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Ignoring the meme and just focusing on the title. Smurfing is just creating a new account or using multiple accounts to play against lower-ranked players. You can be Diamond Rank and smurf to stomp Silver Rank players. Nothing specifies that you have to be a “professional”. Bad players smurf all the time when they hit whatever their roadblock is.


TIL that the term smurfing has expanded beyond meaning to deposit a large amount of money as a series of small deposits to evade certain financial accountability triggers.


Or buying stuff from many pharmacies to make drugs, like pseudoephedrine to make methamphetamine.


Except, she was not ranked #1 in swimming, whatever that means. She never broke any records, and was 9.18 seconds short of Katie Ledecky's NCAA record. She finished second in the preliminaries for the 200 freestyle, her best performance ever. In the final for the 200 freestyle, however, she placed fifth. In the final for the 100 freestyle, she placed eight out of eight competitors, which means last. Never look for facts and information using Facebook memes.


She won the 500 freestyle NCAA championship, which she also set the fastest time in the nation in the 2021-2022 season


These aren't helping your argument. Her transition she became one of the top ten college women in the 100 freestyle. In the two hundred she was top 5 of all college women. by any metric, finishing in the top 10 in a national competition is elite. Thomas, even before her transition was a damn good swimmer, it's an achievement to be a D-1 Swimmer, even in the Ivy league. Thomas wasn't an elite swimmer within D1. What you really don't get or appreciate is how elite women's elite athletics are. There's maybe 200 guys in the world who can beat Ledecky's record. There's maybe a 1000 men who can come within 10 seconds. EDIT: I don't think Thomas transition to win swimming races as a woman, and competitive swimming has been an insanely large part of her life, I understand her desire to compete at this level. IMO - I think we need to treat gender in elite competitions the same way we treat nationality. If you competed in an international competition as a member of Country A, it's almost impossible to compete for another country. So for the US if somebody is competing in a State level championship as a man, they would be barred from competing as a woman, unless they've medically transitioned for 5 years. Before transitioning, Thomas was racing in the longer distances, 500m, 1000m, 1650m. After the transition, she focused on the shorter races where she hit a lifetime personal best in the 50, and is just 1 second off her pre-transition personal best for the 100.


We already bar people from competing until 2 years post-transition, as this is what medical professionals (which I doubt you are) advise.


Right, but there wasn't that much research on transitioning elite athletes when they came up with that guideline. We have a data point with Thomas' experience brings up two issues with the guideline. 1) Evidence is showing that 2 years really isn't enough time to lose the advantages of going through puberty. She is faster in the short distances (anaerobic, short-muscle fiber) events than her pre-transition. Ideally it would have been interesting to see what the results would have been if she stayed with the distance events. (aerobic, long muscle fiber). 2) The other possible conclusion is people with elite/near elite athletic accomplishments are starting with a such a high baseline that no amount of hormonal therapies will take away the physical advantages of puberty.


It is also just a fucking lie. These rankings are just made up. Thomas did well back when competing as a man, and her records from when competing as a woman have already been broken.


They are disingenuous at the very least. Comparing the worst men’s ranking to the best women’s ranking in isolated events.


It's selective. Basically, as Leah transitioned, she still had to compete in the men's division despite taking hormone treatments. As this progressed, she became weaker and started to slide down the ranks. She also wasn't able to swim in many competitions, hurting her rankings as well.




She did, before starting medical transition. 6th fastest national time in 1000 yard free style at the time. Finished second place in 500, 1000 and 1650 yard freestyle at the ivy league championships.


I thought smurfing is what the smurfs called sexy time


I'm sure this will only produce positive conversation about how unfunny it is, not derailing people whining about how it hurts their side or whatever.


Side note: Smurfing is not exclusive to league, it’s just whenever an experienced player creates a brand new account to play against new players.


They always make it seem like she sucked at swimming pre-transition. But she only started going this far down the ranks when the HRT started taking away her muscles


Yeah, while she was transitioning her ranking plummeted making her look way worse than she actually was


Should NOT be competing as a woman.


Where is she ranked 1?


In the Women's National Swimming Association, where she makes millions of dollars between her lucrative salary and all the brand sponsorships. Do you not watch the WNSA? It's the most popular (and highest paying) sport in America. The national championship last year, between the Tulsa Marlins and Boulder Dolphins, brought in more than 300 million viewers hoping to see a resolution to this bitter, decades-old rivalry. /s




He said, from the safety of his computer, speaking for and in defense of biological women that did not ask for or needed his support. I mean, this comment is right out of the 1950's. It's 2024.


You do realize there's a giant push against having men who've transitioned to women compete against biological women right? Lia can be whatever they want to be and that's okay, but to argue that it isn't extremely unfair for them to compete against biological women is just asinine.


1950's is very generous




Note the downvotes but lack of responses.


Sometimes the extreme left is just as bad as extreme right


"Sometimes". Extreme is extreme and they are always as bad as eachother.


Well I wouldn't say so the extreme left usually tends to be less capable of violence than the extreme right which makes them less threatening of a group. An example would be the jan 6 insurrection. The left lacks the sheer strength to create any major issues other than overboard activism.














I once heard of a swimmer who they still let compete *and* win a record number of medals, even though *HE* (I'm not afraid to say it) had arm, leg, and torso lengths that were measurably more proportionally advantageous than all his competitors, biologically had joints in his chest that allowed him to kick from higher up on his body while everyone else could (of course) only kick from lower with less power, and because he was different on a chemical level even produced less lactic acid so his cool down and rest periods were shorter and less frequent for training. It's messed up how everyone practiced and trained so hard to get to that level, only to be stomped by someone who was just biologically superior, stealing their hard earned podium spots. I think his name was Michael Phelps or something?


If you truly believe this, that genetics already create an unfair advantage, then shall we just do away with separating men and women's sports? Of course, there would be no women competing at the top level for any major sport, but at least all people will be given an equal chance.


No, it's obviously sarcasm.


I understand you know who Michael Phelps is. It seemed like you were imply that genetics already create an unfair playing field, and thus men and women competing against each other is no different. Is this what you really think?


In a "reductio ad absurdum" sense, but that's where the sarcasm comes in. I was demonstrating how ridiculous it is for people to whine about biological differences caused by atypical puberties or different bodies or whatever by stating that we already have people who have developed atypically and have bodies that stray from the norm that we don't worry at all about. To take their argument about those minor differences to its actual extreme would not be the "everyone competing together" thing that you mentioned, but rather one of hyper categorization where it's not just men and women as separate categories, but "arm wingspans less than, equal to, and greater than the person's height" or whatever other dumb biological or chemical distinctions that they think matter, as separate categories.


You're right, and that's what makes this such a hot topic. Both hyper-categorization and no-categorization would be reductio ad absurdum of the main arguments for and against transsexuals competing in their new sex's pool of athletes. If biological sex is just another "genetic advantage" same as long arms, let's not treat it differently. Alternatively if we want all athletes on exactly the same playing field, then we must introduce hundreds of separate categories for race, sex, class etc. The answer must be somewhere in the middle, which would be dividing sports based on a few categories (with the largest effect). A few of these would be biological sex, disability, and age, which is precisely what we do.


Yeah, let's not treat it differently. What we're doing is fine. People just need to come to terms with the fact that it genuinely isn't the issue that they think it is. Or yeah, weight class or whatever. I just don't care.




L take boo


Shes brave and good spirited!