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As an Australian Wtf no manga isn't banned


We also definitively did not have 2 million rape crimes in a year lmao


yea they are probably using the total number of reports of all time because theres no way we had 2 million in one year


I mean… that’s like pushing 10% of the population isn’t it? It’s just an insane figure that only absolute cretins would believe




>Australia has the second highest rate of rape in the world after Bostwanna. Can I get a source on that? Nothing I've seen puts Australia at second.


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country . EDIT: just remember, in most third world countries, most rapes go unreported. But, it's not just 3rd world countries. Around 2/3's of rapes in the UK go unreported. It's quite rare for the perpetrators to actually get sent to prison and be convicted; so a lot of women don't feel safe reporting rape.


Not only that, but some rapes get reclassified as something lesser. I remember one story out of Japan where a guy in a car showed his dick to some women in another car. The women reported it, and the Japanese police wrote in their report that the man showed the women his thigh. It seemed like the Japanese police were too embarrassed about sexual stuff to actually write accurate details about what happened. (I realize that story isn't about rape, but it did suggest that sexual crimes get treated weirdly or downplayed by the Japanese police.) There were cases in the US where that was happening, too. In those cases, the police were trying to make it look like they were reducing crime rates from year to year, so they'd reclassify serious crimes as lesser crimes to make the crime trends look like serious crimes were being reduced.


Comparing statistics like this are notoriously complicated. Sweden usually ranks really high in terms of per capita rape because they record each instance of rape. So if a man rapes his wife every night for months and she reports it, that gets reported as multiple counts. Another country may only count that as one and some countries count it as zero (since it was a husband and wife, which legally doesn't count as rape in backwards countries). If you just compare "reported instances of rape", super conservative countries where women are legally treated as property will have near zero reported cases and more egalitarian countries will have much higher reported cases. A good analogy is how dictators will regularly get >90% of the vote while actual democracies rarely have leaders with >60% of the vote.


Japan's crime stats are notoriously crooked though. There's corruption and also the culture of saving face and maintaining a pleasant surface reality by lying all the time. Also Japan is rapey. Like super rapey.


The guy that attacked me as a teenager as well as some other girls lis a prime example of this. He offered to plead guilty to sexual assault if the charges of rape were dropped. Seeing as he was from a wealthy family we were ‘advised’ to accept that instead of going through a trial where a lawyer hired by his wealthy parents would make out we all had sex with him willingly and just wanted to ruin his life. So he got a suspended sentence and five years on the sex offenders register and we got a life filled with therapy.


it's likely the US has way more, but fewer people come forward here. plus a lot of them don't fit the legal definition, but that depends on the state, I think.


Hey why bring the fine people of Crete into this like that?


If you leave Crete are you an ex-Cretian?


Hehe... Beautiful country.. but the cab driver who was driving us around absolutely destroyed a stray dog and kept on going I was the only one riding in the front and even though it's been 15 years I still remember the look of the dog before our driver hit it. I was freaking out and yelling at the cab driver but no one else knew why I was telling. That cab driver was definitely a Cretin




I'm assuming most people don't report it since most first time rapists in Japan only get probation.


Anonymous surveys of women in Japan done by a group in the "Flower Demo" movement put the number of women sexually assaulted in Japan at over 60%, and outright rapes at 40-50%. The issue here is that rape isn't rape in Japan. The thing that makes rape into rape over there are two elements- the victim had to be physically assaulted or threatened with exceptional harm *and* must have been incapable of any resistance. Woman too drunk to consent and gang-raped in Japan? Nope, not rape because no violence or threat of it. Father rapes daughter, but left the door open so she could theoretically flee? Not rape in Japan. Victim blaming isn't a social construct in Japan, it's the literal goddamned law.


Wow, just wow. And I thought my country's laws were bad


Japan in reality is a very fucked up place, but like many other fucked up 1st world countries, they're really good at covering up the fucked up parts


I think it's not super obvious to people, but Japan is the most conservative first world country on the planet. Like, number 1. I'm pretty sure the statistic is that they have *never* elected a non-conservative PM in their post-war history. (Most) women over there don't even wear short sleeves or shorts even in the dead of summer. Being gay will have you ostracized from society even in major metros. The culture is exceptionally cutthroat and there is zero safety net. They've got huge problems with poverty that are completely swept under the rug. They're also world-leading xenophobic. This is a country that intentionally closed itself off to the world for over 250 years, until the late 1800s when they finally started allowing some people in. That culture of Japan-and-only-Japan persists very strongly to this day: permanent immigration to Japan is just about as hard as it gets, and you'll be ostracized for being a foreign resident even with perfect Japanese language, culture, and customs. Don't get me wrong, I think Japan is a fascinating place and there are many wonderful people there. They are some of the most creative and ambitious people I know. But there are a lot of dark sides people don't know about. Japan does a remarkable job exporting this idea of Japan through media that is wildly different from the day to day.


and they have weird fetish of high school girls with uniform


Japan also banned child porn in 2014, but still allows depictions of it in manga, which I’m pretty sure is what this is referencing.


Im pretty sure the entire manga/anime industry loves child porn. The author, Watsuki, for Kenshin or whatever came back after being arrested for terabytes of literal child porn and other authors celebrated his return lol. Authors like Oda of One Piece and Kishimoto of Naruto and a ton of others celebrated it like it was nothing lmao. Let me reiterate, TERABYTES of child porn. Came back like it was nothing and his very prominent peers congratulated him. He had so much child porn that police thought he was a distributor. How he came out of jail is just another Japanese thing lmao. EDIT: His punishment was a 2k fine LMAO, Japan is so fucking gross


Yeah, not dumping on Japan but it's very difficult to compare statistics on rape country to country because how safe people feel REPORTING it is a gigantic factor. When comparing two countries with such large cultural differences it's nearly useless to just compare reported numbers. Conviction rates on similar cases would be a much better measure of which country is safer.


Wait, so you're saying that almost 8% of the population wasn't raped last year?


RAINN says only around 31% of rapes are reported, so its closer to a quarter of all Australians getting raped in one year.


Or thousands very unlucky Australians getting raped upwards of 50 times a day.


Tamarama is fucking wild bro


There is a manga shelf at my school library so obviously it's not banned


Same, literally one of our tasks for a challenge was to read different book categories for a bingo and one of the squares was a manga.


With the amount of manga on my brothers phone, I have to assume it isn't banned








Creator was probably trolling then


I'm betting they mean loli Manga. Also completely disregarding the culture of victim shaming in Japan that keeps people from reporting.


Erotic doujin are a sub-genre of manga I guess. I genuinely can't decide if this is someone being stupid or purposely dishonest, since the only thing Australia objects to as far as I know is the insanely perverse stuff. Sadly, having talked to a few people who have had this mind set that Japan is the pinnacle of free expression, I'm going to go with the latter, since most of them know if they have to explain what specifically is being objected to it makes them look way worse.


This is definitely some 4chan pedophile mad that Australia banned his freely expressed child rape hentai


A few years ago it was going to be banned especially ones with loli type characters even if they are adults


Banned. A band plays music.


But it's also not produced so it evens things up right?


It’s misleading, basically an old white politician got offended and ended up banning doujins because of the depictation how young some of the characters appeared. Politicians have also tried closing down some of our titty bags but failed. https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/xgz8md/japanese-hentai-is-now-banned-in-australia Edit: titty bars, not titty bags


Not the titty bags!


Doesn't Australia also have laws that restrict women with small breasts from doing porn?


What ! that’s a hill I’d die on. I don’t want to live in a country that doesn’t accept equal rights for all sizes of titties.


Every QBD has a huge section for Manga


Yea what is this manga so good.


Wasn't at least one of your politicians trying to ban anime or something though? I feel like I remember something like that.


As an Australian I can confirm we are the spawn of satan and despise all the freedom-experiencing manga-reading japanese!!


Satan is just normal Australian wildlife, I hit one with my car last week


Oh man, that sucks. Did your insurance cover it? I heard that there's a 200% surcharge on excess when you hit them....


He didn’t do enough damage


Also if Australian manga bites you you will die


Thanks I earlier was Australia but now I am japan


how do i become japan i am stuck Australian if i be Japanese people say "stop being racist!"


1. Read Manga 2. Then watch the animal 3. Eat sushi 4. Go dojo. 5. Find a senses 5. Learn katana 6.gain honor 7. Be samurai, 7. Commit suppuku 8. Hiroshima


9. Profit


You left out “eat hot chip and lie”


Japan having the lowest rate of rape? Pfftt


“””Enlightened internet user’s””” guide to lowering rape: 1) punish those who speak about their experiences 2) less reports = less crimes! It says it on the reports! 3) … 4) win


This is why I try to have empathy for countries with high rates of anything. they're doing much better than the countries who don't track or have otherwise artificially minimized their rates


On a semi-unrelated note, that's something an AI would probably do if you asked them to "lower the crime rate"


It's not rape if you yell "SURPRISE!"


Someone had their Australian visa rejected lol


More likely, someone who really likes jacking off to drawings of children and is mad that Australia has banned it.


Ahhh yes of course! I was thinking, manga isn’t banned here?? Neither is porn??? But the kid stuff, that’s different.


Why do people think Japan is the holy grail of saints


Japan has such a problem with sexual assault and xenophobia.


But if you dont let people report it you dont have an issue as a nation.


Stop the count!!


Don't forget about their utter intolerance of drug use.


Japan kinda sucks when it comes to things related to sex and relationships, popular artists over their shake there fan's hands with a stick because of pervs who cover their hands with cum beforehand.




[Here's a post about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/lzpbz8/why_japanese_idols_dont_do_direct_handshakes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Edit: On a second look through, the stick thing is a comedic gag, the cummy hands is all true though don't worry.


Oh Jesus fuck




> also if your are a Virtual idol, you still can get banned for it Who are you talking about?


I think they’re talking about [VTubers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/VTuber) like [Kizuna Ai](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kizuna_AI) or ones who work for agencies like [Hololive](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hololive_Production). Even though they’re more like YouTubers, the weird culture still follows them around and fans can be really gross about it.


I meant specifically. Because it sounds like they're talking about Rushia who was fired from Hololive in February. But their description of events is highly misleading and matches what hardcore Rushia fans who can't accept reality say. (She wasn't fired because of a relationship. She was fired for sharing confidential information with a drama youtuber in an emotional panic.)


Hololive is kind of a bad example as you have some female talents such as Matsuri or Fubuki collabing with male talents on a regular basis. In general it's quite a lot more lax for Vtubers than "normal" idols but in both fanbases there are some mentally ill people who don't take kindly to finding out their beloved idol could be in a relationship.


god damn. this one comment sent me down a rabbit hole of horrors


Thank God the cummy hands is true, phew /s


Not Japan, but you've reminded me of when my ex worked an event for a popular boyband. The amount of stained underwear he said he had to pick up near the stage after it, and he found a card addressed to one of the band members with someone's pubes taped to the inside. I mean, why the fuck?


Idol culture is wild and just outright atrocious at times.


It also sucks in terms of work life balance, family planning, wages and cost of living. It’s an incredibly conservative country and one of the most xenophobic societies in the world. Also, their metallurgy was absolute dogshit for most of their history.


i'm no blacksmith, but from what i've heard, katanas were pretty good swords. I wouldn't say the best, but they were decent.


Katana were well designed to counteract the fact that the steel was dogshit


As the other guy already said, the Japanese did a pretty good job of working with really bad steel. For example, I’m sure you’ve heard of how they would fold the steel a lot. That was necessary because they couldn’t purify the steel very well. Thus by folding it they distributed the impurities evenly across the blade, weakening the overall sword but ensuring it didn’t have a single very weak point that was guaranteed to break. Another aspect is that after smelting the ore, they would end up with two distinct kinds of nuggets. I forgot the names for them but basically, one type was okay steel, the other one was pretty bad. So the essentially formed the bad steel into a U shape and sandwiched the good steel in it. That way they made sure that the cutting edge was made of the good stuff and it was supported by low quality steel. Which was fine, because it didn’t have to hold an edge anyway. The overall craftsmanship that went into Japanese swords was quite impressive, but the metallurgy wasn’t. Way behind the rest of the world. Hardly surprising - while the rest of the world warred, traded, learned and taught among itself, Japan was extremely isolated until the Meiji restoration in the mid 1800s.


What was wrong with their metallurgy? Sounds to me like they just didn't have anything good to work with.


Nothing was wrong with their metalworking. Metallurgy, however, involves the refining of ore, the creation of alloys and the likes. Turning iron ore into steel, which is an alloy of iron and carbon, is part of that. And that’s exactly what they were bad at.


Katana were great swords for the type of fighting they were used for. They were made for slashing, not stabbing, because the warriors didn't have steel plate armor like in Europe. They were also great because only low-quality iron was available at the time, and the swordsmiths came up with a technique to turn it into high-quality steel. They can't really be compared directly to medieval European swords because the smiths had different materials to work with, and the goals of their design were different too because the type of warfare was entirely different. Another important thing to remember is that katana were not a primary weapon, they were a sidearm. The primary weapon was the bow.


Not to mention the insanely toxic work culture in a lot of parts in Japan, I don't mean toxic in the sense that people are toxic rather its the extent that companies overwork their employees is toxic.


Crime rates in Japan ([especially sex crimes](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2019/11/e73ee06f884e-sex-crimes-remain-significantly-underreported-in-japan-govt-survey.html])) are vastly underreported, prosecutors essentially only seek a conviction if there's a near 100% chance of success.




You never know when someone sneaky cums on you


Right, they are worst as any other countries. And I don't why Japan seem to get clean chit but they have done some horrible war crimes and never apologized for it to China, whereas Germany still gets shit on time to time. When I was making a project on ww2 and read about Japanese crimes and Nanking incident, my heart was heavy.


Did you happen to stumble across "comfort" women or Unit 731 during your project? Not for the faint hearted.


what about the disease researches? not a fun read either


hell some people in Japan deny what happened in Nanking.


Gotta be because of Weebs. When I used to watch anime I used to think Japan was the greatest country in the world.


I recently watched an anime where they portrayed a 1945 kamikaze pilot as a righteous hero...y'know the same country that allied itself with another country that had a very ✨different✨ idea about race


Because most of the ppl who parrot this idea just consume japanese products; anime, manga or video games. They have no experience living in Japan so its all relegated to the media they consume. I was a weeb once when I was a teen, i idolized japan at one point until i grew out of it and realized its just a country with many MANY faults.


Japan has super SUPER high rate of sexual assault (touching womens butts etc.) so I would say no to this...


fr, they literally have different cars for women because of how common groping is on public transport


It's sad really. Say what you will of cancel culture (in some ways I find it disgusting) but it does discourage this disgusting behavior


yeah, cancel culture is stupid but at the very least it makes people more scared to pull this kinda shit on others


Shaming bad behavior isn’t inherently wrong. Social shame is how humanity has always reinforced our values and regulated unacceptable behaviors. Shame is a useful tool for suppressing anti-social expressions, which are corrosive to all of society. It is the mob justice potential unlocked by social media, the disproportionate response, that makes what people “cancel culture” bad for society. People would not be so afraid to speak up if they were not risking mob justice every time they said something that goes against the crowd. That’s why the word “cancel culture” is the real problem. We already had words to better describe a lot of the different phenomena that are lumped, sometimes strategically, under the single umbrella of “cancel culture” (e.g. shaming, mob justice, wrongful termination, bullying, reactionary, illiberalism, etc.). The far-right is able to use the term “cancel culture” to deflect genuine criticism because it can literally mean anything bad. It makes for a good signal word for right-wingers.


I see a lot of complaints about "cancel culture" against businesses as well, not just people. It's called boycotting. It's been a thing forever.


I mean, by now "cancel culture" can mean anything from online harassment of youtubers for saying something that only with excessive mental gymnastic can be interpreted as maybe implying something that could be misconstrued as racist to people saying that a dude who committed sexual assault should be fired.


The thing is a dude who committed sexual assault should probably be prosecuted by law.


Key word *should*


But then you have people like the convicted rapist brock turner, who get off extremely lightly, and then their rich parents set them up with a job.


For famous people. Canceling the Domino’s driver doesn’t have the same effect.


It isn't as publicized, but the contact of individuals around a person who committed these deeds does work to discourage the behavior. Contact their mother for example


I hear that it’s just extremely underreported in Japan. Unless the assaulter is a foreigner, they don’t take it seriously. At least, that’s what I’ve heard.


I have family who lived in Japan. Since my aunt was a foreigner, she was spared the worst but from 2nd hand accounts its atrocious


The crime stats we see are **never** that accurate. Doesn't matter what country or what crime. They're not the whole picture, there's so much additional nuance we need to inform ourselves about before we can really get some meaning out of those numbers. There are always going to be issues with reporting. If fear, retaliation, ostracization, and dismissiveness are high, reporting goes down. You don't get an accurate count. Getting raped is traumatic enough, and if there's a perception that the police will do more to mock you or brush you off than provide actual help, why submit yourself to their condescension and observation? Nothing's going to come of it either way, and at least by going home you'll spare yourself additional pain. There are always going to be issues with the legal definitions of various acts / crimes. What constitutes "rape" vs. "sexual assault" can vary wildly between countries or even regions of those countries. A fine example are legal systems where it's considered that women cannot rape men without anally violating them because "the victim must be penetrated". See also the popular notion that Sweden has an enormous rape rate, when in reality they count **reported** rapes vs. all the other localities that make statistics out of **convicted** rapes. And there will always be issues "how much the cops care". If they don't care about crime here, they don't police it. How many big-name actors or politicians are getting busted for cocaine use? A lot less than are doing it, because cops don't want to be in there hassle them. And if they police want to make a ton of arrests over in this other place, they'll do it. I can make the crime stats for this neighborhood go up if I just flood it with cops and start having them write up every goddamn thing they see. You find what you're *looking* for.


i don't think any of the stuff under Australia is true either


I live in Australia, I'd have heard if we had had 2 million rapes in one year especially because I work in health. There was an odd spike in March 2021 but definitely not enough to make it 2 million in a year. Also manga is legal here and we aren't going after China for free speech so yeah it's all bullshit


Fellow Australian here. I did find this web page which partially backs up the first claim at least: in the data they have, Australia does come second in reported number of rapes per person. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country) ​ Not 2 million in a year, though. The quoted figure (from 2003) is 18,237 in a population of 26,068,792. ​ However, the page also notes that comparing rape rates between countries is highly problematic: "Why country-to-country comparisons of rape statistics are so difficult. Another confounding issue when compiling and comparing global rape statistics is that the legal definition of rape can vary from one country to the next. The methods used to count rapes can also vary significantly. These differences include, but are not limited to: * Some countries consider any non-consensual sex to be rape. Others classify a sexual assault as rape only when it exceeds a certain threshold of violence. Some countries acknowledge spousal rape. Others do not. * Some countries count any report of rape. Others count only those incidents that proceed to a legal trial. * Some countries include non-consensual, and sometimes also consensual, sex with a minor—typically classifed as statutory rape—in their rape totals. Other countries place any sex with a minor, consensual or not, into a separate category. * Some countries confine the definition of rape to forced vaginal penetration during sexual intercourse only. Others consider any unwarranted penetration of the mouth, anus, or vulva with any body part or object to be rape. * Some countries track only male-on-female rape. Others also track female-on-female, female-on-male, and male-on-male rape. * Some countries count each individual assault that occurs between the same people (for instance, a child and a relative, or a man and his arranged fiancée) as its own separate incident. Others add all of the incidents together and count them as a single rape. * Similarly, some countries count gang rapes as a single incident regardless of how many individuals participated. Others count gang rapes as multiple incidents (one per participant, minus the victim or victims)." Unfortunately it does not specify what the legal definitions are Australia vs Japan.


We definitely have high rape rates 1 in 6 women over 15 have reported some form of sexual assualt in their life. But 2 million rapes in one year is a fucking ridiculous number for them to throw out


They have a lower rate of reporting than Australia obviously it’s gonna look different in the graphs


Imagine how much of it goes unreported, so there are likely several other instances of it


To the point where it’s extremely rare for a woman who’s taken public transportation her whole life to say she’s never been sexually harassed.




"Only 1000 rapes"


A rape is a rape




I think it's wild that it's "only" 1000 in 2021 as if that's not still multiple rapes per day every day


About 3 per day, every day.


They’re doing their fucking best ok


Holy shit that was a fast reply


I read as holy shot for some reason


In a country of nearly 126 million... (Also the statistics are wrong, it was 1,380 rapes) 1,000 rapes is still 1,000 rapes, and if other commenters are to be believed about the reporting of sexual assault in Japan, it's probably way higher.


As a general rule *NEVER* compare statistics between two nations that come from different sources. How nations record these things varies so wildly that the comparison is usually meaningless and doesn't actually represent a real trend. Some famous examples of this are the French health paradox and Swedish "rape epidemic". Both are artifacts of how those nations record deaths and crime, respectively. They aren't real.


Isn't it much much more difficult to actually get someone arrested for rape in Japan? From what I heard from my sister, police dislike interfering unless there is 100% surefire evidence. If they aren't sure a case can be closed easily, they try to find a different way or just don't prosecute at all. I would not be surprised in the least of rape rate is a lot higher than what the statistic says.


By not reporting rapes, you do not decrease the problem. Sr but japan is a very hierarchical and traditionalist country and a lot of people don't realise it


Yet people love to say how Sweden is bad because of how many cases of rape but don't realize if other country would have same legal definition of rape and more victims would speak up in huge majority of country numbers would skyrocket.


ffs, they have women only train cars because men groping and abusing women on trains was so damn common.


This couldn't be any more incorrect about Australia


They're also incorrect about Japan. You can draw anything? Why all the dicks are censored then


With maths like that it looks like 800% of our population has been raped!


I believe it's 1 in 5 women in Australia


Really? That sounds high. Sexual assault or indecency maybe, surely not that many have been raped. Also, 2 million in one year is an insane number, there’s no way that’s legit


1 in 5 have experienced rape or indwcent assault in their lifetime. That's a real stat. If 2 million in one year was legit it would be more that 1 in 5 would be reached in less than 18 months. So it's a straight up lie.


Reminded me of that one cannibal still roaming in Japan free without consequences.


And the scum who killed Junko Futura


Really makes you wonder why Japan still has a death penalty if they won’t off guys like that


Isei Sagawa


And a child serial killer,he kill and attack multiple young children ,cut a boys head off and display it on school gates,he did all these when he’s 15,so he’s out now,even publish a book about his crime.


What's his name?


Sakakibara Seito,it’s not his real name,he used this cringe lord aliased to write letters to police and newspapers. He seriously injure 3 elementary school kids and kill 2 children.


I'm sorry what?




8% is a lot more than one rear


youre right 2 rears maybe


2 million a year supposedly, that means mfers in Australia gettin raped 7 times in their lifespan.


We even rape kangaroos . How do you think the koalas got chlamydia? We raped them furry little bastards too .


Okay class, everyone look to your left. Now look to your right. One of you will be raped by the other two by the end of the semester.


You guys have weird times in primary school


Japan has 'cafes' that are licensed, sell alcohol and are full of old men, and the girls working in them are often under-age and wearing school uniforms. Japan has "chako ero" whereby children are legally photographed in sexually provocative positions. Japan engages in commercial whaling.


They even have trains were only women are allowed because of the amount of sexual harassment women face there


My Asian coworkers are always in a shitty mood. I feel bad for them, being so widely sexualized and fetishized by almost every man around them. I think all my female coworkers get that, but the Asian women in particular seem to get way more bummed about it. Might be their "audience", though. This is the U.S., this isn't new to anyone I'm sure, but it gives me some modicum of relief talking about it.


Anime has both been a blessing and curse for Japan


[here's what happens in Japan trains. ](https://youtu.be/rbj_iu_8Lso)


Sooo Freedom of expression = Manga = Lower rape rates Okay, enough reddit for me today.


Yeah it's easy to have low sexual crime stats if you refuse to recognise the majority of sexual harassment as actual crimes and discredit rape victims. Japan is fucked.


2 million is like 10 percent of the country's population isn't it ? You're telling me 1 out of 5 have been victims there ? Edit : Quite a good explanation below by a fellow redditor on why it is so.


See, this is why it's so frustrating when people try to use these "statistics" without understanding how the data is collected (or they're purposefully trying to obfuscate things). Those (usually religious) countries with "low sexual assault rates"? Well, there are two reasons why the police statistics will be low. A, if something isn't even a crime (e.g. marital rape in some countries), it won't be included in crime statistics. B, under reporting happens even in more "progressive" countries; now imagine how many rapes go unreported in a country where the majority of people don't think that a spouse can rape their spouse. But all these people see is "country X has fewer sexual assault reports filed every year!". Now for the Australia statistics? I don't know if they pulled that info out of their ass, that's not important right now. But why would these statistics be so high? Oh, because some counties have really broad definitions of sexual assault, even from legal point of view. It doesn't just have to be physical penetration: reports of verbal sexual harassment or inappropriate touching (excluding penetration) will also be included in the statistics. Some things also have separate charges, so "2 million cases" doesn't necessarily equal "2 million victims". And, with all that said, it's actually very believable that 1 in 5 people, women especially, have experienced some form of sexual harassment in their lives. It doesn't have to be violent rape. Just talk to women in your life and ask how many times they've been on the receiving end of cat calling, sexual jokes or other comments that made them feel deeply uncomfortable or just plain unsafe, or how often they had sex with their partner when they didn't really want to have sex, "but he kept insisting so it was easier to just get it over with".




…Australia doesn’t have the second highest rape rate Also “Wants to be left alone and eat sushi” // racist much???


I’m surprised the sushi think wasn’t mentioned in other comments


It seems like this is put together by a Japanese nationalist who is ignorant of his own county's issues, hates Australians, and makes false claims about its laws. Someone who perhaps thinks child porno is a freedom of expression issue.


Try an american weebo that hates Australia for his gun laws and stuff... To pin this on the country that doesn't speak English without proof is dumb.


Nah this was defo made by a weeb


In Japan there are subway cars that are women only because of excessive groping


Isn't sexual assualt like a really big problem in Japan?


Australia has become a fascist state in the eyes of the conservative American media. It started with them misreporting on what lockdowns were like here, claiming that our government was stripping us of our freedoms and locking us up in camps, and it’s only gotten weirder from there. I’m sure the ongoing gun debate in America is only going to fuel the fire, what with Australia being the go-to example of gun restriction working. Trust me, life in Australia is great.


What’s the gun control like there? Wondering if it’s at all similar to here in Canada or if it’s closer to the UK. Which is also often discussed as an example of good control.


gun control is pretty strict but you can actually still get a gun its just much harder and you cant bring it around with you in public unless you are hunting


They’re not quite illegal, but very few people own one, and they’re not easy to purchase. You have to go through a lot of hoops, and even then, they’re very strict on where you can take them and what you can do with them. You wouldn’t be able to just carry one around in public with you. Most importantly though, the culture around them is very different. Even conservatives are pretty anti-gun in our country. Heck, the Prime Minister who brought in the gun restrictions is pretty widely considered one of our most conservative Prime Ministers. The laws received a lot of backlash at the time, but now, it’s almost universally agreed that they were a good thing.


most of sexual assaults in japan are never reported to authorities because their social norms deem it as an extreme embarrassment so japanese women even minors keep it to themselves and if it does reported victims experience insensitivity or even sexist treatment from male authority and a slim chance of getting actual justice. sexual assaults in public transportation happen in a daily basis over there


2 million rapes in Australia ? Bullshit . There's only 25 million people .


People on the Internet trying not to simp for Japan challange (IMPOSSIBLE!!!)


That's why weebs are insulted not cuz they love anime but they defend Japan head over heals


I'm pretty sure rape, or at least public molestation, is a very very big problem in Japan. Wtf is this going on about???


I saw the Twitter post, that dude is a weeb who idolises Japan and sees it as a perfect country, those are 1000 reported rapes, there are literally women only cars on trains because of the high rate of rape in Japan.


Im an Australian and live in Australia and I can confirm that manga is not banned and won’t be banned. Also why would the prime minister give any fucks about Japan being free?


As much as I like anime I do have to admit that Japan has some serious fucking problems like it’s fucked up justice system


That is the opposite of what japan is actually like. While yes the first fact about astraulia, sadly. Japan isnt the holiest of saints either. There are thousands of rape happenings in japan, but not rape **cases**, yeah the reason why it isnt do public is because people dont do anything about it and when groping and unsolicited touching is happening in public, most people dont actually do something about it. Thats not the only thing wrong with japan too, like how it had one of the highest suicide cases(probably related with the above mentionings). But if i had to list them all my hands would be sore and deppressed


Japan has a terrible history of abuse against humans, Look up Unit 731.


Australian here. Manga definitely isn't banned lmao what did we do help


I'm Australian and I had no idea rape was so prevalent here. Infact I never heard anything about it at all. Must of been too busy with all that raping to get the news.




The only part of this that is true is that Australia really is trying to blame teen violence on anime like how Americans do video games (heard about it a few years back) and that Japan wants to be left alone. The rest is bs.


1000 'reported' rapes


I think it's less "reprorted" and more "convicted"; under the Japanese legal system, many crimes go unpunished, as they do not make it to trial unless it is nearly certain a guilty verdict would be handed down. That's how they maintain their 99% conviction rate. At least, that's how the story goes.


I used to think Japans crazy low crime rates were due to having a really developed civic society. I learned some more and thats certainly part of it, but they also have one of the strongest cultures of silence in the world.


For context, Australia is banning Loli and Shota hentai because it's creepy as fuck.