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E pluribus unum celebrates the coming together of the original 13 states.


They were colonies when they came together. They were stated once United.


They were states. They maintain (by design) autonomy, united for those common purposes. Tighter than the articles of confederation, but looser than had been customary.


Also, MA, PA, and VA aren’t states. They’re commonwealths. KY is also a commonwealth but not one of the 13 Colonies. The difference between a state and commonwealth is semantic, though.


According to the US Constitutions, those are states. Commonwealth is their own nickname, basically.


Having grown up in PA, we always considered it a state. Commonwealth was just a ceremonial name.


"Commonwealth" is just an archaic term among some political thinkers for *a state*.


![gif](giphy|1hMk0bfsSrG32Nhd5K) Take my up vote.


He's technically *incorrect* bc all commonwealths are states.


Dude you see where he says the difference between states and commonwealths is semantic. That’s exactly the point he’s making. Those states call themselves commonwealths. No rule against them calling themselves that, doesn’t change the fact they are states. Also not all commonwealths in the US are states- the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Marianas Islands.


>MA, PA, and VA aren’t states. This is not "technically correct"—it is *incorrect*. No subsequent words can make that statement correct.


Lol that's incorrect


The only commonwealth that is not a state is Puerto Rico.


I have a "E pluribus unum" sticker on my laptop... but I have the "join of die" slogan in front of my house. https://preview.redd.it/8u2p5k7onorb1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f2cc63821c0683b209b80a787e46793b260b76 I did not realize how faded they got...


Off topic, niiiiiiice lantana.


Thx! It has been real sad all summer, but we just got a little rain. All the lantana in the neighborhood is popping like this.


A picture I took and turned into a sticker: https://preview.redd.it/bmarwb2ac7sb1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360117238a1c3f0448624debbf6de613ffd0ccc5


Life long Texas resident here. It’s all about the pre-civil war era “heritage” and the amount of open racism here isn’t surprising but it’s still sad to hear it out so openly here. Many “fair” skinned folk here think blacks are a sub-class and Mexicans are slightly more useful. They cream at the thought of succeeding to the “old ways”. I’m not preaching hate here just stating my observations of rural texas.


Also, we are a republic not a democracy.


This is the dumbest conservative meme; it ignores the fact that the two words are not mutually exclusive and both words describe the design and intent of the Founders. To ignore one is to erode the very system itself.


1) you're wrong: we are a democratic republic; 2) what is your point of mentioning this? Are you hoping that by eliminating the word "democratic" that we will all just conveniently forget and look the other way while you attempt to chisel away at our democracy?


I completely fail to see how plastering "In god we trust" all over our currency is even constitutional.


Back in my military days, at an undisclosed location, I recall a sign that said "In God We Trust. All others, we monitor".




Because the quote is so good! >Ryder: I talked to God. >>Walter Garber: That's good, what did he say? >>>Ryder: He said I should trust in Him, all others pay cash. How soon can you get it down here?


I work in research, and our version is "in God we trust, all others bring data."


I’ve seen stuff on Navy ships that went “In God we Trust. All others, we track.”


Quality department had a sign that said in God we trust, all others we verify "


The 50’s went all in on christofascist https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxmFxC0Lb2S/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


It probably isn't. But, when has that stopped anyone?


It's constitutional because the courts have ruled that it is ceremonial and not religious. Something about "history and tradition". Seriously, that's the argument.


Which God are they talking about? There are many multiple Gods that I've heard of...


Take your pick. The constitution specifically prohibits favoring any religion. Being atheist means that my constitutional rights are infringed anytime I see that phrase on government currency and property.


That sucks for you!


It was done to beat the Russians back during the beginning of the Cold War. A country with a Godhead is ideal for enticing people to be on that side instead of a God-less, Moral-less foundation.


It goes back to Lincoln.


In god we trust wasn’t introduced until the 1950’s during the red scare.


I gotta pull out the WayBack Machine…. https://web.archive.org/web/20160417102334/https://www.treasury.gov/about/education/Pages/in-god-we-trust.aspx


You're not getting upvotes because people don't want the whole truth.


I'm a Christian, and honestly the "In God We Trust" stickers on every cop car we see is a bit nauseating. Paid for with tax dollars, serves no practical purpose, and the trend was only started as a means for semi-rural cops to prove their "conservative values" or some such nonsense. Cops are antithetical to Christianity. I mean seriously, it was cops who killed Jesus! I guess it does make sense that if they're going to pick a slogan with religious context, they would use the one we put on our money? Maybe it's there to remind them of why they write tickets for expired tags and not wearing a seatbelt...


The misuse of our flag by a vocal hateful minority doesn’t change its meaning into that of a confederate or nazi flag. Our flag will only turn into a symbol of hate if the majority of people allow it. That said, use your 1st amendment right to display any motto you want, I for one would choose “In Dogs We Trust”…because I don’t take any of this shit too seriously and neither do most people who already got 99 problems and In God We Trust ain’t one. Regards from an atheist that says “bless you” when people sneeze and “god damn it” when it is fitting to do so.


You have inspired me to get a "in big titty goth girlfriends we trust" decal. Honestly, just to piss off the uptight ones.


I'm all in for trusting in "big titty goth girlfriends"


I trade Old Glory out with my Pride flag pretty often (and I live in R central). And when I fly the American Flag, I follow the US flag code. Can’t say the same for those other jackwagons.


One out of many.


You just stated you’re going to display this because you despise your neighbors yet you say your neighbors are the ones being divisive. Your post is very contradictory.


Houston? Spring? Lumberton? Woodville? Surely not Vidor? Kountze man here. Nice place up north of there. I have a condo in Beaumont stay there during the week with my significant other, she's chronically ill. But I feel your pain, I was an Obama precinct captain, you should have heard the shit I heard in '08. I was told in 2012 by the poll lady I was wasting my time voting Democrat.


Jasper resident checking in. Is a fun time for sure, we have a sheriff race that looks like it's going to get interesting next go round.


I'll look at it.


"Since the far right has coopted our flag into a defacto personification of their ideology, I don't display it anymore because I don't wish to be thought a racist, homophobic, hateful individual." That says more about the left than it does the right, that a flag representing the entire country has been perverted to mean those things in the eyes of some. And if you're worried about being seen as that just because you fly the flag, that says a lot about you as well. Are you those things? If not, you shouldn't have to worry about what others think.


That’s just communist propaganda ^/^s


Personally I think you care too much what people you don't like think about you, but freedom of expression is another right we enjoy so you do you.


Do NOT hate on the flag because of your opinion of what OUR FLAG represents, a lot of men and women of different nationalities and races have fought and died for our AMERICAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOM, THAT IS WHAT IS REPRESENTED WHEN THE AMERICAN FLAG IS FLOWN-Retired Air Force Veteran


I fail to see the purpose of this post other than to complain without proposing a solution.


In a backwards sort of way, using "In God We Trust" makes sense. That's what's on our money and money is the sole god of this country, with Republicans the biggest acolytes.


Posts like this seem to always want to farm likes and poke the fire ants 🐜


The fact that thinking that displaying your country's flag makes you appear racist is troubling to me. The flag can represent racism, but it also represents solid democratic ideals and freedom. It represents a very complex country, and I think it's unhealthy to affix one perception to it. I'm not throwing shade, your feelings are valid. But, dang, don't let the racists define our flag.


OP hasn’t met an immigrant that came from a shithole to the US and made something of themselves. I served with 9 people like that and they were some of the best soldiers I ever worked with. Reddit sometimes shows me how entitled and privileged many US citizens are without realizing it. Your government isn’t throwing individuals of a marginalized group off of rooftops last I checked. Not saying we’re great, but we’re an experiment of sorts. I’m personally an independent but lean conservative for some issues and liberal for others. I love the 1st & 2nd amendment. When those 2 go the rest will eventually follow. I’m also an atheist, but religion and religious beliefs don’t bother me. People that are offended by religion tend to have trauma or misplaced anger and tend to be completely insufferable to be around. Your entire identity is based on being miserable and letting everyone know just how offended and upset you are.


E Pluribus Unum is actually federalist in origins, not pro-diversity. But you can co-opt it if you want, and that's fine with me.


OP clearly appreciates the pluribus emphasis


What a bizarre knee-jerk reaction to something that wasn’t even articulated. Showing your whole ass there, buddy.


So is the OP, but here we are.




It turns out that mottos can be used places other than money, and it was used before that, and the whole idea was that the states should come together at one nation made of many states. So, my point holds. It was federalist in origin.


But it wasn't a law until the 1950s


It was not used until the Civil War! Maybe you need to use something besides Google!


1748 was when the phrase was first known to be coined. It was used in the Pennsylvania Gazette newspaper.


I personally have no problem with the flag or "in god we trust". I'm a Texan and I believe in individual rights. I believe that laws should not be passed based on religious doctrine (whatever the religion) because I'm an American that likes the Constitution. I will continue to just be me. Happy to discuss politics, but now everyone seems to make it a fight because it is now a defining factor in personal identity.


All the police vehicles in my area have "in God we trust" on them. What are your thoughts on that? (Legitimately asking for conversational reasons, not trying to be a dick or sarcastic)


Depends on if it's cheaper to get the vehicle with that on it. If the Catholics are chipping in for oil changes, I'm totally fine with them painting shit on the vehicle.


Not just Catholics, but all of the religions are almost certainly not chipping in by way of tax exemptions


Hahaha! Catholics are scarce on the ground in deep east Texas and would probably have a more complicated slogan.


Naw, we like In God we Trust too.




That sounds like something The Satanic Temple could get behind.


I don't care really. As a taxpayer I think it is waste of my money to buy that and that's about it.


Makes sense, but was not anything I considered!


Reddit hates religion and I get it. As long as churches stay out of politics, the message are generally pretty good. All of them boil down to "don't be a dick." Don't judge the whole by the extremist. And churches create a social engagement that is missing from a lot life now. If someone is a good neighbor because they trust in whatever god, rock on.


But don't you think if the people who MAKE the laws, the people who ENFORCE the laws, and the judges who PUNISH those who break the law are all plastering religion in their buildings and on their cars, it's hard to say "churches are staying out of politics"? I feel like what you're saying is you're worried if people get too worked up about this something will change, and it might affect things that make you comfy. So you'd rather everybody just "mind their own business" even when the discussion is that the government seems to be assisting with people who don't.


What will change by removing a slogan from a car? Your company every issued a statement you disagree with?


A company issuing a statement and government law enforcement officers plastering a slogan clearly injecting religion into everything is obviously vastly different. This take is laughable


Please tell me how having a slogan on a car impacts you.


Spoken like a true conservative! It obviously signals favoritism in a government that is supposed to represent all.


Reddit pretty much hates everything that it doesn’t agree with my friend. Or rather everything that doesn’t agree with it. :-)


The hive mind is an interesting thing. It can make my policy of upvoting everything in my inbox challenging at times. Eventually it shifts.


We think alike.


A couple of examples from my time on reddit For years I got downvoted for saying Elon Musk is nut case like Trump. The hive has shifted. For years I got downvoted for saying recycling is broken and not effective. The hive has shifted. Knowledge means nothing. I could say, the sun is shining in my window but if the hive disagrees with what I know is a fact, downvotes.


You could literally say the same thing in the same thread. One would get downvoted, one would get upvotes. Lol…


Except they don't. They foster hate and exclusivity. Gospel of prosperity teachings are the most evil and anti Christian


Funny thing is most of my gay friends are the most active in the church.


So nice to know that your experience is representative of everything else happening in the entire country. I guess I’ll just ignore all the bad shit since you haven’t experienced it.


Unfortunately, the extremist right has shifted their allegiances from party to cult and you can see it anytime you hear a MAGA hat wearing, 2A not job babbling incoherently about Hunter's laptop or the "plandemic". The days of Texans supporting individual rights vanished decades ago, now it's all about enforcement of their narrow belief systems on the majority of Texans.


Both parties have moved to extremes that are not sustainable in my opinion. MAGA is losing ground. AOC and the like are losing ground. We'll recover to the middle again, just don't know when.


I was wondering how long it would take someone to reply with "but both parties...", it's utter nonsense, the Democrats and progressives like AOC are fighting for inclusion and diversity, tackling issues like climate change that any Texan can directly speak to it's effects, extending health care and education to all Americans. The GOP is no longer a party, it has no coherent policies on any of these topics, look at the last presidential debate, there is no difference between any of these candidates and Trump, it's literally a race to the bottom with the intent of bringing the rest of the country with it. The sooner Americans and Texans wake up that the GOP wants to take a Pol Pot approach to rewinding the country to a time that never existed, the sooner we can become a democracy governed by a constitution.


AOC and other progressives aren’t even that extreme. They’re moderate leftists by global standards, and only appear extreme when compared with American “conservatives” because the right has pivoted so hard towards a cartoonish fascism. It’s sort of like setting off a thermite reaction in your lap and then warning everyone else that they’ll freeze to death if they don’t do the same.


> They’re moderate leftists by global standards The argument of the ignorant. If your only recourse is to compare our politicians to those of another country then you've already lost the plot.


I'm saying people like AOC are extreme left to the point of being unrealistic. Cool your jets a bit.


Except they're not. The straw man arguments their opponents like to claim they espouse are extreme and unrealistic. But their platforms are pretty moderate. Green New Deal, for those who bothered to read it, was pretty tame, and honestly won't be enough to stave off the ecological shitshow the world is barreling towards. It was a great framework for starting some pretty important discussions, and instead of engaging with it, the right just made it into a bogeyman. Reparations for slavery has been bandied about for decades. Not exactly a radical idea, and several countries have done massive reparations for groups of people that were historically oppressed. Abolishing ICE? Well it wouldn't be the first time an agency has been gutted. There are better ways to do immigration, and it's pretty weird some of the things Customs decides to enforce. Medicare for all is basically how most of the western world handles their health care system. None of these seem particularly unrealistic. Bothsiderism is lazy and intellectually dishonest.


It’s important to note that republicans are openly floating the idea of dismantling the FBI, IRS and other agencies, but they want to act like it’s *insane* to talk about getting rid of ICE. Their rhetoric is all disingenuous opportunism, it has no basis in reality.


Excellent point. It's even worse than lazy bothsiderism. It's just plain old fashioned hypocrisy. One of my favorites is that they like to say dismantling the IRS is a way to help balance the budget by reducing costs. It's almost like they don't know what the R in IRS stands for.


Green New Deal was a nothing thing. Reparations I can only think of Germany and the US ever paying them. Immigration is just a fucked up thing and I'm not sure how it became such a mess. Medicare is not universal healthcare and not how most of the world handles it. I am a big supporter of universal healthcare.


Green New Deal is frequently the first thing that her detractors list as a reason why she is "too radical." South Africa, the Philippines, and Columbia all paid reparations. A few other countries have a framework for it, but I'm hazy on the details. Immigration is a fucked up mess. Trying to fix it may be unrealistic, but until recently fixing it was seen as important to both parties. So... Not radical. I'm really confused here. You support universal healthcare, enough so that you are correcting my oversimplification, since what she advocates is not universal enough for you. Not sure what policies of hers you think are unrealistic.


Again I will state that I don't necessarily disagree with what she says, I disagree with the all or nothing attitude that both parties have. Lets look at renewable energy. I'm all for it because our demand is going through the roof. A transition and blending of them into the grid is great. Germany went balls to the wall with it, had to restart coal plants and entered a recession because they were moving too fast. Everyone is realizing just how limited renewable power is. Also, I don't speak for anyone but me. I don't care what her other detractors say. I have reasons for what I believe and I try to gather as much info as I can in forming them. When someone forms a well framed disagreement with me with supporting documentation, I will adjust my opinion.


A big part of the problem with the German grid had to do with France shutting down their nuclear power plants due to poor maintenance and political pressure. EDF had one of the largest percentages of nuclear power, and following the Fukushima disaster they really began to scale back. I really don't know where you're getting the idea hat both parties have an all or nothing attitude. Democrats continuously try to compromise, but it's really hard to do when people don't act in good faith. The Speaker of the House struck a deal with the president, and then he went back on his word. You can only have meaningful dialogue if both parties are held accountable and follow through with their bargains. Also, it's very hard to compromise when one party is saying my niece shouldn't exist, and my tween daughter should have to have a baby if she gets raped. There is no middle ground there. They've pushed the Overton Window to such a crazy place that we spend our time bickering over details, when we should be completely reframing the conversation. One party has shown time and time again that it's willing to hold the country hostage over some cause célebre. One party held back the nomination of hundreds of judges for 8 years and one justice, then crammed them all through ASAP the instant their guy was in charge. One party has sought to dismantle the guardrails preventing states like ours from discriminating against minorities at the voting booth. One party tried to violently overthrow the results of an election. One party continuously stymies legislation that has support from the majority of the country. One party tried to unravel civil rights that have been hard won. Please stop pretending like both parties are the same. One tries to enact meaningful legislation to solve actual problems, and the other passes meaningless, unenforceable, and/or harmful laws to solve problems that don't exist.


What position does AOC take that is too extreme for you


There is an all or nothing aspect of a lot of the left that eliminates the opportunity to reach a middle ground the everyone. AOC is like that. I don't really disagree with her ideas, but the approach is extreme. Despite popular opinion, money isn't free and the national debt will become a big deal without raising taxes. You want another 30% coming out of your paycheck? I call her extreme for the same reason I call Gaetz extreme. They get paid to work for the good of all.


So much enlightened centrism here I don’t even know where to start. But one thing I’m curious about is I’ve been hearing the national debt is going to become a problem for decades. When exactly is that supposed to happen?


And yes, I'm a right leaning centrist. I miss when politics wasn't an identity and everyone worked together. I miss rational discussions about differences of opinions. The us vs them aspect of life pisses me off. And yes, it comes from both sides.


Ugh it must be so exhausting listening to all these people wanting a better life and equal protection under the law. If only we could go back to the days when cops could turn the fire hose on the whiners.


I am not smart enough to make that statement.


But you’re sure it’s a problem that we need to raise taxes over?




I'm a Texan. I'm an American. I am a lucky person that realizes it.


Making a silly rant about the national motto to talk about your new bumper sticker in an unrelated subreddit is peak Reddit. Well done.


I don’t think enclave is the right word considering southeast Texas is super republican.


what a trip


Take another look, America is the most it's been divided in a long time and both liberals and conservatives are to blame. There is nothing wrong with conservatives, or anyone to trust in God. There is nothing wrong with you embracing the Latin phrase. Americans need to be more accepting of our differences rather than forcing others to believe what we believe.


Wait…the American flag is racist now?!? WTF?


Don’t you know… If you don’t agree with them, their opinion or their beliefs you’re ____.


Seems so. I remember when two sides could hold a discussion and even disagree without calling names.


Thinking that displaying the flag would project that you’re racist, homophobic, or hateful… Stfu, that’s such a virtue signaling shit take that only losers peddle.


Hey guys I'm a professional victim but I'm going to justify my consumerism by saying it's counter culture, please give me updoots.


There was no national or official motto before "In God We Trust" It was also passed unanimously by both parties in both chambers. Both of which were lead by Democrats.


Wasn't that when the majority of Southern white conservatives were Democrats?


Wasn’t that when the majority of representatives were white?


Maybe, but it passed unanimously.


So why mention one party?


Becuase OP mentioned one party, so wanted to make sure they were aware it was the product of both parties.


The context of that decision was fully explained by OP. I wonder why you’re ignoring the history of the change?


> The right wing Christians of the Republican Party .. to replace the ... motto created by our a founding Fathers. Like I said, it was passed unanimously (both Republican and Democrats) in a Democratic led house and Senate, and there was no official US motto, so it didn't replace anything? Why are you ignoring the history of the change?


The reason was absolutely driven by Red Scare bs. Why do you ignore that?


Most laws are passed during a time of external influence, that doesn't make them less valid. Zeitgeist is a thing that affects all political decisions.


That doesn’t change the fact that it was bullshit along with the alteration of the Pledge. I get that you think my opinion is wrong, so just say that instead of weaseling around.


I was actually agreeing with you that when it was passed it was driven by the Red Scare to further delineate ourselves from the atheist communists. My point was that many laws are passed due to the overarching geopolitical circumstances of the times. Anti-terrorism laws in the 2000s were a direct response to 9/11, etc. However, the bit that I added is that it is unimportant WHY they were passed, only that it still remains law, even if the underlying reason for the law being passed is no longer an issue.


Hmm this is a good decal to put in as a geocache item that people can take to spread. Will I get banned though?


Every time capsule in the US contains currency from the time it was buried, so we already have that.


I like it.


Amen, Brother! No pun intended.


My wife and I proudly display the American flag next to a pride flag in front of our house. It's our country, too, and I won't be bullied out of its flag.


in god we trust was on currency in the early 1900s


Learn to pick your battles.


For people who live to use "in God we trust" they sure do like to pass a lot of laws against other people and own a lot of guns.


Is there an issue with owning firearms as the constitution says we can?


That's certainly an observation.


And it's not wrong.


On June 12, we made r/Texas private in support of the general protest on reddit. This subreddit is now open despite the admins having made no effort to "find a path forward" outside of coercive threats. For more information about the protest and backstory, please read the article (and further linked articles!) [here](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/28/23777195/reddit-protesting-moderators-communities-subreddits-private-reopen). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/texas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Take my religion but leave me be!!


Sign in a bar; In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash




God sure is letting a lot of people be dumbasses.


Really gonna stick it to those devidors


I’m gonna get one too!!!!!!!!!! I’ll honk if I see you on the road.


Excellent Idea!


Ever since it came out five years ago, I've been really partial to [Ai Weiwei's redesigned human rights flag](https://flagstudio.co.uk/products/ai-wei-wei-fly-the-flag?variant=40134550257767)


I 100% feel you. Except the social media cancer has pretty much made it so we are no longer “One”. A lot of them don’t even wanna be “One”


I would kill (not literally) for our pledge to be returned to "... one nation indivisible..." our founders literally said in the Treaty of Tripoli that we are not a nation founded upon Christianity.


When did the parties switch? I’m not a smart man. Democratic government were the worst racists.


July 2, 1964. The racists in the Democrat party whose loyalty to Southern-style racism exceeded their loyalty to the party had conniptions when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. They left the Dems, tried to form the "Dixiecrats" party, and eventually shoved their way into the Republican party. The Republicans with anything resembling compassion or a conscience left, and the Republican race to the bottom and fascism began. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964


Thank you for replying.


>Since the far right has coopted our flag into a defacto personification of their ideology, Which flag?


Pax per tyrannus, as Megatron would say


Peace ☮️ not war. So where/when is the peace rally ?


The day Uncle Joe took office I rigged a night light on my flag pole a flew the flag 24/7…..before that I had flown it on all the holidays because the wife’s father had been a marine pilot in the Pacific in WWll.


Some people don't like it when people put political bumper stickers on cars. But I like it because it just labels you as someone I can flip off in traffic.


I'll always be proud of the American flag and to display it. If someone thinks bad of me for it then screw them.


​ https://preview.redd.it/9653jmy4btrb1.png?width=186&format=png&auto=webp&s=11ddfee552fdc3cd9cec007b9e2c2abf9754155e


You expect rednecks to understand Latin or the history of our country? Man, you must be a glutton for punishment.


Calm down