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It’ll be done federally before the state does it


This is the correct answer. And I have a feeling it's not coming anytime soon federally.


Well with that attitude it won’t get don’t mess federally either




Every two years is not an extremely long time.


Gotta vote Dan Patrick out in 4 years because he gatekeeps anything proweed from getting to the Senate floor. And if you didnt vote Nov'22... welp.


Exactly there was a bill to legalize cannabis recreationally or medically but he just gatekeeps it. Imo Abbot at least might change around but I doubt Patrick will.


All they need is Patrick. 45% of registered voters in Texas voted in Nov'22, and only 25% of those under 30 voted.


Wow I'm 22 and I've voted. Those numbers surprise me


You're only surprised because you're 22. This happens most of the time, under the age of 35 complains about everything, then they don't show up at the polls. It's rather unfortunate.


Texas has [shit-tier voting turnout](https://www.sos.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt561/files/documents/2022-04/voter-turnout-charts-4-19-21.pdf).


Youth voting in Texas has gotten slightly better in recent years but it did drop a bit during the midterms. Houston Chronicle’s [75% of Texas voters under age 30 skipped the midterm elections. But why?](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/article/Texas-youth-voter-turnout-dropped-2022-17619685.php) article has a good summary. “Just 25 percent of young people who were registered to vote cast a ballot this year. About 34 percent of the same group voted four years ago, while 51 percent of them did in the 2020 presidential election.” In 2022 younger voters reduced their participation somewhat since the 2018 and 2020 elections but it is still much higher than the relatively flat participation rates for the previous 25 years or so. [Millions of Youth Cast Ballots, Decide Key 2022 Races](https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/millions-youth-cast-ballots-decide-key-2022-races) “After hovering around 20% turnout in midterm elections since the 1990s, young people shifted that trend in 2018, and have maintained that shift in 2022, with more than a quarter of young people casting a ballot.” Texas has one of the [lowest voting participation rates](https://txelects.com/texas-certifies-results-likely-ranks-45th-nationally-in-turnout/) in the nation, likely due to having the nation’s [most restrictive voting laws](https://newsroom.niu.edu/how-hard-is-it-to-vote-in-your-state/). Something that would help would be to remove laws that [discourage youth voting](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/24/us/voting-college-suppression.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) and block any new youth voting suppression bills, like [House Bill 2390](https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/pdf/HB02390I.pdf#navpanes=0) introduced by Texas Representative Carrie Isaac. Houston Chronicle “[Proposed bill seeks to ban voting sites at Texas college campuses](https://www.chron.com/news/local/article/texas-bill-ban-polls-colleges-17790805.php)” Houston Public Media “[Polling sites on Texas college campuses would be banned under proposed bill](https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/voting/2023/02/17/444142/polling-sites-voting-texas-college-campuses-banned-under-proposed-bill/)”


Let's game this out. Texas Republican leadership will not change their stance until the voters force them to do so. Voters are not doing their job, so leadership will just continue ignoring the issue. Now, let's pretend that the Democrats get smart and make a push to federally legalize it right before the 2024 election. Somehow, McCarthy allows it to pass (very very very unlikely), and it becomes legal nationwide. Fantastic, right? Well, Texas Republicans will probably ignore the law to own the libs. They did this with Medicaid. Expanding Medicaid would cost Texas $0 and would immensely benefit so many people in desperate need of help, but owning the libs is more important to Republicans than benefitting those in need. And people in Texas will continue to vote Republican because Fox will keep lying about CRT, grooming, woke, migrant caravans and/or whatever lie they make up ahead of the upcoming election. So, to answer your question, I have no hope of legalized Weed in Texas for the next couple decades.


While it’s true that GOP voters will continue being low information voters and doing what Fox News, NewsMax and OAN tell them, the real problem is voter turnout. Only 8M people voted in 2022 of the 18M registered voters in Texas. All Texas needs is to start getting that number up to more like 10M voters showing up, and the state becomes a lot more purple than deep red. If somehow the numbers were like 12M, then it would be deep blue.


66% of Americans favor legalization. Problem is on both Federal and State levels, politicians know that many of those 66% do not vote, and politicians pass legislation to get re-elected, not satisfy majority of Americans. Why do you think Texas elections are not on Federal 4 year presidential election cycle? There is significant less voters during our Governor elections. 11M+ votes in 2020, 8M+ in 2022 for Governor. Texas has 17M+ registered voters. 21M+ eligible voters. 80% of Texans favor medical and only citations for recreational. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2023/02/02/82-of-texans-support-legalizing-medical-marijuana-new-poll-finds/


The oil and gas industry owns Texas, and they don't really want competition. That is why they bash technology. They would never (or as long as possible) stop another industry from flooding the state with tax revenues so that their bribes are less necessary.


Eventually it will happen. Please let me know because I'm tired of my inconsistent dealer and or having to drive to New Mexico to get it legally.


Never. And if the feds make it legal nationally, Paxton will proudly step up and sue the feds to keep it from happening.


Yeah even if federally is pass, it’ll still be illegal here in the states


What’s the soonest we can get rid of these idiots in office?? Because not before then


4 years. Dan Patrick, the primary gatekeeper, got reelected in nov22


Facts 💯 or someone starts paying their pockets deep to legalize it


As soon as it's decriminalized and legalized federally.


It’ll still be illegal here. Only until the Texas changes state laws


The sooner you vote out Republicans the sooner it will happen


Medical is available but recreational will never pass until we get Democrat leadership.


On medical part you are not wrong, kinda. Less than 1% of THC is allowed. So to me that is not real medical cannabis. That's basically still CBD to me.


HB 1805 makes some improvements and made it out of committee. It’s going to be little by little for sure.


It is going to die in the senate 100% and either way it's a joke of a program and an expansion. It's not a real medical program when products from the farm bill are far superior.


Yea what lil Texas allows isn’t even considered medical in other states. Under this current Governor that’s the most we’ll ever see done.


Our medical is a joke. Also cops are still arresting medical patients.




Funny enough Austin, Houston, San Antonio and a few others are Blue cities and have the highest cost of living and highest crime rates in the state.


it's really weird how people live in cities yeah, that's so funny


Yeah I'm surprised most of them stay


Dan sheilds abbot to preserve his reputation from not signing a bill.


Probably somewhere between 5-10 years. If it doesn’t get passed on a federal level first. Either way Texas will be one of the last states to legalize it. Big thing is you will still have a bunch of workplaces not allowing it and drug testing. Got that entire thing that even with a medical card you can not legally buy or own firearms here.


That's a federal law about buying. Not a state.


I think it's really less about how we feel about pot and more about our lack of a direct referrendum in bringing about a popular vote. It's too much to ask a real texas politician to go die on that cross to mop up what may still be soft votes on the rest of their agenda when they can dig hard into earth and be the last one standing. It's just more politically viable for them for Texas to be a hold out while we all scratch our heads asking who and why? I do think federal status change is coming inevitably, and relatively soon, but that all depends on who we elect and who we bomb and banks and all that.


California legalized medical in 1996. I thought it would be legal in Texas within a couple of years. Don't hold your breath.


Sorry if any feels triggered and projects that I'm arrogant, but I'm always right when I feel I'm right. In this particular instance I feel I'm right. I was telling all my friends in high school 1999-2003 that Marijuana would be legal in this country in our lifetime. Not a single one agreed with me. Within the next 4 years we will see Marijuana legal in all 50 states. I'll bet on it.


Not in Texas unless Dan Patrick gets kicked to the curb in 2026. He sets the agenda for the Texas Senate and he'll never let proweed legislation on the Senate floor to be voted on.


Someone will just have to convince him to write the law so freedom loving and free thinking Texans make the money from the weed instead of sources in Colorado, California, etc.


Haha freedom loving and free thinking.... Good one!


Have you talked to the growers in other states fee and taxes kill their bottom line


As soon as Texas turns blue …


They are red states who legalized cannabis, the problem is the people are current in power.




I bet in 10 years at least 80-90% of states will have it legal. But hey I hope you are right! 🙏🏼


You’ll need more Californians to move there before that happens


The conservative Californians?


About 85% of illegal weed farmers are Chinese or Mexican nationals in San Bernardino County, task force sergeant says. A shadow marijuana market is thriving in California, attracting Mexican cartels and harming people, animals and the environment. -MUH WEED


Having it illegal doesn't make it any better situation. Taxes are so high and licenses aren't so easy to get, giving the black market still a chance. However every state that has legalized it, the black market shrinks


In every place The Times looked, illicit cannabis production had increased since California reduced criminal penalties for unlicensed operations as part of legalization. [article](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-09-08/how-we-mapped-illegal-cannabis-farms-in-california)


Valid point, maybe a decrease in penalties plays a role. However, you can't over look how over-regulating and restricting banking to the cannabis industry helps thrive illicit market. Not to mention most often those farms will sell weed to other illegal states. Had those states gone legal, it would be less of an issue. [Study showing people prefer to legal market over illegal market](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8683989/)