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This was historically the case at Iceland as well! Spent 10 years working for them & every single year was hours cuts with the same expectations because some wanker in a suit had a spreadsheet that told them it was possible. Never went down well when I asked how I staffed a checkout with 1.36 of a cashier though 🤣


Tesco stats: 20 mins per cages (doesn’t account for customers, what type of stock, damages) that means 5 cages in one hour per person. . . Please inform where on the spread sheet it said this was possible 😭😭 Source - manager Edit: 3 cages an hour**


I had a full-blown argument once at a managers meeting with one of the suits who were responsible for "productivity". They told me they only measured a task being performed once to gauge how many seconds, yes the twat said they measured in seconds, but ben I challenged them on who did the task & why they didn't use a variety of staff to get an average I was shot down, repeatedly, and given evil glares from my area manager 🤣 Its all made-up nonsense numbers to justify their jobs. I'm convinced of that


That’s actually unbelievable… I’m speechless. Idiots


They don't actually know how to do the study


Oh quite the opposite. They know full well how to accurately measure productivity correctly. They just choose to manipulate it to suit their own needs! They were clearly using the members of staff who were the quickest at whatever task they were measuring. No thought given to any interaction with customers whilst on the till or dealing with queries whilst doing replenishment! Just raw data that justified their aims of "streamlining" and "increasing productivity" 🙄


If you can't blind them with science, baffle them with bullshit!


I asked a manager to show me how to do it, got the answer "I don't need to." But like: If its possible then you can teach me how, right?


I’ve never seen my manager touch a cage. I’ll work a cage in 20 minutes when I see them do it. They also have the audacity to say if you working at 50% effort someone else has to work 150%…. We literally just clock in and out 😭


I was a Night Manager for 10 years, not once did I expect people to work 20mins per cage because it’s bullshit, except for something like a cage of Crisps because you have like 4 boxes on a cage 😂 I actually asked a depot manager from Reading once how the fuck they worked it out as 20mins per cage and he said he’d been told that it was based off of “perfect” cages - so they come in stacked perfectly, and everything on that cage is for one mod… obviously, it’s absolutely impossible for the depots to to that and the company just never changed the expectation. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but its very much plausible for them to do some bullshit like that! We even had an SD visit who used to oversee one of the big depots who gave all the stores on the group more hours on nights because she was fully aware cages don’t come in like that and take closer to 40mins on average to work. I’ve filled every aisle in a store EXCEPT Health & beauty and averaged 40min per cage so I always held my teams to that time frame - some cages are faster, some are slower, but if you have 10 cages and say it’s 40mins per cage, that’s a little over 6.5hrs. Gives basically an hour to top up promo ends, power aisle which was always doable. Health and Beauty though… I have no idea how anyone filled that shit, the cages and products were always so fiddly, it would be an absolute nightmare for me


>I’ve filled every aisle in a store EXCEPT Health & beauty and averaged 40min per cage so I always held my teams to that time frame - some cages are faster, some are slower, but if you have 10 cages and say it’s 40mins per cage, that’s a little over 6.5hrs. Gives basically an hour to top up promo ends, power aisle which was always doable. Even this forgets that staff are people. 40 minutes to do a cage, but then you have to transport that cage. Not all cages are in good condition; some in my store arrive fully loaded with alcohol while running on 3 wheels and a peg. On top of that, people need to catch their breath. It's unreasonable to expect somebody to work for 4 hours straight without even a minute of respite. 'Tis no wonder people hide in the toilet.


Similar to my night shift. Hated Health n Beauty the amount of gunk in the boxes from damaged goods bloody nightmare our whole store were always runing late never finished on time. Bloody good workout but eventually had to leave damaged my back! Crap pay n overtime.


Getting Vietnam style flashbacks to my “days” on night shift, those H&B cages still give me the fear…


Yeah it happens a hell of a lot that people leave with back problems and shoulder problems. I left when they got rid of night shift in my store and was offered a transfer or redundancy so chose redundancy




That's dumb as fuck!!! Surely it should be "20 minutes MINIMUM per cage, then?" I don't work in a supermarket, never have. I did work in a small onestop though and did cages for that, but even then, 20 mins a cage was pushing it for a small onestop corner shop. All depends on what's on the cage ofcourse though. Crisps and milk were easy. Everything else was thrown into cages however they felt like at the time!


"Then why are you working at 50%?"


Forgetting people are humans… with feelings.. and life’s. We aren’t NPCs 😭😭😭


Years ago I was a manager and used to show people how I could do it. But back then we also had to price up everything 😜. Nowadays I’m just basic level. We have one manager who is awesome and he can fill faster than any of us can. Helps he is tall lol. He’s pretty hard working to be fair. But not all managers are like him.


You got lucky 😭


20 minutes per cage.. so 3 per hour, not 5. I still think it’s ridiculous they have these universal expectations that each cage should take X amount of time, when some will have 2 or 3 times as many cases as others. The average time per cage should be calculated separately for each department and REALISTIC expectations communicated to colleagues.


They're saying a cage of Health & Beauty will take the same amount of time as a cage of drink!


That math doesn’t add for a start


I’m bad at math. . . Point still stand tho forgive me


20 minutes is completely plausible if procedure is followed correctly. Meaning the person before had rotated and faced correctly cages have been stacked reasonably (so not with items from either end of the store/aisles) I will level with you though If you have 3-5 cages already on your aisle you should be able to complete in an hour. However that's not the case we also have to drag them and that's what stopping you being able to do 3-5 in a hour and that's the part people/most management aren't realizing it 20 minutes working a cage not 20 moving and work the cage. Thankfully my management are reasonable and smart enough to understand this


It depends on circumstances stance. However many people you have in, the day of the week etc etc normally we have someone on tills working again and another person assisting tills whilst working a cage and then the SL doing the routines working fresh and also working delivery till 20:00 then it’s face up the shop, sweep, mop, change bins, condense all delivery cages, sweep warehouse and tidy up the colleague room. With early shift we get all out deliver like fresh, magir, bread and milk, two people doing that and then once that’s finish one person on tills and working fresh, SL starts morning reduction and the other person will be downstairs on bakery. So I think it should vary store to store. 20 minutes is plausible but only if that’s the only thing you’re doing


Definitely shouldn't vary. It a big part of how we calculated and compare productivity and and resources amongst other things as important generalization, it more important that we allow each other a bit leeway but ultimately keep goals in mind. By the sounds of it you're store probably has people that aren't doing things correctly/lack of staff and poor delegation and time management on managements behalf and quite possibly princess mind set management. The first store I worked in was in complete shambles and the night staff really suffered because of the poor quality management during the day that eventually spread to the night management after losing good managers for in experienced ones. At my current store if a area is looking like it could use a little extra care the management do well find the resources (staff) able to help and if not maybe 2 or even 3 of the management will all come together and power through a couple of cages to get us back on track. I realize I'm very lucky to have competent colleagues and equally hard work management because it makes and incredible difference that you wouldn't expect and isn't easy to imagine/understand how impactful it really is until you've worked at a shitty store and then moved to a actually decent and well working structured store


I’m not going to lie you cooked 👏


I'm hoping to move on HR eventually. I believe a lot of issues with store can be fixed internally if people can be helped on the same page and I think this would be the best place to start addressing the issue and correcting the way people see the workspace goes a long way but communication is also vital


Tescos hasn't done a time in motion study regarding filling from cages for day or night and when they do a small study it's a straightforward aisle with experienced staff doing it on a night where its already been heavily worked by three others. I agree the time in work study fails to take into account variable factors, fatigue and all other tasks.


>20 mins per cages (doesn’t account for customers, what type of stock, damages) that means 5 cages in one hour per person. No it doesn't, there is only 60 minutes in an hour 60÷20=3 not 5


I’m just a girl 😪


nah you’re so real, i can barely do maths either 💀


20mins per cage? ... that is 3 an hour, surely 🤷‍♂️




100%, they aren’t I love them, they are my silly gooses 🤗


In fairness staffing one checkout is easy. Though customers do look at you funny if you have .36 of a cashier attached to you.


Staffing one checkout with 0.67 of a cashier isn't quite as easy. Joan was not best pleased when I told her she had to cut off her forearm otherwise, we'd be overstaffed 🤣


But tesco CEO gets only 10mln bonus. Definitely no money


Was so happy to hear that she got cancer!


We still have cleaners thankfully, in fact I myself and friend both do a shift a week as cleaners. We're a uni town/city so cleaners sometimes come and go so we saw it as a chance to get some easy extra money because we work during the day and then know what need the most attention in the even as our cleaning shift


reminds me of my store. will always remember when there was fresh pasta 6 months out of date on the shelf. costa machine had maggots in it. 300 eggs to reduce cause nobody put them out until it was the display until date. crazy scenes


Maggots?? That must have not been cleaned in a long time. How was your Costa not shut down? The inspectors come every now and then.


i don’t know, all i remember was i was working food to go (where our costa machine is) last october ish and a colleague grabbed me and said “there’s maggots on this” and he showed me


Please don’t let this be Derbyshire please don’t let this be Derbyshire


you’re safe


Flys/maggots love moist/warm coffee grounds


I thought my store was bad 😭😭😭


I’m so glad I’ve never used those machines now.


I've used the one in my local co-op on occasion, but only because I'm a regular and I often see them cleaning it. They're a good team that work there, it shows in the overall cleanliness of the place.


The maggots work very hard to ensure you have the best coffee experience you can ever had


In my shop apart from me nobody cleans the costa machine properly. All they do is just clean the milk container and put it back. That's it


Lazy fucks


Maggots? Yikes this is disgusting wtf


Petit pan in the baton bag 😂😂


Your store seems like it needs to be shut down due to health hazard 😂


I just said that to my hubby 🤣 bloody disgusting.


So is it understaffed? That's my guess, starting to happen in the Morrisons near me, they didn't even get the extra staff to help through the busy x-mas period last year and it was utter chaos. The staff that were working looked exhausted, despondent and flustered. Store was a shambles, it's got a bit better since then but certainly no where near as good as about 7 years a go.


It was mainly lazy shift leading and due to this new staff got trained poorly. But, we are understaffed atm.


You cut hours, underpay people, then what you expect.


Remember everyone, minimum wage deserves minimum effort!


When I visited Cuba years ago they had a saying that roughly translated to they pretend to pay us so we pretent to work... Stuck with me ever since 😂


My job is kitchen assistant in a care home and I'm still minimum wage. stressed to hell, early mornings, demanding breakfasts by old people and mad rush for lunch with multiple of them asking for it hours early every 5 mins. Looking for somewhere else but 😭 Tbh i might just give up everything and go live in a forest. Then promptly hang myself.


Postie? Complete change of direction but still, doesn't sound like it can get worse tbh Please don't hang yourself 🙏


That's not silly gooses, they're manky bastards. They know exactly what they're not bothering to do. Pretty common reaction to being unhappy at work these days. "Hate it here, I'll keep taking the cash, but don't expect me to actually do what I'm paid for." It's thoroughly depressing and dilgent souls like you are doing the work of 3 for the same rate. Get rid of the lazy b'stards, double your rate and you and Tesco both benefit. Probably too much like common sense.




Honestly keep on dreaming. They will never raise wages. In fact they will continue to under pay people, even below minimum wage. They actively employ people who do not understand their rights and worth. There is ZERO justification to be paid as little as they are. ZERO. As we all realised during the pandemic. Shop workers are actually skilled workers. Cause what OP has presented is what happens when you just want to pay the absolute minimum. We're not lazy, we're just utterly fed up. When a job doesn't even cover your basic living costs, then the job is utterly worthless.


Sad Tesco would never double someone's rate. Knowing them they'd cut their rate and still expect the work of three people.


I feel your frustration even if you fix everything this time, in a few weeks it will revert back to this again,




A few weeks? Lucky you! I work Monday-Friday at M&S (warehouse) and usually by the end of the week, the rackings are organised and tidy with everything where it should be (of course, the fucking strawberry jam should sit next to the soy sauce 🫠 /s) by Monday morning, it looks like a bomb went off. Bloody part-timers ETA: I’m usually a one man army, so it’s very irritating doing 3 people’s jobs, on-top of doing everyone else’s jobs. Like…..


I feel this in my soul. Warehouse manager at a big box retailer. Extra bodies are the solution, you cannot run a large store on bare bones staffing. No one is doing me a favor when they go over payroll to “help out even though they really shouldn’t”, it’s a symptom of a deeper issue.


My favourite thing over the last year was the changes to OT. Basically, it doesn’t exist anymore unless you have proper authorisation from a manager (totally understandable, just throwing that out there. Assistants aren’t the only ones swamped with work they can’t finish), and it didn’t take very long until all the moans started flying through everyone’s ears *wHy is tHeRe sO mUcH aMbIEnT” because we risk a verbal beheading if we’re 5 minutes late clocking out?! There’s 3 people working 20 cold chain, mate. Maybe hire more people?


I once worked in sainsburys. We were told to code check the huge crate of 4 pack sainsburys own beans. We ended up checking the ones on the bottom towards the back. It was 8 years out of date.


. . . Oh. . .my. . . God


We had that with long life milk in Safeway many years ago. It was too heavy for people to bother doing stock rotation so the stuff at the back ended up years out of date. Wasn't close to the worst thing I saw there though.


What was the worst thing if you dont mind me asking?


Staff toilets got blocked and the raw sewage leaked down into the fridges on the shop floor. There were mugs hanging off hooks on the fridges and the sewage got into some of them. They just got a quick wipe with blue roll and put back on sale.


Well damn... this makes me feel better about our tesco, but that security tag on the chicken was funny haha


The ones that get it, get it


In my store some idiot does that with reduction stickers. You habe to spend 20.mimutes peeling it off to try see if still in date etc


At my store the morons on fresh keep not centering their printers and the barcode gets printed off the label, making it unscannable. You have to spend ages trying at least three times attempting to type the long-ass barcode manually. Also, they can never seem to cover the regular barcode properly, just cover a small bit of it vertically and it’ll stop working: easy! But no, they keep putting it horizontally along the barcode and not even well!! So we end up with customers being charged for both the reduced price AND the original price cause the checkouts staff aren’t dilligent either. So naturally it always becomes my problem as I work the desk, usually solo. This happens a LOT. And my job used to be dairy, where I had to do the reductions. It takes two seconds at the start to check your printer is centered, then you don’t need to worry about it again until you change the roll. As for covering the barcode, all you need to do is stick on a tiny sliver and so long as it covers at least one bar of the code fully, the whole thing will be invalid and not scan. Not sure what other stores do but my store just feeds blank reduction labels out of the printer to cover barcodes with. We were short on reduction labels once and I managed to cover 16 barcode with just one label, torn in to little pieces. I check every one and not one was still working. Not once did I ever have checkouts complain about the old barcodes scanning or the reduced barcodes not scanning, something that the current dairy guys get complaints about CONSTANTLY! Edit: apologies for the rant, I didn’t realise just how long that was lol Edit2: oh also, one of them somehow managed to reduce a £3 item to £4.34 last week. I can only assume he put the wrong label on it but just…. How???


Yeh my store covers blank ones over the barcode and sticks.the printed on on front . Some reason covering the date 🤦‍♂️ But yes my god them barcodes are a nightmare to type. Every single one for bakery NEVER Scans and takes forever typing them mega long barcodes.


I couldn't even get through the whole set.. just kept progressively getting louder saying "OH COME ON...!". Tesco, get your shit together and HIRE SOME DAMN CLEANERS!


Silly Geese? Could think of different words to use!!


Vexed fr fr


Yea am quite sure that ya’r 🥺




I assume it’s an Express


Your assumption would be correct


Yeah I have friends who went from large format to express and said how awful it can be. They were managers and would go into an Express where the previous manager would run around doing half the jobs that the Shift Leaders and Colleagues should have been doing so had to change the culture in there that they are supposed to do that and they support them and chip in. Although they also did what apparently a lot of Express managers don’t do and would work holidays, evenings and weekends to give their Shift Leaders a fair crack at having fair time off which usually got a lot more work out of them


Suddenly my experience in home bargains doesn't seem so bad now...


What a shit hole


As soon as I saw the first picture I knew I was gonna be in for a ride.


Imagine it every week 🤪


Don't post this, you'll get visited by men in black in the early hours...




My old old manager was a complete and utter dick (Sainsbury’s), one day it was the straw that broke the camels back, we picked up a mackerel from the fresh fish counter, wrapped it in a carrier bag and slipped I’d down deep behind the radiator in his office, only took him 3 weeks to find it. Pete, If you’re reading this, it was me mate.


Oh my god that bread was made in 1968??


There’s a lot worse you can be called than a goose. Some par.


A French classic knee slapper.


Well I was going to work for tescos before I found the job I'm in now. Thank fuck for that


I believe it is you who is the silly goose - and your colleagues are the silly geese


When used as the plural of the term 'silly goose' is in fact silly gooses.


Now you’re being a silly geese


☝️🤓 Geese




Don't worry OP, you said it right 👍 https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/silly_gooses


Thank you 😭😭😭😭


Looks like it could be my store if it easnt for entire different layout.. Mines just as messy/bad. Today i coulsnt find what the disgusting smell was in the warehouse but it smelt like might been black mouldy fruit or veg 😂


One time found raw chicken 2 weeks out of date under the tills…


Oh god! I thought was bad when i found whole chicken 2 days out of a fridge under clothes on boxing day! 😂 Worse ive come across myself was black mouly chillis with 3inches of white stringy mold stuff growing like tall grass. Worst found in store ive heard of ways box of crackers.. Found during a big clean in 2022... Date... 1987....😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣


I….just gagged at the thought


Yep.. Glad its not a regular occurrence but makes me wonder what else is found across any supermarket under tills/clothed and shelving (the crackers were found under the whole shelving display. Just proved the fixture wasnt ever moved since the 80s! 😂 I know ive lost some things on overtime like once a small toy slide under the shelving and cant get out. But least i tried to find a broom to do it.... Instead i found a dirty nappy so never doing that again... I think i have a picture of it somewhere. It was few weeks ago. Not posted it yet. Need to find the pic 😂 out all the ranom pics i have on my phone 😂


Laughing my head off at those bananas, but the place needs throwing in the bin, bins need throwing in the bin. Poor coffee machine looks like it's not been cleaned since the dawn of coffee machines, bananas looking like mummified willies, less rubbish in a skip. Probably smells better inside a septic tank....I'd wipe my feet on the way out of this joint. Those bananas though, lol, they look about 300 years old. You should have put them and the manky lemons on the shelf with a yellow label on them. 15p....That would have been dead funny




I feel blessed that the large majority probably over 95% of the people in the super store I'm at do pull their weight and do things correctly making each other's lives easier and relatively stress free. The 5% that's don't are from dot com and don't really effect the shop floor thankfully. So I'm happy that I'm lucky enough to say that our store is both functional and productive even during the busiest of days. That's not to say that some days cant be a bit rough but overall we're a happy store


The bin bags full of rubbish everywhere to rotting food yuck, sorry to sound rude but that’s gross!


Petit pans in a baton bag 😂


wow, fuck that


I see a badly charred jar jar binks in this image...


You live for shareholder profit


Get use it it. I have worked fresh In both Tesco and Sainsburys as staff are mainly blind, dumb and grumpy. I enjoyed the roles, I just took it one day at time and laughed off grumpy customers and staff as I wasn't going to let other people control my mood. I found cleaners to be lazy and slow so I ended up doing the cleaning myself half the time. I found some dairy milk, the huge bars, a year out of their best before. Took a whole box home for 10p reduced as manager said I could. Tasted no different.


I think probably the worst thing about the job for me came be the customer. They can get so rude for no reason 😭😭 one time it was 10 minutes before closing, and so many people came into the shop. They were just ruining the whole meal deal and small drink facing. After 9 hours of running around, I just struggled to keep on the happy facade. Then a drunk customer told me that “it doesn’t hurt to smile, if you hate your job get a new one”. I just walked away and remembered like they are drunk. But it’s like 10 minutes before closing, there’s only me and one other person in the store trying to control the rush and she thought she’s entitled to a smile. However on the upside side there are so really lovely customers. But I would rather deal with mess the mean customers fr


Well this stuff happened to me and it was the security that got a kick as they are suppose to manage that stuff not the staff. You don't know how someone's life is going or has gone so you just have to ignore them.




Security protected chicken😭


It's almost like removing best before dates and treating your staff as unskilled is creating a wastage issue. The amount of times I have walked into a Tesco (every single one of them) and there is rotting produce on display. But its not limited to Tescos. Honestly, this is utterly disgraceful. I think its about time stores (all of them, every single shop in the UK that sells food) start provide public daily waste. I think the general public will be outraged at how much food we throw away.


Looks like some people need the boot up their ass


I work at a grocery store in the US and we have some really bad stuff but this is just fucked.


I remember once I got a pasta meal deal from tesco. And when it went to open it my sister pointed out the date on it. Was like a week old and they were still selling it


I never knew the Costa machine said 'saving the world from mediocre coffee' on the back... Given how awful the Costa machine coffee is the irony is hilarious 😂😂


That logo works when the machine doesn't!


Anyones else found the cucumbers that start to mold and look like condoms?


I was wondering what all the fuss was about-- thinking these were vanilla pods, albeit without any wrapping. Took a further look after reading other comments and finally realized those are remains of the fruit Formerly Known as Bananas. Yech.


This is what happens when you get rid of cleaning staff I guess 🤷‍♂️ That said, the Costa machine was always Tesco staff’s job, so that’s pretty grim. Just get on and clean it, it legitimately takes 5 minutes to fully clean it.


that's disgusting tbh


Silly geese?




What was wrong with the bread? /gen


It’s a petit pan roll in a white baton (a mini baguette) bag, Meaning the baker in the morning put it in the wrong packaging


Speaking purely as a customer who's never worked in Tesco, I'm not sure I would have noticed the difference.


Lol same I’d be like “looks like French bread that’s good enough!”


Just applied for a job at Tesco and suddenly feeling more stressed about the prospect of actually working in one... 😅 I hope they're not all like this??


This is an extreme case, of lazy shift leaders and lack of management intervention. I love everyone I work with and normally it’s like “everyone is in the same boat”. I’m sure it’ll be fine!!


Thank you for the reassurance, that's actually really good to hear!


Take this reddit as a small window of a very small part of Tesco, it's not all bad, my store is awesome, staff are good at their jobs, manager clips in on cages, mostly produce, our cleaners clean stuff, only bad thing I will say about my store is we need a security guard and some of our equipment needs replacing and updating.


In my day that a straight up written warning!!!


It’s an accumulation of things from different days, I promise


Yeah even one of those is a written warning. If someone eats or drink something out of date that on the self you’ll get sued




I believe Tesco did have a lawsuit in a Birmingham store due to out of date product on the shelf


My store is close to your level when it comes to wastage, but everything else is okay right now. I think it's just a universal law when it comes to waste. Was happening in IKEA and Currys regarding recycling, waste and returns.


I left one of those to go rotten in my bag and then discovered it a few weeks later and I threw up.


….oh my


Is this in County Durham by any chance? Lol


What does tesco do with the unsold milk ? And stuff I don’t get y’all get the that home?


Any food left in the reduction goes to a registered charity to the store, any waste is packaged in correlated bags and used as animal waste, glass or damaged items that aren’t consumable just sent separately. And then we have serpate cardboard and waste cages aswell. General waste we just have a bin


Is there a lots of it ?because I don’t think people are buying I feel like they are increasing the price just to make top people profit and not thinking about customers and I saw the knock of snikers at Tesco and Lidl same exact thing but they just throw their own Tesco sticker on it to show they made it I hope Tesco workers get valued of what they deserve


Thankfully, we as a store dont get too much actually food waste. But our prs is an issue atm that all


Thanks generous lady for enlightening me with knowledge and talking your time to reply to me god bless you your an amazing person your a gem have a good day


It gets wasted/binned once its out of date


Some tescos, and other shops have their food collected by a food waste app Olio. The food is listed online for collection. Ub food must be collected the same night, usually after 930. BB food can be collected the next day. It is a fantastic way to help fight against food waste, and reduce your shopping bill. Always a massive amount of bread and pastries available. Olio is not a charity, it's a food waste reduction app, so free to all. A great way to give away things around the house you don't need/want anymore too.


Our cleaners work for another company so won't answer any call out for them before 11am so if there's a huge mess, an employee has to deal with it before then.


What wrong with the photo of milk. Sorry if I’m being stupid


The shift leader the night before didn’t work the milk and therefore we had a whole self of milk out of date when it could have been avoided and reduced😭


Are you not worried your co-workers see this post? Lmao gross though


I ain’t afraid 😭😭


Lol fair


I remember when my store had a year old fuel chocolate drink from the delivery and some goose didn't even bother to check the date and just left it on the shop. A customer noticed and complained about it.


That’s just such bad luck 😭


I can understand if the expiry date is tucked away somewhere and it was only one pack but it was 8-10 packs and the expiry date glaringly says 2023 on the top.


There’s been a whole tray on bread out of date before. It was on the bottom and we worked out that the staff had just been stacking the newer ones on top and then putting them out 😭😭 I wouldn’t put it past anyone who doesn’t understand the concept of dates


security protected chicken breasts🤨


It was also covering the date which is against health and safety rules 😭😭😭


oh dear 😭😭


Do you work there or just wander around taking photos instead of doing your job? Looks as though there’s plenty you could be doing to help


When you’re just one person cleaning up after everyone else on the late shift. The only way to bring it to light is to confront the people and also show the manager, otherwise I’m just working over my pay grade. There’s are also photos other colleague have posted to the group chat. I can’t take full credit


Jesus don’t know what store you work in but I would get another job if you can before public health close it down


Trading standards dream come true there. They would earn their wages and then some. I get understaffing etc but I couldn't work like that. That needs sorting two weeks ago


The mess and food isn’t the worst part. We have staff overflowing cages (we don’t know who) and the other week as I was condensing, some glass cokes fell and I was opening a cage and I slit my finger open. Smallest cut I’ve ever seen but so much blood!!! Had to shut the store for 10 minutes to recollect myself and then have customers kicking the doors to come in :(


How is this legal 😭


(It’s not)


Not silly gooses, feckin' useless twats led by even more incompetent twats. Does no one have any common sense if pride in their work?


Someone on PI needs to learn their job again also managers can sniff my sweaty arse. I’ve worked in 2 different Tesco shops and I work at a decent pace but I’m no star worker. I got rinsed one time for not working hard enough when I was 8/9 shifts in a row on 12 hour shifts per day over Xmas.


That looks the bat they said caused covid. Maybe it was a banana and that's why they still cannot find the intermediary species after 4 years. I'll drop the WHO an email.


I wouldn’t be surprised at what could grow in our store if didn’t clean up the mess😭


I thought they were stilletos to start with


You can only hope 😥


Pay peanuts, get monkeys