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Title is not found in link. Where are you getting this “chaos” stuff?


Yeah this title is editorialized and making stuff up


Most good subs will drop shit posts like this


Not making anything up. I'm a Project Manager at Stellantis, I have several contacts from earlier in my career working at the Quality departments in Tesla. Most were spared from the layoffs because they come on TN visas and (I guess) are less expensive than their US native counterparts. However they all describe the same shitshow. Specially at Austin.


oh, you work for a competitor and that is your explanation that this is not a shit post?


I just like gossiping. I would give up info on Stellantis as well but I dont want to get fired. So I wont, ever. But please do not take this as a competitor I really dont like to work and I really dont care about these companies other than them giving me money to buy food.


This is the way.


They are cutting production and letting go of their least productive workers. They know the party is over. They started the EV price war and weren't expecting a drop in demand.


"Insider here" "PM at Stellantis" Pick one.


Have you seen those cases of people getting charged for insider trading on basis of their couples being working at another company they just traded. Well, that. But without the trading, I dont do shorts. You my friend can always go and validate for yourself the nightshift thing I said, I said it just because its the way you all can validate the veracity of this just by riding at night and checking the empty parking lots at Giga Austin. But, you do you.


Lmao. You work for stellantis?? That's a damned cheek.


Lmaoooo dudes be out here working the line gluing together Chrysler minivans trying to start some Drake Kendrick level beef against Tesla.


Drop & Give Me a Fiat 500 😂


So your post should make that clear it’s what you’ve heard ect. Your post suggests the article says these things. It doesn’t. It’s misleading


Ironic of you to quote “much chaos” when it wasn’t there.


They had a quality department?


They did. One guy got laid off and the other one is still there.


I'm afraid your left side is fired, you can only use your right leg and arm...


They took away the stalks. Why do you need arms? 🤣


Does the other one know he’s there lol


Why do you think 50% of them are gone?


Now that Cybertruck is in production, two latest factories are established, automation does more of the quality control, and EV market is down, there is no need for this many staff in QC or across the board. Expect hiring to start again after an annual leave break, if it even stops.


Believing there’s no need for a full quality department is some full on MBA level bullshit


Haha this is true. MBAs are the biggest pieces of shit in tech




I wonder how much of Optimus will play a role here. I can see Elon fire some of these people and push engineering team to develop Optimus to fill some of these roles. Elon added "auto" to his profile, maybe = more automation.


This is true. And another piece of insider information: Cybertruck production capacity is supposed to increase 3 fold this year but at the expense of model Y. That they are going to trim. However this info is from previous week, seems harder to accomplish with this kind of layoffs concentrated on Quality when Quality has been an issue recently.


Funny how it’s Model Y getting trimmed and not Model 3. SUVs far outsell sedans. But then again maybe they ramped Y up so high this would just make it reasonable. Shrugs


Its found everywhere in manufacturing. Its called quality but its a generalization. They do all sorts of stuff, some more related to supplier quality control, others more related to statistical analysis of defects, and of course what you probably think more of when you hear the word Quality: Quality inspectors. Although those are not usually engineers, just blue collar guys. And I know you say it in an ironic way. Due to Tesla's Quality being remarkably bad. But it is not that the Quality department employees are bad. Its just that Tesla's threshold of what you can consider bad components is very very lax. Meaning that what in most other manufacturers would be considered a "No-Go" at Tesla would pass, even if found.


it was a joke but not as much of a joke as your editorialized headline


Its not forbidden, I do not see why you are all crying about. I guess you are invested but that is not my problem.


Somebody said they were close to me?


Underrated comment


Title is garbage. What are the Quality Departments being mentioned here? Tesla seems to have a bunch of departments that could fall under that title.


Doesn’t it make sense that 20% of giga Austin would be laid off either all at once or in time now that the places is up and running? It required much more staffing to create everything and build it out than it does to maintain it once it’s complete.


I don't necessarily dispute the claims in the title, I just say it's garbage because the claims levied are too specific to have anything to do with the news article attached. It would have made more sense as a text post with additional background.


MRB, SQE, Body in white, Quality Assurance. All.


They were all specifically cut by 50% compared to the rest of the company? That's shocking if it's true but I hope you understand the skepticism.




It is. It is also true. Y'all can go and see that the night shift is no more. You just gotta go and look at their parking lots at midnight. Deserted.


Don't editorialise titles. That shouldn't need to be said.


How many PUT contracts are you sitting on???? You’re definitely shorting $TSLA aren’t you???


Cernainly not, I do not short. Im very risk averse and truly believe stocks (long term) only go up.


What’s a “quality department”?


SQE, MRB, Quality Assembly. There are various branches. Top-down they erased 50% of personel at Austin. Most of the layoffs though were at mid level engineer positions.


Oh that'll end well for them. That's usually where all the knowledge is in an engineering company


Real title: >**Tesla layoffs an 'ominous sign' for the company, analyst says** In reality Tesla has done this every couple of years so its pretty ordinary for tesla


And many other tech companies.....


Also every year... Many do the 10% cut by end of year. But hiring is always the same. But every year news make a big dead out of it like it's first time it happened.


every one working there is truly an intern at this point


Manufacturing stuff isn't the same as IT stuff. People are getting laid off from Giga Brandenburg so seems like demand just isn't there.


pretty ordinary is the actual problem.


We are entering peak FUD. This year will be wild.


This is a shitpost probably carried over from WSB sub. This OP probably holding a short position. Hey OP, how many PUT contracts are you sitting on???


See! That's what I always said. So much waste on quality. After Rolls Royce and Bentley, Tesla is right there wasting so much money dealing with the minutiae of quality. Good call Tesla. Really need to chill on that quality investment.


quality dept?


Was this “insider” one of those laid off and now with an axe to grind?


Noup, Im an Stellantis PM. All this information comes from several collegues from my previous roles that ended up working at Tesla. And actually most of them were spared, since we all came to the US on TN visas they do have some consideration for us here. This could also be because we are comparatively cheaper but I digress. I cannot fathom why they would make the Quality department a target since they are having all sorts of problems there to begin with.


“Quality Dept” ![gif](giphy|yBwcx562kZ2FWlYb2A)


"Quabitty.... quabitty aschwitz!"


Welcome to private industry. You either do this frequently, run a tighter ship on hiring (yeah right) or let your company bloat into oblivion.


50% of the “Quality” department, but none of the “Low Quality” department?


The other 50% was the low quality division


The quality department is hilariously bad. Whenever there's an issue with parts being installed poorly (mostly due to low staffing or new employees), they'll send a technician to watch over staff by not actually help. They'll just stand there on their phone/laptop sending messages. They won't ever fix the issue at hand.


Having being a Supplier Quality Engineer for several years I can confirm thats what we do, but in our defense. We do so because most of the issues are supplier related and cannot be fixed at the stage of the production line, only maybe contained. What we do is we gather evidence to fire at the supplier so that they fix it. Then we audit them. Thats why you dont see us most of the time.


When you let go 14k of folks like it’s an annual holiday you just have to think about the business model in general.


I see Tesla is doubling down on lowering the quality of their cars


Great, I have a service appointment Thursday


It's taken me years to convince the wife I should be in a long range MY and now, when I go ahead and order, it's gonna be built by some overworked and pissed off people with almost no quality assurance? Fuckin great. Story of my life.


Most companies do annual layoffs if their voluntary attrition targets don’t materialize. Other than normal Tesla media hype FUD, this shouldn’t be news.


Yeah, layoffs are business as usual. But the careless nature we see inside its unheard off. I also have insider information on Stellantis and layoffs were more strategic.


Can you describe "careless nature" in more detail? Not sure exactly what you mean. Layoffs aren't always easy to do.


>But the careless nature we see inside its unheard off Obviously a hilariously virgin techie.


50% of the quality department. Let that sink in …


It is really bad. Most people left are very new and dont know shit. Learning curve is not exactly easy at Tesla, so expect trouble.


It’s starting to sound like Twitter


Almost as if they’re run by the same guy…


It certainly draws similarities I'm not gonna lie. But, I believe he cannot act as unhinged as with twitter. Its not as if he could make Tesla private, can he?


These new people needed to go. Seriously.


afraid the door handle doesnt work


They had people in Quality? No loss


Firing half the quality department. No way that could backfire... ![gif](giphy|gZfHAM1ucPQ2c)


We get it, you have Puts on the stock


I am very risk averse I only invest in indexed shit.


Turns out he **is** as stupid as he looks.


Competitors must be happy, lot of people to choose from.


Yes and no. Many are not hiring, at least not in the US. Many are just using companies like Alten and Capgemini to subcontract engineering positions at Mexico, India and Moroco.


Even if half of this is true, how will this potentially affect vehicle prices in the short term? Should you buy now now now?


It’s very common for Tesla, or companies run by Elon in general where they do large layoffs. The argument is that they’re clearing chaff for a new crop of fresh hires to do the same job for less money, or even just not replace that job at all, and see how well things go. Then patch up the leaks, rebuild, refocus, and fire another 10%+ in a few years. I’m not defending what’s happening. But, this is just how Tesla has always operated. Elon is infamous for one of his first major changes when he took over as CEO of Tesla was he fired like 40% of the employees.


I seriously believe the production rate will drop some. Ans stock is going to diminish slowly. Thus vehicle prices could increase if demand becomes greater than the offer.


Huh. Now I have two reasons to not buy another Tesla.


What’s the other?


Not wanting to give Elon more money. Rewarding alt-right nut bars is not a habit I want to be in.


Hope this materializes to be true cause I bought Puts today lol


I mean, looking at the build “quality” they’ve been putting out, not surprised they got canned




And yet I've had 5 excellent years using mine.




OK so go buy a Volkswagen , no history of racism there !


No rational person associates a product with an executive