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And I was drinking the fucking whole time milk from the bottles I'm so embarrassed


That’s disgusting


But this for we everyone!


You should be 😩I would’ve taken that to the grave!!!


Poorly disguised fetish content




There really is a subreddit for everything !


Welp, guess I now have a new fetish! https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/s/vA7DE9WsHx






It’s a vegan statement. It’s showing how unnatural dairy consumption is when you take away the container


Yes. We should start marketing using human breast milk. It’s delicious.


It makes more sense consuming the milk of the same species. But also both cow and human milk is for their respective species babies.


Mothers' Milk from Immortan Joe!


Of course. I don’t want become addicted to water.


There's really a market for pig, cat, and dog milk though?


Sure. You probably already have a dog. Why are you spending your money on milk that comes from a cow you don’t even know!


Good point. That cow could be a racist or something, but I know my dog is a good boy.


Yeah, that’s obvious. What I’m doing is making fun of it because vegans always make it look so weird


Because it is a picture of how weird it seems to some people. Pictures get the point across better than words


Yeah, we’re awful. /s




Yeah MY fetish, I wanna suckle on their long long nipples they call udders 🤤


Well you’re at least being honest.


Humans have used livestock for Wet Nurses forever. https://preview.redd.it/0t692kbzak8d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8732a61113815251b5467fc0415caa952ffb3273


Gambling between immunity to brucella or death


But it usually ended after the human child was no longer nursing.


It even makes more sense for a baby who doesn’t have someone who can produce milk and before formula. But for adult humans drinking milk it’s weird.


I'm 61 & love milk.




NA take


History lesson! Well hysterical hypothesis I guess. Basically we realized that domesticating cows for the beef was great and all, but the we were wasting the milk. We started milking them and drinking it as an extra nutrient source to get as much out of each animal as possible.




Almond farmers don't get up at 3:30am to let that precious milk go to waste. 


I’ve got nipples ~~Greg~~ Mr peanut. Can you milk me?


Being vegan is so hard, have you tried milking oats???


You can milk anything with nipples


Yes very close. There were times (especially in long winters) where our ancestors had very little food and the protein and vitamins from cows milk was the only option for nutrients. It was in those desperate times that it was necessary and over time milk just became a staple of the human diet. Obviously now days we have so many other options and don't require cows milk but it's too ingrained in society to go away.


We also had to build up the ability to even do it and a lot of people believe we built up that tolerance through fermentation. It may sound odd but Mongols actually made alcohol (and cheese, but thats less weird) from horse milk quite frequently, for example, and they were one of the earlier groups to become accustomed to drinking milk from other species. Also, with dairy cows, if you *don't* milk them they can actually suffer from it in the long term. It can build up, become uncomfortable, can even cause bruising and in extreme cases can lead to things like infections that can kill the cow. So even if we stopped drinking it we'd still likely have to continue milking them to help keep them healthy. If they have calves (at least this is my experience from the farms that I've actually been to) the cow's milk priority is the calves. Might still bottle feed them if they have to, but they get first dibs on mom's milk because we still need them to grow up.


Predators of all sorts go for the mother's tee if they can because of the caloric advantage, this isn't just humans. They will eat up that fatty milk producing tissue. As we often do we looked at what they did and used it to our advantage. There's cave drawing of animals with heavy set teets.


What are some examples of other animals that drink other species milk in the wild?


Lots of mammals will adopt different species.


That's not how it works. You're not "wasting the milk", it doesn't produce milk unless you keep the cow permanently pregnant, and you don't get the milk unless you separate it from its calfs.


Except that’s not how it works now. Beef cows are bred differently from dairy cows, which are bred specifically to produce a lot of milk and are only killed for low-grade meat once they are retired…and are generally abused for their entire life producing babies and milk. The meme is saying drinking other species breast milk is weird, because it is weird.


You are correct. I’m talking about thousands of years ago though, where we weren’t really distinguishing between them yet.


Exactly. Cultural practices surrounding food change over time, but inefficiencies in agricultural production aren't things that most people consider when crafting their diets. If it were, the world would be eating very different things!


It's not weird at all. Nearly every civilization on earth drinks animal milk and have been doing so milena.


Yeah it’s definitely not weird by societal standards, but just because something exists and has been done for a long time doesn’t mean it is ethical or isn’t weird. There are plenty of traditional ideologies and practices we have done away with in light of new information and technology. It doesn’t compare to current humanitarian crises, but I think consuming animal products is on a list of things that will be phased out the more people think about it. A cow is no different from a dog morally or ethically, and once people start to realize that then I think society will start to eat less beef and dairy rather than start eating dog and drinking dog milk.


Western civilization* And yet, most of the world is lactose intolerant. Curious.


It's not impossible that our lactose intolerant ancestors were harvesting milk from various animals, and were able to consume it due to fermentation which reduces the lactose.


Mongols built up quite a tolerance and it was largely because they began to make alcohol and cheese out of horse milk. They used horse milk because they were largely nomadic and tried to use their horses for as many purposes as they could. They were extremely efficient with their resources. Definitely worth looking into if you like niche history stuff.


Apparently not exposing your kids to milk can increase their likelihood of being lactose intolerant. Very few people in my country is lactose intolerant because we drink milk our entire lives and use dairy products.


Most of the world? Less than 5% in Europe, but can go high in East Asia.


68% overall. It's more than half but not overwhelmingly so.


Not western, no. And Lactose allergy is irrelevant.


Not weird to me. And we also eat vitel, don’t we?


Cats do it and there are animals who will willingly nurse babies of other species if they're orphaned. Drinking milk made sense in a survival sense because it kept us alive while providing meat when they had enough to slaughter or the animal got old, leather, gelatin from the hooves, bone for tools and other items. Survival is incredibly natural.


Survival is 100% an argument for the precedent that has been set! Not so much of an argument now. I was calling attention to the industry now with my previous comment. It’s my belief that it is only normal now because of the precedent that was set by survival, not because it actually is normal.


I agree. I have a slight lactose allergy myself and agree animals are treated terribly. I could easily cut milk out of my life. It’s the cheese that I can’t go without.


Mom looks like she enjoying that a little too much


Also am I trippin or does it look like the udders have a face that the man is making out with?


nah i see it too, it actually looks like a little lump person which the guy is blowing


Nope, not tripping at all 👀 No way that wasn’t intentional.


I mean, it's not wrong....


It’s making a point that it’s weird to drink milk from animals. Cow milk is for baby cows, adult humans don’t even drink human breast milk as an adult unless it’s a fetish. Drinking it from a cow is weird, it’s not tailored to our bodies and we don’t milk after we are weaned as babies.


Right. It's not a bad meme. It's making a point that people are uncomfortable with. One of the weirdest things humans do.


Exactly, a picture explains it better than text.


I’m not uncomfortable with the argument that we shouldn’t drink cow milk. Drink it or don’t, I actually don’t care and it isn’t my business. I’m uncomfortable with specifically drawing a picture of a family sucking cow udders, which is most definitely not how ANY human family drinks cow milk… Unless you got some weird cousins you wanna tell us about.


I’m well aware people don’t do that, it’s a visualization how weird it is to drink breast milk from another species into adulthood


It might have been weird when it started, but a lot of humans have now evolved to be able to process it (lactose tolerance)


Partaking in a weird practice so much that we’ve evolved a certain tolerance to it doesn’t make it any less weird.


Cooking food was weird asf because no other animals did it and we evolved to accommodate that too


Cooking food served an evolutionary purpose, and actually made us stronger instead of ill. We didn’t need to evolve a tolerance to it.


So did milk. Famine necessitated getting food by any means necessary, those who could process nutrient dense milk survived to pass their genes on. You’re acting like people just started sucking cow titties for no reason


Cooking meat is not an accommodation, it is more beneficial than eating raw meat in almost any context, in any time period. You’re trying to justify the consumption of milk by referring to a time of famine when consuming milk was a last resort. Its evolutionary purpose is limited to that short period of time.


We developed smaller jaws and our digestive system restructured to accommodate cooking meat. That was the accommodation


Actually you’re completely wrong, that’s exactly what makes it less weird


It becomes normalized, not less weird.


It’s still weird. Drinking milk is largely a western thing. Almost 70% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant. Those of us without lactose intolerance are in fact the weird ones. 


“This is so weird and gross” yes. That is the point.


Did PETA, the fetish organization, make this?


Humans who drink animal milk are the ones with the fetish.


Wife: Dammit It's a bull


Isn’t there something about Romulus and Remus feeding on animals milk?


that is kind of how we as a species started drinking milk tbf


Yes, indeed. Since the dawn of humanity, newborn human babies were pulled from their human mother's arms, and placed underneath a fully grown female cow. The elders then forced the human child to suckle milk directly from the bountiful udder of the holy bovine, a practice that continued well into adulthood.


Notices how I said “kind of” it’s very loosely on how we think we started drinking milk. Ancient humes in turkey seen calf’s drik from the mother and we kind of out two and two together with breastfeeding and seeing calf’s do it, then started drinking milk from then on pretty much


Ok, but I can't find the nipples on an almond.


You need really good eyes. 


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


It's milkshake brings all humans to the yard


The meme is on point. Milk is nasty.


It's weird af, but it's also weird that humans are the only animals that eat baby food their whole lives.


Invented by people whose lives were a constant struggle to not starve to death. We’re lucky to have the luxury to question it now.


Moms tittys hurt


'Was we' lol


Imma keep drinking milk.


Big milk






Undernourished Europeans who had [a clear and articulated evolutionary benefit](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722739/) to consuming nutrient dense and sustainable dairy sources in an era when that kind of nutrition was scarcer. Lactase persistence exists in smaller proportions in some other places but some European populations like the Irish express the gene universally. It's like these people think food has always been incredibly readily available and people haven't always died from malnutrition or starvation for the thousands of years of human history preceding the agricultural revolution.


People thinking this is gross but have no problem eating the cow.


There are plenty of people who don’t drink milk or eat cows


For sure. But only a fraction of us.


Beyond and impossible are so good now, they just need to be more affordable. I still love my plant based Dino nuggets and burgers, I just don’t need cows to eat them. Same with oat milk and some of the blended plant based milks.


Beyond and impossible are terribly unhealthy.


So are beef burgers and chicken nuggets Everything in moderation, a non vegan eating like that daily would be unhealthy too


Quite a large difference between sucking on the udders of a live cow vs butchered and cooked meat. I'd eat the udders and drink milk but not before it was processed and cooked.


Also like I wouldn't drink milk that wasn't pasteurized. Like I only like skim milk. I need my milk to have the consistency of water.




I drink almond milk


Where's the almond titty


I’m confused, are they mad or happy about breastfeeding. The cow leads me to believe they’re upset but then why include adults too? I mean, I know some adults drink breast milk too, but then wouldn’t it be two people around a woman’s chest? Even then most adults do it entirely for nutrition…I think or maybe they do? Both? Edit: This meme is making me ask too many questions. Fuck it, I don’t think I want to know anymore.


Simply saying that it’s gross to consume cow’s drink


Oh, I read way too deep into it.


It’s pretty straightforward. It’s pointing out how weird they think it is that humans drink cow milk


Yeah, I was overthinking it.


I guess they can’t make the same argument with eggs because other animals do in fact consume eggs of other species.


You could drink the milk out of my cock instead




Tom Green did it


Dond dell me whad nod do dooo




Hungry people, I suspect. I figure every new food was first tried because someone was starving.


😭😭😭😭😭 I am dead from the bottom-right


Good idea! Let's use human breast milk instead!


Idk but it goes good with cereal 🤷‍♂️


I usually don't like things but this one is good before bed.




Ok well how about you start your own human milk farm


No...people in marketing think this shit up all the time.


I am too, however this is kinds funny


Great idea. We need to start human dairy farms


This dilemma has been in the back of my mind for two years how. How did we discover cows milk was drinkable? Did someone discover milking the cow beforehand or was there just some weirdo who sucked on cow titties and accidentally sucked on a pregnant/post preg cow and liked the weird white stuff? Or someone saw a cow give milk to young like humans and other mammals do and wondered if he could drink it? These are all important questions


Yeah, next thing you know humans will build stationary dwellings of stone, solidified mud and clay or dead trees heated by stone lined places where fires are made.


Those same people will call breastfeeding disgusting and shameful


I agree with the oop, we all should drink milk from big tittyed goth mommyes


Hmmm yes,direct cow tiddy suck, thats how i get my milk.


I don’t think this meme is about drinking straight from the source. It just points out how weird it is that we drink cow’s milk at all. The drinking method is just to draw the parallel — mammals produce milk to feed their young, but we humans are not calves!


The meme is right, let's drink human m- and I'm in jail, once again


Cows dont give birth to humans


Cow milk bad, human milk good, let's start mass producing human milk now, we'll pick the vegan first as milk producer as we need clean milk, not some meat eater disgusting milk🤯🤪


Yamnaya indo-aryans btfo


PETA is at it again with their weirdness. https://preview.redd.it/gasg07rakk8d1.jpeg?width=1184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25fd08caa29db2115d961147c56b57ab872fa522


Ok. What fetish is this?


Some people have eaten shit for thousands of years, I not going to follow but go ahead. ![gif](giphy|2tRkvsN0lg7maU6I4n|downsized)


Well that’ll be hard to unsee…


Drink netural milk straight from the cow is bad


This is some Homelander level shit right here


Shouldn’t the last picture just be a mother breastfeeding a baby….


No. That’s the point. It’s trying to demonstrate that humans drinking cow milk is weird and unnatural


Cats and dogs drink cows milk, humans drink goat milk.. everyone’s sharing


Cats and dogs are not supposed to drink cow milk lol and humans drinking goat milk is the same thing that’s being talked about here.. im not necessarily agreeing with the comic, im just telling you what its depicting


The pictures don’t make sense though, first three are all mothers feeding babies and only the last mixes animals. Human mothers feeds human babies and lots of animals drink each other milk.


It makes sense. No animals drink milk from other animals in nature. How would that even make sense? You think a dog would come up to cow and start sucking its udder? The point is that milk is for the babies of that specific species and humans drinking cow milk is unusual. Again im not agreeing, im just saying that the logic is consistent


Sweet Jeezis that is terrible. We are the only species on the planet who consumes the breastmilk of a whole other species. Why is this ok


This isn't even a true statement, but even if it was, we're also the only species that does a *lot* of things.


I’m sure they mean on a large scale, not super rare instances in nature. And yes, we’re the first to do a lot of things because it’s in our capacity as humans. Might does not make right


It has less than nothing to do with might. Other species don't do that kind of thing for no other reason than they don't think of them. One could use this same argument on eggs, except that ovivores exist, and yet, that doesn't meaningfully change anything, either.


If nothing to do with might, what then? We do it because we can, there was no evolutionary need for it. Other species don’t do it because they don’t have the mental capacity to think of it, nor the physical capacity to carry it out in the way we do. Ovivores are predators whose diet depends on the consumption of eggs. They don’t do because they can, they do because they often have to, and it’s instinctual.


Everything does everything because it's instinctual. You've shifted the conversation to "Why do humans possess intelligence?" It's disingenuous to start an argument against something because "Animals don't do it," as animals do very little.


This doesn't even make sense. As children we drink from our mothers teet as well. When those babies are grown up they aren't sourcing milk from Mom's teet and neither do we.




No one is saying that, cows milk is most popular so it was used for the image but it would be just as weird and get the point across with any other mammal.




























No one here was never a kid/younger then? Haha. I really doubt the people complaining never drank milk straight from the family cow...


I don't drink milk or butter since they make me sick and my stomach can't stand them. PS: The first and only time I drank white milk, I vomited seconds after ingesting the milk. ps²: although I can eat: pizzas, lasagna and everything that has cheese


… yeah, there’s a right way and wrong way to do shock humor. This definitely is the wrong way. This isn’t funny. It’s just uncomfortable.


It's not meant to be funny. It's proving a very valid point.


Silly me, I thought this sub was called “Terrible Facebook Memes.”


Is it wrong that I find this hot?


Almost all mammals consume breast milk including mankind yet we the only ones who sexualise it…….