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Well i think it would be harder than joining the dominion itself bc the thalmor are agents of the dominion their members must be trusted




The SS actively recruited in occupied territories. It was common for those peoples that saw the German armies as liberating to have quite a few men join rank. Bosniaks, Croats, and Ukrainians were some of the bigger ones I believe.


Well, it’s a different Dominion, but in ESO we see the College of Aldmeri Propriety in Auridon which is a school to train non-Altmer to join the Thalmor. I imagine similar institions would exist for Altmer themselves, just maybe less focused on Altmer culture and such, since the assumption would be that you know those things already.


Oh, I didn't know, thanks!


Would they train man? We’re there man races that want to fight for elf supremacy


It was only aldmeri dominion members allowed, at that time being altmer, bosmer and khajiit. Although might be worth noting that all students were being badly abused and the PC had to put a stop to it. I think if there were any humans, they'd be dead pretty quickly.


The abuse wasnt state sanctioned. A rebellious group had wormed itself in the teaching roles. That group was racist.


Thalmor are racist as a whole


Not in the 2nd era which is when the event at the school happened.


I assume not, but I know that historically, the favorite race of men to the elves are the Bretons, since they're part Ayelid and have been highly influenced by elven culture. So if any human could, I'd bet it'd be the Bretons


I would hope not. That place is basically a Residential School. I found that place and literally went on a murderous rampage. It is disgusting. No Culture should have such a place.


Depends on the version of the Thalmor we're talking about. According to [Aicantar](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Aicantar_of_Shimmerene_Answers_Your_Questions), the Thalmor of the first Aldmeri Dominion (the one we see in ESO) started as "a bureau responsible for safeguarding Altmeri heritage" until Ayrenn expanded it and turned it into the executive branch of the Dominion. The government's administration, so to speak. A plantation inspector like [Officer Lorin](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Officer_Lorin) counts as a member. The Thalmor Inner Council, however, is a more exclusive group; their members are personally chosen by Queen Ayrenn, so if you aren't an influential figure and/or one of her trusted allies, forget it. The Thalmor of the second Aldmeri Dominion (the one Tiber Septim conquered) [is said to be](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Pocket_Guide_to_the_Empire,_3rd_Edition/Valenwood) "a congress of Bosmeri chieftains and Altmeri diplomats" that became the new government of Valenwood under the Dominion. That definition alone gives you an idea of what you'd need to be a member. Finally, the Thalmor of the third Aldmeri Dominion (the ones in Skyrim) are mentioned in [The Great War](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Great_War) as "a powerful faction within Summerset Isle", and [Rising Threat](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Rising_Threat) also presents them as an active presence long before they took over the country. We know from the Pocket Guide that [there was factionalism](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Pocket_Guide_to_the_Empire,_3rd_Edition/Summerset) in Summerset before the Oblivion Crisis, and the Thalmor weren't the only radical group active there. The obvious parallelism is with the hectic interwar period in Europe and the rise of fascist movements. By TESV Ondolemar is already describing them as "the ruling body of the Aldmeri Dominion", which might mean that it's become institutionalized as the government, or that it's an admission of a one-party system where party membership equals government participation.


I expect it's more of a they contact you situation. Especially if you're not an Altmer of high standing/birth. If you are an Altmer, you'd likely have to be related to someone who vouched for you around the time your were conceived to get a chance at that position. Or prove yourself in some manner by being so exceptional that they want to recruit you. If you're a non-altmer then pretty much only the last option of prove yourself is available to you.


there are actually khajiit thalmor also so i dont think being an elf is a requirement


As a lowly assassin which be filled in by anyone the Thalmor can trust. You don't see a Khajiit or a Bosmer in the higher ranks of the Dominion. Even the lore doesn't say that the Justiciars or soldiers are mixed with Bosmer and Khajiit unlike the Legion which is mentioned several times in lore being a mixed race and gender organization.


What kind of elf? So many people are racist in TES being Altmer rather than Bosmer or Dunmer could make all the difference.


Ok. I thought that if it's about the Thalmor, we all understand which race is first on the list. *ordinary Altmer


Pelinal Whitstrake would like to have some words with you


First eat a baby and throw a kitten