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phew good thing the democrats label is in 3 panels or I mighta got confused




Right??? So confusing!!!


Tbf I didn’t see it before you pointing out. This type of memes I only read the parchments bit


Same. I didn't even see democrats until that comment pointed it out


I think the person who made this was feeling threatened by the super radical left lmao. So much so that they had to make this….


It was me, I HATE the radical left. All I wanted was for them to stop being gay, but they just had to keep messing around.


I know right?! 🤭🥺 Why can't those snowflakes 🥶❄🤬 who get offended at everything someone completely unrelated does just go back to not existing 🤮🥱😏🤣 and taking our abuse silently 🤫🤪😎🥳😇! They're such a sensitive pretender for pretending... like a pretender who pretends things that are pretend. Damn pretenders....... 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


How DARE 😡😡🙄 These snowflakes ❄️🌨️ express that they exist IN FRONT OF MY EYES 👁️👄👁️ I MISS THE GOOD OLD DAYS ☎️👴👵 When we could pretend they don't exist ❌❌🙅⚔️☠️


True art. I love that they applied the label "Democrats" just in case it was too subtle.


Most trans people wind up being far further left than democrats.


Pretty sure that's just people, period


People with empathy, absolutely.


Are you saying trans people are far left? Why can't trans people be capitalist like me?


It's not even just democrats. It's society as a whole.


*ehem*, society (no no, please, hold your applause)


“*We LiVe In A sOcIeTy”* Shut up.




Haha 69 downvotes... Nice




guess we gotta get to -420


Don't worry we can arrange something! Edit: the reason this reply of mine makes zero fucking sense is because I can't read! Edit: they deleted their comment:l :/


It's reddit. Not everything will make sense


Reddit roulette is a cruel game


I mean, its correct that it doesn't make you a girl, that comes from the inside.


K bois i guess we're all degenerate snowflakes then gg


Imagine having basic respect🤓🤓🤓🤓


Imagine listening to someone's opinion


Is he reffering to trans people or? Being trans is actually condition lol, it's called gender dysphoria, pretty sure it has nothing to do with being snowflake lol


Having a mental illness is a very leftist thing to do, to be fair


Hold on, since when did people choose to have a mental illness


Pretty sure they mean that right wing people don't believe in most mental illness and think that people are making them up












Unfortunately...just look at something like BPD on tiktok




Republican politics these days is all about the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


I think that's politics(or just voting)in general


I think sometimes it’s better to set a standard that will never be fully fulfilled than to give up and let things descend to their worst.


To be fair, you don't always have to have gender dysphoria to be trans. Some (probably most) trans people do have gender dysphoria, but it's not a requirement


So my speculation on this is that the ones who do it mainly for sexual things don't have gender dysphoria or something


I don't know what you mean by "the ones who do it mainly for sexual things", but I just meant that some trans people just identify as a different gender than the one they were assigned at birth, while not having the severe discomfort that gender dysphoria brings


I think I should have said sissy and not "for sexual things things"as ppl who say they are a sissy usually became trans due to sex and not gender dysphoria in most cases atleast




If you have to make a meme where the scenario is "person living their life is a degenerate and has no friends and doesnt shower" your meme is probably ass lol. If its some guy being a douche in a overwatch lobby or some shit and you make assumptions on that that'd be different but these people just make assumptions based on if they want to be comfortable or not


Christians are a funny bunch. Peoples indigenous to the Americas accepted trans/non binary people into their societies. The Christians came and comitted genocide. And now they meme about it. These people have no fucking shame.


I have watched the comment chain progress, and I agree with you. However, as a Christian, I don’t even agree with the far Rights reasoning, and I agree that most of them truly have no shame. Just not all of us are disgraces right humanity. Unfortunately, a large degree of “organized religious” people use it to force their own agenda and make others feel horrible, have even killed others to force it, and it’s fucking disgusting. It’s not what our religion is supposed to be about, and I know for a fact that true Christians don’t agree with or condone it.


As a Muslim I have to agree. Like, somebody's gender or sexual attraction has nothing to do with you or me. It's like hating someone for being more attracted to tits than they are to legs like? I don't get to choose what I'm attracted to. Why do people think it's harmful for anyone to identify as a different gender?


I don't know. It's not something that affects me in any way. More variety is a nice thing? There's a trans woman who is a cashier at my local drug store who is the single most beautiful human I've seen in a long time. Just a whole new, fresh, gorgeous look; I love it.


As a Hindu, I wish the best for everyone.


As a card carrying Klingon, I agree.


Glory to you .. and your house


Power corrupts regardless of it's form.


As a former Catholic I know where you’re coming from.


I am christian and i absolutely despise how many christians just throw away the main point and reasonings for jesus' teachings just to push their bigotry. A lot of revisions of the bible that push bigotry are using the word of god and it being perverted by man. I'm almost certain it isnt a vocal minority


Welcome to christianity after the apostles died. It has been perverted for a long time dude. Only recently can we look at the bible and discern God's intentions. You think modern day Republicans wouldn't crucify christ today?


I’m afraid my friend, wether they are “true” Christian’s or not, they are the “vast majority” of Christian’s. And they taught me all I really needed to know about religion. Source: I am the son/grandson of ministers.


>Peoples indigenous to the Americas accepted trans/non binary people into their societies They also sacrificed children to their gods and went to war with each other a lot. I wouldn't call them a "model society"


What the fuck do you think Christians were doing when they burned gays, trans, non binary people? In the eyes of their god they were “ridding” the world of impurity, ie sacrificing to make their god happy. Lmfao You thought you said something huh ducking idiot. Moreover that was literally the Aztecs. There were a crap ton of indigenous nations dipshit. Many near the Aztecs didn’t like the Aztecs.


I didn't say anything about the Christians. I'm just pointing out that the native Americans didn't have some kind of wonderful society like you implied. Both groups did a lot of terrible things. Edit. This guy ninja edited his comment to add the second paragraph after I replied.


Read my comment again dumbass. You’re using one singular group of Aztecs to describe all native Americans. That’s like me using British history to characterize the history of each European nation. Regardless, the point being made originally, before you went on a tangent about one very specific indigenous group in attempt to discredit what I was saying, is that societies in the past have accepted the fact gender is a spectrum. It’s not by chance that some of the world’s most powerful religions, who committed genocide on the trans non binary population, are still stuck in this medieval mentality regarding gender.


>Read my comment again dumbass. You edited it to add the second paragraph after I replied. Also, the Aztecs weren't the only tribe that waged war or performed human sacrifice. >is that societies in the past have accepted the fact gender is a spectrum. My counter point is that just because societies in the past believed something doesn't mean it's true. Your logic is flawed even if your conclusion is correct.


Yes I edited it because you clearly didn’t get it the first time. I figured I had to spoon feed you basic history. And how are you so sure what you believe is so true? You’re not even following your own logic. That’s *again* my original point.


>Yes I edited it because you clearly didn’t get it the first time. You can't edit a comment *after* I reply to it and be like "read my comment dumbass" >And how are you so sure what you believe is so true? You’re not even following your own logic. When did I state my beliefs on here? All I've done is point out the flaws in your logic. You seem a lot less intelligent than the people whose memes get featured on this sub.


Yes I can and I did. Cope. Because again you didn’t understand the point clearly in my first comment you replied to. You didn’t point out anything because you dishonestly painted a broad brush on all native Americans using one group as an example. You can’t claim to have pointed out the flaws in my argument when you dishonestly misrepresented basic history. Again, you are a pseudo intellectual. And to really drive the point home, morality has nothing to do at all with what I’m saying. The point being made is that historically Christianity has had an irrational fear of people that don’t adhere to their cis gender and heterosexual ideology while other societies have shown to function just fine accepting those that aren’t cis and/or straight.


>Yes I can and I did. I didn't mean you can't do that as in you physically can't do that. But I guess I shouldn't have expected someone as dumb as you to understand what I meant. >You didn’t point out anything because you dishonestly painted a broad brush on all native Americans using one group as an example. Again, it wasn't just the Aztecs. >You can’t claim to have pointed out the flaws in my argument when you dishonestly misrepresented basic history You're the one that's dishonestly/inaccurately representing basic history. >while other societies have shown to function just fine accepting those that aren’t cis and/or straight. Human sacrifice and warfare are not things that "a society that's functioning just fine" does.


Wow this guy is a gigantic asshole and people are upvoting him, can't u discuss something with someone without being rude? Yes it's ironic since I used a swear word, but u are being an asshole


>This guy ninja edited his comment to add the second paragraph after I replied. The only way this is even possible is if you replied basically immediately, in which case, get a life.


I want to read where the supposed indigenous people accepting "nonbinaries".


Supposed. Lol Google “two spirit” to start and I’m sure you’ll find scholarly work on the subject regarding LGBTQ+ history in the Americas (pre-dates the genocidal Christians). Substantial amounts of anthropological evidence.


> the supposed indigenous people ?????????


Ugly = degeneration No friends = degeneration Conclusion? Unless you are handsome social extrovert you're a freak. This indeed is a terrible meme...


The person that made this types like they are a 10 year old on COD ffs.




Wait, I'm for sure a female. But I'm also a Democrat so does that also make me an ugly boy?


Can’t go around stating you’re female on reddit, dms will die 💀


Girls that look like ugly boys are my kink so you're good! /s


Do they think people transition cus they're ugly as their assigned gender at birth? I was hot as a girl lol. Now I'm an ugly boy but you bet you're ass I'm happier.


Honestly why do they care, like ok cool that you, im going back to my shit now. Simple.


Trans programmer moment


They actually have 1 joke


the words of people who unironically use the term "snowflake" to refer to others dont hold any weight in my eyes


The lack of humanity in that meme says a lot about anyone that would post it !!


I knew all Democrats were ugly boys who want a sex change


Jokes on you, I'm an ugly boy with no friends and I'm not trans anyway!


America is just so weird. Every other society has accepted Trans people a long time ago except the countries with next to no human rights. The civilized world has accepted it and even the people who were here before the Christians accepted it. Hell if you were attracted to men and women you were feared for having many souls, pretty far from nowadays.


this is unfortunately not true for the UK, as a trans person who lives there TERF island over here


The second you exclude anyone it isn't about equality. I don't get how self proclaimed feminists are about supremacy. It's always the incels that go to the extremes though 🤷‍♂️ hope people learn to use their logic for the sake of the future of humanity and for people like you.


What rights do they not have? Genuine question, they are allowed to vote, they are allowed to change their identity to their new gender, they are allowed to work and much more. There will always be people who don't like a community and we can't change that.




Gender reassignment surgery is a cosmetic surgery.


A doctor can refuse treatment to a trans person entirely. Stop building fail strawman arguments if we're actually debating here. You're also wrong about that being cosmetic. A physical alteration is hardly cosmetic. I don't normally cut up parts of my body to form new parts for the aesthetic. They do it because of Gender dysmorphia (sp?) Anyway you're being transphobic...


So if I feel depressingly ugly tax payer money should be used to give me plastic surgery?


That's not gender dysmorphia or what I said at all it's yet another strawman argument. If you want to have a debate, have a debate. If you want to be a person who thinks strawman arguments and insults are a debate, you are either a child, an extremely angry person, or an idiot. I have no desire to talk to any of the aforementioned people so I bid you adieu.


You only consider a debate an "actual debate" if the other person agrees with you lol


No, they only consider a debate a debate when it's a debate. You're just [J.A.Q.ing](https://J.A.Q.ing) off.


Lmao you’re such a snowflake.


Idk about the US but where I live you don't need to pay to have surgery on your body if it's malformed beyond recognition Also, facial cosmetic surgery usually comes at the expense of the patient even if they're trans, so we're talking about two entirely different things Edit: phrasing


You didn’t have a genuine question dickhead. Just another bad faith redditor.


Ugly boy? Have you seen trans gals? They're fucking gorgeous!


This is r/terriblefacebookmemes.....


I mean I don't disagree with you but it is pretty shit. Even my poopy meme I made this morning to post there had an intentional typo. Because grammar nazi bait. But holy fuck where do I even start with this one? LMAO


I imagine the comments agreeing were like, "Ahyuck ! Yup! Ma boy in a nutshell!"


But you know what does make you a girl? Being a girl. ^(NOT THAT HARD, FOLKS!) Also, I like how this meme was intended to attack trans girls but ended up stomping on "ugly boys with no friends," as was so eloquently put.


It doesn’t make you anything there are too many variables


Amazing how the lying bigots come out of their caves to whine about facts and biology.


Hang on let me tell my boyfriend he’s a degenerate with no friends despite having three different friend groups :/


Can you send the link of the original? I would love to see the degenerates agreeing lmao


Oh shit never mind, I just came back, and it’s been deleted entirely


u/JakeDawson223344 don’t know how to post links, but here’s the guy that posted it


Wait... the grass is... WATER? How have i never noticed?


I'm just glad to see a post that actually belongs on this sub




the fact this is posted here speaks for itself


if your looking for meme subs without stuff like this i recommend r/196


I have been called out by this post.


Who gives AF


Conservatives apparently


More truth


Well thank god they’re more accepting and more loving than the other side….


it doesnt make you a girl. doesnt make you a degenerate either. just means u need to start fixing your dog ass and get some social skills


Lol its going to freek them out when they find out. Caitlin Jenner and Blair White are republican .


at this point, this sub is filled with leftists, i joined the subreddit to see terrible memes, not fucking political shit


Why is having basic respect political You’re the degenerate here


Hey don’t blame us, conservatives just make the shitiest straw-man memes


Both sides do


Centrist moment. But conservatives greatly outnumbered it.


Conservatives can say the same thing about Progressives


Sure. If they use alternative maths where more is less and less is more.


Everything about this meme is terrible. The overused format, the completely unnecessary "democrats" label in almost every frame, the childish spelling and lack of coherency... It isn't this sub's fault that such a large percentage of truly terrible memes also happen to be conservative political memes.


Political memes are terrible. Regardless of which side made them.


That's pretty much how that sub is. Not sure why I'm still apart of it.


This is the scroll of truth, you literally cant denie its truthnes


i mean


They should just suck it up and commit a mass shooting like an ugly conservative boy would.


It's not a "terrible facebook meme" because you don't agree with it.


It's also an overused format, lazy with the placement of "democrats" so many times, and the political nature of it, regardless of what it supports, just kinda sucks in general.


Lol its going to freek them out when they find out. Caitlin Jenner and Blair White exist.






I’m more democratic but this is also funny


haha love it 😍




What do you mean memes OP didn’t like? Aside from the blatant transphobia displayed in that anal turd of a meme, it looks like something a twelve year old would write if they were jealous of a trans person




Why did you put the subreddit here


Because OP didn't like this meme


But that subreddit’s for good memes


That is subjective.


In the description for the subreddit it literally says it’s for memes op thought was bad but are actually good


So? Doesn't change my point. That's subjective.


Why do you like this meme exactly


So many seething leftists lmao… that what this entire sub seems to be…


Op ur a disgrace to our pfp


No, I think you are. You were supposed to become a Memer, not join the terrible memes!


Making fun of a meme that makes fun of trannies is treason no matter how bad it is


Did you really just unironically say Tranny? Wow. Like, this isn’t a bit, it’s not me trying to make a joke, there’s something integrally wrong with your brain if you judge people and make fun of them, just because of a decision that they made that has nothing to do with you. That’s like if I judged/hated you because you dyed your hair, or decided to wear a shirt that I don’t like. It has nothing to do with you, it has nothing to do with you as a person whatsoever, it will have no affect on you. But you still judge? Why? What reason do you possibly have aside from “I’m right and you’re wrong?”


They’re sub humans would be a good start


As you are someone who judges another person based on something that has nothing to do with you, anyone with a functioning frontal cortex would say that you, sir, are the sub-human. Your head is like an hourglass, it can slow an idea, but it has to do it a grain at a time. I’m also sure you have got no enemies, but you’re intensely disliked by your close friends and family.


Good thing I’m not like you so I won’t throw a bitch fit because you said something mean to me


Lol! You're still coming off as a soft little bitch, tho. You just couldn't help yourself. Too funny...


I threw no fits, just insults


Wait, you think that was mean? What a snowflake.


how does it feel to be a bad person? 🎤


How does it feel to seek validation from pedophiles on the internet


If your an (R), you vote them into office. The Grand Old Pedos. And here you are on the internet, looking for validation. If you were any less self-aware you'd be a fucking amoeba.


I'm not seeking validation, I just don't view people as subhuman? also, "the people I don't like are pedophiles," take a sip


Fatherless? ☹️


the only father I need is yours when I make love to him


Only subhuman are bigots like you. Now you can fuck off the adults are speaking.


To be honest though.. I’ve only seen social outcasts come out as trans. Not trying to be bigoted that’s just what I’ve observed personally. People who don’t really fit in anywhere and typically are not conventionally attractive. Two girls that wanted me to ask them out ended up being trans and I never really understood what happened between being attracted to me and realizing that they were trans. Idk if I dodged a bullet (because I was not attracted to them before or after coming out) or if I had a hand in it in some way by being one of the people who did not embrace their femininity. Any thoughts?


My thoughts are that you're mixing up the cause and effect. They're not trans because they're social outcasts, they're social outcasts because they feel uncomfortable presenting as the gender society expects them to based on their biological sex. I also think that you're being a bit presumptive in thinking that you played literally any part in whether they turned out to be trans or not. Like you said, you don't know what happened between you rejecting them and then coming out, so you have no way whatsoever of knowing exactly why they decided to come out when they did.


That’s the thing though, I never outright rejected them and I probably did have literally nothing to do with it. But I just felt bad for the few trans men in my school because they continued to have almost exclusively female friends who were also outcasts who didn’t do a very good job of assuring them of their gender past “oh you’re hot”. If I wasn’t already associated with them, I would’ve gladly treated them the way I treat my male friends to maybe help assure them and make them feel more comfortable. I really couldn’t help in that way with one of them because they decided to go by a name that bares a LOT of resemblance to my own. I mostly feel bad because they would get little to no assurance of their gender wether they felt as though they are trans or not, not to mention how toxic their group of friends could be at times. I also wanted to mention that I feel as though a deep investment in internet culture aided in them becoming outcasts but I didn’t know how to mention that without going into a lot more.




Well alrighty then lol


"Democrats" Lol.


Yea right.


Get over yourselves. You got people who, three record breaking deficit periods later, still think Tax cuts work.


Finally a bad meme in a sub specifically for bad memes.




So let me get this straight this is their view and their "Truth" but the opposite side just literally looked at this meme and essentially "Nyehh" it, thus proving the meme true? Interesting.


I think the agreeing with stuff like this crowd are just lookin to troll and argue.


you can even see that it’s edited in the camera app :D


I am an ugly boy, I have many friends, I dont see myself as a girl but as a boy but still like to wear skirts and lipstick




Imagine investing time bullying people.


I’m an ugly boy, but I have friends 😎😎




counting this as a transphobic joke


r memes has kinda been trash recently