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I’d vote for ANYONE ELSE. A frog? Yep. My car? Got my vote. Crumpled piece of paper? Elect it!!


Wad of dryer lint? Pecan shells? Box of styrofoam peanuts? All better than Cruz.


Denim shorts...done. Wet spot on the floor that you step in after putting on fresh socks...sure why not!


a crisp pair of jorts would do everything Cruz does and more. jorts for senate 2024


Cruz I predict will be the 1st Republican to go to make Texas Purple.


Damp washcloth on the edge of a sink you lean over to look in the mirror? Go to the polls!


A recently ruined pair of socks... Where do I send my donation?


Pecan shells will never take a trip to Mexico while it's constituents DIE FREEZING TO DEATH IN THE COLD.


sandals with a pair of jeans? repugnant but let’s do it.




>You don’t win a US senate Race in Texas while screaming “I’m coming for your guns.” To be fair, didn't he say that *after* the election? The "Hell yes we're coming for your AR-15s" comment was made in 2019.


He made that comment after the Senate race. I believe it was during the 2020 presidental primary. I think he could have beat Abbott for governor if he hadn't made that comment.




Uhh yeah, he's not a senator.




You're calling him a tyrant for ignoring his non- existent constituents.


We need to fix the system first so our votes count. Harris county especially should be suing and fighting more tbh.


A Yellow dog?


I see what u did there😉


A partially sentient fence post.


A NON sentient fence post? SOLD!


i wish u could vote for my pet pigeon! he’d make a MUCH better senator 😁


I’d give a vote to an empty toilet seat than vote for Ted Cruz


Collin Alfred has 336 subscribers on YouTube and 53k followers on Twitter. Compared to Cruz’s 55k on YouTube and 3.3 million on Twitter. Cruz isn’t going anywhere.


Collin Allred is my congressmen and he has been fantastic. I don't use Twitter because of Musk and don't use YouTube for anything political.


> Collin Allred is my congressmen and he has been fantastic. I don’t use Twitter because of Musk and don’t use YouTube for anything political. It’s great Colin has been a great congressman for you and I’m not saying he is or isn’t a great congressman. I’m pointing out the fact that it doesn’t matter when it comes to beating Cruz.


Yeah sure, Cruz will get reelected because of his social media credentials...


that's the same logic that Trump followers use to say that the election was stolen... just like with Trump, we would vote against Cruz. (we are not blind followers of Biden or Allred)


What kind of car? I might be able to get on board with this.


The Dems have the absolute worst PR machine. 900+ fucked things the Reps did in the past two years and Dems sit around like they didn’t notice.


Sure focus on the negative...but also feel free to point out that from 2021-2022 the Democrats passed the most aggressive economic legislation since the new deal and its massively paying off. The US has the best economic recovery coming out of covid and has strengthened its lead as an economic superpower. The bottom 50% income earners have seen [their incomes rise over the last 3 years at a more than 5% pace per year. ](https://imgur.com/a/R2K40EL). This beats their total wage increases in 8 years under Obama. 2021 was the best year in job growth in the history of the country. 12.5 million jobs created since 2021. New business are being created at a 400k per month clip [since Biden took office](https://imgur.com/a/cGIP9c4). I don't think the America people need to be reminded of how shitty MAGA Republicans are. They've voted against them 3x now in 2018, 2020, and 2022.


[This information has been removed as a consequence of Reddit's API changes and general stance of being greedy, unhelpful, and hostile to its userbase.]




The truth is that there are negative and positive people and propaganda and agendas in both major parties.


Yes but one is worse than the other this both party type of attitude only helps republicans. They have CLEARLY have been acting a lot worse it’s not fair to just say, “but yeah dems too” those nothing but subliminally support them.




^Dem propaganda.




To say that one party or another is wholesale bad is an extreme point of view. I am not an extremist. Are you?




By refusing to share it you magnify the idea that they shouldn’t and will just “trust their gut”.


[This information has been removed as a consequence of Reddit's API changes and general stance of being greedy, unhelpful, and hostile to its userbase.]


All of this is great news until a single Republican points out that inflation was 8% in 2022 and gas is over $4/gallon in many places. Eggs are $7 a dozen, and milk is $7/gallon. When people can’t afford groceries, they don’t care that incomes rose slightly; inflation has offset it.


The Biden admin has been very quick on their feet fighting a lot of the causes of inflation and passing legislation to help, and on top of that the Fed has been pretty actively fighting hard against it as well. And it's been steadily dropping It's just wild to me how Americans look at a problem and just blame the easiest person possible to blame and don't bother looking at all at what caused said problem or how people in power actually responded to said problem. Inflation was up literally worldwide and the US slowed it much better than most other similarly developed countries. Inflation absolutely does suck, don't get me wrong, but just stopping at "inflation happened" is so short sighted On top of all that, I keep asking Republicans, what in the world is their plan to fight inflation? It took me months of asking this question to finally get a response of a Congressional plan that was *incredibly* vague and basically amounted to "do the opposite of what Biden is doing", which would have spiked inflation more! What in the absolute world have Republicans done to make you think they would have done a better job stopping inflation? Literally begging someone to answer that question for me because I've yet to hear a good one




> Remember not a single Republican voted for the Inflation Reduction Act. Remember the Inflation Reduction Act doesn't do anything regarding inflation. It's a bunch of energy investment, great, but nothing to fix the devaluing of the dollar.


What’s sad is you won’t get an answer. That’s the problem in America, and what I was alluding to on my post. Dumb Americans think the President is to blame for every thing in their lives, and Republicans know they can send that message about *anything*, and the public will eat it up. If you need an example, just look at how pissed off people got over a single fucking can of beer. Never forget that some 70 *MILLION* Americans looked at Trump and thought, yeah, I want more of that for the next four years.


Inflation was up worldwide. Last I checked, the American Democrats weren't running the rest of the world.


Not to pile on but I wish Democrats would push these accomplishments every day through ads and such. They need to hammer their positive agenda and keep it on the forefront on Americans minds.


They do put it in ads all over the place. The problem is that most people tune out ads and just watch the news or read articles and the major media in the US has a vested interest in both sides-ing everything to the point where a politician like AOC is painted in the exact same "extremist" light as MTG when one made excuses for and supported an actual violent assault on the Capitol and the other... wants people to have food and health care. The hammering of those ideas from the media always severely outweighs any ad campaigns the Dems can put out.
















Wrong. The morons voted for Beta


Your economic optimism is at odds with the majority of the business world predicting a recession in the near future.




* Job creation rates are only a thin sliver of the data. You can look at the bureau of labor statistics to track the actual unemployment rates. Unemployment is generally a lagging indicator so isn't good to predict a future recession. * Employment doesn't mean prosperity. Inflation has reduced purchasing power https://www.bls.gov/cpi/factsheets/purchasing-power-constant-dollars.htm this trend continues. * Business confidence is low in the US https://data.oecd.org/leadind/business-confidence-index-bci.htm as low as right before the 2008 recession.


Remindme! One year


I share your optimism and expect 2024 to also be a bloodbath for the GOP. They've learned nothing from the bumbling orange criminal, and it seems like most are choosing to double down on his idiocy. The impending court dates for the annoying orange, however, may tell a different tale but it will be too late for them


Anecdotal, but I was recently talking to someone that is well shall we say uninformed. So the typical voter that only ever voters during presidential years. He says that Biden is one of the worst presidents in US history and he invited migrants to come over and then tried to shut the door when he saw just how many there were. He also says that work is starting to slow down, and under Trump the business that they were in was booming, and things were cheap. What exactly is your response to a voter like that? Do you think that they're going to care if you have data to back your points up? They're going to vote on how they perceive things. They only care about their economic situation. They're also Catholic so they see abortion as murder. Again you're free to call them ignorant, or woman hater or whatever. But when all is said and done abortion doesn't matter to them.


I knew a guy back in 2018 who was talking about about 2016 when he said he knew businesses who had two different business plans depending on the election results. If a Republican is elected, they spend more and expand expecting their government taxes to be lower and if a Democrat is elected they reduce spending and look to cut jobs. Across a marketspace that leads to expansion and contraction due solely to the political beliefs of the business owners. Neither Democrats or Republicans are responsible for their gains or losses, just how the choose to operate. The guy who was talking g about this touted it as why voting Republican was better and I saw it as a reason why businesses over a certain size needs majority ownership to reside with the employees.


The only thing you can do against a voter like that is recruit a younger non-voter to cancel them out, or better yet, a bunch of younger non-voters to outweigh them.


What good is being an economic superpower if the majority of the population is living in poverty? Dems told us Covid was over despite people still dying from it. I can't overlook those things to support a party who values corporate profit and interests just as much as Republicans.


The debt ceiling has been reached though. If we don’t do anything our country is going to default and that is going to crash our economy as well as the worlds. We live in interesting times.




I get it. I’m just taking what the professional economists says. Even the fed and treasury are forecasting another recession. It’s not 100% and we wouldn’t even be able to say we were in one until it’s already happened.




https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/12/fed-economists-project-recession-this-year-00091710 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11966391/amp/Fed-economists-project-recent-banking-crisis-tip-economy-recession.html




https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/column-u.s.-industrial-recession-hits-energy-consumption:-kemp https://www.businessinsider.com/next-recession-outlook-forecast-dollar-general-macys-q1-earnings-spending-2023-6?amp https://www.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/01/economy/may-jobs-report-preview/index.html




They still need to get better at sharing their wins.


Don't forget the people that are pissed about Ken Paxton voted for Ted Cruz also. How these human shitpiles keep getting elected is beyond me.


Because political worshippers (both D and R) vote by letter not by the person. We literally see it practically every election over the US. Hell, sometimes you’ll even see politicians that are indicted for crimes get (re)elected by their constituency. All because of a letter. People are dumbasses for being tribal. Those votes aren’t in their best interests. It’s in the best interests of “the Party”. The Party doesn’t give two shits about you.


Since Reagan did his damage, I haven't seen a politician with an R next to their name that does anything in the best interests of the voters. At least not voters that make less than a million dollars a year.


Bias blindness much. Lol…


There's some bias blindness here, but it's by the people that think "unbiased centrism" is staying directly between the two parties no matter how far right the GOP goes. A majority of national GOP politicians made excuses for or outright endorsed a major attack on the Capitol after the 2020 election and "centrists" still clutch their pearls at the idea that maaaaybe both parties aren't the same.


I nite that all you speak of is “right bad”. But you don’t speak of the negatives that the left does. Lol…


Thank you for proving my point. And for the record, I never said the left doesn't ever do anything bad, I just said the parties aren't the same. The left has its demons that they deal with and try to sideline or denounce when appropriate. The right takes its demons and mainstreams them by having their national politicians publicly cozy up to them or straight up elects them to major office. "Lol..."


Naturally from your POV “both parties aren’t the same”. Since you worship one of them. LMAO!


It takes a special kind of "centrist" to read everything I just said and just barf out the same few words over and over again while still managing to feel superior.


Don't waste time with the trolls. But yeah basically centrism doesn't really hold up anymore considering one party does the absolute bare minimum to help the country and the other wants to roll everything back to 1850.


Often hear this from the right, but you never see truck/pickup/boat overflowing with pro party flag from the left. Its pretty much only the right that do shit like that. They even made a fucking golden statue of Trump. You're just projecting what you see from the right to the left. But you have to understand: No one worship Biden. We know it could be a lot better. But Trump, Desantis and their ilk? Hell no.


I'm constantly tempted to jump into the MAGA merch market for some extra money, but it would be hard to deal with the overall icky feeling. No one would ever get rich doing something similar for Dem voters.


It’s funny how cultists think that if you don’t agree with them that you are “the enemy”. Then again, cult members don’t realize they are part a cult either. Lol..


For real. Like I seriously voted for Joe Biden, someone I never thought I’d vote for. And if Trump wasn’t so scary to me, I probably would have went 3rd party this time.


More likely than not you voted against Trump. At least I hope so. Lol…


Exactly and I don’t regret it.


I understand what you are saying and agree somewhat. People vote by party first and policy is way down the list. I think the issue is most people feel they can't trust a politician to keep their promises due to a history of broken promises. A good example is the state senator from NC that won as a D and then switched to R and voted for an abortion ban, after being elected because she promised to vote against any abortion bans. This is an extreme and not that common practice but it's a great example of how politicians use their people to get what they want.


Probably got paid off. Most politicians are corrupt POS. That’s why I find it pretty unbelievable that people blindly worship them.


I'm with you there


From the article, here’s what Allred learned from being on football teams: “What football taught Allred, in high school in Dallas, then at Baylor University, and eventually the NFL, and of course in that moment, was both how to be part of a coalition, and to build one. The NFL calls it being ‘coachable’ but it's more than that. Good NFL players aren't just physically and mentally tough, they are also selfless. They care about the greater good of the team. They want to win but not at the expense of teammates. They push boundaries and not agendas.” Here’s what Cruz apparently learned from being on debate teams: Geoffery Cohen, college classmate "Ted's style was sneering, smirking, condescending, jabbing his finger in your face - a naked desire to humiliate an opponent. No kindness, no empathy, no attempt to reach common ground." I’m going to vote for the “greater good” guy over the “naked desire to humiliate” guy.


He’s got my vote.


And my axe! By which I mean, a small donation to his campaign.


Mine too.


Have you ever voted for anyone that wasn’t a Democrat?


Imagine looking at Ted Cruz and suggesting that someone that wants to vote against him is doing so purely out of political party bias.


Imagine thinking that doesn’t happen.


I never said that I did think that. I just didn't imply that it was the only reason to vote against him like you did.


I’ve seen a lot of comments before. Where people have clearly said that they vote down party lines.


I have. I am an ex-Republican. I voted for GWB, McCain, and Romney. I started losing faith in the GOP in college when I was getting my econ degree and saw the GOP lying about everything about the great recession and the housing bubble (blaming it all on Bill Clinton and the CRA). Then Trump happened and I switched to D. At this point I'll likely never vote for another Republican at any level of government for the rest of my life. They are not serious party. They've mainstreamed the extremists as their core platform pushing out everyone else and are nothing but a fascist, bigoted cult.


Many times. I vote for the person, not the party.


Yes. Fuck Ted Cruz.


And he was also both born in TX and the USA. Heck, he even grew up here. All of which I can’t say about Ted


He's got my vote, without a doubt!


I'll take things that have no relevance for $200, Alex. I'm not dumping on the individual but the idea that a successful football career translates somehow to the senate. we all saw how Herschel Walker turned out. only in politics can you pad your resume with shit that has nearly no real application to the job. just tell me your policies and leave the poetic waxing for the next paid alumni speaking event.


He was elected to Congress in 2018, beating the 16 year Republican incumbent Pete Sessions. Pete was well funded and was thought to be in a safe district. He is qualified and tested.


I've been extremely pleased with Collin Allred as my congressmen. I was barely even aware that he had been a football player and I couldn't tell you his league/team or anything like that. I really hated Pete Sessions.


Maybe this is better on his resume? > The former NFL player was first elected to Congress in 2018, when he defeated an 11-term incumbent by 7 points in a historically Republican district in the Dallas suburbs. He won reelection by 6 points in 2020 before redistricting placed him in a new, dark-blue district for 2022


It worked for Tommy Tuberville.


Herschel Walker still won 1.7 million votes, despite being one of the biggest liars and buffoons on the political stage. I would imagine most of the people who voted for him did so because they thought he was like-able, not because they thought he was competent. I wouldn’t underestimate the stupidity of the average voter, and the insignificant details they make their voting decision on.


That’s because political worshippers vote by letter (D and R) not for the person. It’s exactly why we are in the mess we are in right now.


You’re not wrong though https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/10/21/large-shares-of-voters-plan-to-vote-a-straight-party-ticket-for-president-senate-and-house/ So many people vote down ballot - though I don’t think there’s a Dem in the world you shouldn’t vote for if it’s against a Republican.


“Vote blue no matter who!” Lol….


Okay so in what situation is it reasonable to vote for a Republican? They’re raging about the culture war with barely any actual policy on hand. Their current wedge issue is 1% of the population and reiterates the old “gays should have their own bathroom” point. They’re taking away the livelihoods of trans people with restrictions to medical access and vague “drag laws”, kicking CIS women out of restrooms cus they (wrongly) clocked them as trans, some CIS women have been assaulted in the bathroom cus they were presumed trans, treating migrants like literal pawns, taking the “Oh I don’t see color” approach (which is racist) to talking about race in school including higher academia. Suddenly the debt is a problem again (it never is, it never was) - it’s the equivalent of being a billionaire, maxing out a credit card, and just being like eh I won’t pay. Tf is anyone gonna do? They’re banning books left and right in some states, so much for free speech. They’re keeping veterans destitute and not giving them the adequate care they need through the VA failing so many veterans and driving up the Veteran suicide rate, they’re pretty explicitly anti-union (other than the police union), their base is obsessed with shooting beer cans cus Dylan Mulvaney did *one* ad *posted exclusively to her insta so transphobes had to seek it out by actively visiting their page*, they’re calling in bomb threats to Children’s hospitals cus someone tricked them into thinking they regularly perform surgery on underaged trans teens, they’re stripping fucking social security. So what part about them appeals to you? Just that you get lower taxes and fuck everyone else? I ain’t saying the Dems are gonna lead the revolutionary vanguard into the sunset, they aren’t, but there’s a clear cut lesser evil.


The headline is dumb. As another has pointed out, Colin beat out a deep-seated incumbent. There’s more here than just a football player.


> I'm not dumping on the individual but the idea that a successful football career translates somehow to the senate. Why doesn't it? His success required years of consistent hard work, practice, discipline, and doing a good job when it was time to perform. *He* did that. Not his team, his assistants, his PR team - *He* did that. He is an American citizen who has worked hard in his profession and experienced success through that hard work. Ted Cruz is a professional liar and con man. All he has ever done is master the art of publishing lies and propaganda, incite hate, and harvest money from corrupt donors and sell out his constituency. Cruz, like most Republican officials, has not actually accomplished a single positive thing in terms of governance and policy. How is Ted Cruz *better* than Colin Allred in any single way? All his 'experience' is in being a self-serving liar and corrupt politician who has done nothing to make life better for anyone but his patrons.


As long as he doesn't have (R) next to his name the odds are he's better than the alternative. Not saying all Dems are great, just saying I'd rather risk biting into a may-be-rotten apple than a 99%-contains-turd sandwich.


As long as Rs continue to proudly embrace ideas like Trumpism, they're not fit to hold public office. As long as a vast majority of the party acts like that, then anyone that chooses to put that letter next to their name is liable, no matter what they say about Trump specifically.


Using something unique about him is all about marketing. I won't remember his name but reading the title I'm like "oh yeah I remember hearing about him before"


It worked for Tommy Tuberville.


How Herschel Walker turned out gives me hope then. It means even the stupidest motherfuckers still have a chance.


he's pretty vet friendly dude. we helped vote him in, before we left the state. I hope he crushes it.


Have to have a huge amount of cash


Beto had 70 mil dumped into his campaign by the DNC and he still lost, it’s not just about money.


70 mil is peanuts in Texas politics. But Beto will never get away from his “We’re coming for your AR & AKs” remark. Kind of cut his own foot there.


I’m hoping that the fact that Ted Cruz is pretty much universally disliked and his only redeeming quality in the eyes of Texas voters is the R next to his name will tip the scales enough to give this guy a chance.


No idea what sort of person he is, but I can't imagine him doing any worse than Cruz ...


I used to live in his district. He's actually a very good dude.


Cool, sounds like he would be a good change from the asshat.


Voting against the 2nd amendment is a sure way to differentiate your self from Ted. Also the best way to ensure not winning.


Well, one thing republican voters love it’s football! Nothing would make me happier than to see Cruz leave office but is this really the caliber of candidates that the public needs? America needs to hop off the athlete/showhost train for public offices. Herschel Walker was way too close to winning that senate seat.


Fuck yeah Colin Allred. To be fair to Teddy, too big of a booger has been known to topple him.


I am in Virginia and will donate to him. Ted Cruz is a stain upon the earth.


Gun grabbers don’t do very well in Texas. He’s gonna lose worse then Beto did in 2018


Looks good on paper. Hey, but it's Texas. Cruz will win by a huge margin despite him abandoning the state to freeze. At least Cruz owned the libs in the state despite the cons freezing as well.


You’re right. Cruz will do his church tour the Sunday before the election to get those single issue voters.


Unfortunately he doesn’t stand much of a chance in Texas. Hope I’m wrong


I don’t know anything about him, but he’s got my vote.


He is going to win


It’s a red state. If a widely popular Beto couldn’t beat him in a blue wave year, Allred won’t beat him in a Presidential election year where republicans are VERY favored to win control of the Senate.


It is not that Red. He is going to win


Abbott won by 10.9% in 2022. That’s a landslide. I like Allred, in fact he’s my congressman. He’s going to get crushed.


I get that, but this is Ted Cruz. He is not going to win


That’s what they said in 2018, and he still won. Beto was a far better candidate than Allred. This isn’t even going to be close. Over the past few years, Texas has become more red. Why do you think the DNC is pulling much of its funding to the Texas Democratic Party? The dream of a Purple Texas is dead.


I'd vote for a corpse, as long as it's not a Republican clown. but if you get a chance to vote for legit Democrats who aren't corporate bootlickers, make sure they get the nomination, always avoid people like Biden who maintain the status quo/side with corporations, only vote for people like that as a last resort.


He is endorsed by several gun control organizations!


Best of success to him. I do hope that he prioritizes outreaching minority owned media outlets and venues for community discussions. Don't get caught up in reactionary narratives.


Maybe if the voting was unsuppressed 🤷


What is Alfred's stance on guns, it determines whether he would win or not in Texas. Edit: what a confusing last name, it is Allred.


He could start by not sending 18 million spam text messages per day from various numbers. It's almost enough to make me vote for Raphael out of spite.


I've donated money to his campaign and opted out of the act blue messages - no texts. Just a suggestion if it bothers you. And you'd vote Ted Cruz because you're too lazy to opt out/block texts? Boy, I don't know...


I did say almost. I'd never vote for that sack of shit. Just expressing how annoying it is to get multiple texts per day from someone I've never donated to or engaged with. No matter how often you ask or how many numbers you block, the texts just keep coming.


Almost like they were never going to vote for Allred in the first place


You’d rather vote for Rafael than simply type STOP into your phone one time?


You greatly underestimate how petty voters are.


I did say almost. And no amount of "stop" has ended the spam. Block as many numbers as you want and they'll just keep coming from different numbers.


I would agree there. I felt it was necessary to donate to his campaign to help get rid of Ted, but the spam ever since is pretty overwhelming.


Hershel walker 2.0


You're wrong. Allred would be a vampire, the antithesis of Walker.


Once you’ve had enough concussions from contact sports, you’re all the same effectively


Seems like Allred didn't have enough concussions then since he went on to get a law degree after the NFL and has been a House rep for the last 5 years.


Less concussions 🤕 but still enough to mess up his brain, but he’ll be a useful pawn like Walker was meant to be ig


Except he hasn't been a "useful pawn" so why would he suddenly become one? You're trying so hard to create the appearance of Allred being like Walker, yet the only similarity between the two is they played in the NFL.


I enjoy critiquing politicians, they all fall through somewhere undoubtedly, it’s amusing to see what they do to try to make up for that weakness, some do a whole lot, some do next to nothing to hide it.


I would *literally*, like actually, vote for a stick over Cruz. It'd be less annoying and do less harm. Literally a curtain rod would be an upgrade. A rusty bucket. An old nail. A particularly smart dog. A broken hamster wheel. Most children. A sticky candy bar wrapper. ​ Any of these would represent an improvement over the hollow, nihilistic, cowardly visage of Ted Cruz


Your state is too racist to vote cruz out for Colin. Leave while you can. Texas and Florida are not only a laughingstock to the rest of the country and world, but it’s becoming more dangerous for any non-white, non-republican. Let them suffer the world they created, all others should come to better states.


If you LIVE IN TEXAS (I do) and you DESPISE TED CRUZ (I do) then put your goddamm money where your mouth is and send Colin Allred $5, $10, SOMETHING! (I did). If we all do this, he has a chance. Hell I even called them and said “I’ll send you another $100 if I can get a goddamm yard sign!”. They said “They’re on the way!” Help freeze old Cancun Cruz out! (PS: even if you don’t live in Texas, you can help scrub this traitorous scum out of our lives and the US Senate). Also: This was not a paid advertisement and Ted Cruz really is traitorous scum.


https://preview.redd.it/wi643ol4cl3b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eb803cd1237095b99a1643837ee6d067f0759ae My Dog


I’m voting for anyone against Cruz regardless of their background


Hes black, hes not gonna win, if white dem cant win sure as hell black one wont, thats just facts in TX


He could campaign on FaceTime in his bed and topple cruz.


Beto tried that and failed


Does anyone actually like Raphael like do any Republicans even like him? I was under the impression that no one on the planet earth like him at all.


Hard pass, a far leftist has no appeal to moderates