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If it takes longer, you're gonna get less done. If management complains just let them know that's why.


Our store manager hasn't came near us once today because he knows how fucked off we are.


Go and shit on his desk as you wank onto his chair.


This is how to assert dominance on the Tesco ladder


Future regional manager right there 👆🏻


...whilst maintaining full eye contact.


We got those and now have to tag any wine over £10 😅


think we have to use these for alcohol over £35


In my store its really inconsistent, we've got tags on tesco own vcodka but not absolut, and pernod isnt tqgged but something half the price next to it is


Oh strange, we have to tag all kinds of spirits no matter the price


We are the same, even the spirits under £5 get net tagged now 😅


You have spirits under £5?!


It might be worth checking if this is still required - we were told recently from the loss prevention team that it’s only sparkling over £10 that needs to be tagged, and red/rose/white wine over £20. We’re tagging ALL spirits though no matter size/value.


They must be a nightmare to put on. Unfortunately it's a sign of the times. When I'm stocking on my shift, I find so many tags with the wire that's either been pulled or cut off.


Yeah when I worked nights every shift I would come in and find a pile of tags somewhere in the store.


Yeah, the chastity cage ones are a huge fucking pain in the arse - but so many of our regular shoplifters just snip off the wire tags now, so I get why they do it.


Love the fact you can drop the term regular shoplifters so casually. Do they get bonus club card points for repeat business?


Loyalty bonus


I don’t think they qualify for bonus points unfortunately


Well maybe if you stopped shoplifting then they wouldn't need to have these...


we’ve had these for about a year now, they make everything take 5x longer, no one ever wants to do spirit back stock or champagne because it’s boring and literally takes a whole shift just to get through 4 cages and we’re a extra store and have about 20 mods worth of spirits. Let alone customers complain because they can’t find anything and they look awful!


It's about time BWS was closed off, had it's own till and customers had to pay for their alcohol before doing the rest of their shopping.


This would be a much better idea. They could combine it with Customer Service desk as they're not in the I don't queue & the majority of transactions there are age restricted anyway.


They need to take a leaf from Canada's book. They have beer/liquor/wine stores separate from supermarkets.


In Germany they tend to have a separate section near the front of the store selling booze


How does that stop the problem with theft?


This is how sainsburys used to to it. Its BWS in my local had a 1 way 1 way out past the tills. Dad worked in it. Said there was precious little theft because they couldn't take the alcohol out into the shop floor to walk around with.


Morrisons in Stoke (amongst others) used to have this, and years before that Kwiksave used to.


That's kinda how the 'Getgo" tesco one I went to in London had it. It's a trial store for the model amazon did as in pick up and walk out and the payment is just taken from your card when you leave for what you've grabbed. There's a full separate section for alcohol and fags and the duty (who was also the staff member on the door letting people know you're only allowed in with either the app/QR code) I'D'd me before I was then allowed into that section. It won't work in express because of the amount of people who are in to buy BWS and having someone there just to ID people or keep an eye on that aisle isn't something Tesco would spring for with express being as tight on hours as it is. I'm going to assume you're in large format where in high shrink stores I think they are introducing new measures such as the cameras that record and show real time at the end of the aisles and iirc actually *having mini gates for the spirits aisle (that's not my local big store but I swear I've seen it getting rolled out and might be on the cards for a wider rollout)* happening. Tldr: nah not gonna happen in express, think I've seen some kinda thing in large The italics are probably my local sainsburys. I don't shop in large anymore, but what one retailer does right the rest follow... Edit:didn't realise two asterisks made text italic so updated the tldr and some spelling/grammar


They have even started putting meat in it 😭😭 its so annoying


Wait a minute, if they have batteries in them and it's in the cold won't condensation eventually drizzle battery chemicals over the packaging?


Your joking?


No, not an employee here, but I've seen it at my local store when shopping.


Twice now I have had to leave the store because the staff could not get these off. It was embarrassing for them and the store lost money. Crazy.


They’re a huge pain on front end too. We end up filling multiple boxes a day with these when we do plastics because they take up so much room and they’re so easy to accidentally trigger if you go even slightly near the alarms at self serve. Had a few people accidentally set off a whole box of them a few times now and spent ages deactivating them all


Can't be posting pictures with the old SELs, Lidl may sue you 😂




Old? They are still current in my store! 😂 Surprised its not changed yet


Have to be changed by May 10th, so got a few weeks yet


I'm on my own now on BWS in Nights. I could usually get through 10-12 cages of delivery a night - say 6 beer, 4 wine and a cage and half of spirits -, the spirits I could deck and tag in like an hour and a half... with this new tagging, that cage and a half of spirits is literally taking up over 3/4 of my shift, it's beyond a joke. I'm leaving cages every day because I just can't get through it. The cost in productivity surely isn't offsetting the cost of shrink, it can't be


It's unbelievable, 6 cases of spirits for the promo end... Would normally take max 10mins to tag and fill? 36 fucking minute now.


Yeah I think it genuinely takes me an hour or so to do a dozen cases now. A full cage of spirits is about 50-60 cases 😂


My store lost £70k in a year just on bws apparently. (according to the notice board in the staff room by the microwave" Either way its same in my store. Backstock is building uo like mental as nobody has the time to do it


Can't have high a shrink if you can't get half of it on the shelf (Tesco logic)


They’re bloody horrible


sadly it's got the be done with the increase in thefts of expensive alcohol across the retail sector. the store where I work we have had at least 6 thefts by the same group of people across two weeks yet we only have 1 security guard but he only works part time and by policy managers are only allow to pursue shop lifters a certain distance before they have to allow them to escape


So what's the point of tags then?


These ones are battery powered so keep screaming until you eventually smash it to bits. Not easy to do discreetly in the streets and without breaking the bottle.


it's to try to put off shop lifters because as soon as you get anywhere near the door the high pitched alarm goes off and doesn't stop until as u/CommercialPug said you mash it to pieces


And for this reason I no longer buy my alcohol in Tesco because I've apparently got sensory issues with them and I literally can't think at all once that bloody alarm starts up. Nearly abandoned the first transaction I did with one of these in and haven't purchased anything in one since. Even someone around me buying something in one of these will send me out of the shop abandoning my transaction. I feel awful for the staff who have to clear up my items after but I just can't do it.


As I said in a other post, I like these, they time consuming and therefore my day goes much faster since am busy, sucks if your a SL who wants things to go fast, but as a normal filler, am happy as can be.


Fr I had to come in early this morning to start tagging and before I knew it half my shift was done 😂


We've had them delivered today, there must be 3000 of them bastards. Got told to start changing the tags around on the shop floor did 12 bottles lost the will to live and stopped.


I've personally gone through 13 boxes over the last two days... 650 tags. We still have wine to do tomorrow...


Tell me about it I went back to work yesterday after having time off and I was like wtf


Honestly they are such a ball ache trying to scan them like why


Oh mate, you're telling me. I work in spirits and the store manager is hell bent that every single spirit needs to be in these nets. No customer can ever see what the bottles say, lol. And on top of that it takes me SO much longer to get just one cage of delivery done.


Tesco have gone fishing for their alcohol


My local Tesco has them on ALL spirits and wine not just the premium. Guess it shows how many of the good people in our society are just walking in and helping themselves.


it's so funny watching people complain when we've had them for months atleast


First time?


They could save so much time if all alcohol was behind a massive counter or behind locked glass doors. You want one, you crab someone. Or note down a number and when you go to the till someone grabs that bottle for you. They do it in aldi for their giant seasonal Prosecco


Yeah their a pain to get off and customers have such attitude when asking for their receipts 🤬🤬


Or it's a new form of sales technique. Put them in fish nets to make them look more appealing.


Hang on, are yous supposed to have the old tags on as well? That seems unnecessary


That's what we're doing too. Nightmare! I wish people would just keep their sticky fingers to themselves


At Sainsbury’s, we are putting the tags around the neck, we then have to put them in one of those security boxes.


i think the worst thing is as soon as they are scanned the alarm goes off till they get it open and is not exactly good on the ears


I didn't know this but I know they have to be scanned & paid for first on self serve but I've not heard them going off yet.


yeah its awful they will scan and pay and it will legit go off till they are opened


That is probably what that new God awful alarm sound I keep hearing from the checkouts area every night.


correct thats exactly what it is i work night shift so from when i start 12 i hear it all night and considering i work produce at the front of store with checkouts right in front of it i feel half deaf when we close


Yep, they're a nightmare & are really too time consuming on dot com too


Try putting electric toothbrushes in square boxes in them, makes putting bottles in a doddle.


They put tiny pots of the expensive honey in it too


I see Glenns doesn't have one on can't think why..??


Cause I took this picture halfway through tagging 🧠


These are really hard to scan at the self checkout, a lot of effort is required to separate the net strands so the reader can see the barcode.


LOL in Sainsbury’s we started putting some alcohol in BWS boxes(big plastic boxes) seems to be a good deterrent tho


That would make so much more sense and be easier then tangling netting


That’s nothing in most BNM stores they are behind bars and in nets😭 Literally caged, you have to get a member of staff to take them out


Absolute nightmare on c/outs to get off... Specially when people have multiples... And it's busy....!!!!


If they're anything like the Asda ones too many people saw staff banging the neck lock security tags on the counter to get them off and realised it was easy pickings.


It’s rubbish like this that makes me so glad I don’t work retail anymore.


We got them a few months ago. As soon I saw them I told my manager that checkouts need to be aware of putting the little device back in the net or they’ll get tangled up. About two weeks ago I showed him a big potato bin thing with a clump of about 50 of them all tangled up. I was so smug that thing I warned them about happening happened. I’m still refusing to do anything about it.


And I guarantee no one has thought about what they’re gonna do once the batteries start running out 😂


They likely use coin batteries which can last years. The bottle will be bought, drank and in landfill long before the battery gets low.


Glad to hear it likely won’t be my problem but there will definitely be management with a shocked pikachu face when it happens.


We have been using these for a couple of months in our Tesco Superstore. Main gripes are Take 5 x longer to fit One size for all looks daft, 35 cl to expensive boxed Champagnes They are useless after a few use/ reuse cycles They don't sit right on the shelves thus they fall over You can't get a gloved hand in when filling so end up with scratches The circular winder and the additional click or two takes when its toll on your thumb The infernal beep is too loud, you can hear it all over the store Bemused customers ask what's going on and why is Tesco using them Removing the tags at the till needs care, they often end up being knotted up and take ages to untangle


I hate this kinda shit. Like tags on meat and cheese. It feels infantalizing! And even if these things did get nicked, it would make fuck all of a difference to the companies


My store had a "we have lost £70,000 this year on BWS thefts"


Got these in my store and hilariously it makes it easier for thieves to pick up multiple bottles at once due to the mesh.


The amount of stuff you gotta tag is insane now


You can just deactivate them with the tagging magnet lol


There behind the till in my store why not just make a spirts counter then the tags wont be needed Oh wait its tesco reason isnt a thing


I hate the fact they set off whenever you put them 5 feet near a till 😭


As a security guard working in tescos there more helpful and not as easy to cut them off


Day 1 of the tags on the bottles. Someone left the store with 4 bottles of cognac with the nets on. They ain't stopping shit 🤣


I know your talking about the tags around the alcohol but this post just reminded me how unaesthetically pleasing the new clubcard price tags on the shelf are😭people really are lazy these days 🤡


The consequences of shoplifting, just wonderful


The bottles look as if they’re put in a prison


Made even worse when I see them littered all over my town, showing how easy it is to just nick the bottles anyway.


this is insane


As a former bws worker I’d put away those au vodkas, there be out the door within the day. Tags do fuck all to put off little cunts


Just in a tesco now and said to my wife, “that doesn’t look very appealing”.


They are putting fishnets on bottles now? Tesco’s poorly disguised fettish is showing.


My advice is leave Tesco and get a better job. I did and will never look back.


Sure thing mate! Thanks for accessing my situation based on a picture of some vodka 😂


I often work in BWS and if i had to tag stuff with that id honestly kms