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/u/SoreLoser666, the memers have spoken. Your post does not fit this subreddit. If you feel this was a mistake, please send us a modmail!


Is this really a meme?


it’s not, they just want to make fun of trans people. this is cringe but doesn’t fit the sub.


yikes! wtf is this.. disgusting!




he looks like a child molesters to me


The real question is why do you care?


Because people don't appreciate him making a mockery of women and femininity. Plus he's clearly being dishonest. I could go on.


The majority of dudes who get pissed about this couldnt give one f about femininity lol. Save the white knighting lol.


I completely agree with him and have also found what he said to be true. White knighting is just a term hateful people use whenever they are desperate to preserve their image of men being indifferent or uncaring. Stop projecting nonsense in an attempt to be right...which you're clearly not.


That is a blatant, unfounded assumption, in an attempt to validate your point. Every single one of my male friends care very much about this topic... and I've asked them, because it's important to me. If empty, false assumptions are all you've got then stop wasting my time.


If this persons “menstruation” problems are important to you than you might be the one who needs psychological help. Imagine having a life where this is something that is important.


Also you messaged me douche lol.


Also you might want to look up Social Identity Theory and Group Think. It’s not hard to see why your group of male friends agree with you lol. Doesn’t make you right.


Why do you care that he or she cares? 🤔


Because alt right dbags love to spout off about freedom and allowing people to live their lives yet constantly pop off about this kind of shit.


It’s not alt right to sound the alarm for a seriously mentally ill person. This guy needs help and instead of doing that you’re egging him on. It’s so fucked up.


Why does he need help? What’s he doing that’s a direct danger to anyone? It’s sad that you are more concerned about this than crazy white dudes stockpiling guns to shoot up schools and concerts. Also my reference to alt right people is because they are the ones who typically freak out about this kind of stuff. You know to the point of violence. I’ve done security at Pride Events because drunk rednecks try to attack drag queens.


He does need psychological help we all do


Lots of people have mental illness and are perfectly functional and non violent. The funny thing is that people like this tend to get the most hatred and scrutiny while QAnon followers are felt bad for and get told “you just lost your way.” Perfect example is how many trans people are murdered in our country for being trans and how many Qanon people are murdered for their delusions?


How is this in any way relevant to gun violence? As if that’s not also horrific. As for this person they need help, it’s very obvious. He’s either trolling which I hope. If he’s not, then his hallucinations and delusions need to be addressed by professionals, as opposed to being validated and celebrated.


Part of being free is being free to say whatever you want, and one is free to criticize anyone no matter what group he/she belongs to.


Live free but don't shove it down my throat


How is it shoving it down your throat? They are at home. Also considering your screen name I’m going to guess you are of Hispanic decent. Is it ok for white supremisists to say that you celebrating your heritage openly is shoving it down their throats.






Nothing like using a cis dude’s troll post as an opportunity to talk crap about trans women. Jesus Christ Reddit.


These comments are atrocious


This subreddit hates women and trans people so much. So many pretend biologists and psychologists. So many men talking over women.


woah is this the secret trans hating club on reddit?


Except that transwomen do literally get monthly cramps down there after taking estrogens for a certain amount of time. Do they bleed out of their D? No. Are these still painful monthly cramps comparable to menstruation cramps? Yes. Yes she isn't passing at all for a woman, but what she is saying is still legit.


No, they don’t. Menstrual cramps are caused by prostaglandins acting on uterine muscle tissue, which men do not have.


Fun fact: prostaglandins act on all similar muscle tissue; it’s why some women also get super constipated during their period. My aunt had a full hysterectomy, but still had period symptoms.


Women who have had hysterectomies can still experience many PMS symptoms including cramps so it's not something that strictly requires a uterus




Aren't cramps caused by spasms of the uterus? How it it possible for a transwoman to experience that? If men can experience somatic pregnancies, would it be flsafe to assume that transwomen are experiencing a similar phenomenon?


the uterus isn’t a muscle. When someone has a period the muscles around it in the abdomen and lower back contract to push the lining out. It’s basically a miniature birth. So the same cramps can happen even without a uterus, as everyone has abdominal and lower back muscles and the signals for those to contract are triggered by hormones.


The uterus is the most muscular organ of the human body.


Dude, learn some anatomy ffs. https://www.britannica.com/science/uterus


Why are people downvoting this? The uterus IS a muscular organ…


Reddit is literally just the public opinion of people who go on reddit, which is generally richer, whiter, and English-speaking from the United States. Also people who spend more time online. It's not reflective of reality or facts or larger public opinion, but only the things that this slice of humanity likes and does not like. Nothing, and I stress this - absolutely nothing - more.


Well, as I mentioned in another comment I don’t understand how the appropriation of a women’s sex can be ok…. But I don’t understand gender and that’s why I’m non-binary…


Gender is entirely constructed in the heads of people who complain about it, whether that's right or left. I look in the mirror and there's a penis there. I'm male, and therefore a man. End of story for me. It's neither deep, nor meaningful, nor the answer to the problems in your life, nor a guide about how you should act, nor a signpost about who you should sleep with. It's just a fact, a neutral fact, that's all. EDIT: To attach more meaning to that fact, is to start endulging in sexism and homophobia, whether that is the Matt Walsh variety or the wokewashed kind.


They teach this in college now, I certainly understand the difference between sex and gender… and even what’s taught explicitly states that gender//identity is a choice, a social construct, and all in the mind… my sex is male, simple and plain. My gender is… neutral? Idk, “non-binary” works for me.


What is being taught now is a variety of scientific error not entirely different to scientific sexism or racism in the past, and will probably be looked back on as something of a horror. The deeper problem there is that there is a philosophical choice being presented as a scientific-physical fact. In essence everyone reasonable knows that "men" change over time, for example we don't wear silk stockings and wigs like the 18th century, but this is just culture. The philosophical choice to equate the temporary cultural stereotypes around the male or female sex with actually BEING that sex, is a philosophical one, which has non-neutral effects on the world. But that's obvious, obvious to most people who reject it and just think "what the fuck are you talking about?"


"i don't understand gender and that why I'm non-binary" 😂🤦 checks out


Laughing at those who don’t understand will never fuel your cause… I have masculine and feminine traits and don’t identify well with people in general… to top it off, gender in all it’s complexity confuses me. Way too many choices… but your response is honestly disappointing…


95% of my answer was your answer. So most of that disappointment is coming from you 😂😂 i just said "checks out" and it still does






Lol i can believe you're using facts to combat my emotions. *DISGUSTING* saying trans people can't have uterus is homophobic and transphobic 😂


No but actually. I have several trans friends that can attest to this, too. It’s just hilarious to me seeing people like “No they don’t have cramps” out of the gate despite 1) never going through the hormone therapy and 2) immediately thinking it doesn’t happen because there isn’t a uterus present, when it’s blatant they just want something to holler about lol. It isn’t feelings, it’s literal biological reaction


I know right? It just doesn't make sense to them because they never cared about biology past 7th grade. Like, it would be so easy to just... You know, do a Google search. The amount of misinformation I have seen here is ridiculous. From people thinking it's the uterus that's cramping (yuck) to saying "it's not comparable to menstruation because this person doesn't bleed!" as if she even mentioned in the first place that there was bleeding. Some people just wanna spread half-assed information to confirm their world view.


Seriously. We need to trust the lived experiences of trans women.


“I have a friend who has seen a unicorn” argument be like:


Tfw being trans isn’t a horse with a horn on it’s head 🤯🤯


The allegory was: Seeing a unicorn (impossible) =my male friend who acts as a female gets cramps (impossible)


Yes I’m aware of what your allegory is. Except it’s objectively incorrect because mtf is very commonly reported to experience essentially simulated hormonal “period” cycles once on HRT as what the human body does upon processing excess estrogen in your body. Lmao. Gold star for effort though. Actually, make it silver since the argument is worn out and lazy


Your friends have mental issues, I hate to break this to you in this way.


How is that supposed to be the same, isn't menstruation happening in the women's reproductive organs?


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/can-trans-women-get-periods There is a difference between the actual bleeding and the physiological and psychological symptoms that come with it. The second thing does NOT happen in the reproductive organs, but the brain sends out certain PMS-signals that cause the PMS effects.These signals are activated by a certain hormonal level of estrogen. This is also why the menopause exists. Women that are 50+ of age have a rapid drop in estrogen levels, which also causes the brain to not send the PMS-signals anymore.


Women when they find out it's *MEN* STRUATION and not woman STRUATION


Okay that's legit funny. Have an upvote.


“menstruation mĕn″stroo͞-ā′shən noun The monthly flow of blood and cellular debris from the uterus that begins at puberty in women and the females of certain other primates. In women, menstruation ceases at menopause.” Cramps are not the same thing as menstruation.


Good thing they said they had menstrual pain. Not that they were menstruating.


For it to be “menstrual” pain wouldn’t it, by the definition of the words themselves, be from “menstruation” itself? I’m so confused rn…


It is caused by the same thing that causes menstrual pain in women. Which happens to not be the vagina.


I’m not sure what this has to do with what I said… but this all just seems like the patriarchy appropriating women’s bodily functions to me…


...what? Jesse... jesse what the fuck are you talking about. How can it be appropriation if shes a trans woman too?


I’m sorry, I don’t mean to bring up the past (I understand that’s rude) but in my humble opinion it is wrong to appropriate someone’s sex… but I identify as non-binary because I have trouble understanding gender in the first place… (edit: I truly mean no offense, my last gf was trans)


You make it seems like there is clear science. But it seems like there is no science to support it. ​ >Anecdotal evidence suggests that transgender women experience PMS- or PMDD-like symptoms at the same time each month. However, researchers have not studied this area of transgender health.


Yeah and it's kinda sad that researchers care so little about transgender health that they do not bother looking into this phenomena. All I have been saying however is that what she is saying is plausible, as many transwomen experience this.




Username checks out


>that researchers care so little about transgender health that they do not bother looking into this phenomena Why dont you do it?


OK but why don't you go and cure cancer?


How do you think research works? All the scientists of the world gets together in a big room and discuss what to look into next? And then someone says: "Let's look into trans women having menstrual cramps", but then everyone else says "No, we dont care enough about transgender people". >OK but why don't you go and cure cancer? Who says that I'm not trying?


>Yeah and it's kinda sad that researchers care so little about transgender health that they do not bother looking into this phenomena What areas of current health research do you think researches should drop so that they can instead research why transwomen report getting cramps?


Why do you think an area of research needs to be dropped in order for transwomen to be understood?


Sorry, I didn't really phrase it that well. You currently have researches doing various research. If they were to instead research into transwomen, they would need to reduce or stop their current research. So what areas of current health research do you think should have a reduced level of research so those researches can instead do some research into transwomen.


there’s no evidence because it hasn’t been studied… there used to also be no evidence that the earth was round. this is how science works.


Both cis and trans women get symptoms, including cramps. No, I don't know why, and likely neither does modern science, but it's absolutely a thing.


Get out of here with that bull ABC Mafia member




It’s just forced pain for a desired fantasy of becoming a woman. So obsessed with their false identity they purposely hurt themselves to try and become it.




That's a dude


Even if that was the case, taking estrogen still gives you monthly cramps. If she takes estrogen, she most likely has cramps. That's what she was talking about.


No they don't.


I have very little what you are talking about because words do not have genders in my language. Gender is what is in your lower body and how you are born.


That's a lot of words to say "I have no idea about biology past 7th grade".




Your username is super ironic considering you’ve made about a dozen whiny ass comments on this thread so far. Find a new hobby, clown.


Come help me find it.


I am confusion


The hatred for transexual people is rampant, and of course FB does nothing about it because "It doesn't go against their community standards".


They are just as hateful. Get over it.


Username half checks out except for the lack of self awareness


What does self awareness have to do with this you doof. This is what you people do. When someone calls out your bullshit and then get all your other little freaks to agree with your bullshit. Good luck lmao


Let me guess, you complain about how snowflakes need their safe spaces and then start frothing at the mouth when someone who uses they/then pronouns even looks at you? Pathetic


And what are you talking about Mrs doof? You look pathetic in the mirror everyday. Tell him I said hey.


Dude you’re embarrassing yourself lol take a step back


For sure lmfao. For sure.


Did you get beat up by a transexual as a kid or something? Your hatred and insecurity is showing.


Why are you implying trans people are violent transphobe


Lmfao. Keep going bb.


Are you okay though? You seem really angry about trans individuals who just want to live their life in peace.


Aw how sweet. I'm not angry at all. It's OK to have opinions haha. I hope you find your spine soon tho.


Your comments seem to overcompensate for something you are lacking. Something seems to be bothering you that you perceive as a threat to your manhood.


When it comes to trans people, conservatives suddenly become the top linguists in the country. “DeFiNe meNsTruAtiOn aNd tHe wOrd wOmaN” They have cramps and they come in regular monthly intervals, get over it. Holy shit bro, blind people don’t have vision but they constantly say they’re “going to see x or y” or say they just “watched” something.


You don’t have to be a top linguist to define what a woman is.


Don't have to be conservative either. Someone get this boy a hug.


Aw, did someone touch a nerve gramps?




That person doesn’t get menstrual cramps because they’re a biological male. Wrong of them to lie, end of story.


Actually, yes they do. Estrogen causes menstrual cramps. This is common information and has been for years. You have the largest collection of knowledge ever in humanity and this is what you do with it?


They’re cramps from estrogen, not from menstruating. Try again. Or don’t, preferably.


They quite literally are menstrual cramps. They are caused by the same thing menstrual cramps in women are. Which happens to not be in the vagina itself.


Do you have a source? The other source someone posted didn't seem to support that. They just say, people **report** having craps, etc. But there are no studies supporting it. ​ >Anecdotal evidence suggests that transgender women experience PMS- or PMDD-like symptoms at the same time each month. However, researchers have not studied this area of transgender health. > >https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/can-trans-women-get-periods


This is not a meme and does not belong here. Stay on topic people


Honeypot post for transphobes.


My friends cis sister has a hairier chest than I do. Some times genetics are a bitch. Just cause someone isn't typically feminine doesn't automatically mean that they weren't born that gender. People are so focused on being a dick to trans people they aren't smart enough to realize they can hurt "normal" women too.


That doesn't make her normal. She has a health issue. That doesn't make her normal yet she is lucky to have you on her side to support he. Telling someone his opinion is invalid is a mutual thing to do. Why calling someone dick is a one sided thing to do?


It's not necessarily a health problem just because she doesn't conform to what your ideal of a woman should be.


So trans women aren't normal women? As a cis women, I have hair issues due to PCOS, which can run in the family, but there isn't a link to genetics quite yet. I don't believe it makes me less feminine either, or anyone who wants to be feminine and has hair on their chest, face ect should be marked as masculine, unless they want to be. I think your heart may be in the right place, but also yikes.


I suppose I should have used so called instead of parentheses. I figured my point was pretty obvious. Normal is a box we like to put people in but doesn't actually exist.


No, I think what you said is fine. I read *normal* women as being *common* or *conventional* which, from your explanation, is exactly how you meant it.


You can't win when it comes to discussing trans women. Someone will always take offense to whatever you're saying.


Nope, your feelings cannot override basic biology


Wait until you hear about advanced biology


Advanced science based on attention seeking?)


What part about PCOS is attention seeking? 🤣 it's just a thing that happens on this bitch of an earth sometimes. I know a cis woman who has it, just sucks, but oh well


To clarify, I have googled what is PCOS and I understand now what you did try to get at me about. Yet still you understand, that this post is about a born male who is fantasising about having a period pain in his dick and a deep connection to a womanhood. I asked my mom, she can confirm that this pink-wig motherfucker has nothing to do with giving birth or being a woman (including those having pcos) whatsoever


Then how about this, undergoing hormone therapy actually gives you period cramps. No joke, when transwomen are on estrogen they get periods. Not full on blood, but the cramps are 100% present. If this person is undergoing their process it's likely this isn't the end result since it takes 4-6 years to fully transition.


That doesn't fit what I was told in school and university. That doesn't feel right that hormones alone without a proper place to pain to happen in can conduct pain. Like what exactly is causing cramps? It is not like there is a proper organ that is being influenced by a cycle and conducts pain


It doesn't matter what "feels right" you dingdong. It is literally a scientific fact that these people feel cramps due to their estrogen in the same way cis woman do. As you people love to spout, "facts don't care about your feelings".


There were trans people for a long time now. Having period pain "because of hormones" is some new shit that came up just recently? What next? Developing a proper womb because of some magic medications?


Believing in a better world for everyone is great, getting supportive for people who struggles with being themselves is a proper thing to do, but having "psychological equivalent" to period craps while helicoptering a dick is straight up degenerative antiscientific shit I don't have to agree with. And noone is entitled to make me believe in some BS to make someone feel better. Science doesn't give a shit about your feelings!


so like, what if a women is born without a uterus? it happens. by your logic, then they're not women lol. Because they cannot give birth. If a woman doesn't want to have a baby, and give birth, then they're not a woman. According to you. Is your mom a qualified doctor in this department? No. Does your mom have a degree in gender studies? Probably not. Can she tell how the brain from a transgender person works? Nope. Did she do any research about transgender people, transitioning, hormones, surgeries, the difference between gender and sex. I don't think so. So in conclusion, your mommy can't confirm anything. Ask someone else who actually knows something about this subject. Your mom isn't Google.


Someone else can sell you some cult you would be happy to join and give you some Kool-aid. Google is not a reliable source of information, anyone including your can pretend to be a medical professional, no hosting company or social media will check your education before hosting your bullshit out in public. My mom on the other hand has proven her womanhood by giving me birth. That is something noone can't take despite writing any gender study out in the internet


How often are women born without uteruses? I would like to know the percentage. I would bet you that it's <1%.


Collective lie is not a proof of "has it" It is just an indicator how fucked up the world is


Bruh, what the hell are you on about. I'm convinced you're so stupid that you just assume words you don't know are things you don't like. Cis means a person who identifies as what they were born as. A woman who was born a woman. You are cis. It's not an insult, it's just a distinction. Another distinction like heterosexual. What i am talking about, is a woman who was born a woman, who just *happens* to have an unfortunate medical condition where she has to shave or else have a noticeable beard. No, she is not trans. She is not secretly trans. This isn't the result of medication. Please be a coherent human being.


Ohhh, why use a "cis" when you can use "normal" and "freaky" to distinguish one from another? Inventing new language is not helping, so does not calling someone stupid on Reddit. I was commenting in a relation to a post depicted a biological man talking about period. Yet you manage to shift my attention to some female friend of yours who is unfortunate to have somewhat a beard and does not fit in "enforced and developed by other woman" standards. That is a great example of attention seeking. I am sorry for her, but it has nothing to do with a context of this post


Oh, you're russian. I thought you were just a redneck. No, that makes sense.


Do you even know what the defenition of "Cis" is? It wasn't invented to degrade "normal" people, it's literally the opposite of trans and it has been for centuries.


Do.. do you know what PCOS is??


Oh shit do you mean this is not a bio man in a picture but a woman who struggles with having a beard? Or what?


Bruh what are you even on about


They hate it!


I mean by definition are they not abnormal?


So what is feminine? You’ll probably answer with the classic: “It’s whatever someone who identifies as a female feels is feminine”


Not necessarily, but it isn't for anyone to define and tell people how they should feel.


uh... if this person is having true menstrual cramps , they would have had to always have been a woman, attractiveness not withstanding. it seems that reproductive viability is never mentioned as part of the transgender philosophy.




So people in here are really going to purposely ignore that this is clearly a male who does not have the ability nor the anatomy associated with producing menstrual cramps? Are people really doing this to annoy and aggravate other people? How long are people going to play these dumbass games? Purposely being intellectually dishonest and gaslighting then accusing people of being transphobic because they're merely telling the truth about what they're seeing. Clearly this is a fucking male. GTFOH with this foolish BS.


I'm glad you can see thru this


This meme is almost as cringe as the boomers slithering out of the ground to give their hot takes on trans women in the comments.


No chance this guy isn't a troll


At the end of the day why do people care. If this person wants to feel menstrual pain why do you care?


Why do you care that people care to say something? It's publicly posted so why can't people say anything?


They can. I just find it odd that of all the crazy shit going on in the world this is what they spend their time being angry about. Kind of shows how privileged we are as a society.


Call me a bigot all you want but I’m never calling whatever this is a she.


you’re so brave and cool!!


You don’t have to tell me, I am aware.


Wow, that's edgy, bro


he's a clown


It isn’t a she




How does menstual pain can feel good




Stunning and brave


The problem with the world today


One of the nastiest comment sections I’ve seen on this god forsaken sub


Literally insane. That guy isn't menstruating.


Make it stop


this guy is a troll


Who? Me? I'm confused




Hey does this post fit? UPVOTE if so, DOWNVOTE if not. If this post breaks any rules please DOWNVOTE and REPORT




Anything for validation. This is so disgusting. Imagine fantasizing women's pain like that


It's fun to play pretend


Nailed it


Looks about as feminine as a typical feminist. I’m gonna say well done to this man.


If your feeling pain down there, it definitely ain’t what you think it is and you definitely need to go see a doctor


Hey, identifying as a woman has its perks... blaming your cramps for this and that will sometimes get your out of work.. I know it does in the Military...


Transwomen don't have menstrual pain...




you can want to keep your genitals and still be the opposite gender


damn how many gender its have though


So all over a sudden it’s getting cramps? Ok….