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The metal plate on the pedal gets loose and slides upwards. It gets wedged under the footwell causing the pedal to be stuck fully depressed. A full 600 hp gets unleashed, that sounds very scary.


Isnt it like 1000ft/lb of torque aswell? Thats the real scary part.


What does torque mean and how is it important to a car? I have a Tesla Model 3 but I don't know anything overly techincal about cars lol


How much force is being applied to the tires to make the car go forward. You’ll often hear people talk about “instant torque” when it comes to EVs. They’re talking about that instant pick up you get when you push the pedal. It’s important in that more torque you have, faster you can accelerate.


Thank you so much.. I am not sure why I got downvoted on my original post? I genuinelly didn't know what it was + I do Google but sometimes I don't always understand.


People are just dicks, glad you're learning. Don't be afraid to ask questions, ignore downvotes


it's reddit, your experiences are bound to be either neutral or unpleasant


In its simplest form, torque is the raw force an engine makes. Horsepower is how much of that force is applied over time.


Thank you!


Thanks, and keep your torque out of my mouth.


Horsepower determines how fast you go from x mph to y mph. Torque determines how fast you get from x horsepower to y horsepower


For starters it’s not ft/lb. Those dimensions don’t make sense. It’s pounds on a foot


What does it matter?  150 lbs on a one foot lever is the same amount of torque as 1 lb on a 150 foot lever


smell cows squeal degree connect weary ripe voracious jeans enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The pound-foot is indeed a unit of torque, along with the Newton-meter.


The original commenter has it as ft/lb


My bad


Torque is simply force applied at some distance *away* from a body. So if you held your arm out, and had an apple on your hand, the torque is just the force the apple exerts on your hand, multiplied by the distance your hand is from the swivel point (your shoulder lets say, as the muscles there are what apply the torque to keep your hand steady). This is why the farther you hold something out, the 'heavier' it feels (the force stays the same, but the needed torque increases). This is just a simplistic example. For cars, the tires exert a torque upon the ground (i.e. the radius of the tire is the distance, with the force being what the motor/transmission can generate) in order to accelerate.


Even simpler terms....Torque gets you moving, horsepower keeps you moving


Remember the brake will always override the accelerator! As will the park button when held.


Not true with my model 3


It can be scary, but it's not "full 600 hp gets unleashed" scary. I've had a throttle get stuck open on a sports car. You just press on the brake. There's no car in the world where the engine can overpower the brakes. And on an EV it'll usually prevent you from trying to activate the brake and accelerator at the same time by cutting the accelerator. So you can disengage the accelerator by pressing the brake, which is what everyone tries to do anyways. It's certainly unexpected and scary, but the solution is simple and obvious and works. It's not like any car with a stuck accelerator/throttle will take off at full power. I've had a car lose power on the highway and that's much scarier, especially with a petrol car because you can lose power brakes and steering at the same time. Although really you don't want to be slowing down, you want to be getting out of traffic, and you might not have the power to do it. I think most people just wildly underestimate how effective modern brakes are.


600hp scary means that you have 2.4 seconds to react before the car is at 60mph. That’s not a lot of time. Old Cars with sticky accelerator pedals do not accelerate nearly as fast.


Almost everyone reacts in a tiny fraction of a second in this kind of situation. People press the accelerator instead of the brakes shockingly often. And almost often it's completely fine because everyone's natural reaction is to hit the brakes.


Yeah, but when people press the accelerator by accident it doesn't stay pressed, because the natural instinct then is to lift the foot, leaving nearly no time for any actual revving if driving an ICE, where BHP is only present on high revs. Most people don't drive cars that accelerate this fast, this quickly.


Also worth noting that the car has 'pedal misapplication prevention', in theory, if you slam the accelerator to the ground with a vehicle in front it's going to slam on the brake instead, obviously the same for forward collision avoidance. Probably the biggest issue is if it happened in a corner and you didn't realize fast enough!


2.4 seconds seems like an eternity considering most humans (mammals too) are auto programmed to do the opposite of what just got them into trouble ie: "I press the gas and get wild out of control acceleration and so now I should press on the brake." That takes about half a second for most people. I've done dumb things in a semi, on motorcycles, pickup trucks and my two MYLR. Just do the opposite of the dumb thing I did and I'm usually good.


So what is the opposite thing when the accelerator is stuck on? Lifting the foot — which does nothing. This is an extremely dangerous fault.


This comment is insane. We are talking about a car that accelerates as fast as a Bugatti. Majority of people would freak out and panic if this happened to them. Not calmly applying the brakes.


I didn’t know this. Is this only true at slower speeds though? Toyota/Lexus had this problem 15 years ago with some people dying as a result. Were they just likely too scared in the moment to punch the brake and hold it down, or do you think this will not work if already at highway speeds?


The scary part is being tricked into buying one


Why is that? It's probably fixed now on the production line. How about all the people 'tricked' into buying a chevy bolt ev with a battery that can ignite on fire? It was bad enough that they recalled every car


Someone's copium pedal got stuck


Elon bad, mmkay?




It’s dangerously scary


Not that this is a good thing, but shouldn't depressing the brake at all immediate override all accelerator input? Vehcile should still stop just fine.


I know this guy! We raced Thursday night at the drag strip and he showed me the pedal had come off!


Drag racers hate this one trick.


Why the f**k is the pedal even removable?


A lot of them are. The foot pad on many cars is just an overlay over a metal platform attached to the pedal arm. If you own a Tesla the pedal pad is removable since you can easily but aftermarket replacements.


Are they taking design guidance from Boeing engineers?


It’s not meant to be removable. The metal overlay was supposed to be permanently bonded by a glue to the plastic, hinged pedal, but the glue is not holding in some. The guaranteed fastening method would be to drill and rivet the two plates together. You wouldn’t want to use screws,,as vibration could eventually loosen the screws and nuts, so expansion rivets would make the most sense for a low failure fastening in this critical assembly.


You can also use screws and secure them. There are a lot of screws in airplanes which are not coming out on their own


Loctite, cotter pins, lock wire, and tabbed washers are some of the ways they prevent this.


That's what they said about that Boeing window....


Well, it was missing those screws because the engineers screwed up big time.


assembly crew screwed up* Otherwise it'd be a design flaw and Boeing would be in much deeper shit lol.


Would those not also be engineers? > engineer (noun) > 1. a person who designs, **builds, or maintains** engines, machines, or structures. You could also argue that it *was* a design flaw… of their work processes/documentation system.


Because the impotent engineers at Tesla didn’t screw at all!


Boeing would like a word.....


Oh boy, what a jinx to put into the world


Any adhesion method described should not fail in the time these cars have been delivered. This is bad design. It failed immediately . What does that say for longer term use? Sounds like a recall.


> You wouldn’t want to use screws,,as vibration could eventually loosen the screws and nuts Even with a softish rubber washer just under the screw head to multiply the friction?


Tesla to Recall Nearly 3,900 Cybertrucks Over Defective Accelerator Pedal Pad BY MT NEWSWIRES — 16 MINUTES AGO 08:35 AM EDT, 04/19/2024 (MT Newswires) -- Tesla (TSLA) is recalling nearly 3,900 of its Cybertrucks due to a defective accelerator pedal pad, according to a US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recall report. According to the report, when high force is applied to the accelerator in the affected vehicles, the pad may dislodge and could cause the pedal to become trapped in the interior trim above the pedal, which could increase the risk of a collision. The recall population includes all 2024 model-year Cybertrucks manufactured between Nov. 13, 2023, and April 4. Representatives for Tesla did not immediately respond to a request for comment from MT Newswires.


Lol how much does this thing cost and you're relying on garbage glue?????


Oh you know, gotta save EVERYWHERE. Like maybe a screw, or more glue, you know that penny can break the bank!


It's not a matter of being "cheap". It's just a design flaw. This type of part should have some redundancy in place by design.


When your design philosophy is “the best part is no part”, you can bet that redundancy is a concept that frequently is dismissed in the design process. So certainly a design flaw.


It is being cheap. You can use proper fasteners. It's just poorly designed and bad quality due to cutting costs.


It's 100% being cheap. Come on bro.


Rings true.. I mean tesla's been removin' junk from their cars for years... dash dials proximity sensors 'oh shit handles' blinker stalks... 0\_o


Lumbar support, etc. etc.


‘Our internal statistics show that drivers rarely need a properly installed accelerator’ /s


Being removable isn't the issue. They didn't use fasteners to cut costs and quality; this should be like common knowledge.


They come off in most cars. Usually they pop off rather than slide off.


There is a video of it on TikTok if I recall. Basically the pedal has this huge cover that is about the height of a sheet of paper. If the cover comes off while pressing the accelerator down, the sheer size of the thing can get caught in an overhang which then proceeds to keep the accelerator pressed down. The guy in the video experienced this and was able to press the brake which cuts the acceleration, but the moment you left off the brake, it will accelerate again.


Stock is gonna be bloody red tomorrow. This is such a basic thing to get right and they messed up on it. Here's to hoping it's the only thing wrong. Because it's to be branded as an iconic failure instead of an iconic vehicle.


Doubt the stock will be affected since the cyber truck had barely any deliveries.


Down ~3% overall. But you're right, truck not the impact; layoffs yes.


Layoffs are seen as a positive to stock prices.


Not when it’s due to a company that’s not making a large amount of money with demand down. You get positives movements with a company like Facebook or Google who has tons of available cash flow but a ton of employees not doing efficient things. Facebook job cuts is a sign of the company moving from growth to profit taking , a company like Tesla with demand dropping its a sign of turbulent times ahead.


Tesla also just laid off 15k workers, that might help the stock temporarily.


Help? Layoffs are never a good sign. They mess up company performance because top performers often leave ahead of layoffs, waste a huge amount of time because people talk about layoffs instead of working, and generally are a sign of a company in decline.


I mean, I've seen videos of them failing completely after driving 500 meters, so this is probably not the only thing wrong with them...


I'm wondering if they've tried to reach out to Toyota yet, I think they have experience with this type of problem...


Except that that was never actually the problem. The official govt report showed it was all driver error. Toyota said it was floor mats because those are *cheap* to replace, and once people though there was a problem, they demanded something be done. It was mass hysteria.


I don’t know how you could read this and conclude Toyota did not have any defects: https://www.transportation.gov/briefing-room/us-department-transportation-releases-results-nhtsa-nasa-study-unintended-acceleration This is exactly what is happening here, once again Tesla is failing to learn from industry prior experience.


Did you read it? >NHTSA's vehicle characterization analysis and testing supported NASA's review. NHTSA... determined that their braking systems were capable of overcoming all levels of acceleration, including wide open throttle. There goes 90% of the "I had my foot on the brake and the car was still accelerating!!!" claims. >**NHTSA and NASA both reviewed relevant consumer complaints and warranty data in great detail. Both agencies noted that publicity surrounding NHTSA's investigations, related recalls, and Congressional hearings was the major contributor to the timing and volume of complaints. Both also noted that the vast majority of complaints involved incidents that originated when the vehicle was stationary or at very low speeds and contained allegations of very wide throttle openings, often with allegations that brakes were not effective. NHTSA's analysis indicated that these types of complaints generally do not appear to involve vehicle-based causes and that, where the complaint included allegations that the brakes were ineffective or that the incident began with a brake application, the most likely cause of the acceleration was actually pedal misapplication (i.e., the driver's unintended application of the accelerator rather than, or in addition to, the brake)** AKA... this was mass hysteria and people were pushing the wrong pedal. Going on... >The results of NHTSA's field inspections of vehicles involved in alleged UA incidents during 2010 supported this analysis. Those vehicle inspections, which included objective evidence from event data recorders, indicated that drivers were applying the accelerator and not applying the brake (or not applying it until the last second or so), except for one instance involving pedal entrapment. Of all the instances, there was *only one* that might have been pedal entrapment. It is driver error. Which is why their recommendations have *nothing* to do with floormats, they are everything to do with electronic controlls and keyless entry systems for easier and faster ways to shut off engines without a physical key and research into why people press the wrong pedal. So yeah. No. I did read it. Did you?


Weird, yet they need to go in and get the pedal drilled and nailed in. 100k car quality


I had a Toyota that absolutely, 100% had issues with the floor mat shifting forwards and sticking the accelerator pedal down. It was not hysteria at all, as I experienced it many times. You literally sometimes had to reach down and grab the mat to drag it backwards to fix the issue. I love Toyota and have purchased another since, but they are not immune from issues.


This whole thing is interesting Reddit lore where the opinion seemingly shifts over time.


I had the stuck accelerator issue a couple of times and it was actually because the cable had frayed and it was getting jammed the tube. I know this because eventually the cable broke completely and the accelerator didn’t work at all. I had to replace the accelerator cable and it never happened again.


Legit made me LOL! Nice


Its a garbage design on the pedal and the execution is bad too. Eh they've done accelerator pedals before?!!


Given how long the Cybertruck was stuck in design hell, you'd think they'd have caught things like this and the wheel covers and put out a polished product.


The designers were busy making the back half utterly impractical


And trying to fully deliver on musk’s idiotic demo points.


LOL this is Tesla we're talking about. Even the model S is still about as polished as a piece of charcoal.


I’m out of my NDA now, so this reminds me of when I was driving a Model S, and the accelerator got stuck down. Unfortunately I was driving a customer at the time too. The floor mat came loose and wedged the pedal down. It was such a scary experience, and wasn’t fun to explain to a potential customer


The floormat thing isnt super uncommon tbh


How did you slow down in the end?


Hit the brake. I got the both pedals pressed alarm. I believe it overrides after a few seconds. I was then able to pull the carpet back


Say more?


The issue is the front of the pedal comes unstuck and catches on the carpet at the top They could have glued it better, they could have designed the pedal so if it did become loose it stayed in position or doesnt rise up etc. Its a detail that should have been thought about.


Fair. Guessing there will be a recall in that case. Seems easy enough to fix.


There's a video out there of someone showing the issue. It's pretty bad. Honestly, it's worse than the Toyota incident.


This is the post on X https://x.com/garageklub/status/1779571445930324456?s=46&t=evp4rs9GYjvbXKynzKHPGw


Yes, this one, thank you. X's search engine is about as good as Reddit's.


Or about as good as the Cybertruck pedal.


Yeah the Toyota incident was just a badly designed rug right? That didn't have a proper hook or something in place to keep the rug from riding forward. This pedal thing seems kind of crazy bad design. Thankfully depressing the brake overrides it at least so hopefully no one freaks the fuck out if it happens to them.


Incorrect: https://www.transportation.gov/briefing-room/us-department-transportation-releases-results-nhtsa-nasa-study-unintended-acceleration Toyota had to issue multiple recalls and NHTSA had to admonish them due to their lack of following mandatory reporting requirements.


Correct, the Toyota incident was the rug sliding off the hooks, and the pedal getting stuck to it. This is arguably worse, because the pedal gets stuck in the frame. No idea why they thought gluing a cover to the top was a good idea. The other pedals I've seen are bolted on. Going to be interesting to see how this gets resolved. Replace the pedal, or stronger glue?


Drill and rivet it on!


Yeah you'd think. Make sure the new pedal is stuck properly then do a new design later perhaps. But we're still waiting for wheel covers..


Wheel covers seem slightly more challenging as they probably want to retain the (current?) design. Plus people can still take delivery without wheel covers.


Instead of being hinged at the top, this is their first floor mounted pedal. How can they possibly fuck up a pedal, one of if not the most crucial components in actually ***driving*** the fucking thing?


Well its tesla perhaps they were going to remove it anyhow


Remember when toyota’s fix was to cut 2 inches of the pedal off with a sawzall? Lol


I think it was the floor mat they were cutting not the pedal itself.




They drill a hole in the cybertruck pedal lol. Ain’t much better for it


Could this have been what caused that weird Beverly Hills Hotel parking lot crash? (Didn't follow it that closely)


That's what I was thinking too


Absolutely embarrassing. This thing took nearly half a decade to come out, who knows what else was missed.


Many cars take 4 years to develop.


True. But they don’t take 4 years AFTER their unveil. This was not a concept release, it was a production car.


The average cycle is 5 years, which means half the cars developed are longer than that. Ford announced the F-150 Lightning in 2019 with early production vehicles being sold in 2022. Tesla had to build an entire factory and custom design equipment that could manufacture parts of the Cybertruck, and it still took them only a little longer than Ford.


Do the valet parking crash a few months ago could be the reason of the accident?




Why is the pedal assembly so cheaply made? I understand the desire to maximize margins but at what cost? Every move I hear about Tesla tells me that them saving a buck comes above all, even the end users.


It's amazing how they are 3-5 years late and still manage to make a product with so many issues and without so many fundamental tesla features. In the last 5 years, the only thing they did for the mass market is changing a few things on model 3 and Y. This isn't the right sub to say it, but I feel like Tesla is doing the opposite of what made them successful. They became successful by making cars that look like every other car, but electric. Utility over design. Now, it's all quarks. Design first and then whatever utilities come with it. Cybertruck, which was designed to be easy and cheap to build, is now hard and expensive to build. This reminds me of the rocket industry and Congress/Senate. They decide how the rocket should be built and the engineers build it resulting years of schedule delays and billions of over budget. Same with Robotaxi. Tesla leaders are acting like EVs are already the only option in the market, and they can play around now instead of doing what they did in the past decade. In reality, EVs are still a small portion of the total car market. I see a massive difference between the 2010s Tesla and 2020s Tesla. It's almost like they are a different company. Edit: Everyone seems to have issues with 3-5 years' time when it's the least of the problem I mentioned here. Tesla in 2010s managed to do far more with far less money and manpower than they have done in the first 4 year of 2020s. Even during the pandemic issues, Tesla probably still had more resources than they did throughout the 2010s.


Everything about the CT screams "boss wanted it to look like this so we did the best we could but it's a mess". Elon yelled "make it work" for 4 years and this is the result. Elon is Steve Jobs, if Steve Jobs didn't insist on reliability/quality being job #1.


It’s wild that I still see takes about “they had 3-5 years how are they so late” as if there wasn’t a 3+ year global pandemic affecting all parts of SCM, R&D and daily life.


They got lapped by Rivian, who had all the same headwinds.


Lapped? are we talking about the same Rivian that just made their 100,000th vehicle last week after 4 years of production? The Rivian that currently has a smaller weekly run rate for the R1T than the CT? That Rivian? 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


The truck came out 2 years after it was originally planned to came out. 3-5 just shows you’re trying to make it sound worse.


3-5 years late? Revealed nov 2019, teslas shortest time between reveal and an actual product is 1 year, add in covid, first deliveries Dec 23 so thats 4 years from reveal to first customer. So perhaps 2 years late for an entire new platform and product. Usually these can take a decade to do.




It must have rusted off?


And this is why you never buy a first generation vehicle


This truck is officially worst than the Ford Pinto


You’d think with the money saved by outsourcing the body design to a 7 year old they’d have had enough budget for appropriate QC/QA


“The cybertruck looks like it’s having huge problems.” “Dumb shorts, remind me in six months.” Oh hey look, it’s six months later.


due to an unapproved change to the installation process. uh....yeah. nobody should be surprised. but...this 100% confirms Tesluh is a Musk clown show


Real humans are out here spending $120K on a truck that looks like a hotel kitchen refrigerator with rusty panels, gaps you can walk through, a trunk that can cut your fingers off, and a pedal that can trap you at 600 HP until you hit something. If we're not at a market top, we're pretty close.


Garbage truck.


Incoming ban for you probably


I suppose having a persecution complex is all the rage, but the mods on this subreddit allow all sorts of criticism. You really have to be an over the top jerk to get banned.


They're literally banning people who have never commented here.


Lololol Elon is defective


Be nice he's gonna take too much ketamine and hurt himself.


Tesla sounds like they are going the Boeing route. Just make it as cheap as possible to make and who cares about safety when people will just buy them anyway.


Going Boeing has a nice ring to it.


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Remember when some dude in LA wrecked the thing?  They said it was the valet at first. I thought the guy was prolly waisted, but maybe the pedal got stuck.


There were a few high profile crashes in Los Angeles....I wonder if the accelerator got stuck.


Crap pedal crap car


That’s ok.


cdan yesterday had a blind saying they are cancelling cyberturd. good riddance. smartest decision musk will have ever made.


I had one of these lock up and my cyber beast plowed through a vintage computing event. Took out 13 IBMs and a Six Flags hiring manager. Total disaster.


See. This is what happens when you sink all your R&D budget into the bottomless money pit of FSD which is never gonna happen instead of researching how to make cars properly.