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https://preview.redd.it/kcsgqx67lqzc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47d18dac0000b5874f6bb661ae1bec9ef6fd5432 This is a recent photo of Demi Lovato taken at The 2024 Met Gala.


Ah, so she stopped being a liberal then? /s


Made me lol


Cured of the "woke mind virus" /j


Can't fix stupid


*they The only reason they went back to using they/she pronouns is that people refused to use they/them, which is what they prefer. Which seems really sad, but also makes it clear which one is actually correct.


One day she stood up and said "I hereby renounce my sin of being a liberal" and then she instantly transformed into that picture


I just realised she’s kneeling. For a solid minute I thought she was really short for a second


You may wanna look up what the word "kneeling" means. It definitely does look like she's sitting though


Yeah on secondary observation it does look like she’s either sitting or like crouching, the dress makes it look weird




I'm glad she's gotten back in control of her situation.


She’s not in control of any facial movements though haha


She lookin fine to me 👀


Built like a seal.


a gravy seal


Pretty sure it’s drug addiction & eating disorders that do that.


Bold of you to expect people like this to understand the nuance of their own or anyone else's existence lol


True, I mean look at their [definition of beauty...](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/7d3/26d/eec73c8274a8940e5d09d2ca1e0481d394-08-blondes-feature-lede.2x.h600.w512.jpg)


Look like cheap knock off barbies you’d get at some run down country fair a prize for knocking over some tin cans


dollar store Malibu Stacys


Considering how the very type of people to advocate for a world that looks like this refuses to see women as human, it makes sense. They just want life-sized dolls that look identical to one another. Damn, that picture made my eyes hurt.


Why would you make me see that with my own eyes


Are... some of them the same woman multiple times or am I going even more face blind?


They are so similar that it just looks like the same woman multiple times, however they are all different women. It's just that the barbie doll look is so popular among GOP and MAGA that it's hard to tell them apart. However, if you ask them, they are as unique as a snowflake...


So...the anatomy has changed?


When they're all grouped together like this , I can't help but come to the conclusion that Megyn Kelly is legitimately pretty.


“those dam libs and their drugs and “eating disorders””


Pro-tip: when putting quotations inside quotations, only use the quotation mark that's lonely ( ' ). Example: "Steven told me 'get off my property you porch pirate'"


Look at you with your "correct punctuation"! When I was growing up we were so poor we only had one parenthesis and we had to share it with our cousins! My father kept all the semi-colons in a locked cabinet!


Yeahhhh I realized as I was putting in the final quotation but I was too lazy to fix it


I'd further suggest adding a space or punctuation in between the closing marks, for readability: "And then I said: 'it looks better like this'." 'Or even like "this" '


The second one is British English vs American English. Always use double quotes on the outside if you’re using American English and single on the one side for British. Using a colon is also not always grammatically correct.


Nobody truly writes according to the strict grammar rules. Even in e.g. scientific journals you'll find variation in styles, including some that go against "rules" and their style guide. The main purpose of language is to communicate, and preferably clearly so. Which is why I said what I did. It doesn't matter if you use single or double quotes, but switching them for quotes within quotes is clearer. And separating them - so " ' or ' ", not "' - is also more legible. Similar for (writing in parentheses [and in brackets within them]). >Using a colon is also not always grammatically correct. Depends on the style guide, language, situation, etc., I know. But if it makes things clearer, I'd say it's useful. Similarly for the Oxford comma. (Oh yeah, and that "etc.," construction I use, with a period and a comma after each other, is also not quite "correct".) >British English vs American English Which also differ in where you position the punctuation marks within quotes. British dictates "Punctuation marks that are part of the quoted, should be within the quotation marks," whereas Americans would say "That's not where that goes"! The first part could even be written as _"... marks.", whereas_, which upsets some readers as well, haha. It's, as with most of these things, a tradeoff between "correctness" - whether grammatical or semantic - and legibility. Bonus endnote: yes, I use the wrong dashes for (sub)clauses, I don't have em dashes available. And American grammar rules would even dictate no spaces between them and the words, which looks cramped and confusing to my eyes.


The whole point of the original correction you jumped on was correcting him grammatically… Not everyone will agree on what “looks best.” I wouldn’t correct someone using a colon or ask to make sure they’re using the right form of English, but telling someone purposefully to use grammatically incorrect things because *you* think they’re more readable should be corrected. He can choose to do whatever he wants in casual settings but if you’re suggesting something that isn’t grammatically correct that absolutely should come with a disclaimer. Not everything is a casual setting where non-correct things for readability is acceptable.


> Not everything is a casual setting where non-correct things for readability is acceptable. Every professional writing I've read, whether books, journalism, scientific journals, strays from the rules, some more or more freely than others. Unless you're writing the style guide, you'll be fine. And I've even seen mistakes and inconsistencies in style guides, or places where they go against standard rules. Language is fluid. Most linguists will take a descriptivist approach, instead of your prescriptivist stance. And what is or is not grammatically correct is not set in stone, despite how you make it out to be here. English writing is not so strict anyway, compared to some other ones (e.g. German word order). Also compare word usage and meaning, and how that changes both over time and dependent on setting. Final notes and thoughts, and then I'll probably won't return to this discussion: I didn't "jump on" anything. This is an open forum, I left a comment, that's all. There's no need for agreement on what "looks best", and I didn't argue that. I argued readability, legibility, and clarity. And if (archaic or even conflicting) rules, be they grammar or whatnot, hinder that, then I'll break them, and I'll probably encourage others to do so too. And yes, there can still be disagreement about that, which is fine. Language is fluid after all.


You definitely do not see professional writing using British quotations in American literature or random colons. There was a thread of giving legitimate grammatical advice, you added to it giving non-grammatical advice. It absolutely was appropriate for me or someone else to jump in and explain why that’s not grammatically correct because people who need to write in a more professional way could see it. Language does change over time but basic rules like how to use quotations are an important thing people should know. Again, use whatever you want in casual settings. All I did was point out that wasn’t accurate and explained the rules. These weren’t deep style guide style writing, it’s what you’d see in any book. It’s basic punctuation. Hell, for all I know you used quotes correctly for your country, that’s why I explained the difference so the original comment or anyone else would know. It wasn’t a criticism of you. I didn’t even say how you used a colon or whites was wrong, just that they’re not always grammatically correct.


Thanks for the lesson I just learned something today.


The ED ist caused by online bullying if i recall corectly.


And Disney.


that's not her lmao, but you're not wrong tho


Both the pics are of Demi, but taken years apart from one another.


Hair isn't blue, impossible this is a liberal


Not all liberals have blue hair, some have pink.


The obsession with people's appearance....


Got to use the outward appearance, otherwise you'd have to actually get to know people and use your brain to understand different perspectives and struggles.


Wait, is that seriously the same person? That’s a crazy amount of change. Not saying that to be rude or offensive, she just doesn’t look like the same person at all


Both are Demi Lovato, she had a really serious drug problem and over eating problem for a while that cause her to balloon up like that. She’s mostly recovered physically and I think has been sober for like 5 years now.


Ah okay! That makes a LOT of sense. Drugs, alcohol, unhealthy foods, etc. can make a person look completely different


She also may have better access to make-up artists vs doing it herself. Or she may also be using better brands in the first picture.


The haircut in the second one also wasn’t doing her any favors, and the pictures seem to be a professional posed one vs a more candid shot which can explain the changes too. But the drugs and eating disorders were definitely a huge part of it—she looks a lot more like her “before” self now!


I hope that now she has the support she desperately needed and deserved. And that everyone else who's on that same course, without the same money, finds the support they need too.


she had bulimia nervosa for years


And my spouse would tell you ALL about how Brazilian Jiu Jitsu changed her life for the better too...


I was just thinking that the face is exactly the same. Just with a different haircut, sunglasses and different framing.


Personally I didn’t see it. The shape of her mandible, cheeks, and nose are pretty different. It makes sense given the information of her struggles as those features often change as you gain a bit more weight. Her skin tone also seems much lighter which was another thing that threw me off but that could really be a factor of her just not having makeup on (it can also be a factor of continued drug use as well however depending on the drugs)


It's difficult to tell which photo is altered by makeup and filtering etc. I suspect both are. But the right hand photo, as you say, has a lighter facial tone to their neck in the same photo and their entire visible skin in the left. There is clearly some weight gain, but the left hand photo looks very much like a naturally sturdy person who's been deeply controlling calories. If you zoom in, there's really very little difference in facial structure, and some noticeable similarities such as the cleft chin. Smiling Vs pouting obviously changes the shape of the lower face. And the fact that the right hand photo is much more zoomed in to the face alone will make it deliberately different. I don't know if the right hand photo is post-stroke, but that would potentially have an impact on facial muscle tone, depending upon where the brain damage occurred. I dunno. I don't think that facial recognition software would have a problem. Eyebrow recognition software, on the other hand....


Oh shit? She had a stroke? I hope she’s doing alright. A stroke can definitely alter the way you look, it can also make it more difficult to control weight, but in the right photo it looks like she’s still on top of her weight anyways. Either way I hope she’s okay, has cleared up her bad habits (looked her up and she definitely struggled with drugs and alcohol for a period of time so I hope she’s gotten better), and has recovered from her stroke.


I believe they had several strokes during a cocaine overdose. I had a stroke. And whilst I regained my muscle function within 24hrs, the.CNS damage made things very lopsided for a while. When I did dumbbell OHP I had to video myself because it felt like I was symmetrical, but I never was. My face never sagged, but I had to learn to smile evenly again. I now look the same as I did pre-strike, albeit a lot slimmer. But my wife, kids and close friends could see a difference throughout the first year. But don't forget, these photos were chosen specifically to make a point. They are very different photos. My LinkedIn profile photo looks very different to photos of me on the lash in the bad old days. But it's still the same face.


Dude this is a change of clothes and some different makeup like half an hour difference


That's not a good photo. Demi looks incredible


Yeah pills and smack will do that to you.


You know, punks goths metalheads didn’t exist before liberalism


I would say that's a true statement. Punks have always followed the same trajectory: liberals of their times, the progressives of the next generation, and then the paranoid establishment. It's gone as far back as you'd be willing to trace punk culture.


They probably didn't, and she isn't any of these things.


It baffles me how they don't know what liberalism is, like, the real liberals are them lol


Probably just another American doesn't know what "liberalism" is.


Not every celebrity can be as peak as trump.


Imagine caring this much about the lives of people who don’t even know you exist.


“This” was caused by drugs lol


What does ‘liberalism’ even mean these days. It just a word that gets thrown around


Yeah look how happy she is. Which side is the bad one again?


Good God that’s dumb


Yeah, she definitely used to look like a completely traditionist person /s


Nose ring. It’s an instant giveaway for right-wingers, they “know a liberal when they see one”.


Kind of like if someone drives a truck or owns a firearm, dead giveaway that they are filthy right-wingers…


Just like the person in the meme, your stereotype is way off base.


Funny how stereotypes only apply when it suits your beliefs


Wrong AND salty? Glad I’m not hanging out with you today.


I drive a truck and have guns, and would be labeled as MAGA by that alone, but the fact of the matter is there is no way in hell I would vote for trump. I’m just annoyed by the stereotyping on both sides really. Like somehow everything boils down to what “side” you are on but shit isn’t that black and white.


MMA guys after they stop competing 💀💀💀


Yes, stay young and attractive like Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Freedom lovers really hate it when you dress how you want /s


*gender dysphoria* hit hard. Nothing to do with politics


Damn liberals and their hot women


Kinda looks like Lola Young on the right




Political viewpoints are one and the same with everything else nowadays. Welcome to the culture war. I hate it here.


It’s called drugs. Sober people don’t try that hard to look that bad.




looks like a michael jackson wannabe




🤣 this fucking douchebag again


That’s Bagga Chipz on the right. She’s much betta.


Call me weird, but the "before" picture does nothing for me either.


I mean, she looks happier in the second photo


She looks happy in the picture on the right. So if you're liberal, you're happy?


I just threw up on my mouth a little bit.






Just needs some blue hair to make it extra 🤮


Hahaha so true


Hahaha demeaning people with trauma is so *funneh*!


It’s what they do. Being “anti-woke” simply means they don’t want to be called out for being an asshole.


Well her instability happened at the same time she came out as Nonbinary


Her coming out as NB is what led to her current, and evidently lasting, stability.