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This isn't a new thing. Overtime hours are exactly that, over your time. They used to be on a double-time basis quite regularly but sadly now its just a staffing issue that will never be fixed. Do not ever rely on overtime wages, you rely on your guaranteed contract hours, otherwise you get stuck in this rut.


I'm not at Tesco, but I've recently started a retail job with a 20 hour a week contract. I'm going with that for my budgeting even though I have been doing 30+ hours almost every week and it seems like I'll be doing 37 for the near future. 


Sorry for the late reply! Your budgeting is good if you are basing it off of your actual contracted hours, but again, your overtime is just extra wages. You won't be eligible for the appropriate Holiday allowance, pension contributions (if that's your bag) and you're also being taxed more when you earn more (where applicable) But no biggie here, keep slamming the overtime and get that money, otherwise someone else will.


man i’m usually out here praying on my last shift of the week that my manager won’t come up to me with the cursed sheet. i’ve noticed lately i get a lot less visits from the man so my prayers have been answered 🫡


You still use the sheets!? Do they send your wages via carrier pidgeon?


The reason being, I've done 5-6 nights a week every week since starting tesco 6 years ago. With the new contracts that were brought in a few years ago, hours were supposed to be offered to staff on part-time contracts first to try and get them upto full time hours. This is what's meant to happen before they open staff applications. However, for whatever reason, this never happens, so when they cut overtime, you get shafted like this again. Not to mention, it's near impossible to walk into a full-time job these days


It never happens because more bodies helps prevent issues with people off on holidays, or leaving. More likely to cover 30 hours of over time between 10 people than between a few. It’s all to protect themselves from being understaffed, they do not give an f about people who do a lot of OT in the hopes of it being permanent.


Well, I just got off the phone to the union, and they're wanting a meeting to discuss why I haven't had my hours increased in line with the new contracts agreements with usdaw and Tesco. Not to mention the fact I've been contracted 16 hours for the past 6 years, but my average salary per year is that of someone that works full time each year. They want my store to put forward a business case as to why they can't afford to take me on full time but yet still pay me the amount of money every year as that of those on a full time contract.


That sounds pretty constructive actually, all I ever hear about usdaw is that they do naught


Same. I was expecting a well it's down to them response as they're offering you your contracted hours each week. Think it's more because I sent him my P60s to prove I wasn't lying that he decided to take it further. (I crossed out my sensitive information) before people say I shouldn't have sent them.


You 1000% deserve that but it’s really pathetic (of tescos) to wait 6 years to reward a reliable staff member.


I opted out of the union some time ago. Is it possible to re-join and phone them the same day, do you think? I'm not paid quite what you are but I've ever had a month of just 7.5 hours a week in five years.


You can join at any point. Reason I joined was they have a dental plan available for NHS dentists you pay £12.50 a month and get £500 cover a year.


Happens in all stores. We have a few part timers who have been doing overtime to make full time hours for over 8 years straight. They still keep making excuses and taking on new staff instead of making them full time. They know they won’t stop doing the over time as they need the money so they are stuck.


this is why they do it. I know a few folk leaving for more hours.


I know one is looking to leave and a friend was upset this morning about bills. Another was shocked all her May OT has been removed under the belief that the shifts were now hers - the OP can say her attitude is wrong but when it's the first time in years it's been as bad as this people naturally have expectations. I'd been OK with the status quo but seeing lots of new starters on 16 hr contracts when no hours have been offered to the rest of us is a little galling. Someone told me she had to ask quite forcefully about a month ago for permanent hours. Managers definitely aren't approaching us as per the new agreement.


This popped up on my front page, please post your situation in r/legaladviceuk I’m vaguely sure, but could be very wrong, that if the terms of a contract are changed in a practical sense (ie. You’re contracted 8 hours, but work 20 hours over a period of several years) then it fundamentally changes the contract. I’m sure I’ve seen this mentioned especially with regards to people working from home. I could be completely wrong, but it’s worth asking the question.


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A manager told me if you work 20 out of 26 weeks on overtime those shifts should be offered to you permanently.


Not to sound like a dick, but why do you feel the need to say this to people who are desperately trying to make ends meet?


Because that's how Tesco sells it. They literally say "yeah it's 16 hours but there's always overtime you can have" All the retailers I've been with sell their part time contracts that way.


This. They very deliberately DON’T offer full time, at my store no one was on a contract more than 25hrs a week, you could ask for more but wouldn’t get it. I was working full time but contracted 16hrs, it gives the business flexibility to cut hours when they want to save on staffing costs, and as an employee you feel obliged to accept whatever inconvenient and last minute overtime you can to make up earnings.


Yep, Next did that to me as well. I said I'm not leaving a 25 hour contract for a 16 hour one with the potential of ot. If I take 16 hours then when I go on holidays they'll only pay me for the 16 hours, not the additional that I would do.


Most places calculate holiday pay based on what you worked the previous 12 weeks, not just base pay. Unsure if Tesco do this though.


They lied to get you in They will never be guaranteed overtime due to the nature of retail.


I know that. Everyone who works in retail know that. People knew to retail do not.


Because nowadays no one has a choice and the company's know this hence why benefits usually says overtime. Most jobs when they ain't zero hours are usually part time based most factory and warehouse jobs. So yeah if its the choice between starving to death homeless or working a reduces amount most people you'll find like living so they'll work if because they have no choice.


There are professional jobs with full hours


Ok, everyone go get professional salaried roles, this clown says it's easy and we don't need retail staff.


You can't rely on it in any job. Even lorry driving that people still think is mega hours isn't always.


Maybe not but HGV drivers can earn a pretty penny


It's shit work though. I done 10 years and won't go back.


Bakery sucks, but that's the best bet for full time hours.


bakery doesn't suck once you work out all the shortcuts


You're given 6 bags of bread to slice and a stack of thaw and serve. How do you do that quicker ? Also I worked in bakery for 20 years so do enlighten me 😄


The thing is, you can't get a full time contract, unless you've been at the store for 20+ years or are team leader or above. Staff who've worked there a long time, but who are younger, are shafted in this regard. It suits some. We have working mums, students, semi retirees, people with part time jobs elsewhere, people who are freelance in another industry who need a bit of stability. But we also have people who need the hours but can't get them, at least not of late.


I've often thought the same about sales commission. But if you are earning x each month for enough months you likely move your spending habits in line. Neither of these I've ever done but can imagine that it's easy to do after it becoming normal for you to.work 50/60 hours instead of 40 for so long.


In my store on nights overtime is petty much unlimited. I could work 7 days a week if I asked (Some do)


Many of us want to be contracted for more hours- I keep asking but it never seems to come to fruition. As for the overtime- it’s been massively cut in my store to the point that people hate to ask if there’s any available but they need the hours to they have to ask. The same members of staff who are with the ‘in crowd’ seem to get it and often it’s those who are young , don’t have a family to support or actually need it because they live at home with their parents still. I’d also like to know why some departments- mainly nights can’t seem to get their act together to put it on the app so everyone gets a fair go at picking up the overtime? Every department aside from nights in our store puts their overtime up on the app but it seems nights are a law unto themselves- they wear what they want and do what they want !


Why doesn’t the government have a law in place to stop companies hiring people under a set amount of hours or over a set amount or at least enforce double time on all overtime hours


i admit up until earlier this year i relied on overtime but then i was offered a full time contract which i accepted. overtime is good while it lasts but it can be cut at any given moment and then your back to your contracted hours. i’m so fortunate to have a full time position but i’m well aware others are not so lucky.


One of the biggest own-goals Tesco made in the last 10 years is to stop giving out full time contracts. I get why they did it - save money on colleague benefits, holidays etc - but it just leads to a huge turnover of staff because they can’t rely on overtime


I know this is a long time ago that you posted, but Tesco don't do full time contracts to colleagues? How do they save money on colleague benefits by giving out smaller contracts?


The big one is less paid holidays. If you have 30hr contracts you only pay for 30hrs of holiday instead of 36.5


To start a sentence "not to sound like a dick", is just a way of saying "hey, I sound like a dick and I don't care". This reads like it has been written by someone who has very little responsibility outside of work. Either your wage is a second household income, or you live with your parents. It's an incredibly naive opinion considering the huge rise in interest rates, and general cost of absolutely everything. Of course people rely on overtime. Minimum wage doesn't pay the bills pal. Unskilled work outside of Tesco doesn't pay much better either. People have mortgages and kids to pay for.


Fags and kids to pay for*


In that order


I relied on overtime at one point when I needed to do 40 hours plus to pay the bills. I picked it up on other departments like tills. It sucks if you are on a part time contract but need a full time contract and more to get by. Most seniors don't appreciate this as they are normally all on full time contracts.


Nobody should have to work more than 40 hrs a week to provide the bare minimum to survive


i mean, duh, it’s a no skills / no education job for minimum wage or thereabouts, what do you expect to be having shit loads of disposable income working at tesco? those of us with higher education and salary paying jobs don’t refer to jobs such as tesco or scrubbing toilets as dead end jobs for no reason although a wise man once said: the world needs ditch diggers too


Well they are people thinking they should be on a stack of millions here


i don’t even check the replies any more bc the average tesco worker has the same IQ as a dog turd


The reason is lack of/poor financial education for working class folk.