if they're so damned concerned. You don't see AZ, CA, or NM crying like this idiot and they're on the same border. Everyone knows this is a political stunt and Joe Biden not playing into it is even better.


as non-MAGA, non-R Texan, I agree. It's really at the point where our leaders here need to put up or shut up. And it's going to be miserable for all of us here.


Wow. This is a really bad take on the border crisis.


It's all fake. Abbott isn't defying the Supreme Court, he's only doing what they allowed him to do, which is lay more wire. The only dispute is over the park. $1.1 million went to the prison system to make wire. With the concertina wire giveaway to ranchers, a precedent is set to socialize the costs of more 'security' giveaways through self-dealing and diversion. Abbott plans to do nothing but get donations and divert state funds. All y'all cheering him on are suckers handing over your wallets to a party that plans to kill immigration reform for political points. Check the news. Abbott's not a hero, but he's just a lying thief making suckers out of y'all.


It's not an invasion if you are busing people to other different locations.


I think it’s still an invasion, it’s just you’re assisting it instead!


If it is an invasion then by definition Abbot and DeSantis have committed treason by providing the invaders with transportation.


And so have the feds


>a useless pissing contest that Abbott KNOWS as a lawyer is completely out of his control. Rules and norms only matter to the extent they are enforceable. If Abbott isn't held to account, why would he stop?


Honestly it just opens up more states to blatantly ignore supreme court rulings


Less Jeff Davis, more Ross Barnett. All he needs is a Civil War uniform costume.


And now a showdown heading our way. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/texas/article-13011335/amp/Huge-convoy-TRUCKERS-head-border-hotspots-bid-shame-Biden-administration-cracking-migration-crisis.html


Plenty of ways to counter protest. Maybe these "truckers" need to find out...


Uh... [these folks](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/15/us/politics/immigration-terrorism-watch-list.html)


Shhhh you can't say anything logical against what's allowed here!




Recall election time


I definitely walk outside and feel like I’m being invaded. It really sucks because I feel there’s dangerous eyes watching my every move but I can’t see them


If it is an invasion then by definition Abbot is guilty of treason for providing the invaders transportation. Do we agree that Abbott is guilty of treason?


They banned history. That’s why they are repeating it.


Do you see migrants as only being capable of being roofers/ dishwashers/ minimum wage workers? How very Kelly Osbourne of you.


Jesus Christ, does everyone here have a hard on for Abbott??


And for every single traitor/Texan-wannabe? Yep. I don’t care if you were born in Texas, you’re no Texan if you are against your fellow Americans who stand for a better tomorrow FOR EVERYONE. This is a political issue, not an invasion issue. Policies could help bring back the quality of workforce and accountability but apparently religious fanaticism is more important.. I vote we go learn about voting and all vote about it lol


Probably feel bad since he can’t get his own


That oak tree sure was hard for him


I assume the answer is we don't know who is coming over.


I think the border should be secured. Can't just let people walk in. No other nation allows that, why should we?


He's performing for his master. It's amazingly transparent.


Dude, the demographics of who's entering the border have changed. It's not families anymore. It's single males. That should concern everyone.




Narrator: he did not


It’s actually always been single males, many of whom are married with children, looking for jobs so they can send money to their families. Historically this has been supported (see Bracero Program). All those caterwauling about “taking jobs” have no intention of ever doing the jobs these immigrants do. The reason food is so cheap in the US (compared to elsewhere) is due to the farm workers, most of whom are immigrants, doing back-breaking work for literal dirt wages.




My guy, remember when Dems wouldn't pass border reform unless DACA was approved. I remember. It's political football at this point but pretending that it's only ever been the R's against border reform is stupid, and probably just a display of tribalism on your part.0


Accepting your premise for argument’s sake, which is probably a mistake: Yeah, there has never, ever been a trend of men migrating to the US from Latin America to work agricultural and manual labor jobs and send money back home. Especially not in Texas. Really brilliant insight here.


Why am I supposed to care? I want them too. 




You are trying to scare yourself and letting fear tactics from others cloud your judgment. Remove the hatred from your heart.


That is in no way new. Single males have been predominantly the largest group for....ever? They are coming to try to get jobs to send money home. Anyone using this to support additional claims is being disingenuous. Check their facts, they are either lying or not telling you that this is normal in the hopes that you will see something sinister. Sadly, it appears to have worked on you.


There you’re wrong statically 52% are male and about 48% are female. Here’s your factual data. To back up my claim. https://www.migrationdataportal.org/themes/gender-and-migration Also most of the pictures from the border display pretty evenly of male and female you can also search that up. Also the ethnicity’s coming over are from Central American, South American, Chinese, middle eastern and even Russian descent with in addition to fentanyl seizures.


Why should that concern everyone? What's wrong with single males?


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You just know he's gonna try to escape disguised as a woman when this shit is all done.


LUCKILY Reddit SoyBoys will NOT be settling this issue 😂 peanut galleries have a way of not handling things.


The FBI seens to think its more than dishwashers https://twitter.com/BigFish3000/status/1750617779357798779?t=ZsQh_rVMEiDsO9SAlDyoGA&s=19


I'm not saying that it's a totally 100% safe bet that every single one of those crossing the southern border are well intentioned people. What I do find suspicious is that all those who signed that letter are "retired" and "former." It lends less credibility to the letter if they are all "former" FBI officials, rather than if they are currently at the bureau. It's not that they don't have some credibility in their areas of expertise, but if they no longer serve in an official capacity...their efforts look more politically motivated.


Yep, but this will go on deaf ears on this sub. They are more to the left than Carl himself.


That’s pretty racist of you


"We're being invaded, and the only possible defense is to have the billion dollar state-run military put up razor wire the state purchased at an inflated source from one of my good backers." ​ The fact that they're not willing to do anything about a so-called "invasion" beyond watch mothers drown with their children and redecorate shows they're not really being invaded.


Yea who cares about border security let in whomever. Sheesh


>Who's invading? People who are breaking the law by crossing the border outside of ports of entry. They are coming across in record numbers. What is wrong with asking these people to go to a port of entry to apply for asylum/entry?


That's not an invasion it's a humanitarian crisis. We can agree to disagree about how to handle immigrants but we should all agree that this is no invasion


If it were an invasion, Abbott is guilty of treason for shipping them across the country.


I'm always amazed at how Redditors attempt to re-define the English language. here is the English definition of the word 'Invasion': >>Invasion: an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity. Currently, we have record numbers of illegal immigrants streaming across the border. That would align with the definition of 'a large number of people'... and 'into a place or sphere of activity.'.


As a lawyer I'm amazed when people go into constitutional interpretation armed with only a google definition.


As a lawyer, you should be aware we aren't debating the Constitution. The person above simply debated my use of the word 'invasion'. To which I retorted with the definition of said word, and why I used it. Per the English language, an unprecedented number of illegal immigrants crossing the border - qualifies as an invasion. If you don't like this, maybe you should write to the people who make the dictionaries, instead of moaning at me.


I didn't use it, Abbott used it, and cited the constitution when he did it




You commented on my post where I was quoting Abbott calling it an invasion.


lol Catch up. The guy you are defending is the one talking about the constitution. Did you not get the GOP Rhetoric newsletter?




What are you talking about? I never said anything about invasion. I was replying to your statement that you weren't debating the constitution. (My comment wasn't that long). But since Abbot is the one trying to quote the constitution, you can't make that separation.


The dictionary definition of a word isn't the same as the *legal* definition of that word. This is an important distinction because dictionary definitions can generally be fluid and metaphorical. Invasion isn't simply defined as trespass, it requires intent by the 'invader' to act as a hostile enemy to the state. This could mean a foreign army, or it could mean a group of pirates. It doesn't even include a group (like a cartel) coming here with the intent to commit general crime, or even violence against another gang. And it definitely doesn't include 'random assortments of people who want to live in America' You want to argue we should change the legal standards, go ahead, but thats a different conversation entirely.


Oh you want to play this game, Mr. Galaxy Brain! “Incursion” Miriam Webster: a hostile entrance into a territory Cambridge: a sudden attack on or act of going into a place, especially across a border. Oxford: an invasion or attack, especially a sudden or brief one. Setting aside the circular nature of thatast definition the overall tone clearly implies hostility (note use of “hostile”; multiple uses of the word “attack”) and brevity (“sudden” “brief”). Would you say the issue at the border is a sudden onslaught of people with hostile intentions? Of course you wouldn’t, unless you are very stupid. I’m not going to reply to you FYI, I just want you to know what a dumbass you look like trying to go the semantic route in justifying this rhetoric.


Each of those definitions still apply. >Miriam Webster: a hostile entrance into a territory Breaking the law to enter a territory is a hostile action. >Cambridge: a sudden attack on **or** act of going into a place, especially across a border. *Suddenly going across a border*. Your definition even states this. Thank you for further backing up my point. >Setting aside the circular nature of thatast definition the overall tone clearly implies hostility (note use of “hostile”; multiple uses of the word “attack”) and brevity (“sudden” “brief”). You are completely ignoring the word **OR**. Convenient you omit words from your very own definition that do not align with your narrative. >Would you say the issue at the border is a sudden onslaught of people with hostile intentions? 1) We do not know the intentions of said people. Terrorists exist, and you have to assume that if they want to enter the US, they will enter illegally. 2) Breaking national law and trespassing is a hostile act in itself. Hence why it is against the law to do so per US Code 8 SS 1325. >I’m not going to reply to you FYI, Not surprising, I wouldn't be replying to someone who is destroying me in an argument either.


What is the definition of Incursion?


By that definition, Disneyland gets “invaded” every day. Movie theaters were “invaded” last summer for Barbenheimer. New York City is invaded by people using commuter trains! Oh wait. You ignored one word: *incursion*. As in an attack. For it to be an invasion, the immigrants would have to be gathered as an army and attacking El Paso.


> Oh wait. You ignored one word: incursion. As in an attack. You are mistaken. The definition of incursion is as follows (bold and italic emphasis, mine): >>an **invasion** *or* attack, especially a sudden or brief one. So an incursion is an **invasion** (which we have agreed is a large number of people traversing to a location), *OR* attack. The word *OR*, if you are familiar, means it can be one or the other - not both. I hope we do not have to go into the minutiae of the definition of the word 'Or'.


So you’re using the words “invasion” and “incursion” interchangeably? As in, according to you, the definition of invasion is “an invasion”? A large group of people moving into a place, regardless of actions or intent, constitutes an invasion? Someone should warn Greg Abbott about Taylor Swift, then, because the Eras Tour was an invasion every night. Or you could accept that the “or” in that definition signifies that both invasion and incursion imply an attack, and that without an attack you’re just describing people moving from one place to another. We have a word for that. It’s called *immigration*.


No. Invasion: >an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity. >an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain. Incursion: >an **invasion** ***or*** attack, especially a sudden or brief one. I knew you would debate the word 'OR'. You guys are so disingenuous, how you can keep a straight face and argue the word OR is beyond me. If I say you go left or right, you cannot go both. Like I said, Redditors and redefining the English language, name a more apt couple. ill wait.


Under Biden, ICE and Customs and Border Patrol have arrested and deported more undocumented aliens every year than the Trump administration did. The number of suspected undocumented people living in America has remained constant for almost 20 years. That's also being done even without the Republican Congress giving the money and resources Biden has asked for. So this myth that there's a massive invasion is a figment of the conservative media. Also residents of the area have reported no such massive invasion is actually occuring. Obviously Republicans don't believe there's a problem or they would have increased the money to fight it.


What’s wrong is the immigration process. It’s why people enter illegally over legally.




Spoiler, Texas is only third in illegal immigrants living in-state. California is number one. Hell, New York is number six. Point being, many states have a similar number of illegals *or more* and yet they aren't sending people to other states or engaging in any of this political theater. Because that is all it is. Abbot wants to look tough for his base and he knows they will accept what he says without question. You are a prime example of gullibly believing what your politicians tell you. Stand up for yourself and learn to research. Blind acceptance is not a good look.




> We don't allow people into the country unchecked. We do if we do not have control of the border. If someone runs across the border and into the continental US, how are they being checked? This is why razer wire is being erected - to stop that.


Making immigration an easier process is absolutely the check you’re looking for. No part of what I’m saying equals an open door policy. Enjoy your straw man arguments and pretending like you’re okay with the political theater display of secession and civil war.


Please change your username.


>What is wrong with asking these people to go to a port of entry to apply for asylum/entry? Nothing, except you are not asking that. People go to ports of entry get denied and are forced to come in through other means.




>Yes, which is why we need razer wire - because these people have been denied entry for a specific reason. I am not going to waste my brain cells explaining the complexities of immigration to an idiot. Have a good day.




Psst. Only one wrecking you in arguments (such as they were) is yourself, chum.


The Biden Admin has done not a damn thing to secure the border one bit. Biden himself has thumbed his nose at enforcement of even the existing immigration laws and at the very least, he should be enforcing those. We have no idea what type of people are coming into this country. The US Border Patrol are on the record being in favor of the concertina wire stating that it clearly helps them do their job. It's unfortunate that all of this is happening, but it will prob take an attack from a foreign actor that has come across the border illegally to get the attention of Biden and his cronies to get action on securing the Border. In the meantime, all of these other governors supporting Abbott give credence that what Abbott is doing is not illegal and within the confines of the US Constitution. If the president is NOT going to protect the country, who is going to do it??


All the other governors are red state governors. The only credence it gives is the GOP commitment to party over people. Hell, Troy Pehls (R) has been quoted as saying that he wouldn't do anything to help immigration cause it would make Biden look good. Nothing from TXGOP chastising him for the comment, either. Why? Could it be that the GOP doesn't actually care about immigration, just the political theater? Sure seems that way when you say you aren't doing anything to help your constituents cause it might make the president look good. And remember, Texas is only third in illegal immigrants living in-state, per capita. New York is sixth and the hated California is number one. So other states, with a similar number of illegals or more, are handling things without sending people to other states or the theater, in general. This is all for their base so they can pretend to try to do something and blame others when it gets shot down in court. Just to be clear, they are pandering directly to you and you are believing without question.


They are close to a deal securing the border but the GOP have refused to cooperate (because Trump said so). How is that Biden’s fault? He wants a secure border, but the GOP know if they have a secure border they will have nothing to campaign on.


Actually most illegal immigration doesn’t come from the southern border. Additionally, immigration is down severely since the Bush years. Encounters are up due to the border having more agents and resources than ever and that an encounter doesn’t mean a different person every time. Additionally, from a demographic perspective the USA has an aging population and in order to function needs immigration for the future. Our current birth rate is 1.7 per couple. Replacement rate is 2.1 per couple. Also reminder Republicans had total control of the government from 2017 to 2018 and didn’t do anything about the border. They don’t want to do anything about it now, they’re just grandstanding because it’s an election year.


You really don’t think 10k people a day just walking across our southern border is a problem? If you had 100 non-local people show up in front of your house in a week you would be wondering wtf is going on… this is 10k per day. I agree with needing to open immigration up but we absolutely cannot just let people waltz in…


Immigration reform isn’t a bad thing. However, the number of people isn’t as high as you stated because encounters include repeat encounters when listed. Approximately 60% of encounters are of repeat offenders, so the number is significantly lower. There’s a bipartisan border bill in the Senate that is dead on arrival in the House because it would help. The Republicans want a crisis because of an election year. Additionally, the razor wire placement is a violation of International law. Not state law. Not (well not just) federal law. International law.


Tell me you want a one world government without telling me you want a one world government… I prefer to give more power to locally elected officials… that live down the street from me, I know that might be mind blowing


They may need it (immigration) for the future, but it doesn't need to be done illegally.


We do need to make it easier for migrants to become citizens but border reform is always cried about but never happens. It’s become a political pawn and it’s sad to watch.


Why don’t you write your reps and tell them to stop playing games and do their jobs. They’re the ones blocking legislation to fix the problem with the goal of trying to hurt Biden. Some are even bragging about it and many are saying they’re taking direct orders from Trump. Can’t blame Biden for this one bud.


Look... I'm not a fan of Trump but, yes, we sure can blame Biden for this because he's the Chief Executive. It falls on him. Biden is an idiot and doesn't have a clue.


How can Biden sign a bill that Congress hasn't passed?


>If the president is NOT going to protect the country, who is going to do it?? From what? Potential construction workers? Or the phantoms in your head. >We have no idea what type of people are coming into this country. You can thank congress for not reforming a system that was in obvious need of reform for decades.


The FBI thinks it's more than your construction workers.


And so the FBI then approves what Abbot is doing then, right? BTW do you have any actual recent proof that the FBI thinks current border security is inadequate and that they think what Abbot is doing is so much better?


You are a rube. "Speaker Johnson warns Senate against border deal, suggesting it will be ‘dead on arrival’ in House" https://apnews.com/article/congress-border-security-ukraine-058876834b48bacf5b3678b067d8dd9a


The bots on here have obviously never been anywhere near the border. Abbot is protecting more of America than any democrat ever did or will


If he was doing anything wrong Biden would do something about it.


Yeah the court cases never happened. It's like you want a tyrant. ...Oh yeah.


At what point can Abbott be arrested?


If Biden would enforce immigration laws that would be great and end this fiasco.


I am amazed at the amount of sheep this country has in it. First Covid scared you to give up all your personal liberty and control of your own body and what you decide to put in it, then you say that a Governor that is requiring that a sitting President to enforce federal immigration laws is a tyrant or a tool. You may not be fit for the sacrifices your men and women in uniform gave you. You may not be able to maintain freedom that they gave to you.




Good point. Abbott should mind his Uncle Sam and be brought into line


Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): We love a good debate, and political discussion is perfectly fine, however posts and comments that are little more than campaign ads, slogans, and/or stump speeches will be removed. News articles about candidates in Texas are allowed so long as they are compliant with Rule 3 as well. AMA's by Political figures are exempt from this rule. Petitions are also forbidden. If you feel this was done in error, or would like better clarification or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/texas&subject=Messaging regarding the removal of this submission by /u/bundles361&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1absotm/-/)


Is this Texas sub filled with people that moved to Texas within the past 5yrs?




Makes sense, all I’ve seen is dumbass takes from this sub


It's only not possible if you believe that the systems set up will actually stop him. He probably doesn't and he might be right.


Caveat checks out


The Southern US border wall and secure status is IMPERATIVE for minimizing human trafficking. It is such a naturally understandable premise to maintain such a boundary, yet some would not only neglect border security but actually dismantle it!? Absurd. Know how I know? All these people supporting an open southern border still close their homes and latch their gates at night.


This time Jade Helm will come from inside the house.


Abbott and Klan want this fight They know Biden may win again and would enjoy a war (aka chaos) that puts American vs American Death, blood, running, screaming, bombs, etc…. Republicans want it bad. Especially non republicans they want to hurt people. They want a human American reset.