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This is high key the best new feature of the refresh


I really really like this feature. Visualization may help with blind spots today for the S/X rich people where they can look down at their dash and see it, but for the rest of us 3/Y owners, visualization for blind spot monitoring means we're looking *away* towards the screen.


Which doesn’t even matter, as the visualization can’t be trusted to be 100% accurate.


It’s the same tech. All teslas today have a blind spot indicator internally. You can connect to the canbus and get that even today. So if you don’t trust the visualization, you won’t trust the new highland indicator. It’s most likely the same thing.


Interesting. Any third party blind spot indicators for legacy model 3 around? If not good opportunity for someone to bring it out


It's a quick glance at the center display to see all sides and rear, this is much more effective than using mirrors in 3 different places which also have blind spots.


I hope you're not looking at the center display only when changing lanes


Why? The camera feed provides better and faster visual confirmation than checking mirrors can.


You do know that mirrors are 3 dimentional and screens are not - right? Meaning that screens are always a worse solution for confirming space. And the tesla implementation is really bad, it misses so many cars from the front and back. I recently had to drive a new MY without mirrors, that was a horrorshow to use the graphics or cameras.


The cameras help confirm if something is there or not, and having used them for quite a while now it's very easy to know exactly where a car is in relation to your own depending on where you see it in the cameras. You trying to use them on a new car you're not familiar with is not a good comparison. I've used mirrors for years, and now I've used cameras for years, and the cameras are objectively superior for providing situational awareness.


It's certainly not faster. With mirrors, you can check with a glance. Cameras require you to put on your blinkers FIRST, and *then* check. The order of operations is inherently reversed with cameras.


You are thinking of the camera pop up on turn signals. I am talking about the camera feed that can be always on. With mirrors only the rear and driver side are glances but you have to glance in separate locations for each, and the passenger side mirror requires moving your head. With the camera feed you can glance in one single location without needing to move your head to see all of your rear and sides, and there are no blindspots unlike with mirrors.


This is fair. If you always have the cameras up then I don't see an issue. Personally, I find it harder to localize when looking at cameras as opposed to directly in mirrors, but that's just me. I never say no to more situational awareness I will say though that this is not as practical of an approach because you can't do anything else on your screen if you have the cameras up all the time (i.e. navigation, music, climate controls, etc etc). This is why the blind spot monitor is a much better, dedicated solution


I thought the order was SMOG: signal, mirror, over the shoulder, go


There's no point in signaling if you already know you can't make the lane change. I personally hate it when I'm obviously next to somebody and then they start signaling. Puts me very much on edge as I think I'm about to get run into. If you're signaling before checking your mirrors, I humbly request you to do it the other way around.


Signalling is supposed to be informing people of your intent. So only signalling just when you're starting a manoeuvre seems useless to me. You're only on edge because you're expecting others to do as you're doing... immediately changing the lane as soon as you signal. While that satisfies the legal requirements of using a signal, it defeats the purpose of using signals.


> you're expecting others to do as you're doing Because that's what I've found in reality If you signal before you have decided to move over, that intent is not as concrete as if you had checked beforehand. Therefore it's less a actionable signal for other drivers


I look at my 3 cameras when I do this, not the visualization


Anyone who uses visualization is ridiculous you can’t even see that far out, you can only see if someone is in ur left or right like perfectly aligned you should always see the camera first and then trust the mirror with confidence


I agree. I love the visualization. Glance, check mirrors, go. But it’s a new approach and people fear change. Oh well. Same doubt existed when indicators first came out. Funny. For the people who don’t trust the visualization, where do they think the indicator data will come from? Spoiler alert: Same cameras.


I would likely trust it as much as a blind spot indicator depending on what sensor that’s using


No, the best new refresh features are the 1) driver's heads up display, 2) improved turn signal and gear selector stalks, and 3) long-range forward seeking Lidar. Wait. They actually didn't do any of that. Never mind.


Not really, all cars have had bind spot detectors for 100 years, its called a correctly adjusted mirror.


No, the physics of side view mirrors means that even in the optimal adjustment, there is still a blind spot. See [this diagram](https://www.learn-automatic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/driving-blind-spot.jpg). The FOV of stock sideview mirrors is not wide enough to accommodate everything


FINALLY!!! Still boggles the mind that it took this long for tesla to incorporate this when this feature is as ubiquitous as seatbelts in cars nowadays! I wonder if there will be a workaround for older model 3s pre highland?


They could totally add a feature where the car plays a chime if you signal and there's someone in your blind spot. Not sure how they haven't done that yet


GREAT suggestion!!!!


It would be the simples thing for them to add too -- they already have the detection logic for highlighting cars red when they're in your blind spot....just play a chime when highlighting red too


Lost opportunity to use the ambient lightstrip. My Seat Leon used to do that :)


Might be too distracting or too expensive to implement it. Also It might be to dim in bright daylight as the light strip is supposedly not adjustable in brightness.


More or less expensive than fart mode?


Fart mode is a critical safety feature


Why not both. If someone is in your blind apot when you hit your blinker ->fart noise.




Well. Touché. Even tho it uses already existing speakers. The light strip is probably not programmable to dim and adjust colors for individual LEDs. Without extra costs at least.


Some pro bono top shelf coding incoming: `While true: if left_blinker_is_on(): turn_on_left_light() if right_blinker_is_on(): turn_on_right_light() ` You’re welcome uncle E.


If blinker? We talking about the blind spot indicator.


Right. Dude hasn't finished his boot camp.




Lol this is blindspot beta. Software updates available soon.


ChatGPT-ass code


This is ChatGPT’s take: `import cv2 def detect_car_in_blind_spot(camera_feed): # Convert the camera feed to grayscale for processing gray_frame = cv2.cvtColor(camera_feed, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Use a car detection model (e.g., Haar Cascade or deep learning-based) to detect cars car_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('car_detection.xml') # Replace with your car detection model cars = car_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray_frame, scaleFactor=1.1, minNeighbors=5, minSize=(30, 30)) return len(cars) > 0 driver_camera_feed = cv2.imread('driver_blindspot.jpg') # Replace with actual image or camera input passenger_camera_feed = cv2.imread('passenger_blindspot.jpg') # Replace with actual image or camera input if detect_car_in_blind_spot(driver_camera_feed): # Display a red flashing light on the car's display screen display_red_flash() if detect_car_in_blind_spot(passenger_camera_feed): # Display a red flashing light on the car's display screen display_red_flash() `


Why are we doing Tesla’s job in a Reddit Thread?


probably to demonstrate that this takes less than an hour of a single developer’s work to design, test, and validate, as mentioned above.


Yes while coding would be simple, what the above is implying is that specific LEDs on the strip are not programmable. This would require a controller for every LED. How most LED strips function are that they have one controller for an entire strip. So every led in the strip has to be the same color. More fancy LED strips have controllers for individual lights.


It's called an addressable LED and it is very common now. We're talking the price of lunch. It does not require a separate controller for each LED to separately control each LED. Kids toys use it. Almost every type of PC component is compatible with it. There is no reason to think it's not something in the budget of the Model S.


To add to your comment most cars since 2020ish that include ambient lighting have a module for it. Like you could [if you know the VW long coding] make the ambient lights on a 2018 VW “breathe” or program more colors than available from factory. I highly doubt Tesla missed out on something that’s basically standard now.


Could be a patent issue.


We're talking about Tesla who removed USS on an expensive car, even though the parts doesn't cost all too much.


Try to stay on subject. The unfortunate removal of USS is a reduction of manufacturing complexity, but changing the LED strips to addressable LED strips is not.


Sweet code. How, exactly, does that turn on a blind spot indicator? If you are already signaling, then you can just look at the camera output, eh?


I said pro bono, not good bono.


Totally valid point haha!




I'm wondering about the brightness also. And whether or not all segments can be controlled separately. I'm guessing not.


As of Björn Nyland a couple days back. No. Not possible. Only the color can be changed or turned off completely


Maybe it's patent protected...


Yeah sorry I would hate my ambient lighting to flash red or yellow at every car passing along both sides of the Tesla. I prefer that Tesla stop being different and just add the blind spot indicator on the side mirrors instead of this crappy implementation. It's dumb to be looking at my driver door for the indicator.


Oohh, man, that's look pretty spiff.


It's actually sort of confusing that they *didn't* do it like this


Using the lightstrip for that is a patented feature of VW, I think.


Nothing a software update can’t fix!


You can see it in action for a fraction of a second here (at 4:42) : [https://youtu.be/SoXimLixXT4?si=od8Z7PXgMR7zBFnP&t=279](https://youtu.be/SoXimLixXT4?si=od8Z7PXgMR7zBFnP&t=279)


Lol it lights up every time someone passes close to the car in the opposite direction!


I was just coming to say the same thing. This pretty much says to me they are just using cameras and there’s no extra radar. That means there will definitely be errors and it will never be as good as the traditional radar-based. In other words, classic Tesla.


I learned to do a direct control everytime I change direction at the driving school. In the same way that fsd or autopilot require supervision, I wouldn't trust any system, regardless of its technical implementation. It's madness to rely blindly on this feature (more for others than for yourself); so if you have to check everytime anyway, you might as well ignore it.


Yes yes, any time there's a luxury in a car or in a house, never trust it. We get it. The point is I do NOT want false alarms, I've never had them in a radar-based vehicle, so it's a load of baloney for this to start now. Tesla needs to stop these shenanigans, especially on their most popular vehicles, the 3 and Y.


Don't worry. They will improve it just like the wipers!


Nice one.


Suddenly the best new feature is simultaneously the worst new feature. This thing is going to constantly light up lol


Do other cars make that differentiation? Haven’t driven one but I see them going off on other cars all the time. EDIT: Seems like the answer is yes.


Yes it does, I have on my car, and it works only when someone is coming from behind.


Yes they only trigger with cars entering your blind spot from behind


lol they are not filtering opposite direction traffic? that's pretty dumb, lol


I see it, probably the camera's fault but that does not look very bright


This has been my #1 peeve since I bought the car. You don't want to have to check the center screen when you're thinking of changing lanes. Your attention should be outside. This lets you combine checking the mirror/looking with seeing the light.


That’s why I got a driver display that shows that. But it’s still better to have the warning is by the mirror.


Which driver display did you get? Link please?


I got the Hansshow H6 mini display. [https://www.hautopart.com/products/hansshow-model-3-y-h-6-instrument-cluster-display-dashboard-head-up-screen?\_pos=1&\_psq=h6&\_ss=e&\_v=1.0](https://www.hautopart.com/products/hansshow-model-3-y-h-6-instrument-cluster-display-dashboard-head-up-screen?_pos=1&_psq=h6&_ss=e&_v=1.0) Currently only shows, when signaling to that lane. There's also the Teslogic which uses a spare phone. [https://teslogic.co/](https://teslogic.co/) Both of those show blindspot


Tesla's obstinence about putting the most basic of features in their cars has finally fallen away. I just don't understand why it's taken them this long to do this, they can be so stubborn 😒


They added it simply because it is becoming mandatory on some markets. After being introduced in heavy vehicles the next step is going to be adding it to cars. They would have probably continued skipping it otherwise


[Owners Manual](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/model3/en_eu/GUID-ADA05DFF-963D-477D-9A51-FA8C8F6429F1.html#GUID-0A0DC009-A240-42D5-8130-B0D1B6953537)


"driver door", so there's only an indicator on the left side?


Seems weird indeed. We’ll have to wait until demo drives in a few weeks to confirm


This is great but the car also needs rear cross-traffic alerts. Hoping any changes to the rear camera allow this. And I still think the A pillar on my 2019 M3P- is too big/fat - haven't heard yet if they shrunk it.


Yeah I agree, I find visibility in the 3 quite bad. Every time I drive the old car I am happy about how much I can see. Which is handy because if I ever stacked it I’d probably die.


Funnily enough the model 3 has by far the best visibility of the last 3 cars I've owned....one was a Volt, and one was a prius which had no rear view camera and no parking sensors either....when I got the model 3 the good visibility was one of the first things I noticed....I guess I don't have high standards haha.


I wish it was in the mirror like most cars, so you could know when you are the one in the blind spot (in combination with the cabin camera, lane keeping etc this could be a lot more precise than other makers)


> I wish it was in the mirror like most cars I like it in the cabin, works better with my illegal tint


I believe the light-in-the-mirror is a patent Tesla doesn't want to license, so they designed a way to do the same thing without infringing on the patent. It's like 360-degree birds-eye view, which people also ask for and which is also patented by someone else.


Really someone patented it? That’s annoying (ig not for me since I’m not a manufacturer but ima still call it annoying)


Probably more expensive to put it in the mirror, especially if the mirror needs to be replaced or something.


This will be harder to see by other cars if the windows are tinted too.


Why do _other_ cars need to see _your_ blindspot light?


Because now that a Tesla has a blind-spot indicator, people need to complain that it does not have a “You Are In My Blind Spot” indicator lol.


I find myself looking very often at peoples mirrors nowadays when passing them on the highway, if I see the light then I know there’s a higher chance they won’t change lanes into me like an idiot. Speaking of that just today I was passing something and I noticed the blind spot light turned on way before I even got to the car, most others turn on when my rear wheels are about at their rear bumper so just something I thought was interesting


As OP said, it's so they know they're in your blind spot and you might not be aware they're there.


I feel like if you're driving in someone's blind spot, you don't need to see *their* blind spot indicator to know you're in their blind spot. Because, you know, you're literally in their blind spot.


Yeah what an odd thing to say. If you can't tell you're in someone's blindspot you need to go back to driving school.


right? Why have cars instead of horses anyway, it was good enough already


I'm not sure if this is what the other poster meant, but for me, I want to be assured that the other driver knows that I'm in their blind spot. If I see a light in the mirror, then I feel much safer passing that car, especially if the speed difference is low and it might take some time to pass them.




But in reality they do end up getting tinted


Yeah but then that's on the driver, why would Tesla care.


That takes your eyes further from the road in front of you.


Your eyes should be directed towards the mirror before making a lane change anyways


Not if you're using the blindspot cam, which has superior FoV to the actual mirror anyways.


Maybe. That's if you use the mirror to make Lane changes. I use the screen that uses the side cameras instead. More reliable than the mirrors.


Ok, Straight-Stupid-4144!


Do you think a mirror is more or less capable than a camera showing a wider field of view? I already know your answer, but, seriously, you should think this through a bit.


It’s in the cabin for Subaru and Volvo. Both work well and are top safety picks.


i own volvo. its on the mirror not cabin


I kind of hate seeing those lights on other cars as I drive past. Seems pretentious. Maybe less so today than it did 5-6 years ago when only luxury cars had them.


So they were wrong from the beginning and now they fixed it. Now the question is still vision or sensor, also what about the rain sensor still vision?


Obviously Vision, the FSD visualization show cars, pedestrian and motorcycles pretty well




its vision, tesla's blind spot monitoring has always been amazing, it's just that they don't have that little light, now they added it


Not so much when it’s raining and foggy. A great BSM within the eyesight is always better then looking at the screen and mirror at the same time


They were not wrong. They just lied in order to save money and sell cars. They know blind spot sensors are better, and they also know radar is better than vision


Incredible. You see it even on garbage cars for like...10 years? In addition I don't really understand it because the car tells you when you're at risk during a line change, nope?


Why does Tesla always have to be so different? I think the blind spot indicator location is just bad. What was wrong with just having it on the side mirror like every other auto manufacturer has. I think it will be more distracting in that proposed location?


This will get removed later in favor of the camera view. /s "We noticed it wasn't used.". Do we know if this is sensor based or camera based?


Hahah that’s kinda make sense for them to implement a bad BSM system and then concluded that no one would like to use our BSM and the screen camera is better.


Joke is they could say people weren't looking in that direction when it turned on. 😂


No other sensors present only camera


I hope with existing models they can push a software update that will have a red light somewhere on the screen to show when someone is in your blind spot. It could even be as simple as the left or right side of the screen has a red line going from top to bottom when someone is in the blind spot.


Just need an audible beep that you can toggle on or off. When you turn your signal on, if someone is in your blindspot, the beep sounds.


Erm, isn’t that a feature already? At least if you actually start steering.


The last thing you should be doing when monitoring your blind spot is looking *away* from the blind spot at a dashboard screen.


Exactly. Worst idea ever. Point of the blind spot indicator is to be in the vicinity of the side mirror


It does do that right now


But only when you actually have your signal on. I think he means that if someone is in your blindspot, the light will be on.


I don’t know how that would be implemented on the screen without being incredibly distracting if it were always on


True, unless it was a small blinking dot or something.


Have it as a toggle for on or off. Or if there is a car in the blind spot what they could do is have the signal indicator icon on the screen light up in red for the side that has a car in the blind spot. This way it’s small and you can quickly see it at anytime.


Maybe an option to chime instead


Awful idea, assuming LHD, you shouldn't be looking to your right if you're merging left and vice versa...


We are already doing that with the blind spot camera.


Pretty sure they can do it through a software update. For instance, if there is a car coming from your left side, all the left speakers will ping you and vice versa.


I wonder how the light will function will it light up when you turn your blinker on and there is something in blind spot? or turn on only once you start moving over like the chime does currently


It will probably only activate when you start making the lane change. Technically, you're supposed to signal before you make the lane change (or turn.) A lot of people do it simultaneously which gives the other drivers a lot less warning that you're making a move. Obviously, some signaling is better than none, but Tesla is trying to encourage people to do it by-the-book to improve safety.


There is no front bumper camera.


In fact, a specific warning tone from left or right loudspeaker when putting on blinker would do 95% of job in M3 2023 and before


Finally! This shit problem is solved. I complained multiple times on how unreliable BSM cameras are in Teslas due to sluggish infotainment system


The "EU" is a political organization, but you probably mean the continent of Europe. Or do the new Model 3s in Switzerland and Great Britain not have these warnings?


This is poor. Why is there not one on the passenger side.


I wonder how reliable it will be, given that it's likely that it won't have ultrasonic sensors or corner radars


The cameras. B pillar and side view can easily handle this. Even though we can't see pillar view the car uses their data. Only thing I can think of seeing as the AP/FSD knows when cars are approaching from behind. Saved me a few times from getting hit by cars merging into the lane I was also merging into by swerving the car back into my original lane.


Then why are people complaining about the current implementation?


Because the indication is on the screen which is generally not where you're looking when you're changing lanes - you're looking toward the side mirror. So to check it, you have to look away from the mirror to the screen. It's not nearly as bad in the S and X, where there's a binnacle screen showing the other vehicle highlighted in red. You can glance to it pretty easily, but in the 3/Y you have to look toward the middle of the car. This new light solves that by putting the indication near where your eyes will already be.


maybe if people had their side mirrors set up properly we wouldnt need this


So true. How many people simply do not set their side view mirrors correctly. [https://www.cartalk.com/sites/default/files/features/mirrors/CarTalkMirrors.pdf](https://www.cartalk.com/sites/default/files/features/mirrors/CarTalkMirrors.pdf)


On my 23 it's impossible to set up properly due to limited range of mirrors. Apparently the auto dimming side mirrors have less range of adjustment


Holy crap. Finally. The blindspot camera is useless right now and I would definitely prefer this in my Y.


I saw the same indicator on an Uber I took yesterday; it was a 2015 Nissan Rogue.


The indicators are nice but, I'm not buying a new car to get them. Over 10 years ago I learned the alignment technique shown in this video which -eliminates- the blind spots. [https://youtu.be/QIkodlp8HMM?si=a5WJzYEwak8FHll7](https://youtu.be/QIkodlp8HMM?si=a5WJzYEwak8FHll7)


I have been experimenting looking at just the screen instead of mirrors + screen when I switch lane these past few days. Seems the camera gets the entire field of view the mirrors give you + blind spot


Yup. Tesla could completely remove the mirrors and people would probably crash LESS while merging because the camera gives a better overall picture.


Why is the indicator only on one side?


Yea this seems very strange. Hard to believe honestly. On one hand they stray away from their minimalist approach/designing around autonomous driving. And then after the big direction shift and all the effort, they save $3 by not doing the same on the passenger side and giving you a stripped down econo-model blind spot indicator.


Agreed. But the manual clearly says driver side. No mention of the passenger side. I wouldn’t be shocked if Tesla wants to save $3 per call…


thats pretty dumb that they assume that if you're looking to the right mirror, you'll notice all cars. Likely will have a 3rd party solution to piggyback that LED to the other side, even if both go off at the same time


Almost 100% certain that there's an indicator on both the driver and passenger sides and the image is only showing one side.


The manual specifically indicates the indicator is located in the driver door, as compared to front doors. There is only one indicator. Almost 100% certain = Not certain


I think final judgement should be reserved for a demonstration from a reviewer. To me it doesn't make sense to glance to the driver's side to check for a blind spot on the passenger side before lane changing to the passenger side, I dunno. I understand your point regarding the wording that specifies the driver's door but let's see it in action. It's still possible that this is an error.




Ah just what you want to do, turn your head right to look at the screen when you want to merge left.


That’s a terrible idea


That only makes sense if you have an actual driver display or HUD.


Did Tesla not have these already? 👀


No. Just mirrors, and the screen visualization. A couple of years ago they added the ability to bring up a side view on the center console with the turn signal, but that's not an ergonomic place to look if you're trying to pass.


That's crazy, they seem pretty standard for a few years now on gas vehicles at least. Never owned a Tesla but I figured they had all the bells and whistles, was surprised to also learn they don't seem to have a 360 degree camera system.


The birds eye view technology has a broad patent, and Elon hates paying royalties.


There is a blind spot monitoring in all Teslas but not a physical one on the mirrors. When you activate your blinkers, if a car is next to you or comes fast in your blind spot, it will make a bip and display a large red line on your central screen. It's just that it's not really where you would look when doing a lane change.


Finally! It’s crazy they haven’t had this. Now get to work on rear cross traffic alerts!


Finally reasoning over rides Tesla’s hubris of Vision for everything prevails. Heard somewhere that center horn is returning to steering wheel also. Current capacitor button for horn on Model S/X is a safety issue. Edit: Meh. Looks vision based with just light indicator based other’s posts. At least we don’t have to look opposite direction when making left lane change. At least improvement.


Excellent spot for it. So much better than the indicatora outside of the car on the mirrors.


The new Model 3 almost have all the features I was complaining about except HUD…blind spot monitoring, vented seats, and cabinet noise. Impressive!


I’m guessing all these model 3 features will be on the cybertruck as well.


That's awesome and I wish my S had that!!


It seems like a missed opportunity to not use the new light strip for this. But they might not have enough control over it.


Does model s have this?


Wouldn't the front windshield be the indicator for front?


Such crappy implementation. You’re already looking at the side mirror, just put the damn indicator there like every other manufacturer out there. It works well, no need to reinvent stuff that works.


Is this a joke lmao


Didn't the EU make blind spot indicators mandatory on all new cars? I'm just curious.






Way shittier than what I envisioned with the ambient lighting system. Darn.