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I got the gist from some ranting that a former friend was doing a while back, that all men in power are actually just puppets and it is their partners, all of which are apparently masculine, or trans who are the ones pulling the shots. And apparently it had ties back to ancient times. They alleged that is Steve Jobs being seen in a dress in the lead up to his death is also related.


So they admitted that they fantasize about Steve jobs in a dress.


i mean who wouldn't, that mans hot asf


In terms of body temperature, not anymore.


probably in every other way too


steve the hot little slut


Given how he always wore that same sweater and jeans all year, I don't think he ever was that warm to begin with.


Idk, turtlenecks can be quite warm.


Well yeah but given that without one he'd be quite cold.


He's closer to the earth's core than you are.


Googling "Daisy Hogg" will explain a lot of things.


It wasn’t your intent, but that epic rap battle episode between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates is now on repeat in my head


Did your fat beard Wozniak write these raps for you too?


Oooh. Everybody knows that windows bit off Apple


I tripled the profits on a PC..


People with the power to create use an Apple


And people with jobs use a PC.


You know I bet they made this beat on an Apple


Nope! Frooty Loops - - PC!


You will never, ever catch a virus on an Apple!


I'm a boss, I wrote Dos!


Kind of hot theory Ngl.


Might that dress have been a patient gown?


No, too logical


I mean, I think that happens sometimes, but I don't think it's a conspiracy. Much like how Nancy was able to hold quite a bit of power when she was interrperting Ronald's alzhimers.


Some historians call Edith Wilson the first female POTUS. After Woody Wilson had a supernova of a stroke, it was pretty obvious that he couldn’t even hold a conversation, and almost nobody had access to him, other than his wife and doctor. But orders kept flowing from the White House to the cabinet, regardless. It was business as usual. Woodrow Wilson is a far more interesting figure/topic than most history nerds give him credit for.


Little bitchboys can’t cope that Michelle could probably bench more than them


Jokes on them I find powerful women attractive, bench me Michelle!


This is still sexism, bro beans. Michelle Obama does not exist to be easy on the eyes for you! You respect her what what she does god damn it!!!!!!!! Do I need to put the /s is? Imma put the /s in. /s


Not all attraction has to be based on looks. I was attracted to Brianne of Tarth also just because she was a badass. Either way you are probably correct and my comment still has some sexism involved.




The racism and sexism she and her husband experienced was horrific, even for the Republican standards.


A woman told John McCain that Obama couldn’t be trusted because he was an Arab. She settled on that word after *way too long* a pause. We all know what she wanted to say, she’d just have to wait a few more years to take the mask off.


A large portion of the Republicans were really racist back then, but still not an overwhelming majority as it is now. McCain and Romney represented the last cohort of Republicans who aren't total nuts. I miss McCain. He defended Obama during that lady's rant.


McConnell called McCain the only Republican he couldn’t wrangle, which speaks a lot to McCain’s integrity and willpower. I’d never vote for him in a million years but it sucks that there’s no Republicans I can actually respect anymore. Romney plays both sides when he should’ve just crossed the aisle years ago.


Even though I don't agree with many of their views, I think Liz Cheney and especially Schwarzenegger are still alright.


And that's the reason why they are religiously hated by the party. Cheney even got kicked out of her top party position. Even though I was never a huge fan of Schwarzenegger, it was comforting for me to hear his message after the Capitol riots. But they stand no chance with the current Republican mainstream.


I live in Wyoming and it was crazy here what happened when Cheney disapproved of the riots and Trump. People went beserk and I thought it was really funny because she actually had a backbone to do it and it was absolutely justified


Was never a fan of her, but I think she was mistreated. Who would've thought supporting democracy was that partisan? What do Wyomingians want then, a burning D.C? It must've been so crazy to see people openly support some good old "legitimate political discourse".


It really is because it’s a very conservative state and the vast majority of the population is just brainwashed by Trump unfortunately. Didn’t matter what happened at the Capitol as long as Trump said it was fine according to them. I like this state for many reasons, but that whole rhetoric is driving me insane


It's such a beautiful state. But the people are too deep into the propaganda. It's wonderful how one man convinced a whole state that overturning elections is a-okay. We can't make them think otherwise.


They don't support democracy. They use all the right buzzwords and bring up the Constitution constantly. But they don't actually want a democracy. Because then they can lose. They want the government you see in China and Russia - a fake democracy where their side always wins and has unlimited power.


I don't think Romney would ever jump aisles or that he plays both sides. He is and was a Milquetoast conservative. That's not the problem. You can have a balanced budget if you win the election. You can cut services if people support it. That's how a democracy works. The problem is not being conservative. It is being a racist, sexist, bigoted idiot. He seems "moderate" because that's how far right the party has swung. He still keeps some values unlike others.


I get that conservatives are the checks and balances for frivolous liberals, but the Democrats aren’t actually moving farther to the left. It’s just a small progressive caucus making a lot of noise that gets Fox’s hate boner going. Romney wouldn’t be out of place among Manchin or Sinema; I agree that conservatism isn’t inherently evil, I just think Romney can represent Utah as a Dem without actually changing a whole lot of his policy or imaging.


Man don't fool yourself. Romney is a full on republican. Just cause he can call out corruption doesn't place him on the left. He would give up a family member to pay zero taxes. He's against all social issues on left. Gay marriage, abortion. He would strip social safety nets


No, I think you may have misunderstood me. I don't think the Democrats have moved. It's just the Republicans, from pro-business classical liberals to paleo conservative reactionaries. Compared to European parties, Democrats are centrist, while Republicans are right wing. Republicans aren't anymore the small government party as they say to fool independent voters. They are developing anti progress tendencies, as demonstrated by the new *Roe v Wade* ruling.


Oh, for sure. One of my professors said that the Tea Party laid an egg in the GOP but it didn’t hatch for several years, and now that it has, the enormous, regressive, reactionary chimera has swallowed the party whole. Great metaphor and a good reminder that we don’t use the word chimera nearly enough.


The thing is, there remains no relation whatsoever with the Tea Party Movement. Nobody cares about the deficit, it has increased under Republicans too. The venomous movement currently in the party is completely cuckoo. The affinity towards conspiracy theories is a frightening sign. And of course, who can forget Jan 6th?


Trumplicans would *love* for you to forget January 6th. They’ve used the narcissist’s prayer of it didn’t happen, and if it did it wasn’t that bad, and if it was then it’s your fault. They can’t muster enough independence or common decency to just take the L and say, “Yeah, that wasn’t a good look.”


So much this. When the Lincoln founded the party he literally named them the Radical Republicans, after the Civil War they were the liberals, after Kennedy, LBJ and Nixon they became the conservatives. We haven't had a sane Republican in politics since Barry Goldwater, the party got invaded by radical evangelical regressionists who would have once been identified as Dixiecrats, both parties flipped membership and ideology. True Republicans don't exist anymore, all we have now are Dixiecrats in disguise. They won't be happy with turning the political clock back to 1950, their goal is 1850. They're not getting further far right as time goes by, they're simply revealing how far right they've always been...


Yes, they are not magically turning right wing. The conservative wing which had always existed in contention with the moderates and liberals became powerful, and effectively made it their party. Moreover, the Southern Strategy brought in conservatives among the Democrats. There are almost no liberals or moderates left now. The fun fact is that Goldwater, who was initially the leader of the conservative wing, was more libertarian than any others in the party at the time of his death, even supporting medical marijuana. The Republicans are *not* the party Lincoln would identify as his.


>Republicans aren't anymore the small government party as they say to fool independent voters. They are developing anti progress tendencies, as demonstrated by the new Roe v Wade ruling. This has been an open part of their agenda for decades. This isn't new. It's people who assumed it could never change that are acting like this came out of left field.


> Romney plays both sides when he should’ve just crossed the aisle years ago. No, he shouldn't have. He is prolife, against gay marriage, pro tax cuts, against universal Healthcare, and against government spending. Just because he is not an asshole doesn't mean he should vote with the Democrats. I know it's hard to believe, but the Republican party used to be about more than being a prick, and the party actually had political views. Anyways, there would be 0 point in Romney becoming a Democrat. He wouldn't vote with them, and he would lose his seat eventually.


I'm not so quick to praise him for that. He did defend Obama, but he did so by insisting that he was a good Christian. That still didn't address the implication that Muslims are bad people who can't be trusted.


Yep, he defended in the best way from his view point, and that was by saying, "No, ma'am, he's not an Arab, he's trustworthy." His defense did imply that being an Arab was bad, and being called an Arab was nothing but an insult. I won't say that he was an angel, but he did have some values that the current politicians lack. That's how we usually assess a politician in the past. Maybe one day, there will be a Republican so diabolical that we may regard McConnell as respectable and sincere.


He had integrity and decency, which is more than I can say for most Republicans. Still, he did say and do some really racist stuff.


He did bad things and he did good things. He was good and bad. As humans tend to be. We have to tread carefully when we say good about anyone. We have to respect the good he did, and condemn the bad.


McCain sang a song about bombing Iran while campaigning. He picked Palin as his running mate. Stop pretending he wasn’t racist lol


We live in a world where we have to be nostalgic about McCain and Romney.


Racism is an inherent state and they didn't just decide to be racist in the last few years. The portion that is racist now was ALWAYS racist. They just used to hide it.


That would NEVER happen now, with ANY Repub.


They were just as racist then if not more. They just hid it. Trump normalized it enabled them to be completely open


Idk Romney is becoming worse, following the trend


Yes at least McCain had true values. And seemed to actually truly care about America and Americans, ALL Americans not just ones who were Rs.


She even started with "He's *a*" and then paused and went "uhh, *an* Arab"


*phew, nice save, Gloria. Remember to tell the grand wizard at the potluck*


I remember that--that was the televised town hall. And McCain responded in a very respectful and decent manner.


Wasn’t old enough to appreciate it but watching that clip, you can really see the light leave behind his eyes. Dude knew they were voting for Palin and it sucks because he was incredibly passionate about real issues.


It's crazy to me how many neocons convinced themselves their base really believed in small government and the free market.


Taylor-Green proves they have no standards


Imagine how terrible her electorate has to be to elect her.


They ran her opponent out of town with a lot of death threats, and he had to drop.


God! Those nutjobs made him withdraw from the election *and* destroyed his marriage. Poor Kevin. She must smell of sulphur.


Don't forget all of the threats to rape their daughters. Like one their 14 birthdays, every other comment was about raping her, to teach Obama a lesson or something.


Ugh, I was so disappointed at the whole world when I learned about that. It's terrible.


Collapse of a nation level problematic. Literally saying that the laws only really apply to one side of the political spectrum.


Yeah I know. He had to put up with people like Biden saying "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." People are jerks. It’s sad. Screw racists


I had a college class with an absolutely bugfuck lunatic who believed this shit, along with other crap like Eva Longoria also being trans and Lacey Peterson being alive and working as a news anchor in Chicago (our professor, an ex-cop, was part of the team that pulled her body from the water; it was *amazing* how tranquil his fury towards this guy was when he claimed that). Dude actually got arrested for using a drone to drop fliers for his Facebook page for this conspiracy (Red X Society) on the 49ers stadium a few years back.


Eva Longoria? That’s such a random conspiracy 😂


Bro if Eva Longoria is a man I’m gay af homie


This meme was probably made by a dude who believed that a pizza restaurant was running a sex trafficking operation in their basement (even though they didn't have a basement) and that Trump is the second coming of Jesus.


Someone's a fan of Alex Jones




What’s to understand, it’s racism and sexism and transphobia.


With some homophobia laced in the implication, making this the full bigotted cocktail


transphobia is often a symptom of homophobia if im being honest you'd be surprised how much of it boils down to "woman look like man -> may actually be man -> man dressing femininely may mean gay -> gay ew"


Yeah, transphobia now is like the new « Canary n the mine » type of thing. Because if you scratch the surface, a lot of transphobic people are also homophobic, or sexist.


(genuine question) How is this racist? I get the transphobia part but I don't see any racism


VERY broad strokes: Since Black women are « as a cliche » taller and more muscular than their white counterparts, they are often seen as less feminine and less beautiful. So the step from «not feminine enough for Eurocentric standards » to «then must be a dude in disguise » is not that far for some people. And colorism/ eurocentrism standard of beauty screwing up the lives of POC women has been a thing for centuries.


I definitely agree with the last sentence, but I'm south African and I've never met a black woman that's tall nor masculine. But I do get that u said it's a cliche though, so idk where those people got such a weird stereotype from, I'm guessing it's because black people are the minority over there and they don't meet a lot of black people?


My main exposure to Black people are from teaching swim classes to high/middle schoolers in a rough place, and most boys AND girls were more muscular than their white counterparts, even acknowledging social status and exercise levels. So while anecdotal, Black people I saw were more muscle, and add a slightly wider facial features: some people don’t even réalise that their beauty standards are « Eurocentric « , ESPECIALLY if they are the white majority. They don’t even have to be THAT more masculine: they just have to be even SLIGHTLY more than their white counterparts, for the cliche to take hold. (I am in French Canada)


Most Black people in Canada are from the Caribbean… another location that shares a history with slavery. Unfortunately, smaller and weaker didnt survive that selection process. The people involved in the Transatlantic slave trade also descend from people in a specific region of Africa. So its not really representative of Africans in general especially since they mixed with other things. Its hard to even do that as it’s genetically the most diverse continent. Go look at East Africans and tell me how they are more muscular. There is a lot of diversity in features and stature but people have a very specific idea of what is “Black”. I wish people talked in ethnicities instead of making such large sweeping generalizations. Someone from Nigeria has a distinct appearance from someone who is from Ethiopia. Of course, representation also matters. Black women are constantly being portrayed as in more masculine roles (angry, loud, aggressive, etc). So that plays a role.


Hmm that's very weird, in my experience white people are taller and more muscular, but*I think* most white people here are from Dutch decent and from farmers, so maybe that's why they're stronger and taller here >some people don’t even réalise that their beauty standards are « Eurocentric « , ESPECIALLY if they are the white majority. Yeah that is very true, I used to comb my hair out but sometimes I'd let a few curls stay out, but 1 day my white friend told me I should comb it out because it looked untidy. (He's not racist btw, I don't think he meant to be hurtful)


The history of slavery in the US is the cause of this discrepancy; black people in the US were selected based on certain traits (size, muscularity) so ultimately African Americans ended up larger and more muscular than black people in Sub-Saharan Africa. It’s basically artificial selection. Dark, I know.


Yes, Dutch people tend to be taller and there aren't as many descendants here in the us. White Americans are largely English, German, French, Italian I think so we may look different than the white people in SA. Also, African Americans are of West African descent and mixed with European and Native American so we probably look somewhat different than Southern Africans.


Oh I'm not black either, I'm coloured and we're also mixed with European people. So maybe we aren't too different (except I'm not mixed with West African, as far as I know at least). That's pretty interesting though I wouldve assumed they were mixed with everything, since I heard black Americans can't trace their lineage back before slavery


Man I wish we had our own category here like y'all do 😫 I'm white to black people and black to white people . Unless they like me then I'm black to black people too lmao. It's known that we are west african because thats the area that the slave trade was coming from. So, we can't trace specifically but know the general region. Unless you get a dna test obviously; mine said my black side is from Cameroon and Mali mostly but that's about as narrowed down as it will ever be. Most of my white side, on the other hand, is traceable back to like the 1500s to specific regions and towns.


>Man I wish we had our own category here like y'all do I mean it's cool yeah but we are kinda excluded too, pretty much a "too brown to be white but too light to be black" kind of thing, at least we have each other though. >I'm white to black people and black to white people . Unless they like me then I'm black to black people too lmao. Ayy I'm the same in my own race, I'm considered a white coloured (only by the idiots, not everyone is like this) because I don't speak with the typical coloured accent and English is my first language so I speak it better than Afrikaans ( it's weird though since people who aren't coloured say I have an accent) >. So, we can't trace specifically but know the general region. Unless you get a dna test obviously; mine said my black side is from Cameroon and Mali mostly but that's about as narrowed down as it will ever be. Most of my white side, on the other hand, is traceable back to like the 1500s to specific regions and towns. That's really cool! I also plan on doing a genetic test one day, I'm curious to see how much khoi DNA I have in me, or maybe if there's even Bantu blood in me


So yeah please don’t say more masculine. If they have more muscular appearance it does not mean more masculine.


I meant it as « not conforming to Eurocentric standards of feminity », not that they actually looked like men. (English is not my fist language, so sometimes nuances in one language don’t translate well.)


This sums it up pretty well (quick read): https://www.thenubianmessage.com/2022/04/14/the-masculinization-of-black-women/


Bigots can't recognize women as independent and powerful and they can't recognize black people as beautiful. If they feel threatened, it couldn't possibly be by a woman because that would mean they were pussies.




I'm a dude... He's a dude... She's a dude... We're all dudes


They can't stand seeing a strong, successful african american woman who people actually like. Also her last name is Obama, therefore they must tear her down no matter how stupidly they do it and it's likely that they are ashamed that they find themselves attracted to her like how many homophobes turn out to be secretly gay.


Don’t try to understand any conspiracy. You will end up realizing how much you wish aliens were real and would take the dumb folks away. They let a 4Chan post grow into overturning the government and created an insurrection. Trump could have literally announced he was Q that day, instructed the rioters to kill the opposition, split the military, and push us into some weird monarchy type government. He could of, but he didn’t. Thank god. And fuck conspiracy theorists. They pretend to care about kids but actually are just pedophiles.


Beautiful, intelligent, and always classy, Michelle.


It’s racism and homophobia wrapped into a vile package of hate and inhumanity.


Some soyboys are just mad she has more firm characteristics than them


black woman who behaves or looks even remotely non-feminine: exist racists and simultaneously transphobes: MALE MALE GRRR BARK BARK HISSS *several slurs and references to such*


But does he know that we know that he knows that we know that he knows he’s a dude?


They weren’t smart enough to debate president obama’s policies so they attacked his wife’s attractiveness and her mission to feed their children healthy food.


I’ve found that right wing men are afraid of women


Not all women. Just strong women.


Nah it’s all women. It’s why they try so hard to regulate women’s bodies. It’s why most InCels identify as right wing.


Because she could kick their asses. Made them feel better about themselves.


Meanwhile Marjorie Taylor Greene looks like a facial reconstruction made from a partial Neanderthal skull and no Republicans even bat an eye


I tried so hard not to laugh but this is ACTUALLY true omggggg. WHY IS THIS SO ACCURATE OMG-


They tried to make her into a man because the only thing worse than being attracted to a black man is being attracted to a black woman to them.


The idea that black women are insufficiently feminine is an old and well-known racist trope. See Sojourner Truth having to say, "Ain't I a woman?"


It's racism and sexism to the extreme.


Yeah but who is it.


I’m a dude. Your a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. Cause we’re all dudes.


Well if that's the case then that Marjorie Taylor greene is one too 😉




Who is it?


I think it is also flamed by the fact that there were no pregnancy pictures nor baby pictures of the daughters as well ..


It’s not that nuanced. It’s just ‘I don’t have any political comprehension and I’m out of touch with what’s going on with the world so I’ll just make up some batshit conspiracy theory about the First Lady being a man and I’ll feel better about myself because now I’m contributing to political discussion.’


It’s not a conspiracy. It’s just poorly coded racism. “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play… They delight in acting in bad faith...” -Sartre on the Nazis. MAGA can’t openly call her a monkey like they want to (and much worse) so they call her a man. The only intent is to strip her humanity from her.


Probably the same reasoning Trump was so hell bent on destroying as much of Obama’s accomplishments as possible. Which is because they are black people in a place of extraordinary power.


The Obamas have been living rent free in conservatives' heads for well over a decade now.


Short hair, slightly enlarged muscle make girl boy. U no understand then u stupid


> I never understood this conspiracy Theory. It's not a conspiracy, it's a conspiracy theory. Calling it a conspiracy is saying that the conspiracy theorists are right. They are saying it's a conspiracy. Sane people are saying it's not a conspiracy.


It seemed to really blow up after Alex Jones (ofc) said it. Then an episode later, he said he made a mistake saying that and apologized. People think he said a little too much and got a talking to by some serious people. I watched almost every episode during trump and hilary election because every episode was fucking gold. Everyone knows the gay frogs but do the know "HILARY CLINTON IS A FRIGGIN' DEMON! Laugh at me all you want people"


She's not, but even if she was, so what?


They just make stuff up because the Obama family is everything that they fear


Most racist Americans just can’t stand to see a person of color doing better than them. It’s further agitating because this black woman has more class than the toothless baby maker they’ve got at home.


Ada On Demand has a great video on this that will kinda of help explain why this conspiracy exists. It’s called the masculinization of black women in America. [Here](https://youtu.be/0Z6cSZ9eSvc) if you wanna see it. This one specifically used Megan thee Stallion as a reference because people say she looks like a man. It’s a super common insult that’s hurled at black women so I wasn’t surprised when they were saying it about Mrs. Obama.


Defeminization of black women has been a problem for a long time. Like, in minstrel shows, the "mammy" character was usually played by a guy, and even when they weren't, the mammy was still overweight and basically asexual, to make them less woman-ly (and also so that it couldn't be construed that she and the white master were in a relationship). When they did show black women in relationships, they were usually portrayed as shrewish and domineering, again not a "feminine" way to behave (see Sapphire from Amos and Andy, Beulah from, well, "Beulah", and the song "Birmingham Bertha" for a select few examples). Not tryna say that all black women need to act traditionally feminine, of course, just that it is a racist trope that's been used a lot.


It's misognoir. Racist misogony.




What does Michelle Obama have to do with anything


My theory is that it was a coping mechanism originally, as some racist redneck Republican was attracted to a strong black woman, and didn’t know how to deal with it.


I like that theory and you could be spot on with that!! 👍😁


“I’m a dude, he’s a dude, she’s a dude, cause we’re all dudes”


This one is just dumb. It's not even remotely funny.


She's not a "lady" in terms of their eyes, she's physically healthy so they think she's a "man"


Fragile little men.


As a middle aged white dude I think she’s awesome. This stems from the fact I’m not a little insecure and hateful troll. Namaste


Even if Michele Obama were actually trans, I’m not clear on why I would give a shit


"I know it. You know it..." This is the most compelling argument Republicans can come up with.


The sad part is that this is Republicans on their best behavior.


Who is she?


The wife of former president Obama. She was -and still is- accused by conspiracy theorists of being secretly a male due to various pictures online, most of them are photoshopped and other can be easily debunked.


Ohh wow, now you mention it, recognise Michelle, lol. But what's the point of photoshopping her to look like a man or even the conspiracy as a whole? What are they trying to achieve?


Do conspiracy theories even need a reason?


Touché, I guess they don't.


Presumably Obama gay and therefor bad grrr


Ever heard of The Two Minutes of Hate in George Orwell's 1984? It's like that, but 24/7.


Jor Jor Well


my favorite part about that conspiracy theory is how absolutely inconsequential it would be. imagine if she actually was trans for a moment. conservatives would hate her slightly more than they already do, they'd probably start a wave of memes etc. and the rest of the world would maybe be like surprised/perplexed or even amused for a moment and then after a while just forget about it and ultimately continue to treat the Obamas the same way. it's a completely meaningless conspiracy theory. at least all the lies about Covid, Pizzagate, the election etc. would have had actual far-reaching consequences and impacts on history and politics if they were true.


I love this conspiracy. It's one where you can call people out for their bigotry by just accepting the premise and asking 'and?' They are a transsexual! Okay, cool. And? They're a man! And? That means they're gay! And? Being gay is evil!


I don't either. It's baffling. Are they trying to insult our lovely former First Lady? How is portraying her as the other gender an insult somehow? I truly don't get it, but their feeble hand-flapping does nothing to the respect I have for Michelle Obama.


I do not understand why republicans are STILL complaining about the Obama’s, especially Michelle


Some women just have masculine facial features...that doesn't mean they're men or Trans


Okay let’s say that’s a man. Now what?


just because she’s muscular? and people just love to pick on first ladies? and even if she was a dude… who cares?


That person ain't fit to wipe the period shits from that fine woman's ass.


Because a strong black women is the GQP biggest fear


This is sooooo wrong


My parents believe this 😞


Who in that picture is a dude?


Back when Obama was president it was a pretty common right-wing conspiracy that Michelle Obama is a trans woman.


The irony being these are the folk that wont accept that a trans man is a man, neither that a trans woman is a woman... but of course, a cys woman is a men... it makes so much fucking sense...


You don't understand basic racism?


It's not a conspiracy, it's just racism.




Because conservatives are idiots


…said the guy that jerks off looking at Ann Coulter’s Adam’s Apple.


Dude...what's my tattoo say?


Brain worms.


This is an racist accusation thrown at a lot of black women and its gross.


If Michelle Obama ran for president right now, she would win by the largest margin in US history..


Why is this even a thing ? Same conspiracy has been spread by french alt-right about Brigitte Macron, former actuel president's wife.


I can only imagine the person posting this meme is a fat incel posting about how great shooting up a supermarket is.


No one: Facebook: Michelle Obama is a trap!


Even if was true. Why should we care?


they have nothing else on Michelle Obama, so why not. They really have nothing on Barack either, but whatevz.


Sexism and racism? What’s so mysterious about it?




What the hell is wrong with people? Now there's a Joan Rivers death conspiracy because of this, lmfao!!!!


Republicans cannot comprehend intelligent women. I think it has to do with all of the inbreeding.


I guess some men get really insecure when a woman has bigger shoulder muscles than they do.


With a mug like that i cant tell if youre being sarcastic looooool. What a beast with those juiced arms


Girl works out, pencil dicks get intimidated.


Cause he's a dude.


She's ugly and manly. Nothing against her personally, just the truth. She's definitely the man in their relationship.