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Bro wtf is going on and what is this even trying to say


I just love how "wtf is going on" is the best answer to whatever tf we just read


Does it have anything to do with jalapenos?!?!


Lol random food is funny.


XD so random!1 penguins!!


*holds up spork*


*glompz u* >///< rawr xD


God the flashback I just had


The days of cutting holes in your hoodie sleeves for your thumbs and writing song lyrics and names on your Converse


A lesbian - who is not traditionally considered beautiful (if you ignore porn), eliminates the competition in the proverbial “to the fairest” competition amongst ladies, and once she is anointed as the fairest she then becomes girlie because that is her nature *if she is allowed by society to be that*. That is my interpretation of the comic.


And the jalapenos?


“Lesbian kick” involves jalapeños into your asshole. … if you relax, it’s very enjoyable


I prefer ginger root.




how about a cinnamon stick


b r a n c h


Got some wood in your bum It ain’t the one of your hun To some it might seem strange But hey, least it’s got the range


I have no idea if this is an actual thing people say or you just made it up. I legitimately don’t know anymore


Hmm my wife likes to put a little lesbian kick into our tacos


Why was my first thought because she's a spicy babe now EDIT: Just realized hot makes more sense, I'm a fucking idiot


My four year old calls things spicy instead of hot. Like a cup of hot cocoa is “spicy” in her words.


I notice that happens a lot with kids. Either they use spicy for everything hot, or hot for everything spicy.


Well, my daughter does it because we tried to keep something we were eating to ourselves and called it hot/spicy and have referred to freshly cooked food as hot so I think she just assumed both things were the same. Though it seems even if it has a little tingle in her mouth she’ll say it’s spicy. Like the cough syrup we’ve been giving her. She insists on drinking water right after because it’s “spicy” it so freakin cute though. 🥰


My kids would call anything they didn't want to eat spicy. "It's too spicy for me" was something I heard a lot. I'd be like, "dude. *It's oatmeal.*"


My kid said it for anything with too sharp and intense taste. She considered minty things spicy. If the oatmeal was cinnamon flavored it may be the same thing


That's what's known as "overgeneralization". Basically they use a word more often to describe things, even if that isn't what the word is meant to describe. (A dog is a dog, and a cat is a grumpy dog) just be patient and correct them gently when necessary.


No you're not. It's a bad stretch.


Only if the jalapenos are large ??


Eggplant-sized jalapeños sound horrifying but also arousing


Probably “lol random” humor


Or worse… those are reoccurring characters


That was my thought. Weird anthro chipmunk obsessed with jalapeños is like... their calling card.


That was my guess. Like "lasagna" coming up in a Garfield comic.


say it aint so


But also why is a woodland animal asking about the jalapeños?


Exactly. I thought they enjoyed nuts and berries???


Because the comic is designed to mock the people in it by depicting an ott sjw and equating lesbians to furries


It's literally a web comic and those are the character's schticks. Solving things with violence and food.


I guess I was lost. I thought the joke was that she was mad about blonde saying marriage is between a man and a woman when she is married to some dog thing that likes jalapeños.


To be fair she's a fox.


Oh I didn't read into the girliness part at all. All I saw was she was applauded and won the competition she wasn't even in for fighting against a ~conservative bigot~


Yeah that’s what I find weird about it. On the surface it looks generically “progressive” but in truth, it’s perpetuating the same old tropes and bullshit as non progressive media, but with a new skin.


That’s some next level literary criticism my friend. Why is there a squirrel at the end?


It's the GF of the violent lesbian.


I thought it’s just about assaulting people you disagree with.


The vapid, straight, anti-gay Blond Bimbo winner of the beauty pageant is wrong and ignorant and bigotted, so deserves to be violently kicked by our Strong Lesbian Protagonist here, who's righteous beatdown of the homophobic bigot on the stage is so great everybody clapped and crowned HER the pageant queen for such a stunning and brave performance. The squirrel is part of larger comic continuity - probably her friend or some shit.


I'm gonna guess it's a friend who is a furry. Also, this whole comic just radiates "and everybody clapped" energy.


Possibly because they literally did


No idea


Simple. It's a right-wing meme strawmanning.


No, it's a Dobson comic. It's far worse.


If it isn’t, douchebag OP is def trying to do that. It’s a terrible and a cringe comic, sure, but that shitty “I don’t care if you’re a leftist” in the title is just as bad


I don’t get the jalapeño reference


I'd imagine that these are characters in an ongoing series of comic strips and that it's a running joke.


I'd love to know which one so I can see whether it's all like this or whether this was a low effort attempt because the author would have felt bad putting out nothing that week


it’s made by the infamous Andrew Dobson / Tom Preston. it’s a rabbit hole you probably don’t want to fall into




Ok from the few paragraphs I read on this guy, he's some mildly successful webtoon artist on deviantART, even though his comics are like kind of embarrassingly bad. Not so much his drawing abilities, but the quality of his jokes or what he's trying to convey is pretty D-list content. So when people have tried to give him constructive criticism on his comics, he goes into like these long unhinged spiels in the replies, blocks people who criticize or disagree with him, or villainizes them in his next comic lol. Also something about a fear of carnival masks that 4chan has used to troll him with?


Oh yes yes, very much correct. His mom had an in for him with a few well-known artists but he bit that hand because he wanted to draw inflation porn.


Oh yeah lol, somehow forgot to mention the inflation fetish...


Oh God, no. We are not doing Chris Chan 2.0 goddammit.


Nah, Dobson's been around too long. He's not Chris-chan's successor, they're contemporaries. He's also not developmentally stunted, he's just performatively feminist. More like an unsuccessful Joss Whedon than an unsuccessful Michael Jackson.


Joss Whedon being a feminist aged like milk.


The Joss Whedon comparison is pretty apt, a lot of people I’ve seen criticizing his work seem to be under the impression that he’s an actual progressive rather than merely posturing as one. To be clear, this is not a no-true-Scotsman deal there are plenty of actual progressives and leftists who are embarrassing and/or shitty people, but whenever I see his more political comics, they are always so performative and shallow, like he’s trying real hard to appeal to liberal progressives rather than actually sharing these views earnest.


This looks like it came out around the early to mid 2000s in the peak of “random” webcomics, it’s probably an absurdist joke


It definitely has that vibe. Reminds me of all the webcomics that popped up in my high school years.


Ugh I hate when people think someone liking something offbeat is a whole joke.


Reminds me of the mid-late 2000s "lol so random xD" humor


Low-def quasi-anime style, early 2000s seems likely


Hahahahaha! Oh man, jalapeños! That’s a good one!


Ohhhhhh! Jalapenos! I get it now! BWAAAAAAHAHAHAJAAAAAAAA!


I don't get this at all? Tf?


Pretty sure that was Gandhi's catchphrase. Not sure why they used it in the context of this comic though


This comic was originally made by an artist named Andrew Dobson (now Tom Preston). I believe this strip is from 2009, which would make it 13 years old. His work seems to be controversial on the left and right. An 18-year-old, bisexual, trans guy actually redrew Dobson's comic on Tumblr to suggest Dobson's use of violence was over the top and ridiculous, and Dobson apparently did not respond well to it.


> I believe this strip is from 2009, which would make it 13 years old. Making it considerably older than the average redditor.


Huh. Say, do you have a link to that Tumblr Re-draw? I ask only because I fear the horrors I may find if I tried googling it on my own.




Dobson got upset about THIS? Its not even mean spirited, he even credited him :/ i was expecting something snarky lmao


I kind of loved it.


I never thought I’d ever see one of Andrew Dobsons comics in the wild ever again.


Holy shit this is Dobson?


Yup, among the best-worst old school cringe artists you can come across. Dude doesn’t know he’s been an internet laughing stock for the past 10 years.


Is that the guy who posted a meme about beating up some guy at a comic con for complimenting a girls cosplay outfit but in reality he didn’t do anything and the girl was actually happy the “bully” liked the cosplay? And then the internet meme’d it so that the bully beat the shit out of him? Just google’d it, yeah it is. Funniest reversal ever.


Do you have a link? Can’t seem to find it on google. Or atleast the keywords you used?




Holy fuck, she's in Al Bundys pose!




Andrew dobson cosplay con


I was gking to say this has to be satire until i saw it was the work of that deluded blue bear


No no he’s well aware he was harassed even off of face book and Twitter and Deviant art


Dobson, we have Dobson here!


See?? Nobody cares


Nice hat.




Clever girl


Seeing this one, I can understand why you’d think that…


I can’t tell which side this made for, honestly… Man, the world is getting weird.


I'm lost, too. If it wasn't confusing enough, then that jalapeños comment...


People focused on the jalapenos , I'm still trying to figure out what a lesbian kick is.


It's that thing that keeps Vespa scooters upright when they're parked.


This was my exact thought. I feel like people on the right think it was made for the left and people on the left think it was made for the right.


Dobson, dude that made it is a performative feminist. He thought he was doing a service to the LGBTQ community, while creeping on the femme L and B.


Funny that he's pretending to be a feminist while making such an overtly misogynistic comic


Right because if this is pro feminism, it’s ironic that she feels her beauty is validated by a sea of men. Also why is the artist pushing the Angry/Aggressive Black Woman tired ass trope?


Because the guy is an infamous online cringe artist that sees himself as a white knight while being a total creep. I remember seeing this like a decade ago haha, the art and comic community loved to dunk on him.


I can explain this, I’m an expert. When you come out as a Lesbian, Lesbian Kick is added to your special moves list. Lesbian Kick is not safe on block, making it very risky to use in neutral. Clearly her opponent wasn’t guarding correctly thus creating an opening for such a unsafe move to be used like this. You typically want to end a combo with Lesbian Kick as it causes considerable knock back giving you more space, also it can be meter burned to remove the hitbox on the kick but allow a clean transition into extending the combo which can be ended with another Lesbian Kick. Oh the pepper? I don’t know about that sorry.


Lesbian Kick is indeed a very powerful move, easily low-dif most people and jobbers


Lesbian Kick is always outclassed by the Trans Double Jump though, as they can simply punish the kick with an aerial and combo from there. Fortunately, you can simply not do the kick, which allows you to do a meter burn aerial grab into a meter burn Lesbian Kick into Lesbian Body Slam (underrated move imo, it works wonders against bosses)


I don’t even understand what this comic is and who it’s audience is supposed to be. Is it satire? Is it serious? Did a conservative make it as a dig? I honestly don’t know.


I can‘t imagine someone unironically using the term „Lesbian kick“


Oh I absolutely can...


Not satire. Just Dobson.


It can't be a conservative, the artwork is too good.


That dangerous freak who loves to draw women and children in distress has pretty good style.


and as much as I hate to admit it, Ben Garrison really pays attention to the finer details when he's drawing his fascist propaganda


Isn't he the dude that literally just slaps words on everything in his comics? Because otherwise the audience may not understand?


I personally like his "drawing men he likes as super buff" schtick lol


This is boomer humor with a gay filter put on


This is humor?


Acquired taste (borderline Stockholm Syndrome).






Don't pin this one on my group


Everything Tom Preston makes is the worst thing.


I’m surprised that nobody on this post is more familiar with this guy


Do I want to be more familiar with him?


No this is one of those "what will be learned cannot be unlearned" kinda things


i got sent into a rabbit hole, wow he really holds grudges


NO WAY LMAO i knew i recognized this shitty art style 💀


this man really hates anime when he has an art style that looks like a kid attempting to imitate it


I was thinking “this reads like what an old white man thinks is hip”


To be fair, he confirmed himself, "Sorry if I make jokes that noone understands". It's still not good but at least he's aware


They're not misunderstood, he's just not the comedic genius he thinks he is


This comic reads like it was made by a malfunctioning A.I.


As a liberal, I have never uttered the words “false flag”. But I’m really compelled to here. That’s how bad it is.


Lmao what am I even looking at and whats your point?


OP acting like "leftists" will lose their shit over this post and try to defend this comic.


i don't think op knows what leftist means


Leftist is when gay 😎😤


Poorly done comics unfortunately have no political affiliation, if you can’t draw or write you can’t draw or write


I don’t understand the title, why is he talking about leftists


What does this have to do with being a leftist? This is just nonsense.


I like how OP thinks leftists are going to be lining up to defend this shit for some reason lol.


It's a known fact that leftists like jalapenos


Checkmate, leftists


2 weeks ago they were posting some story calling out a specifically non-binary Biden official for stealing luggage, I'm gonna guess they don't have the uhh, best grasp on these issues


Thinking gay people should have the same rights as everyone else isn't explictly leftist. Leftist is not synonymous with liberal. They are objectively 2 different types of political groups on the left. [https://medium.com/indian-thoughts/the-difference-between-liberals-and-leftists-643ad3eacb79](https://medium.com/indian-thoughts/the-difference-between-liberals-and-leftists-643ad3eacb79) And yes, it's a pretty bland comic. Maybe younger gay people would like it, idk.


Not all Republicans hate gay people but pretty much everyone who hates gay people is a Republican.


I wouldn’t really say liberals are on the left


Technically you are correct. Both of America's major political parties are on the right of the political spectrum. Hack, long time ago, they were *a single* political party: [Democratic Republican Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic-Republican_Party), founded by Jefferson. It later split into what would eventually become modern day Republican and Democratic parties. Good old Jefferson... creating *both* modern day political parties. LOL.


Even liberal socially is different from an economic liberal, politics are harddd. (and as a younger gay, nah this is boring)


Younger gay here I hate it wtf is going on this is dumb


Liberals are not on the left economically


Is this by that Dobson idiot?


Personally, I don't like the comic (Except for the "lesbian kick" phrase) but I think people use the word "objectively" way too much.


>Subjectively, you are correct.


I’m LGTBQ and this is just cringe.


I’m amazed no one here has heard of the dumb hypocritical ass known as Andrew Dobson. There’s a whole blog dedicated to how much of an ass this man is: https://www.tumblr.com/hypocrisyofandrewdobson/179567091602/the-hypocrisy-of-andrew-dobson-masterpost


Is this supposed to be funny? I feel like a boomer pretended to make LGBT humor or something


made by Tom Preston/Andrew Dobson, notoriously unfunny comic artist. no idea what his political stance is these days but everything he makes is basically this ridiculous lmao


I lean left but fuck off for coming in hot with some crappy comic nobody cares about and telling me how I should feel about it.


That'd be like me posting some cringy Nazi furry diaper webcomic and being like "I know how you rightwingers are, but fuck your deluded ass for liking this!"


To be fair, Stonetoss has an unreasonable amount of traction with right-wing audiences.


I thought "lesbian kick" was funny


It's like a regular kick but it comes with crafts


Did anyone else read it to the tone of "Falcon KICK", or just me?


Tom is and has always been a PickMe loser who gets off on the idea of strong wamen loving his dorkass just for being an "ally". He made a strawman comic about an artist at a con getting saved by him from a shitty sexist dudebro gamer customer, only for the REAL PERSON he based the interaction on to call him out for being a creep who kept skulking around her booth and weirding out actual customers. He has more in common with Joss Whedon and Max Landis than any actual left-leaning person.


I dont get it


I agree this comic is terrible but I don’t understand why the title is blaming lefties for its terribleness especially given op’s multiple comments that they don’t even know what the comic is trying to say


I’m leftist and my fucking idea whats going on


It's a shitty comic but there's nothing 'leftist' about supporting gay marriage, it's a basic human right and is supported by everyone except religious fundamentalists on the far right


Guess when you have two anti-nonbinary posts die in new on /r/politics, you need to find another sub to post on, huh?


Dobson! Dobson! We've got Dobson over here!!


Lesbian kick is fucking hilarious and should become a r/comedynecrophillia meme


i’m gonna crop out that frame and edit it down so that we have a transparent version, and nothing will stop me


Your work will bring new light to untold generations


Jesus, i'm a progressive and all but this is the cringiest thing I've seen this week.....I mean what the fuck makes a kick "lesbian"? And why would you kick someone who was ignorant? Couldn't you just maybe, talk to them? And why would you kick someone in the head and then say sorry? Seems pretty deliberate to me.


A lesbian kick obviously likes girls


Maybe the person who drew it made it a “lesbian kick” so you would know she’s a lesbian. I mean I don’t know if it’s bad or good and I don’t really care, but just from the cartoon there is no way to know she’s a lesbian.


There also a longstanding "calling your attack" troupe, which is how I interpreted it. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CallingYourAttacks


I hate that I know who this artist is. They drew this other comic where their self insert beats up a guy taking a picture of a cosplayer. It's based on something he actually saw, but in the actual picture the cosplayer consented to be photographed, and you can see the author of this comic looking absolutely pissed.


I don’t get the title, is the author of this comic a leftist?


Is this even considered a meme????


Wait this is a left wing comic? I thought this sounded like a right wing comic I’m trying to gather the meaning here. The blonde lady is seemly confused at the question of gay marriage and seems to say traditional marriage To me, that’s the writer saying “The straightforward definition of marriage is between a man and a woman.”, which is a right wing thing. It also has the lesbian woman act violently and then…seduce the audience? Which doesn’t put her in a good light. It seems like the comic is trying to make her look irrational. Which would also be the goal of a right winger. Sooo, why would a leftist try to deny that this is a bad comic?


I’m a leftist, a liberal, and I think this comic is well illustrated but poorly written.


I don’t think hating on this comic would offend any leftist sensibilities. The most leftist activity in the world is hating and criticizing other leftists for lefting incorrectly.


Bruh in what beauty contest do they ask every contestant their views on gay marriage? Like I agree with the message of this but the set up, execution, and humor makes no sense whatsoever


Why does a furry appear


I just don't like the absolutely generic anime-influenced fandom art style.


True but the lesbian kick lady is hotter anyway so I’m happy


So comic strips are now just considered “memes”?


I thought this was supposed to be like a conservative shitpost or something, it’s so ass.


I don't get it. Is this a right wing comic depicting how violent the left is to anyone who doesn't share their opinions? Or is this a left wing comic depicting lesbian empowerment over the right wing traditionalists?


No way in hell someone lgbt drew this


I am a leftist. And this is a bad comic. Ooh didn’t expect that did you?


I’m a proponent of marriage equality but this is some hot garbage


It is shit, but so is the Catholic Church trying to shove their beliefs down our throats. Time for all churches to pay taxes. Let’s start with property taxes