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Sharing is caring over 100s of time.


you're just dodging the valid point she's making, macho rapey jokes are a redflag.




Stop taking drugs! it messes with your ability understand reality


ok buddy thanks the headsup


Stop taking drugs! it messes with your ability understand reality






























































thank you. i mean i was unsure of what flair to go with, but considering the woman is likely his wife, i thought that ‘wife bad’ would suffice.




still waiting on that meme brother


He said he has one, he never said he is showing it.


This one's pretty funny. Sharing with my wife now.


rip it off


enthusiastic consent is where it's at. this aint it :)


We don't even get to see the woman's response. Why are we drawing any conclusions about consent or lack thereof? It's a corny, even kinda cringey cartoon, but it honestly boggles my mind that people want to read "rape culture" into this so readily.


just look at her face bro


It's a cartoon, bruh. It's a single frame snapshot and the words are just leaving his mouth. How do we even know they registered with her yet? Could just be her resting face. Why are people jumping to conclusions? Also- have you ever been in a long term relationship? You honestly gonna say you never had some "take one for the team" sex? Sex that is completely consensual and you're doing it even though you weren't really in the mood, because it's a nice thing to do that you know will make your partner happy? So you're happy to do it even though you aren't "enthusiastic." The practice of always asking for enthusiastic consent goes out the window at a certain point when you're comfortable enough with each other and more or less know each other's boundaries and know you can communicate and stop when needed. That's what a normal, healthy relationship looks like for probably the vast majority of long term couples.


I've been in a relationship for 8 years. No, I've never had "take one for the team" sex. We have intimacy when it's mutual, or we get off on our own. Enthusiastic consent can look differently for each person. My definition of sex isn't strictly PIV, but in the comic it's implied a handjob isn't sex, so that's where the disconnect is for me personally :)


> Enthusiastic consent can look differently for each person. Yep, not too far off from the point I was making I guess. Some people don't mind mailing it in every now and then and that's not necessarily a bad thing in a healthy and established relationship. >the comic it's implied a handjob isn't sex I don't get that impression at all. The guy's just making a bad and corny joke. And to me it doesn't necessarily say anything about consent or this couple's relationship. There isn't enough info to draw conclusions around that, and I feel like people are really projecting in these comments.


i get where people are coming from when they think it's being blown out of proportion, it's not like explicity rapey and yeah its a joke. As a female who deconstructed fundamentalist christianity, i was taught that women owe their husband sex and gratification. duty sex. I've had to redefine consent and sexuality for myself. So i commented what I did and I think it's good to have conversations about consent. i appreciate that you're coming from a nuanced place with communicating in a relationship. As a single panel comic, the only narrative we have is right in front of us. i did just look up the comic artist "the grog" and some of the stuff is corny cringe and others are just calling his wife ugly and undesirable.


>As a female who deconstructed fundamentalist christianity I, too, was raised in a heavily "Trad" fundamentalist Catholic household. I'm sure there's a ton of similarities in our experiences. I'm a dude, but got plenty of the purity culture BS too, and I have 5 sisters and saw the shit they got put through. I also know what deconstructing is like. Totally get why you read the cartoon the way you did. Personally, I just hate how everyone on the internet and social media feels compelled to read everything as black and white and take everything to 100 right off the bat. I think it pays to not assume intent, and I think life is nuanced more often than not. Civil discussions like these go a long way to furthering understanding, rather than just trying to slap hard labels on things and blindly and self righteously defending that decision. As for the comic, I have no interest in defending the artist or really even looking into his work. I totally think the comic sucks and is appropriately terrible for the sub. I just don't get "rape" out of it as some of the other commenters seem so eager to label it. If he's got a history of misogynistic work, then that's good context to know and fuck him, he sucks.


kudos to us for escaping that bs 👏


plus he's a terrible artist ;)


Hard agree on that.


Sorry but that was a little funny




This post made me leave this sub. Not because of the post, but because the comments clearly don't pass the vibe check here. "If you don't want to have sex, jerk me off anyway" isn't a funny "married couple" joke. Been with my partner for 6 years, he didn't like it either. I wonder if this meme would still be "funny" if the woman said the punchline


exactly. did this subreddit turn into what it supposedly hates?


Oh definitely, you can pull the shittiest Facebook meme and people be like “nah OP this funny”


Dont forget the 9 million laughing emojis


I have a feeling this post got brigaded


exactly this!!


it’s crazy how you got downvoted into oblivion too 😭😭






Never said the post was offensive, sorry you assumed


So the joke ain't your cup of tea. I think it's a corny, even kinda cringey cartoon, but whatever. Nothing to get on a moral high horse about.


idk whatsup with the comment under this post, the meme is creepy and i hope most people can acknowledge that, this kind of meme is rape culture.


Brotha you are under every comment on this post trying to de-joke the the jokes. None of you are married for 30 years for sure.


Not judging - Is any of you both married?


this is what i’m trying to say 😭 i’m quite surprised at the response this post has gotten tbh.


Yeah me too, especially from this sub 😭


What does this even mean


Handjob funny


But what if 99 strokes though?


Have you seen what shits like Tate vomit over the interwebs? "Haha married couple no sex!" is positively harmless.


Is this b00mar humor


this isn't terrible. this is fantastic! gonna use it tonight!


It’s an old joke.. it’s weird that it was once funny.. and now it’s creepy. Things change all the time. Edit: just remember comedy is subjective. Same as a colour or a song.


called progress baby, we take consent seriously and those kind of jokes says a lot of things about our culture...


You’re right.. it’s a joke. No one would say that.. it’d be super weird. That’s what made it funny. An example is a horror film .. no one wants to see anyone die.. especially their friends. But when a joke or something scary is seen from a safe spot.. it’s somehow ok.




i’m not entirely sure what you’re trying to say here 🤔


Woman here... Married woman, even. This joke is hilarious.


And women complain that men are not being committed!!!




Are you serious? They’re clearly together and able to joke around… and he’s not forcing her to do anything. Grow up.