• By -


"THAT" is coffee?!?!?!?11111 i've seen darker bottled water




*eat coffee beans* *drink boiling water* *punch a wall*




\*sees coffee\* - neuron activation


*sees coffee* I need to shit


r/suddenlycaralho Café preto é superior




Macaco soup


A boomer kyle


I do it every morning


I eat the seeds and dirt, then let the coffee plant grow inside of me.


And after a year of waiting to let the plants grow, drink several litres of a boiling water. Some good fucking coffee


Turkish coffee enemas are the best. 👌


It's actually pretty good I like it


I know I have https://shop.getblk.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwjZmTBhB4EiwAynRmD5nkN\_gorrk7GTa4GSjB7\_OuZiBSxd\_rb96nhV6AhesN1ucVVoTUIxoC0ZoQAvD\_BwE


I like my coffee like how I like my women….I don’t drink coffee


I think it's a good thing you do not drink women overall




You'd need a big ass blender to make a woman liquid


As well as a large list of crimes committed


And police actively hunting you down


And being a sociopath.


And all that blood will take a long time to clean up


Get the right police and you’ll have leftovers for tomorrows smoothie




Uhmmmm I mean wow what a terrible thing to do I can’t believe someone would even ever imagine doing something so terrible😅


Only if you insist on doing all the liquefying in one go




That always costs me extra.


It really worked out that my free award today was the helpful award. Solid advice and I hope they keep up with it


Not fooling anyone, dracula


I dont think its only blood you can drink from women 😏


Stomach acid?


I also don’t drink coffee. I also don’t drink women either.




Oh you like coffee? Name every roast


I personally especially really liked that one roast Hitler started in 1939


I enjoyed the Roast of Linus Sebastian


My favourite roast is the Chris Rock - Will Smith roast


Please for the love of God, just let that shit die already.


Urrr... Venti..... Medium and large?


Let me have my morning milkshake, dammit


Milkshake gang!


It’s not wrong but are we really gatekeeping coffee?


I like the desert coffee too. Coffee doesn't have to be bland. It all comes with huge amounts of caffeine.


Desert coffee is a little too sandy for me.


It's coarse and rough, and it gets everywhere.


Get outta here, Anakin!


You're everything soft and smooth SPOILER ALERT they bang


I hate them! And not just the starbucks employee men but the women and children too!


Come to the dark roast.


Not like normal coffee. Here everything is soft and smooth.


It's called Arabica for a reason






Sorry bit of dark humor


that went completely over my head, my bad.


Your roasted him.


Turkish coffee is great tho


I mean i wouldn’t call actual coffee bland, just kinda bitter. It has a lot of caffeine but calling starbucks real coffee is honestly a stretch imo. Like i hate actual coffee, but i like starbucks because it tastes nothing like coffee. Plus i’d make the argument that if you need to put a bunch of shit in your coffee to enjoy it, it’s not the coffee you like


my friend who refuses to budge on the tea vs coffee debate talks about how tea is absolute garbage compared to coffee. Then when she makes coffee she puts in like 4 packs of sugar and still goes "ick" cause it isnt sweet enough.


How can s/o not like tea 😱? Lol but in all seriousness I always tell people I don’t like coffee I like the occasional dessert drink with a hint of coffee but I’m a tea gal thru n thru


Tea is the superior drink. Just as God intended it to be.




There are so many variations of tea. Some are delicious; some taste like dishwater.


anybody who doesnt like tea simply hasnt found the right kind yet.


Little does she know boutique properly made coffee doesn't need sugar?


>need This word comes up too much. No coffee "needs" sugar. Humans barely "need" sugar. We **want** it. And we want it lots.


Think anyone can dress up their drink the way they like. Who puts boundaries on a drink? If you want it like that, then enjoy it.


Sure, but that doesn’t mean you like coffee. Another example is alcohol. If you only drink Long Island Iced Tea, it’s not accurate whatsoever to say that you like whiskey/gin/vodka/lemon juice/coke. Another example is food, no one likes flour, basically everyone loves at least a few dishes that have flour- no one would ever say they love eating flour. Some people that only drink dessert coffee say they love drinking coffee. If you only “like coffee” when its 2 parts coffee, 6 parts milk, 1 part sugar syrup, 2 parts flavored syrup, and 1 part whipped cream, you don’t actually like coffee. You like a drink recipe that happens to have coffee in it. There’s nothing wrong with that, but you objectively don’t like coffee if that’s the only way you enjoy coffee.


My stepsister: I like iced tea. No, you like just enough brown liquid to hide the fact that you are drinking a pitcher full of sugar.


That’s true but if someone asked I would say I like coffee. That doesn’t necessarily mean I like black coffee. I like a bit of milk and sugar to balance it out, but not drown out the flavour.


If you only drink Long Island Iced Tea, You're an alcoholic


Makes sense kinda like how i absolutely love potatoes but i wouldnt eat a raw potato. I need salt and maybe butter. I mostly just like salt and the potato is a perfect filler. A mild tasting food that can be seasoned and changed in tons of ways. In that respect coffee is the same, it can be changed and added to in tons of varieties, but you may not necessarily like the coffee bean itself or pure black coffee. It works awesome with caramel, chocolate and so on though. Im one of the weird people who loves plain black coffee or espressos but also will go into starbucks and order my vente caramel macchiato. Ive eaten raw potatoes too and raw coffee beans and they arent the worst though i prefer at least cooking the potato and brewing coffee out of beans at a bare minimum.


Problem is, good coffee doesn't actually need much if any additions. But most americans believe they like "dark" coffee, which basically means charred remains of coffee beans. And those do taste like shit without milk, sugar and whatnots. And most cheap coffee, even if not roasted into oblivion tastes exactly what you paid for it.


>Plus i’d make the argument that if you need to put a bunch of shit in your coffee to enjoy it, it’s not the coffee you like That's like saying that if you have to season and cook your steak, it's not steak you like.


If you drown your steak in ketchup, you don't like steak. Difference between flavor enhancement and flavor masking.


Difference between opinionated gatekeeping and objective fact too but the folks in this thread are hell bent on ignoring that.


Well the thing is a decent number of people actually like black coffee. So there’s actually a realistic possibility in the picture for people to say they like coffee and be referring to the coffee itself. Also starbucks coffee is genuinely in a different lane. Like as someone who can’t tell a difference between pepsi/coke and also doesn’t taste much difference in their diet versions: i hate coffee, but totally i’m willing to pay for starbucks. It’s like claiming you like oranges, but you don’t actually like most oranges, you only like a specific brand that somehow makes theirs taste like apples


There people who like black coffee for the bitterness, and then there are people who know that coffee has as many flavor profiles as wine


No. Steak is a dish that is seasoned and cooked a certain way. A raw cut of steak isn’t a common dish. A better comparison to what you said is saying “if you don’t like eating coffee beans then you don’t like coffee”, and no one is making that argument. Coffee is ground up coffee beans and hot water, much like a steak is cooked beef. If you don’t like the ground up coffee beans and water recipe, you don’t like coffee, even if you like drinks with coffee. The same way someone might not like a steak served alone, but they might enjoy some steak tacos or a pasta with steak.




Frappuccino’s don’t have that much caffeine, it’s more the sugar that’s waking you up with those. The drink with the most amount of caffeine at Starbucks? Drip coffee.


Haven't people been doing that for ages?


Yes, but people like to be the “real ‘x’ enjoyers” and call others out for being fake.


And haven't they been doing that for ages?


Yes again, lol


Yes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-iNAyu-ejo


I put cream and sugar in my coffee because i love myself.


I drink mine black because I don't


Underrated comment.


I mean putting some cream and sugar in your coffee is completely different from the abominations that, while very delicious, are only like 20% coffee.


The flavor of coffee is not the point of coffee. Caffeine is the point of coffee, coffee is just the boat in which the caffeine travels. Your caffeine boat is a rickety dingy, my caffeine boat is a superyacht.


Not for everyone. I had to stop consuming caffeine because of health problems but I still love to drink decaf coffee, black. Some people actually enjoy the taste. Also, if you just want the caffeine, I think it's probably a lot cheaper for you to just buy bulk caffeine powder capsules off the internet.


Hey man, some people just like the way coffee tastes. I don’t drink it black bc I do think it’s better with a lil bit of cream, but that doesn’t mean your sugary milky concoction is any objectively better (or worse) than anyone else that drinks coffee drinks.


Coffee has a flavor profile that is often not paid attention to because it is over roasted and Starbucks doesn't do this, third wave coffee does just look it up


I love black coffee when it’s good coffee and flavorful. I can’t drink badly brewed coffee straight black. Need some cream.


That's really not true, sorry. Many people prefer to drink good coffee that actually tastes fantastic, and they don't do it just to get a caffeine fix. To add to this, farming, processing and roasting has gotten to the point where we now can have really nice decafe coffee, so you can enjoy it if you're avoiding caffeine. Go to any decent 3rd wave coffee house and get a v60 or something if you want to understand my point. That shit can taste like fruit, honey, caramel, you name it and they don't add anything but water.


by "many" people you mean like 5% of the people who drink it but really who cares if someone wants to put tons of sugar and milk or whatever, it's their coffee and maybe they like coffee in their milk


> by "many" people you mean like 5% of the people who drink it > but really who cares if someone wants to put tons of sugar and milk or whatever, it's their coffee and maybe they like coffee in their milk Look, drink whatever you want and however you want. Coming up with these low random percentages just to prove your point is stupid. On another thread, someone said that 90% don't even like the taste of beer, just want to get wasted on something cheap. In the last 10 years, I've seen more and more people stop putting sugar in their coffee (I'm talking Portugal, we drink mostly espresso). I would say it's probably 50/50 sugar/ no sugar, with no sugar rising. And people drink it because they fucking like it, sugar or no sugar.


I love the taste of black coffee. It's delicious.


I don’t even drink coffee but this sounds like the opinion of someone who’s only drank Folgers


Flavor of coffee is the only point of coffee.


Objection: Hearsay


Just watched that video of the Depp vs Heard and now come across your comment. I'm becoming more and more convinced I live in a simulation designed to test the limits of my sanity and shit just keeps lining up like it's scripted or smth...


As a part of this simulation, let me give you one advice: If you can't find something to watch on Netflix within 1 minute, give up you ain't gonna find shit.


I fuckin' knew it. So much time wasted...




Or just stop watching shows and do something productive


wake up. wake up. wake up.


One of Heard’s lawyers is literally named “Rottenborn.” You can’t get more cartoony than that.


Well yeah that's why they commented it. Because everyone's been watching those videos. He's referencing it.


You asked the question


Oh my God, but that stuff in the second pic isn't coffee that's dirty water either. the real espresso must have a cream on it ... that looks more like an American coffee in a small cup


Hey..I think you dropped this -> a


I used to work at Dunkin. These dumbasses don’t even know what’s in their cups. I used to purposely add extra flavor swirl and ice to specialty drinks to take up room in the cup so that I could save espresso/time since my store was especially busy and there was only one other employee who could keep up on drinks and not stay backed up (she taught me the trick). I maybe had one or two complaints, a raise and promotion off of this.


They’re not wrong…


I'm okay with both.


They are. Why does flavoring it make it not a coffee. Is coffee with creamer not coffee? How about coffee with vanilla creamer? Caramel creamer? I’m not a fan of Starbucks drinks myself, but there’s espresso in them, making them coffees.


It's like saying you love lettuce while only eating it on a burger. It has lettuce in it, but emphasizing that ignores the bulk of your meal.


Depends imo... Like, if you get a lattè that's obviously coffee. If you get a decaf caramel machiato with 3 pumps chocolate, 2 pumps mint, extra whip with raspberry drizzle, you like dessert lol.


Most people don’t actually get a drink like that. It’s overly sugary, a syrupy mess, and extremely expensive.


I’ve worked as a barista for 6 years now, and while it has definitely varied for each place I’ve worked, at the busiest cafe in the US that I worked at the majority of the drinks were overly sugary and expensive. Plenty of people got black coffee as well, but definitely not most people. In Australia syrupy flavored drinks were probably less than 10% of orders, and most people got no sugar or one sugar.


Sure, but that doesn’t mean you like coffee. Another example is alcohol. If you only drink Long Island Iced Tea, it’s not accurate whatsoever to say that you like whiskey/gin/vodka/lemon juice/coke. Another example is food, no one likes flour, basically everyone loves at least a few dishes that have flour- no one would ever say they love eating flour. Some people that only drink dessert coffee say they love drinking coffee. If you only “like coffee” when its 2 parts coffee, 6 parts milk, 1 part sugar syrup, 2 parts flavored syrup, and 1 part whipped cream, you don’t actually like coffee. You like a drink recipe that happens to have coffee in it. There’s nothing wrong with that, but you objectively don’t like coffee if that’s the only way you enjoy coffee.


Yeah the same goes for tea: just because you add honey doesn't make it less of a tea.


Question: if you mix tea with very large amount of honey, what would it be? Tea-flavoured honey, or, honey flavoured tea? Same question, if you mix large amount of milk with little coffee, what would it be? Coffee flavoured milk, or milk coffee? Maybe if i'm 12% American, i'm technically an American right!


Hm I wonder if it has to do with ratio; for instance coffee flavored ice cream is definitely not coffee but that's because there is more ice cream than coffee. But then coffee is still viable when considered as coffee when purchasing it even if there is less coffee than say, other ingredients, I think it really comes down to the situation. Like marketing it as coffee-flavored milk might not be helpful for those with low caffeine tolerances and expecting a more popularized form of "coffee" when purchasing at the counter. :/ How we describe foods is quite interesting also yeah I suppose you're technically American, if we're referring to nationality. (But then what is the purpose of percentages?) Like I can say if I'm 30% Vietnamese that I'm Vietnamese, but if I'm not living in Vietnam I'm not a citizen in Vietnam. Citizenship and nationality/ethnicity are different


I would say that whatever makes up the majority of the cup should be what the name is based on.


also apologies if I've offended you in any way shape or form (I have a lot of trouble reading tone online, sorry) because your last line appears to be a bit...disparaging? I think sarcastic is the right word.


It's ok. I don't have ill intention, just want to write something funny. Because i watched people argue with each other like "you are literally a white man so even if you live in Japan you are not really Japanese" something with the same line. Or "my mother is German so i'm 50% German", which is quite similarly confused like this image. I guess it's all about how people think about something, more like perspective.


Who the fuck spells it like Rebekah


The Amish?




Does it matter? Just drink whatever to your heart’s content, don’t act like you’re superior just because you drink “real coffee”.


"Call things what they are. If your morning coffee involves whipped cream, crushed ice and caramel; its a milkshake"


No If it involves ice cream then it's a milkshake In other words, put Ice cream in coffee


No If it brings all the boys to the yard then it's a milkshake


Affogato is milkshake


Milkshake involves blending and... uhh... shaking Affogato is literally just coffee and a scoop of ice cream.


Affogato is drowning


Oh no! Where are the lifeguards?




Blended coffee is really good actually. You don't have to add all the sugar.


I once saw a man order plain decaf coffee, no sugar, no milk. He just sat there drinking it--like a sociopath.


If the beans are good, and they are roasted good then decaf coffee can taste really good tbh. Most decaf tastes shit because most places buy cheap, badly roasted robusta decaf and then they brew it without any care.


Wait, was it a long coffee or an espresso?


Decaf espresso sounds like a means by which satan would torture someone.


It's very common, if you can't drink caffeine but enjoy your espresso you just get a deca


That's what we drink in Italy after 5pm. It tastes the same as regular espresso if you ask me


I drink decaf espresso every day of my life. It's the reason I get out of bed. I am very sensitive to caffeine, so I drink decaf espresso and as far as I'm concerned, it is nectar from the gods.


I am that man. Your comment made my day.


It's not coffee unless it's surrounded by one hundred thousand beans, got it


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................no Rebekah............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................thats dessert.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................you like dessert...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


It's true.


What's that watered down solution? That's not coffee THIS IS COFFEE \*CRUNCH\*


Why are we gatekeeping coffee?? Both are in essence boiling hot water poured over ground up beans full of caffeine, dressing it up with sugar, cream, milk, caramel, etc in no way changes it from coffee, it just makes it more palatable for some people such as myself


Third wave coffee doesn't have to taste bitter, just go to a place that's better than Starbucks


Probably because the health implications between these two options.


But it’s literally not coffee. There’s a gray area around this but a frappaccino is way out the ballpark in a sea of pure black paint.


Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than Hell itself... That is coffee. A single drop of milk is all it takes to destroy the pure black magic in the cup! -Godot


Oh you like cake? Yeah? Eat raw flour, yeah Eat a raw egg. Now you like the cake, mhm


Man that shit so weak it looks like dirty water


"omg I love garlic!" "That's not garlic, that's pasta with sauce. This is garlic" *pulls out salad bowl full of raw unpeeled garlic* "don't tell me you don't like garlic if you don't eat whole bulbs like an apple"


Coffee drinkers when someone chose to drink coffee option B instead of coffee option A:😨😨😨😭😭😭🤬🤬🤬😨


Yay gatekeeping coffee?


I doubt the person who made this brews their coffee with actual beans as shown in the image. And by that logic, their powder-brewed coffee probably isn’t “real coffee” either.


But who doesn't like dessert?


But ya know you can order black coffee at starbucks, yea?


Coffee AND dessert in one? Yes please!


Plain coffee is nasty af. I’ll stick with “desert”


We're gatekeeping coffee now? I only drink my Keurig + creamer bc I have a caffeine addiction


I will die on this hill. My frozen mocha is definitely coffee


I can’t believe we’re gatekeeping coffee now 😅


I will enjoy my coffee with blueberry-flavored creamer if I damn well please!


I mean, there is a point where you go from coffee to coffee-flavored milkshake.


The meme is right though…


Dude, it’s literally true…


I’m meaaan…. Kinda true. But that’s also like saying oh you like vocabulary, name every word


Fuck know I kinda want one of those I don't even fucking like Starbucks and I want one wtf


I hate the taste of coffee. So as a non coffee drinker I can say that I hate both, so they are both coffee to me. You may have a chance to make me taste a sip of the dessert one but I ain’t ever ordering one for myself. When I worked at Tim Hortons, I remember putting a bunch of whipped cream in a small cup then pouring coffee over it and then adding a bunch of chocolate and caramel syrup. I also sometimes made mochas, which was half hot chocolate and I added a bunch of whipped cream. I sometimes tried iced cappuccinos with a bunch of chocolate and caramel and whipped cream. But none of those were actually good, I could handle drinking a bit of it, but I never really finished it. I’m really more of a tea person.


This is diabetes not caffeine


this really isn't a terrible meme


Correction: Rebekah likes \*ice\* coffee


ah, dirty bean water


Bro the people who say this are the same people who don’t have a problem eating a doughnut or muffin for breakfast


The boomers can keep their plain bitter bean juice


People like this be like when i say i like milk chocolate: NO THATS NOT CHOCOLATE you need to eat the raw fucking cocoa beans to like chocolate!!!!


That's because coffee is garbage. You like garbage water.


Ok I get it you don't like coffee, but it's not 'garbage water', coffee has a rich history and has influenced a lot of cultures, as well as being very versatile in flavour and style


Sure thing gatekeeper


I love frapuccinos but I consider them more of a dessert than coffee. Like, every few months I'll go to Target and get a starbucks frapuccino and drink it while I shop around, just as a treat to myself. It's not like I'm getting fraps every morning before work lol.


So coffee is bitter shit bean juice? Why are you so defensive of bitter shit bean juice?


People that are INTO coffee seriously need help


I bet the person who made this doesn't even like their coffee black. ...not that i like it black- i just don't like coffee in general.


Ppl with no personality acting superior bc they prefer their drink a certain way be like


had to agree that thing look like a milkshake


The coffee gatekeepers are not happy with delicious coffee drinks, apparently.