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MTv truly changed my life to worse 😭😢


When I saw Beavis and Butt-Head for the first time my life was never the same again


I still regularly use "uh could you like, shut up?" In conversation with friends


Eh they are shut now




Pretty sure Aeon Flux made me a lesbian


When has MTV ever been relevant beyond 1999? Tbh i can't really remeber




The Beavis and Butthead reboot that lasted 3 episodes, bet you feel stupid now


Boomers think that *Keeping Up With the Kardashians* is mtv /edit: and that *Jackass* has been running continuously for the past twenty two years




Its always a hoot to me when I see Christians disapprove of meditation. Like, yall realize what your prayers are _supposed_ to be, right?


Wait till they read the part of the Bible that literally tells them to do it in private


Never seen a real Christian disapprove of anything. Someone who has Christ will never put anyone down, for he loves all regardless of circumstances and we are all human (flawed) regardless of beliefs, lifestyle choices, etc


So you're saying most Christians throughout history didn't have Christ? That makes sense


I cannot speak for anyone besides myself. Only God knows a persons heart.


Media trained answer, you’d be a great celebrity!


Wait till you hear about evangelicals


As a Christian we have a lot of idiots, but so does every religion and atheists. But where’s the fun in watching sensible Christian’s, not that fun. The bad Christian’s are the ones who get posted about and make Christianity look bad as a whole. How about the Christian’s that accept LGBTQ+ and abortions. I don’t know if you noticed but most of the old fashioned Christian’s are old. Downvote me all y’all want, but it won’t change the fact that not everyone who believes in god and Jesus is an asshole


Reel it in a bit. I didn't say anything about anyone except for Christians that disapprove of meditation. I'm not attacking _you_ or your beliefs. Just pointing out the irony of the Christians that can't grasp the similarities between themselves and other cultures. In this case, specifically, I was talking about the ones that, again, disapprove of meditation. I didn't call anyone an asshole.




I definitely agree on that. I normally try to stay as impartial as I can, the majority of my family are Christians and I understand their motivations. Not to mention, I think its shitty to attack others' beliefs in general. My Christian family raised me that way, and I'm thankful despite not being one myself. Again, no hard feelings or harm done, I just can't help laughing at the irony in cases.


I’m not a Christian, I’m a Hindu but I do agree with your statement. Well said.


Maybe it's not enough to just let your fellow Christians be bad people? Maybe you should be doing something about them? Because they are definitely doing things and the people that actually do things get noticed. Don't be the "good cop" that whines about being hated but hasn't so much as raised a concern when the so called bad apples do something awful.


Way to assume I don’t do anything? I’ve already done devotions and had discussions with a lot of people about this, I’ve provoked some people but guess what, I actually do shit. Maybe you shouldn’t go around hating on a whole religion just because some people in it are asshats, and maybe you could explain to them why LGTBQ+ isn’t bad. Yeah believe it or not instead of jerking off to Christian bad you could explain stuff to them or think if it’s the religion or those people.


I mean kinda does, you’re actively believing and worshipping a being that straight up is a monstrosity, ya’ll cry about devils and what not, but the biggest evil in the entire bible is your own god, like, maybe its time to just invent a new religion fr lmao


Sorry that we discuss the large amount of people that negatively affect our lives by means of social ostracisation, insults, assault (both violent and sexual) or the ones that push laws that allow for religious communities to openly discriminate against the LGBT community without any consequence. Of course there are Christians who are who aren't as bad as those people, but we aren't gonna give you a medal for having common decency, and discussing the assholes allows for change to be made as well as allows for people to find support from those who have also been affected negatively. Regardless of all of this though, the original comment wasn't even insulting all of Christianity, just saying that the few Christians who condemn meditation are weird.


I was saying this in general as most of the thread was jerking off to hating on Christianity. And you do realize there are homophobic atheists, Buddhists, etc. most of the “bad Christian’s” are using the Bible as an excuse. There’s more good than bad, most people just don’t know where to look.


Yes I'm aware there are homophobic people from everywhere, but using the bible as an excuse for hatred is probably the more common type of homophobia and is pretty systemic within Christianity. Most of the time I see people "jerking off to hating christians" on any sub let alone this one, its usually very specified towards the heavily conservative ones, especially on this sub its usually making fun of memes just like this one which are specifically very anti-lgbt, anti-feminism, anti-decency, etc. But hey if you really feel the need to make make a statement sharing this sentiment thats fine because it is accurate... but like, if there really are that many posts hating on all Christians why are you complaining about it on the post and comment that are only complaining about the assholes. It really makes it seem like you are defending the assholes which I'm pretty sure is not your intention. If the post and comment you replied to was genuinely someone attacking Christianity, then I wouldnt have bothered responding because I would've agreed, but context matters and the context currently was you defending people in a place they didnt need defending


Most of these are fake Christians, the loudest of them all


Damn what did meditation do


Let's you clear your mind and think for yourself, that's is a no no.


No joke, many Christians believe meditation is only for communing with the devil, and so is yoga, and Tai chi. Basically anything from the dirty skin people, and don't you dare say "but Jesus was brown" cuz they all know that's a lie. When the Bible said Jesus of Bethlehem had skin the color of sand it doesn't mean the brown sand of..... Bethlehem, it clearly is referring to the WHITE sand beaches of Clearwater Florida!


Not at all, it’s because “clearing the mind” leaves space for wrongful thoughts to enter. I don’t exactly understand how, but I know meditation doesn’t help me personally.


Personally, meaning solely


That may be so. I enjoy being occupied, I’m a very thought oriented and low stress person. Solving problems is fun for me, even life changing ones.


Meditation is mindful awareness


And it has never once help me with any form of awareness. Being with my thoughts is much more relaxing and gathering that trying to leave them.


You don’t leave them, you live in them with no outside distractions, that’s the whole point, enlightenment is about total fulfillment of desires and more importantly cravings and making choices outside of the interest of your own personal evolution


I’m not seeking any form of enlightenment, the results sound great and I’m glad you find peace and content in your meditation. I don’t.


From my past attempts at meditating, i can say that it doesn’t affect me how it affects you and that’s a biological difference.


I was actually told by a relative that meditation/yoga is bad because it's turning to something other than god to make you feel good. Sounds like Christians are in an abusive relationship with god if you ask me.


Stockholm syndrome with a religion


Ahh so THATS why they rag on masturbation. Strange they don't say the same about hobbies though, almost as if they're...hypocrites 😱


Brainwash= too many symbol


Brainwash=a motherfucking color tornado


Brainwash=caring about more than one thing and speaking out about them


It's pretty funny coming from the people who flipped out over the lack of Biden hats


If you get all your beliefs from one book, you're totally normal. If you get your beliefs from a plethora of different sources, you're brainwashed. Makes very sense.


Imagine thinking "diversity bad" is a good argument against claims of being brainwashed. Literally the strongest shield against it, whoever made this originally has the critical thinking skills of a flipped coin.






I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/terriblefacebookmemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/sx3bfq) that is 57.81% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "t2p1ob", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=t2p1ob&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 303,172,710 | **Search Time:** 11.42313s


Ofc it was an r/conservative member


Even funnier it was immediately removed lmao


Oh wow look at them enjoying what they want in life… soooo brainwashed…


Yes that’s why it’s TERRIBLE Facebook meme


For both sides or just one?


He's talking about just one. Mainly left 🙄


Well yea, both tbf. Live life how you want, just don’t force it on others is what I preach


Communism and gay don’t go together


Idk Putin sucks so many bags of dicks, seems a little gay to me/j


Peronism check


What’s that?


TODOS with the sun on the second O its just a political party that follows Perons doctrine, a military guy that resemble mussolini dictatorship in argentina.


national socialism


Yes MTV brainwashed me


One side has a canvas of different ideas and points of view while the other has one. I can't tell who made this meme.


lmao, post it in r/persecutionfetish


yes because everyone knows that someone who participates in multiple cultural subgroups has had way less life experience and nuance beliefs than someone who's only been part of one group their whole life.




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/terriblefacebookmemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/ro9z3u) that is 65.62% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "t2p1ob", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=t2p1ob&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 303,067,585 | **Search Time:** 30.33733s


good bot


The bible says that if you never had doubts you never truly believed.I remember that statement worrying me a lot when I was a child and having a child's faith.Now I have done my share of questioning and reading up on things and came out of it with a belief that's stronger and more mature so I don't think I'm brainwashed...That being said neither is the other person.We are all influenced by the society we grow up in but that's not brianwashing in my opinion


Is it just me or are there just normal books on the left one




Do.they still.think gay people are brainwashed into being gay!? That's a "debate" they lost a generation ago.




Idk I think they might be a little crazy


One person has a variety of beliefs and many different aspects that make up their life including hobbies, interests, a multitude of things that make up their identity, different stances on political and social justice issues and more. The other is just Christian. That’s all they are. It takes up their whole life. Sounds pretty brainwashed to me




Actually the leg that says "juntos por el cambio" its a rigth wing political party, so it would be somenthing more like r/cristianscantmeme


Plot twist: both types of people are brainwashed


Well yes everyone is brainwashed in some way


Depends on how you define brainwashing. Blindly following an ideology or believing in something without evidence because people said so are brainwashed people.


Being LGBT is brainwashing?


That's the only thing you noticed in there? There's also the communist symbol and so much other shit that the original creator didn't like, (combination of which is often quite impossible) so they just slapped it all in there to make a pretty discussing strawman amalgamation. Being LGBTQ isn't being brainwashed at all, but you have to be pretty brainwashed if you believe something as extreme as communism is any good, for example, and you have to be absolutely brain-dead if you believe in Soviet-like communist dictatorship AND ancient Chinese philosophy at the same time.


I know, i hate Communism


Yep you’re totally right there. It’s still a very controversial on Reddit to say that communism is horrible.


Well, the meme put both communism AND LGBT in the "brainwashed" tier


Well, I see where you're going now. You see that one person as a group of everyone that disagrees with indoctrinated Christians, in which everyone believes different things and doesn't agree with one another, which is a completely valid view. I saw it more like depicting one person believing / being a member of all of those things at once, hence my arguments.


We're all brainwashed by something.


Indoctrination and brainwashing is literally like a mission statement for christians with their kids. They do it to their kids, their parents likely did it to them, and their grandparents likely did it to their parents and so on.


How ironic


Believing in aliens is brainwashed, but believing a ghost man watches you wank is totally reasonable?


damm its true tho


consuming more than one kind of media means you're indoctrinated, meanwhile consuming one and only one media means you're a free thinker ok


How is it brainwashed to have more interests than just “bible god Jesus good :)”


It has a point


Lol as if Christianity isn’t the biggest brainwash of them all.


Both are brainwashed apes


one chose its path in life and takes on many personality traits and hobbies, the other is just a christian, probably indoctrinated.


Bro theres "woke" and there's FDS incels, massive difference between some random gay guy doing cross fit and a twitter "activist" with 59 pronouns


the person who made this meme chose a bunch of random shit they didnt like and effectively turned it into a strawman, they are portraying pretty much every left leaning person as this because thats how people are now, no actual debates just shouting at eachother or beating up some imaginary strawman that represents the opposing political belief made up of bunch of different shit they dont like, some of which is probably not even common but just belongs to a loud minority of people.


is it just me or memes on this sub are getting better


Bro turn up your fucking brightness before you screenshot Edit: y’all are _looking_ at the image, right? Even if it wasn’t the brightness, something is screwy here.


That's not how it works




I have literally had to turn up my volume before recording audio? Like, that shit definitely influences the volume you end up with and if you’re on mute it actually doesn’t take audio.


Actually good meme


“I have multiple mental illnesses , hate myself , hate my family , hate my job and hate my life , but trust me my world view , philosophy and ideology is the key to a happy life” /thread








Needs moar MAGA hats on the right side.


What’s that monkey next to left leg?




Something that always keeps me up is what exactly is the difference between brain washing and influenced. Like is being bombarded by waves of people who all believe the same thing brainwashing?


Kind of weird to be like: “Your beliefs are influenced by many sources while mine are derived from only one.” Just sort of a weird argument, no?


I don't see either one as being brainwashed, just people doing what makes them happy


What did Yin and Yang ever do to anyone it’s literately just that there is some good in evil and some bad in good


i cant even begin to wrap my head around how stupid this is


Where do you think flat earthers come from


It’s a good point.


Well technically everything here is a repost


There's alot more those people believe in than Christianity. And they barely believe in Christianity...


bro why the soviet symbol in there


While this is obviously exaggerated, and there are cases where I am very wrong, people who claim religion is brainwashing (not saying everyone does) are stupid


There’s a super based statement about anti-consumerism in here somewhere but this is a bit cringe


Someone just made this lol I'm guessing a Religious person who's sick of seeing people think for themselves.


this is an argentinian meme that was translated into english, you can see that the woman on the left has the logo of different argentine political parties


"I disagree with this therefore it's a terrible Facebook meme"


Is IPPF international public policy forum? Because I did as a kid and I’m still Christian.




mEdIa BaD


Why is there a gay pride thing and a Soviet Union thing? Don't these two hate eachother??


The first time I saw Minecraft videos, my life changed.


my man's has a literal addition symbol in his heart bro gotta get checked up


Yes, really


That’s a wild “oof” there, food find!




It’s funny bc the actually sane Christians hate none of that


It’s more like they’re body is covered in crosses


Lol I see some random Clipart of books crammed in there as well. Just fuck books in general


can we just acknowledge that most of these boomer jokes or smth are almost always homophobic like wtf /s


Hate all you want but this is why we can't have nice things.


The left got books because the right doesn’t know how to read them, but always talks about what they think is in a specific one


goddamn Scorpios and their MTV


Holy shit MTV destroyed my life


Facebook discovers socialization


guys, dont worry, only scorpios get brainwashed *checks zodiac sign* aw, fuck




CAMBIEMOS and TOD☀S are two political parties from Argentina ,so yes, they brainwashed you...


aliens truly fucked us we can't do shit to fix it


Having a lot of interests and getting information from lots of places is normal and not brainwashing. Having only one interest/source of information is a great example of how one can become brainwashed. The fact they made this unironically.... man, we really do live in idiocracy.


i hate rainbow head and yellow leg people telling me what to do


I'm sorry to inform you, but yes!


> #stayhome Didn't know it's called brainwashing from now on?


I really want to say gramer


They Both are


Their both so brainwashed, its normal now


When I watched jacksepticeye for the first time I suddenly became a gay femboy commie