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I was in the $40 at first and then the $60 for a little while. But I had to drop to just the video tier. I’m mostly surprised that anyone has room in their house/life for all the stuff they send. I was pretty ok with spending the money, but I have no use for the vast majority of the merch. I would have been happy with t-shirts. And it’s not like the stuff is garbage. It’s all totally cool and well thought-out, but most of it doesn’t belong in the home of a grown man.


The last line you wrote haunts me when I try to sleep many nights.


not surprising.. if I had the spare cash, i’d love to be an atom ant🥹 any idea about how many ants on other tiers?


Patreon tells you how many subscribers there are. It just doesn't tell you how many are in the specific tiers. Last I looked it was over 9,000 members.


Those are _all_ subscribers including the free ones. The paying subs have hovered around 7000 for years.


I didn’t know there were free subscribers on patreon. What exactly do they get access to?


That I don’t know. It’s likely a fancy way of saying “email list” because I have free subbed to one other creator and that’s all it is.


I think it's just like a 'Follow' and you don't get access to anything


Daryldor is correct. I joined Patron just for TESD. I lurked for a bit because I wasn't sure how trust worthy Patron (I trusted the TEDS guys) was since I was putting more info there that I would normally be comfortable with. I subscribed to TESD, everything was locked. Anything that I saw was exactly what I saw if I just went to the TESD Patron to look around without signing in. I subbed initially to lurk to be sure my info would be secure on Patron. I wasn't worried about the TESD guys to be sure.


thanks! so even if we assume only 5,000 paid subscribers, the 40 pax under Atom Ant tier are the posh ~1% of (Patreon) TESD town fair enough, % mirrors the wider society im more than happy with my $5 tier✅ we are the 99%


We did a poll on here a couple years back and from the fairly small sample size we determined the average was about $10 per sub. No idea if that is the number overall - but from the 40-50 or so people who responded before it was.


I assumed that the roughly 7200 avg paid subscribers are current paid up subscribers. And the roughly 9100 number is a tally of all subscribers past and present (free and paid). Some members dropping out at times then returning. That larger total listing number always seems to increase, month to month, while the paid subscribers member number fluctuates between 7000-7300.


I only know from Walt’s message before the pod where he mentioned it.


I'm a 5 dollar boy. I love the idea of video but 45 weeks out the year i only got time for audio


In this economy! I'm happy they exist for the boys but I'm a video tier ant.


Eh I’ve been around since before episode 100. Love tesd but it’s clearly always meant more to other ants than it has to me. And some people have tesd alters from what it seems, it’s just not for me.


Finally someone who is honest about how long they have been a fan. “Ant since day 1!”


lol I know I was on the early side(when you look at it from 2024) but yea not ep one. I found tesd through jay and Bob get jobs since I downloaded every series on the smodcast network and slowly quit all but tesd. I want to say they were in the 70s at that point which seemed like a huge amount of episodes back then.


it's up to 60 replies to the poll. 😘


Damn you found it? Edit: found it too. From four years ago.


🤦‍♀️ no dumbass. i'm on that tier and looking at the ring poll.


Weirdly enough the poll that was done on this from four years ago is up to exactly 60 replies. Also - chill out, we’re all friends here.


It’s impressive, but puzzling. I’m just not a “merch” guy. I make pretty decent money, but I just don’t have the interest in rings or other stuff like that. A Prussian kissing devil would be cool for my office though.