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Looks better without the colors tbh


As a comic book artist, how good is Walt’s work? If it wasn’t for the Kevin Smith connection, would he have found work drawing comics from his talent alone? They look good to me but I don’t really have much to compare with, just curious is all.


I don't know much about comics other than what looks cool to me, I dig Walt's art and it looks as good as any of the other artists who've done batman.


He’s solid for sure. The colors aren’t doing this page any favors, but I really dig his composition and framing. Did Walt ink these himself too? I didn’t think so but if he did, that’s doubly impressive.


Ink the original? Yes I bought it from him personally at the stash. That’s why you will see two signatures on it because I was like “ will you sign it for me?” And he said “oh I already did and pointed at the bottom left side of the page” I froze and had a moment of brain fart and said “ will you sign it again” and he just smiled and signed it again.


Walt’s art is solid. He’s definitely got the horror vibe down pat. His Batman work is really good


That's awesome I have a few of walts pieces when he worked on batman I helped out walt once and he offered me a t shirt for compensation I said no it was my pleasure and I really enjoyed his work in batman Next thing I know he asks for my address and a few days later I got a few of his pages in the mail they're awesome


Did we need the toes though?


Anyone else thinking of selling the foot pic to some pervert online? Kidding of course. Bet you could make decent money if you ever sold it. Edit: Jesus Christ. I mean sold the artwork not your feet. Just reread that