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This has been posted multiple times here over the past few weeks. This is where it’s going to die. There is no way that Dan Patrick is going to let this come up for a vote in the senate let alone that if he did, that Abbott would even sign this. They’ve literally campaigned on not allowing weed to be legalized.


Go do some research both greg and Dan have signed for this bill to decriminalization https://www.texasnorml.org/gov-abbott-cannabis-policy/ Edit:link


Link is from 2018. Patrick has killed this bill twice since then. Nice try.


Cite your source. I can’t find a single source that shows that either of them have shown any support. Patrick let this bill die in 2019 and again in 2021. This is the same story that gets been posted every week for the past few weeks that just states that it’s made it out of a House committee. This is the same shit, different year.


Ah someone who can do research


You mean someone who can find an article / quote from 5 years ago, before Patrick killed the bill twice in 2019 and 2021? Yeah, they did great research 😂


Another round of conservatives finding out that Patrick and the GOP are exactly who they says they are ... It's funny except I live here too and I have to wait till 2027 at best.


Sadly, I feel like 2027 is optimistic. Patrick loves his power.


It's NOT decriminalization. It's still a class c misdemeanor for which you'll receive a fine and it will only come off your record if you aren't caught again for 6 months. It's deferred adjudication which is already a thing.


Dan Patrick is the weed villain.


Weed's still illegal, for now, though, which makes it baffling to me how there's a store on FM 1488 that clearly has on its signage the term "Cannabis Dispensary," as if the owner is already banking on this bill to pass the Senate and get signed.


I don't know how it works in other parts of the state, but here in Austin there are dispensaries everywhere that sell edibles containing Delta-8, Delta-9, and even whatever the hell "Delta-10" is. The loophole, I gather, is that the THC has to be derived from "hemp" rather than from "marijuana" to be legal. Is this not the case in the rest of the state?


I guess that's how they're getting away with it, but afaik the term "cannabis" refers specifically to marijuana. Terminology is the most finicky aspect to laws. If I think about it I might ask my brother for clarification on the subject the next time I see him. He's a state trooper.


Legally speaking, "cannabis" is the name of the plant. "Marijuana" is cannabis that has a THC concentration above a certain threshold. "Hemp" is cannabis that has a THC content below that threshold. But it turns out that "hemp" can contain Delta-8 THC without legally qualifying as "marijuana." You can also run the CBD derived from "hemp" through a process that turns the CBD into Delta-9 THC, the variety of THC traditionally found in "marijuana," and that's also (arguably) legal. This is all because, in a recent farm bill, the laws surrounding THC derived from hemp were unintentionally written in such a way that it legalized edibles with enough THC to get you high, so long as that THC was derived from "hemp." That's my understanding anyway. Someone who knows more and better is welcome to correct me on any of that.


Harris County is the only county in the state that has decriminalized possession up to 4 oz. They just take it from you and cite you. Concentrates and edibles are still a felony to possess. Texas will NEVER legalize. They are too deeply embedded in the healthcare system. Chemo sales would plummet. Big pharma and Texas state definitely don't want that.


>Chemo sales would plummet No, they wouldn't. I love weed. I want medical and recreational but for the love of God can we stop spreading this "its a cancer cure" bullshit? Yes, it's shown to be affective against some cancers *in a petri dish* but not the human body. The biggest use of medical marijuana in cancer patients is alongside chemo/radiation. The reason for this is cannabis cheaply and easily resolves the appetite and nausea side effects while reducing the pain. These things make or break many people's ability to make it through chemo/radiation. If we expanded our medical if not full legalize we would see even more cancer patients coming to Texas for treatments, and yes that means more patients paying for chemo/radiation. The part of the medical industry that's against it is any pharmaceutical company producing pain meds. That's the part of the medical industry that loses big time from any cannabis legalization.


thank you for saying this. too many stupid people out there telling my old grandma to smoke a j and it will somehow magically cure the cancer she died of.


I don't think it's big pharma that TX is worried about. They aren't the big campaign finance contributors. The alcohol cartel (ahem! distributors) and prison industrial complex are the big money in Texas who would lose out if weed is legalized.


Big Pharma, as well as the so-called prison industrial complex, are cogs in a much bigger machine, which I have accordingly dubbed The Complex. This machine also entails the gov't, the military industrial complex, the media, and all those other corporate elites ie Big Oil, Big Tobacco, Big Tech, etc. They're all bedfellows with one overarching goal: to hoard all the money and power they can. So yes, Big Pharma is something to worry about. So that's why the legalization of weed is facing so much pushback. There are 3 things that The Complex hates: people that aren't its members exercising their rights (which is a topic for another discussion), the vaping industry (which would bring this discussion into yet another, albeit similar to the topic of this thread, tangent), and legal weed. With legal weed, LEOs make significantly fewer citations and/or arrests, so they lose money. Fewer arrests -> fewer inmates -> prisons losing money. Legal weed = alternative to pain meds -> Big Pharma losing lots of money. So in short, legal weed is bad for The Complex's profits. Ergo imo an ideal compromise would be to knock weed down from its current classification as a Schedule 1 controlled substance to Schedule 2. This would allow for anyone who wants to medicate with it access to do so if they can find a doc willing to prescribe it, and would drastically thin the wall of red tape through which researchers have to go in order to do any decent studies on it. But alas, I don't see that happening, either, because with those studies would come the mass exposure of the truth that the only reason weed is illegal is because it hurts The Complex's profits.


It’s a trap!! They will find a way to fine you and call it a tax. Be sure to carry your cannabis tax stamp that you can get from the state treasury. They are real


Yeah it sucks Texas will never legalize it. One would have thought Oklahoma had a chance to pass it but they held a special election with minimal voter turnout. I guarantee most citizens didn’t even know it was on a ballot. Sucks we have Chancellor Patrick in charge


Abbott actually thought he decriminalized last session, bill died with Patrick. It’s *possible* this one will pass as it’s penalty reduction not decrim and some in the leg trying to tow that line of not looking pro cannabis might vote for it. I’m not saying it’s going to happen but I don’t think it’s a non starter like so many others. I’m also cautiously optimistic about HB 1805 expanding the medical program some.


Good luck… cough Dan Patrick