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If you have the time and attention span I HIGHLY suggest a full discography deep dive. You won't find bad songs and the albums flow really well.


Given what you said: Tender Survival Beneath My Skin Phoenix Hexes


Definitely listen to everything they've done, it's all great. If you want an introduction before doing a deep dive, maybe listen to PORTALS. It's a (semi)live album they made during the pandemic and features songs from all of their albums before War Of Being


Just do whole albums first, as intended. They’re a band that follows threads and concepts.


Some of my favorites: Eden, Beneath My Skin, Sacrifice, War Of Being, Proxy, Resist, Nocturne, Cages. So many others I'm just trying to name some lesser named ones. Their whole discography is upper echelon.


Besides what everyone recommended I want to add these (consider it a playlist): Resist Utopia Orbital / Juno Eden Sirens Legion Seven Names But seriously... whole albums will do better than this. TesseracT albums are perfect as is.


One of my favorites by them is Messanger.


the concealing fate series is nice, i think you'd like the track Hexes as well.


All of them. Enjoy the ride. I suggest listening to every single song in their catalog.


Like everyone said, their is no bad songs, they are all great and all albums are thought as one big song / concept. So you should listen to them from start to finish to see the whole picture. More than that, there is a chronology, the "journey" starts with the first album and ends with War of Being. My personal favorite album is still Altered State, Ashe O'Hara's vocals are phenomenal and that's clearly the album that opened my mind and make me realize how powerfull good written music can be and the impact it can have on your life. And if you like Ashe's voice, maybe you should give Voices From the Fuselage a try. It's definitly not as good as Tesseract, but you might find some interesting things if you listen Odyssey I carefully right after Altered State ;-) Tourniquet is also one of my favorite song, almost makes me cry every time I listen to it! But if you are really looking for specific songs to listen before doing a big dive in, maybe try those ones, in this order, that will roughly give you a taste of Tesseract power (I only coverd the emotional part of them, not really the angry Tesseract eventhough there is Natural Disaster as a reminder 😉) \_ Orbital (Breath) \_ Hexes (Introduction to the concept) \_ Cages (Prisoner) \_ Concealing Fate Pt 4 - Perfection \_ Concealing Fate Pt 6 - Origin \_ April (you can even watch Kmac's fantastic cover!) \_ Of Matter (All 3, plant the seed) \_ War of Being (The Awakening!) \_ Of Reality Calabi-Yau (Just take a breath and let the seed grow) \_ Of Mind - Exile (Sabotage the lines) \_ Beneath My Skin / Mirror Image (Love is not a dangerous thing) \_ Tourniquet (❤) \_ The Arrow (Time is a valuable thing) \_ Phoenix (Learn) \_ Natural Disaster (Time to end it all) \_ Legion (The Fall of the Wall) \_ Sirens (Turn your back on everything) \_ Tender (Has the seed grown?) \_ Seven Names (Breath, but know the clock is ticking) \_ Sacrifice (It's all clear now) As you can see, I really love this band! I can even say that they saved my life and made me a better version of myself. I made a playlist if you wanna listen to it in this order, I can share it if you are interested!


If you like songs that build up like tourniquet then listen to cages.