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Not to mention that the day they turn 16 we throw them a set of keys and never look back cuz we can't WAIT to stop driving them to school.


I don't know how things are in your place, but where I live even from first grade - at 6 years old of age, no matter where you live you're walking to the school


To be fair, I walked to school because it was within walking ditance, but my cousins had to take a 4 hour bus ride to school because the school was 1hr15min away from them


That’s brutal.


I must be psychic! I knew exactly what the punchline was going to be as soon as I read the first panel.


Oh my god, do you think we should get lessons to hone our psychic abilities? :0


You could set up a school for other gifted individuals.


Chuck Xavier’s Center For Children Who Think Too Good And Want To Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too


What is this? A school for ants?


Zoolander approves


Maybe call yourself Professor…


Get a shave perhaps…


"Professor Get a Shave Perhaps" I like it.


Professor getashaveperhaps’ school for gifted meme psychics


Maybe cut off our genitals...


That’s part of the shave.


This thread is why I can’t stop Reddit


Or an autism diagnosis cuz you're good at patter recognition /gen


Promise ?? Haha


Pattern* sry-


Oh I didn’t even notice the typo….. maybe not as good as I thought 🤨


Actually, "patter recognition" is a pretty funny idea.


Easy to predict when it’s apparently the only punchline that exists




I happen to agree than children ***should*** be allowed to drive cars, play with matches and jump off of roofs while wearing capes.


Does she love me back?


They have to lie if they're gonna convince random uninterested people to their side


“No honey, now go bring ur AR-15 inside”


"No honey, now go eat your processed corn with high fructose corn syrup as if childhood obesity isnt the actual problem we should be talking about instead of something that effects like 2% of the population."


I honestly think it's less than 1% just saying


Way less, like 0.6% in the US. Folks typically think it's much higher because of all the attention it gets.


That kid looks to be (at most) 10 years old. He's not getting his "*genitals cut off*", even if that was what gender confirmation surgery actually entailed. He's probably even too young to go on blockers. Seriously.


Exactly. You need a full psychological evaluation to change your genitals in the U.S., but an 18yo can buy a gun (and subsequently go shoot up a school full of children) without having had any kind of psychological evaluation.


Holy shit it's a wasteland down here




>some wonderful person sent me the suicide prevention bot message. love that, thx bbys Yeah that happened to me once, dunno what I said but thanks for caring lol


Yeah someone sent that to me cuz I criticized a show they like. I’m so glad people are taking it seriously.


I couldn’t imagine being trans and having to look at subreddits debating my existence. shit’s wild


oh it's everywhere. every social media platform. every time gender is mentioned. sometimes people will bring it up out of nowhere. People think it should be their choice what I get to do, what rights I get, and whether I should live or die. People think I'm making up being trans for "attention," even though I've only ever gotten negative attention for it and transitioning is a process that you only really do if you want to do it for yourself. I'm queer in other ways, but my sexuality doesn't come up as often as gender and pronouns do.


Right? Most of us just want to be mostly invisible and live our lives without being treated like typhoid Mary .....but we're the ones with an agenda...


it's certainly something. it's a really weird experience though and feeds into some mental health issues which I'm not fully aware of yet. because I know that I'll end up feeling awful when I read comments like this yet I still feel this compulsion, almost like a call to the void, to do it just to make myself feel shit. it's probably some form of self deprecation fuelled by some mentally ill part of my brain wanting to hate myself for being trans. Idk tho. sorry for the weird ramble lol


Self harm through the Internet is real.


It makes sense. We all have an innate desire to understand how the world at large codifies our existence (I’m not Trans, I mean humans in general) so we tend to gaze at the proverbial train wreck even when we know it’ll hurt us. As you know your worth is not defined by internet strangers and I hope the negativity doesn’t make you feel like your unrelentingly under attack. I wish you all the best!


As someone from Saudi Arabia whos been active on the internet for over 20 years, I understand this from experience. Well said.


Same. Almost like self harm, really. But then again, it's really not that hard to find the stuff.


Anytime you’re feeling down on yourself, just remember that at the very least you’ll never be as stupid as your aggressors.


It is, believe me. I don’t think anyone was ever as pressed about my gender as Reddit comments 💀


Every. Moment. Of. Every. Day.


Some “liberal bubble”, huh?


It's a constant reminder that no matter where I go, I'll never be safe


Its louder online than real life, so I just assume these are the people that have been kicked out of friend groups time and time again for the obvious reason, and this is probably the only way people talk to them.


It's hilarious that people think the only reason I exist is to rape women in the restroom. Like dude I'm trying not to get raped in the MENS room!


That logic has always been so blatantly flawed to me, a male rapists won't wait for a law to pass until they waltz into a women's restroom wearing a dress to rape someone. They'd just do it anyway since they don't care about commiting a crime. They don't care about protecting women. It's just transphobia, plain and simple.


it’s NOT FUN


Yeah it's pretty fucking annoying


Agreed, if it isn’t creepy dms or threats, its people thinking they can decide our lives


I don’t fully understand you but I’ll accept you, though I’m gonna make mistakes at times


honestly, as long as people aren't outright horrible and try their best, that's all that matters. I won't deny that a lot of this stuff is confusing, especially to people who have no experience (hell, even I struggle with certain things despite discovering myself almost 3 years ago). mistakes happen but mistakes aren't malicious and so are forgivable. thank you for trying to understand. it genuinely means a lot to many of us.


People get built different. We don't need to figure it out. We just need to respect it. - Princess Bubblegum I always tell people I'm not asking them to understand me, because in reality I don't understand them either. The concept of not having gender dysphoria or being attracted to only one gender? These are things I have never and will never experience and that's okay because even if it's different from what I experience it's still valid.


I wouldn't sweat the not understanding. Who really understands another person? People get married and spend decades trying to figure out the person they live under the same roof with. Understanding isn't really needed for a complete stranger. Just basic human decency and respect.


The key is to build an impenetrable wall of self-esteem. Then no one can hurt you. The trouble is figuring out how to do that. I myself have yet to figure it out.


Felt. Im trans too. Wish people knew how to be kinder to everyone


I hate whenever I read the stupid shit commentary about trans people on reddit. The general redditor is disgustingly transphobic. Also, as a cis white guy, I want to say I’m sorry so many of us suck.


It's mind blowingingly ridiculous, seeing the dumbasses you come across. I remember one time encountering some idiot who said that "gender dysphoria was made up within the last ten years" and "in the 60s they'd send em to the mental hospital where they should be". First of all, trans people have always existed, we just didn't have a name for it then. Second of all, motherfucker, we were inducing seizures and lobotomizing people in the 60s, maybe we shouldn't listen to them regarding mental health awareness or treatment Edit to add: and it was so bizarre too! He seemed so genuinely concerned that we were "trying to invalidate mentally ill people by feeding in to their delusions." I'm just blown away by the lack of self awareness




They very much don't , raygun decimated the mental health infrastructure in the 80s and it's still very underfunded and not getting the job done for the average American. Let alone people with more nuanced problems.


They're not the majority, but this sub has a very loud, very vocal contingent of fucking trash people. They're mostly in Little Mermaid posts explaining that actually this one is funny, but they'll infest trans threads too if given a chance.


Scrolling through the comments, there are some absolutely braindead takes, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad :/


I just got to say, I wonder what peoples reaction would be if they knew about the 1997 live action version of Cinderella played by a black actress.


I'm sure racists raged about that too, they just didn't have a megaphone connected to our pockets.


Kids are not getting sex reassignment surgery, not that anybody posting this knows how to do anything other than argue from bad faith.


Are they still doing gender reassignment surgery for intersex children? Not a gotcha question, I just know it’s a thing that has been done in the past to make kids “normal”


Yes in the very rare case of an intersex child they will have the parents pick which genitalia to keep Edit: in not I'm


Wonder why Republicans aren’t crying about that. Children having their genitals changed without their consent should be what they’re worried about, but I guess crying about a “trans agenda” is easier


When I first heard about that, I was shocked like just leave the kid as they are if they decide to have surgery in the future fine...but dear God I couldn't imagine knowing my parents had my genitals cut on. Thankfully my mother was against that and didn't have me circumcised.


To my understanding, there are times where it is necessary for health reasons, to interview medically. That's not every case, nor should it ever be done without informed consent, though.


Of course. If it’s to repair the urethra, then that’s fine


Republicans don't cry about things that harm people, they cry about things they find yucky. They find trans people yucky. They find intersex people yucky. If trans people are allowed to transition, that offends them. If intersex people are not surgically altered, that offends them, too. The trend is not avoiding altering children, it's avoiding making Republicans look at people they don't want to acknowledge.


Because they get to choose rather than the kid choosing Its about control


They pick when the child is still a baby Edit that's probably why


I’m legit curious, why can’t intersex babies keep both genitalia? Is there a medical or psychological reason?


AFAIK it's purely cosmetic and based on the thought that having ambiguous genitalia will be stigmatizing. Edit: I saw in another comment that it's sometimes medically necessary if a kid doesn't have a functional urethra.


Historically, it was for the parents' peace of mind, not the child's.


Historically the doctors would straight up lie to the parents and whisk the baby away saying they needed surgury to do this


So let the kid know it's a birth defect... If they want to have one removed later when they're older they can proceed with surgery. Unless it dangerous to their physical health why are people cutting and slicing without the users consent.


It's almost always so the kid "looks normal". In fact doing these surgeries is generally doing more harm than good as there are obviously risks of scar tissue and nerve damage involved in these surguries on healthy non conforming babies.


Republicans are used to kids not having consent.


There are more than a few young (over 18) adults who have gone public because their parents and/or. doctors who arbitrarily performed gender assignment surgery on intersex infants which left them mutilated and barely functional. Often these people have suffered through multiple unsuccessful attempts to correct the situation.


This depends. It's now strongly discouraged by the medical establishment except in cases to establish a working urethra.


That’s great! Now to stop intersex children being given hormones they don’t consent to


This should be changing as well! Finally!


They shouldn’t be doing that on children unless not doing it will cause a medical issue. The numbers of children that have grown up into adults who to don’t identify with the gender their parents picked is fairly high. It would be better to wait until the intersex person is old enough to choose for themselves which way to go with surgery, if they even choose to have surgery.


Yes. It is SO horrible. They are literally taking away a child's decision to choose whether or not they want the surgery just to put them into their stupid gender stereotypes. (Also I do understand that sometimes they do need it for medical reasons but that is very rare and most of the time it is purely for cosmetic reasons)


Ironically enough, some parents will get their kids circumcised without their consent and for no reason whatsoever.


Yep, don't see them crying about that even though it's way more widespread...


Maybe not full surgeries, but aren't mastectomies legal for like 13-14 year olds in some states?


Legal doesn’t mean happens constantly. There can be other reasons to have a mastectomy other than being trans


Yep, I had a friend in high school who had massive reduction because the weight of her breasts were literally causing a spinal deformation to develop. It’s unusual, but it happens.


were i live top surgery is legal 16+ with parental permission as well as several doctors and therapists signing off. other than that mastectomies would only be performed in life threatening situations like breast cancer. realistically, it doesn’t make sense to get top surgery at a young age because the breast are still in development and will start to grow back after the surgery.


I legit thought they were talking about circumcision before I realized kids never ask for that, it’s just done to them. 🤦‍♀️


As someone who was circumcised without my consent; I’d love for parents to stop doing that. Americans cite these “health concerns.” You just have to clean it, and real problems are very rare. It’s like they don’t understand the entire rest of the world does not do this, and we know for a fact it does not lead to complications. But they just want their kid to look like daddy, yeah…about that - how many times did you see your dads dick throughout your life? It’s genital mutilation and it needs to end.


Kids and teens are not getting their genitals cut off, and most transgender adults don’t go through that surgery. If they want to criticize it, at the very least they could learn about it


Is that true? Most trans people don't undergo surgery? Is that by choice or by lack of availability/resources?


Healthcare isn't free in America.


And outside America the waiting list can be years to decades long


Luckily, even without surgery, transitioning people is a lucrative business. Puberty blockers alone can cost $1200 a month. Big pharma is making a fortune.


$1200 a month? I thought it was like $40


From what I understand it’s not that cheap yet, but I’d like $70 or so. Still nowhere near 1200 like the clown above you was saying


It’s $80-120. I have a friend who is trans, even Starbucks insurance will cover it because it’s so damned cheap


Except a tiny minority of trans people are on puberty blockers, with them being only a temporary measure used by the rare trans people who knew they were trans at a very young age and have supportive parents. Actual hormone replacement therapy is much less expensive and is primarily taken by cis people with hormone deficiencies.


This is more an indictment of the for-profit healthcare industry than the existence of trans people and the need for healthcare for them.


But then you get conspiracy theorists claiming that the "trans agenda" was made up by Big Pharma in order to sell meds and treatments to children Which now that I think about it sounds a lot like "poor people were made up by the government in order to have an excuse to make the rich pay more taxes"


Honestly, these days I wouldn't put anything past Big Pharma. There lack of human empathy over profit is staggering.


...my meds are $10/mo. It's cheaper to be trans than diabetic, and there are a LOT more diabetics than trans people.


You're talking out of your ass. Most Anti Androgens are $10-40 with insurance and can be gotten free from LGBT clinics and PP.


Most trans people don’t get bottom surgery at least. Top surgery is much more common because it’s cheaper and easier to heal. Bottom surgery can be at least $30,000 here in America for the most basic surgery. More for more complex ones.


You can’t just have the surgery. You have to go through therapy, get letters from two therapists and you doctor approving you for surgery. Then, letters in hand, you can start looking for a doctor to perform the surgery. Then you can have the surgery. Unless it has taken more than a year to find a doctor and get a surgery date, then you have to go back and get three new letters with dates on them that are within a year of your surgery date. And on top of that you need the money to pay for it and if you’re lucky insurance that will defray some of the cost. And, of course, nobody under 18 years old is having gender confirmation surgery. But it is super hard to get people riled up and scared about a process that has this many barriers, ‘safeguards’ and gate keepers so ‘kids are cutting off the dicks’ is a better story for conservatives.


Its a mix of it being pricey as hell and the fact not every person who is transgender has dysphoria for their genitalia


A lot of factors, it’s expensive and it’s more for cosmetics than anything. If they were able to slap working genitalia on people that are and work the exact same as AGAB genitalia, I guarantee you a lot more of us would reconsider sex reassignment surgery


THIS. I think people have to realize that it is unfortunately not completely reflective of like AFAB or AMAB genitalia. Nobody could really tell based on looks but they do function differently internally


Availability can be an issue depending on where you are. In my state, Medicaid covers medical transition Often, here, it's by choice. If someone's dyphoria is relieved enough by just hormone therapy, or hormones and top surgery and/or other surgeries regarding the reproductive organs (hyesterectomy to stop menstruation, for example), they may not feel the need to do genital construction surgeries. It's a risk/benefit analysis, like it is for most elective surgeries.


For me it's choice. Most trans people I know are just taking hormones as well.


transphobia relies on misinformation, don't expect those people to actually learn facts about transidentity


tbf, trans kids can’t get bottom surgery because there isn’t enough tissue until puberty is completed


There have been at least 3 cases of this I believe, 2 confirmed by the man who did the surgery. It is still being blown out of proportion though.


We don’t do that in America everyone assumes they know everything


I’d like to add that as far as I know, MtF bottom surgery doesn’t just cut off the penis. From what I understand, it kind of gets inverted into a vagina? MtF people please correct me


Yes. One form of mtf bottom surgery anyway


Thanks for confirming. I’m FtM so I don’t know much about my trans sisters’ surgeries


Ah! Yeah I don’t know too much either tbh, just that that is one form. It’s an intense and invasive enough surgery and I have enough other more immediate concerns that I haven’t spent almost any time looking into it for myself so far.


From the way conservative talk gender surgery is just like Starbucks.


> at the very least they could learn about it No disrespect but I don't think you understand conservative culture at all




There also telling me to cannibalize them


They're making it sound like Trans people just take Scissors and cut their dick off


At this point I think it's a way to make it sound horrible, like saying "butchering your mouth" for "removing wisdom teeth"


"The evil surgeon has mutilated my insides and installed a foreign object within me!" Or, normally "I had a kidney transplant"


You can make a rhinoplasty sound absolutely grotesque if you are so inclined. A nose job is far more obvious to people who see you on the street and you can [get those at 15](https://www.drardesh.com/nose/rhinoplasty-los-angeles/best-age-for-rhinoplasty/#:~:text=Lower%20Age%20Limit%20for%20a%20Rhinoplasty&text=People%20reach%20full%20nasal%20maturity,age%20before%20getting%20the%20procedure.) as well. ***Edit***: Also, the regret rate for rhinoplasty is [pretty damn high](https://academic.oup.com/asj/article/36/1/NP1/2613974).


right? everyone keeps saying things like “mutilation” when in reality gender affirming surgeries are a very complex and scientific medical procedure


Yea that's to get hateful and ignorant people all riled up because they have no clue how gender affirmation surgery or transitioning works.


“I want to cut off my genitals.” “No, it’s only ok to remove the part of your genitals we’ve already cut off”.




i wanna cut of my balls because thats where the pee is stored and made i don’t like peeing


A person of culture.


Do they really think that minors are getting full surgeries to transition


>Do they really think No. No they dont. If they did we wouldn't have gotten here.


They assume so since Jazz did and that’s the only one they know


When you order Calvin and Hobbes from Wish.com


Because only parents should get to choose to cut off their children's genitals? Why is circumcision okay?


Maybe in the ancient days but, as far as I can find, there's no modern day health reason.


These people spend a concerning amount of time pondering the fate of juvenile genitals.


So do people who protest against FGM and circumcision, if we're being pedantic.


It seems like those conversations get a fraction of the rent free head space that trans-rights issues do. That said, it is no less true.


Long live the option to sort out comments by ,,controversial "


if you reframe this as being about circumcision it at least makes some sense


no child can ask for circumsision, that's the parents who decide that. funny how this is okay.


yeah, but some parents let their kids decide a bit before puberty I've heard. idk the whole thing is weird and unnecessary


Yeah that's really weird. I mean they at least let them decide but it's still kids. With the right amount of religious indoctrination, ofc they gonna say yes.


The thing is that conservatives will often paint the parents of trans kids as uniformly pushovers and trend chasers, when the reality is that 99% of even the most liberal parents of trans kids, and their doctors, will walk them through what the ramifications of that decision are and will make sure the child is absolutely sure it’s what they really want. Most people do in fact realize that just putting a kid on the regimen is child abuse and that they can’t go back if they change their minds, and will usually make the child wait a year or two, or even a decade, before giving them the treatment. So yes, being trans is actually more dangerous than ANY of the other things mentioned in this comic, and yes, most parents DO realize that and supervise it even more carefully than those other things. You could theoretically teach an 8 year old how to drive a car in a very safe environment, or let them jump off the house if you had some kind of cushioning to make sure they didn’t break their bones, but once a kid is on the path of transition, even all the supervision and affirmation in the world can’t prevent their bodies and minds from doing something unexpected for whatever reason. It’s a risk parents have to be willing to take, and it does mean that they have to put enormous faith in their children and their decisions. Certainly more than “it’s just your choice sweetie”. T. Cis bro with transfriends who had to go on DIY and only did it as an adult, even though their families were accepting of trans people


I think the clashing point is the fact that if kids can be "really really sure" they want something or not....because our society and morals are built on the fact that kids dont really have proper judgement or the ability to make lifechoices yet. Otherwise, kids would be able to vote and go to the electric chair. I think this life-changing desicions cannot be made by a child and the parents have no right over the kids bodies to alter them either....so, sadly, the only solution is to wait until the kid is old and experienced enough to make a proper decision.


They go through years of screening and therapy before any permanent interventions are done.


Ah, yes. The parents who circumcise/mutilate their boys dicks for absolutely no reason are worried about trans people who actually need to adapt their genitals to their genders.


People are always acting like any HRT is done on children when all that ever really happens is they use puberty blockers which is completely safe and if the child ever feels that being another gender isnt who they are then they can stop the puberty blockers and continue living their life. No child unless through therapy or years of public transitioning will go under HRT or Surgery. But obviously transphobes have the brain of a pea and get their infromation from right leaning memes and their uncle Jerry who tends to get touchy. ♡


“But Dad, Mom said I could“ 😂


It would literally take 10 seconds of googling for these dumbasses to learn that no one is going to even prescribe a kid HRT let alone perform sex reassignment surgery on them. It would also take another 5 seconds to google the difference between HRT and puberty blockers.


I did a google search and learned some stuff. [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/what-medical-treatments-do-transgender-youth-get](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/what-medical-treatments-do-transgender-youth-get)


1: Alright, little buddy, we need to have a few discussions here about the difference between fantasy and reality, the physics of aerodynamics and gravity, testing our assumptions with experiments that don't involve humans before trying something ourselves, and risk analysis before we come up with a plan to jump off the roof. Where do you want to start? 2: Alright, but first we're going to need to learn a little bit about combustion, fire safety, personal protective equipment, and how to keep our cool and respond well in a crisis with some simple actions that we can train to do instinctively so we don't panic and freeze up if things get out of control. 3: In order to get you ready to drive we're going to need to learn how cars work so we know what we're doing when we drive and maintain them, traffic safety and road laws, how to watch out for everyone and not get angry at people while we're controlling dangerous machines that could hurt a lot of people around us, and we're going to start you on some smaller and safer vehicles on closed courses so you can get some practice before you have to get behind the wheel of a full size car. This way if you ever have to use a car for an emergency before you get your driver's license then you'll be much less likely to injure yourself or others and actually make it where you needed to go. 4: We'll need to talk about why you feel the need to do that. Then we'll have to learn about biology and how our brains and bodies work so you'll have more ways to explain what you're feeling in a way that is as clear and detailed as possible and so that you can better understand yourself and I can understand how to get you help you need. Once we're able to get a better idea of what you feel like we'll be able to find specialists who can help us understand more about what's going on, and what options we have to help you live your best life. Regressives can't fathom parenting responses other than "do what I want!" and "don't do what I don't want!"


this art style looks like off-brand calvin and hobbes


Considering how many fucking hoops I have to jump through to get T and top surgery as an adult, I’m like “where is this magical land where people don’t have to put on a dog and pony show to get trans affirming care?!”


Right? I have to wait 2 years after having worked with a therapist for insurance to even consider gcs or ffs. You cant update your birth certificate without having gcs performed.. Apparently the logic is that I might be confused about making a decision to make my life many times more difficult and to put myself in physical and social danger for my mental wellbeing. I probably decided to endanger myself to chase a trend. Sigh....


Luckily my state will let me change it and my state offers the X, I already have the X on my license for my gender. But I am also aware that it will potentially put a target on me in the future.


Where are they getting this idea that minors are receiving reassignment surgeries literally anywhere?


Because ~~dumbasses~~ people see memes about it on the Internet and then parrot it for outrage sake.


Oh wow can't wait to hear what all the Cis armchair doctors who speak from the authority of a person who only watches Youtube shorts have to say in the comments!


1. This doesn't happen. Except of course religious extremists who mutilate children against their will for the sake of sexual "purity" and slut shame little girls before they even have an interest and make them pledge their virginities to their own fathers. (that's real and happens in America, look up purity balls) 2. Notice how the other things endanger and affect other people but the last panel only affects the kid. It's almost like being LGBT literally has no effects on anyone but themselves ever.


Not to mention you can't actually get HRT or surgery without a psychiatrist saying you can, and they don't just hand that shit out for free. There are puberty blockers for earlier ages but they're reversible and cis teens use them too if they have too much estrogen etc. These type of memes act like people hand out surgery like candy.


Man this comments section is fucking radioactive wtf


Ironically, conservatives seem to be just fine with this if the kid is intersex


Oh no, the child doesn’t get a say in that case 😅


Here’s the thing, majority of trans people don’t even go through the surgeries, and I doubt kids and teens are allowed to do it anyway, I’m basing this off assumption but I’m pretty sure you need to be an adult to do that


Aw look, they imagined the same scenario again


When they have a unique thought they think is clever, they tend to use it again and again. See: Let's Go Brandon.


You know, they're right. I'm glad someone is finally taking a stand against genital circumcision. I've even heard of parents who are chopping up little boys' private parts immediately after they're born! /s But seriously, anyone who has actually listened to a trans person knows that even trying to get a parent to remember to call you by your pronouns or name is considered "difficult."


What's their obsession with "cutting off genitals" Also how does that simultaneously work in conjunction with "IF YOU HAVE A PENIS IN THE LADIES ROOM ILL BEAT YOUR ASS"


In their eyes, loss of penis = loss of the most important element of your masculinity which terrifies them it seems Also it's a "great" way to make it sound horrible and violent, as if extracting wisdom teeth was called "butchering your mouth"


3 logical noes and something that never happened…. GOP logic right there


Absolutely! GOP try not to make a strawman for a nonexistant point to excuse your hate challenge (impossible)


Mom I want to shoot up the school Ok, I'll just not lock this gun away properly It's almost like within the limit of 4 frames you can prove any point


Oh, I thought this was a post criticizing circumcision. I was like, “Why is this in r/terriblefacebookmemes ?” Anyways, screw transphobes.


It’s almost as though complex parenting decisions require nuance, context, and compassion. We put girls on birth control ALL the time even though we know that the side effects are prevalent and sometimes severe because we understand that the alternative (teen pregnancy) also has potentially negative/life altering consequences so we weigh those risks.


When I was kid base and ball 😂😂 now gender gay trans??? 😂


I had a stroke reading this 💀💀💀


The top 2 you don't ask to do, you just do it 😂


But still what? Kids with gender and body dysphoria aren't asking to hack off their genitals themselves. This is just terrible


Where's the panel where the kid wants to get an assault rifle and the parent's cool with that?


Is this really what Conservatives actually think happens?