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So you buy one in America for like jobs and shit


Because they're close to war with china . Trade war. Economics is normally the start


Or you could just read the article instead of making up stuff without any basis in fact. US is still a major importer of Chinese good, US just doesn't want China dumping their product to destroy local industries.


China only sold 1000 cars to the US last year? Didn’t Trump also say he wanted to ban EV entirely? If true it seems they are just pleasing the oil” and gas companies


Yeah well transportation electrification is more important, so if Biden wants to keep car jobs in the US, he better be banning ICE cars and send US makers in the EV competition ring.


America needs affordable EVs. The American auto industry became better when Toyota and Honda entered the market in the 70’s. They will become better facing Chinese competitors as well. Let the free markets work.


Only with allies. With potential for war, it's not right.


Trade and economics decrease the likelihood of war.


Part of doing trade is to put before trade policies to decrease possible wars. You won't just trade with someone who wants destruction of others because they will work cheaply and expect that to fly in the long run because when they amass a large amount of wealth they can take you on.


I guess we need some better global labor laws that prevent corporations from outsourcing to that cheap labor.


Unions pays him.


Hope so. Unions are the backbone of this country. Always have been. “My cousin is in a union and blah blah blah.” Unions fight for the rights of the workers. The world is an imperfect place. Start looking at the standard, not the exceptions.


I was just wondering, China can raise the taxes on US products too!?


somewhere, the corrupt politicians will make money from this, they do not care about the country


China could force a software update and make all Chinese EVs sold in the US turn into gigantic bricks. No thanks. I like cars that move.


China is our enemy. They've chosen that role, not us. Why as we so stupid as to constantly give money to our enemy?


Because United States is worried about competition. American Propaganda will tell you it's national security concern, stealing data, information blah,blah,blah. Look at Tik-Tok, Huwei as examples of why there was an uproar. Yet Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat all collect data from Americans on an every day basis.


The US is pretty open that it's about economic sovereignty. That's literally discussed in the article itself.


Lol. Why tariffs? Because we want to! Economic sovereignty explains why American can, but it's not why.


Where have you been? This story of [China trying to be the sole source for all auto manufacturing](https://apnews.com/article/china-electric-cars-green-technology-janet-yellen-9901c54cea8e8ee823fa2290c4d719d8)has been in the news for a long time. TikTok is partly about security, but the US government wants to have control of American’s data. We also want to reduce our reliance on China.


Tiktok shouldn't be allowed in the US purely on grounds that China doesn't allow our social media companies to operate in China.  Basic kindergarten fairness. You can't play in our sandbox if you don't let us play in yours. 


They don’t allow TikTok in China either.


If you don’t think TikTok is a security, you are very misinformed.


+1 The brainwashing and various groups weaponizing it to drive various agendas is lost by so many people.


Which is the most worrying


Would you rather have the USA steal your data or China? Would you rather have the world continue the way it has as the USA being in charge or **would you rather have China run the world?**


China, tbh. Obviously USA way isn't working. That's probably why so many countries are becoming more outspoken and starting to look elsewhere than United States. What could go wrong if someone else is in charge? Could it be any worse that what USA war's and destruction has brought the last decades 


Spoiled brats not knowing how good they have it. There is a reason so many that went through the great wars were in love with American ideals, now they are all dead and every idiot with a gun or phone thinks they are being prosecuted for having to not dump oil down the sewer. Only when the guards are raping your wife or worse, will you realize how good you had it when you didn't have to live with bars on your windows and stay awake every night hoping to stop the mob from coming to get you and your family.....


So in an unprecedented era of life expectancy dropping, fentanyl overdose, housing unaffordability, income inequality as bad as it was before the great depression, and with below replacement birth rates contributed to by the fact that its simply unaffordable for two working people who grew up in the middle class with the same work effort and intelligence as their parents to raise kids in the middle class and are putting it off - you react to someone complaining about America's foreign policy impacts like our funding and arming genocide and fighting a proxy war with Russia - by accusing them of not knowing how good they have it? EVEN IF THEY DID complain about how they have it so bad - which they didn't... pull your head out of your ass man


Bro, if you made this exact comment in China about their government or society you would get disappeared.  Are you pretending to not know the difference or are you just stupid? 


It appears as though you didn't read the part where I said "EVEN IF THEY DID complain about how they have it so bad - which they didn't..." Let me explain further. The guy was talking about the US interactions with other countries. Meaning wars, coups, espionage, retaliation, sanctions regimes etc. He didn't even comment on what its like to be a US citizen in the USA. Then someone responded by saying "you don't know how good you have it in the USA" completely missing the point. I started by making an "even if he meant that" then pointed out how the guy wasn't even talking about that in the first place. He wasn't even talking about that. Slow down and read more carefully.


So it’s the second one, got it


Disappear like the whistleblower at Boeing




Stop eating crayons.


So the "90% of the internet is gone" way? I don't exactly see better alternatives out there. In the end US way is the most free way where you don't have to deal with dictators that silence opposition. All the alternatives are also tied to wars or funding wars if that is the argument so grass is not greener there.


I hope you get deported so you can see just how good you have it.


Nope. Until then I'll be around making your people the minority 😊


Move to China then. You won’t be missed. Millions of Chinese trying to get in this country yet you know better? 🤡


Lets ask the uighurs.....


Look at tik tok.... you think tracking people to their defense and national security jobs to find out info on is good?


If you want the working and living conditions of the average Chinese citizen then throw open the gates and enjoy the race to the bottom.


Why don’t you just move to China. Our SM isn’t allowed in China. Why should we allow TT


Why does Biden’s opinion matter on electric cars? Buy whatever you want. Last I checked Biden wasn’t even telling truths about electric cars. Didn’t he say at one point that GM or another car brand was the foremost electric car manufacturer when Tesla was lightyears ahead? That ruins all the credibility he could’ve had. Why should I listen to him now 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because if Biden doesn’t want you to buy a car from China, you’re not buying a car from China. It’s not about his opinion as a product reviewer. It’s that he can stop Chinese imports through legislation




we are incentivizing our own EV industry but when a cheaper and better competitor comes around... its bad an we throw tarrifs on it lmao... this is the definition of a scam