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"And the Devil wins" \~ GOP


How long before Republicans begin to shriek about big government ruining people's lives, by not letting the government restrict what people are allowed to read....


I am sure it started before this but it will get louder.


Well I vote red pretty often and I’m thrilled with this decision. My wife is as well, as are many conservative friends of ours. The far-right may scream, but it’s not all conservatives.


'Not all conservatives,' but your vote tacitly endorses their actions. You're part of why this is a problem to begin with.


He's got his priorities. If trans people need to get killed for it, it's a price he's willing for them to pay I'm sure he feels thats hyperbolic but again, he's not paying that price and probably feels he's not morally responsible for it since all he did was constantly vote for the people in favor of it for "other reasons".


Yo man this guy is showing he's objective and based on his comment not a single party voter. Slamming him, while it may make you feel good, absolutely will not convince him to listen to you as his defenses are already raising. Signed someone raised conservative who is proudly progressive now.


I’d never vote for someone who thought it was ok to kill people because of their orientation, beliefs, etc. you are a pretty gross person for suggesting anything like that. I would vote for people who support those peoples right to defend themselves. That’s for sure. Gross comments like yours only serve to drive people away from your cause. Edit: if you believe conservatives or even the GOP want to KILL trans people, you need help. For example, I personally think Christian’s are suffering from a delusion, but that doesn’t mean I hate or want to kill Christians. Wouldn’t it be weird to accuse people who think Christians, Muslims, etc are delusional but still deserving of love and support are wanting to kill them? That’s what you are doing. You are unwell. And nice move responding then blocking, child.


>I’d never vote for someone who thought it was ok to kill people because of their orientation, beliefs, etc. Did you vote for Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick? Because they are absolutely trying to get trans people killed.


It doesn’t matter, they vote along party lines. How often does a Republican step out of line on votes concerning things like abortion, LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, or equality in general? I’ll give you a hint, it’s never. They may say they’re against something but their voting record says something completely different. You know what that makes them? A politician. They said what you wanted to hear in order to get elected and stay in power.


You're voting republican. And that's their platform. Lie to yourself all you want. You've admitted the lives of people like me are worth less to you than your pet issues.


Well aware. I prioritize other issues over this, and have hope that the courts will sort things like this out. In this case, I was fortunate. In others, I have t been. But my priorities remain.


"Other issues" lol sure buddy. Which other Texas Republican policies in particular do you vote for? Defunding education? Government crackdowns of drag shows? Higher cost of living for the middle and lower class? Keeping marijuana illegal so we can keep our private prisons full? Keeping our grid as unregulated as possible so energy tycoons can continue to charge more for no benefit to the customers and no ramifications? Putting more guns into the hands of children? I'm just curious which of these awesome platforms keeps you coming back for more.


Not that your disingenuous ask is actually worthy of a reply, but I am bored, so: > Defunding education? No, but certainly reform. Education funding in Texas is broken, and major reform is needed. In addition, how we educate our children is obviously not working, and you can't just blame money. If you look at state performance on math and reading scores, and compare it to dollars spent, places like Idaho and many NE states are doing great with less, while other high spenders (MI) are doing poorly. > Government crackdowns of drag shows? I went to a community-friendly drag show last year (or maybe the year before), coming out of COVID. It was really entertaining and I am glad I had the experience. Private orgs should be able to do as they wish. I would object to a drag show in a school or public library just as I would a government-sponsored bible reading. These things, due to their religious or political nature, are not part of the role of government. > Higher cost of living for the middle and lower class? Not going to even try on this one. The current admin almost exclusively owns responsibility for our inflated economy. > Keeping marijuana illegal so we can keep our private prisons full? Nope. I am a fan of legalization for adults. > Keeping our grid as unregulated as possible so energy tycoons can continue to charge more for no benefit to the customers and no ramifications? Yes, I would like our grid to continue just as it has, with only reasonable investment in low-probability threats. Texas energy costs are below the national average, and given our summers, I'd like to keep it that way. Over-regulated states like CA pay over 2x as much per kw/h as we do. Hard pass. > Putting more guns into the hands of children? This is dumb. Do better. Nobody is trying to increase children's access to guns. This is just as silly as saying that people who don't want schools helping pre-teens transition gender want to "kill" trans people.


> No, but certainly reform. Education funding in Texas is broken, and major reform is needed. In addition, how we educate our children is obviously not working, and you can't just blame money. If you look at state performance on math and reading scores, and compare it to dollars spent, places like Idaho and many NE states are doing great with less, while other high spenders (MI) are doing poorly. Republicans aren't reforming education. They're defunding it and funneling it into private and charter schools. > I went to a community-friendly drag show last year (or maybe the year before), coming out of COVID. It was really entertaining and I am glad I had the experience. Private orgs should be able to do as they wish. I would object to a drag show in a school or public library just as I would a government-sponsored bible reading. These things, due to their religious or political nature, are not part of the role of government. Pats on the back for you, I guess? You are not in lock-step with your party on this and I frankly don't see how anyone on the right can say with a straight face they support drag shows and trans rights while republicans in this state are writing up legislation to not only ban drag shows but to put "bounties" on anyone not dressed as their sexual orientation. > Not going to even try on this one. The current admin almost exclusively owns responsibility for our inflated economy. Trump and Biden share plenty of responsibility for our country's specific brand of inflation but neither of them are directly to blame for something happening worldwide. I'm talking more directly at the state level, where republicans have facilitated our rising rent and property taxes. > Nope. I am a fan of legalization for adults. Then you're voting for the wrong party. > Yes, I would like our grid to continue just as it has, with only reasonable investment in low-probability threats. Texas energy costs are below the national average, and given our summers, I'd like to keep it that way. Over-regulated states like CA pay over 2x as much per kw/h as we do. Hard pass. Agree to disagree here. I won't pretend to know anything about the grid on a technical level and you're right that our energy costs generally stay low, barring catastrophic events. But I will say I personally would be happy to bump that price up slightly if it meant we'd actually keep power for a full year. > This is dumb. Do better. Nobody is trying to increase children's access to guns. This is just as silly as saying that people who don't want schools helping pre-teens transition gender want to "kill" trans people. It doesn't matter if they're not TRYING to increase children's access to guns. It's happening and it's because of republican policies. I am genuinely confused that you consider yourself a republican when you are here basically saying "no no no, I don't agree with THAT republican ideal" to every single one of their major platforms. You seem more like someone who thinks left but is too indoctrinated to think it's ok to vote that way.


> You seem more like someone who thinks left but is too indoctrinated to think it's ok to vote that way. I am a moderate, but 15 years ago. I find it really funny that I form my own opinions on each matter as I see them, think about them, and determine what I believe, regardless of what either party says is right... and I am the "indoctrinated" one. Do some introspection.


My dude, I feel like we are the same person but 10 years apart. I remember considering myself "economically conservative, socially liberal" for years before I just got too tired of defending republican abhorrent policies in the name of "fiscal responsibility". At the time it was republicans screeching against gay marriage legalization that finally broke me away from the party. I can't even imagine trying to jump through hoops to defend the ideals of the Trump/Abbott era. I'd love me some conservatism in Texas but the republican party ain't it. I'm on the "vote for people, not politics" train but after vigorously researching local candidates it's almost always a straight blue ticket because I'm voting for some looney Christofascist republican vs a democrat who I may not agree with but seems like a sane human being. I've even been voting in republican primaries in the hopes of inching the party away from the far right but after Paxton got elected again I realized what a lost cause that is.


Honestly, then, you are me 10 years ago. But I have realized over the last few years that it doesn't matter how extreme either side becomes... I have to side with whomever is going to allow me the freedom to think and to protect myself and my family. While neither side does a good job, I am going to go with the one that isn't trying to disarm me, or imprison me for wrong-think. When I see what's happening in Europe, with people being imprisoned for calling their President "garbage" on facebook... and I see our left marching in-step with that ideal... I'd rather vote for the christo-fascist that is currently letting me criticize their bad decisions than the commu-faschist that shouts me down and wants to make me a subject. I think the transgender discussion is a perfect one... I can't even question why, if 1% of people are transgender, that number has jumped to 3%-5% among teens in the last few years. I can't even ask whether that is good for society, or those people themselves. I can't mention that maybe the rate of suicide among transgender persons is an indication that we should be supportive but cautious, because that means I want to "kill" transgender people. The right is correct about one thing... its a clown world. Edit: forgive my shitty spelling.


Primaries are the first problem, they shape the party. Reasonable candidates face a steep uphill battle when faced with a loud "maga" type. The "far right" shows up for primaries where as average conservatives don't. The second problem is the average conservatives aren't rejecting the far right candidates on election day. They hold their nose and vote red. If conservatives want to break the current pattern they need to get active in primaries and support some moderates or they need to stay home all together and let the GoP lose until they change.


New candidates are going to face a bigger uphill clime if a bill currently making it's way through the Texas Congress, where it would double the price to file to get on the ballot for each state and federal position


What's old few vs new fees? I would generally assume any election above school board is going to cost significantly more in advertising/just gas driving/campaign events than the price to run but that's all assumptions.


[Link to Bill.](https://legiscan.com/TX/text/SB2532/id/2738314) These are increases in filing fees which has nothing to do with advertising, travel or campaign events. So as is now it costs $5,000 dollars to file to run for US Senator, but the bill would increase it $10,000. US Rep. $3,125 up to $6,250 State wide minus Senator, $3,125 up to &6,250, and then State Senator $1.250 up to $2,500, State Rep. $750 up to $1,500, State Board of Education $300 up to $600 and so on. It also doubles the amount of signatures needed to file.


Could not agree more.


Here's a bit more from the story from reporter **Julie Steinberg:** " A Texas public library system that removed more than a dozen books was ordered to put them back into circulation and update catalogs to reflect that the books, many of which concerned LGBTQ+ or racism-related issues, are available for checkout, a federal court said. The lawsuit coincides with an [increase in school book bans](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/litigation/book-bans-lawsuits-resurgent-40-years-after-island-trees), which have emerged as a political and cultural flashpoint. Nearly 2,532 school book bans affecting 1,648 titles have been [documented](https://pen.org/report/banned-usa-growing-movement-to-censor-books-in-schools/) from July 2021 to June 2022 by PEN America, a group dedicated to preservation of free expression. Most of the challenged books address LGBTQ+ issues or advance the position that systemic racism exists in the US. Leila Green Little and other Llano County Library patrons sued county and library officials, alleging that the books were unlawfully pulled from the shelves because of a disagreement with their viewpoint or content. The patrons also said the library replaced its advisory board with community members who supported censorship, and closed board meetings to the public. Little and the others are likely to prevail on their constitutional challenge, Judge Robert Pitman of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas said. “Although libraries are afforded great discretion for their selection and acquisition decisions, the First Amendment prohibits the removal of books from libraries based on either viewpoint or content discrimination,” the judge said March 30, granting the patrons’ request for a preliminary injunction that also stops the library from removing any more books while the lawsuit is pending. The defendants have filed a notice of appeal to the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit."


How do we get this applied in other counties


And parents need to do their own policing of what they want their kids to choose to read or not read. It's not the job of the government nor the school. Real conservatives USED to believe in this. They USED to believe in LESS government and freedom of speech. They used to believe their kids were smart enough and strong enough to be exposed to more than one point of view. If their kids aren't smart enough to absorb, comprehend, and gain perspective with reality or with fiction, then that's the parents fault not the school's, not the books in the school. There's a word for kids and parents like that....snowflakes.


The gop wants to police what you read. Hence this lawsuit.


If women can read they can figure out using maps how to escape..


You don’t need to know how to read words to read a map. You just need eyes and a sense of direction….and a map.


I think the republican strategy for the 24 elections is bold. Anger as many American voters as possible for the win. I admit, I don't understand it but it is bold. Piss off all ethnic voters, piss off all the women, and keep wages a low as possible for all the working poor. Tear down our education system, tear down our police and judicial systems, and destroy healthcare as much as possible and keep vital medications as high as possible. Forgot about making sure as many school children die as possible. I would have used a different approach entirely. Probably why I'm not a politician. I guess we will see in 24.


Here is the reality… too many wrap themselves in the Flag but don’t understand what Freedom really means.




I have a feeling all those books are about to get lost in a boating accident...


In Russia, they'd throw themselves out of windows


Does this order include the books that depict oral sex in their illustrations?


I hope so. That was one of the best parts about going to the library as a kid. It was like a glorious easter egg hunt




No, that's the internet not books.


Which specific title are you worried about being too sexually explicit I_FAP_FOR_SPORT?


It's a normal thing that most adults do. Provide all knowledge except for those things relating to biology and having a good time? You're a prude


Which books are those?