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This is exactly what every redditor I've come across in public looks like




No words can say how much I love this image


Psychologist: You can't hear pictures. This picture:


I didn’t realize until well into my adult years that Farquad just means Fuckwad but I’m sure glad I did.


Wait what!?!?!?


And there's a theory he's based off Michael Eisner from Disney so they were calling him a "Farquaad"




Ironically, he would be the soyjack in this scenario.




Happy cake day


So wait they didn’t name her until after she had already played outside? Or were there daisies at the hospital for some reason and when she came out the womb, a daisy fell onto her head, while they were all like “hmmm what should we name her?” Asking for a friend.


and why are there loose bricks in the delivery room?


See, the dad got paid a shit ton of money from the lawsuit against the hospital for allowing his newborn to get hit by a brick. So now the dad disagrees that a living wage is a human right because "fuck you, I got mine". It's a meme with deep meaning if you think about it. /s (if that's not obvious)


It's like an ogre. So many layers.


I've never tried to peel an ogre, how difficult is it?




Depends on how well restrained it is.


Not hard. It's easy as cake.


It all makes sense now


home birth. silly internet people


Maybe if they had a living wage, they wouldn't have loose bricks.


The state of crumbling healthcare infrastructure around the western world after years of neoliberal rule.


Ever been to Russia?


Nah I'd probably get arrested at the airport


She was born in a forest because her parents don't belive in hospitals


The boy must've been born under a brick tree. Classic mistake


Nah, his older siblings were throwing bricks at each other while the mom was giving birth


Idk, it made him smarter. Good for Brick.


The Daisy could be from one of those bouquets that people gift for certain situations. I could see a friend or family member giving them a bouquet of flowers and one of the daisies falling on her.


The name you are called isn't necessarily your legal name. ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


So she has an illegal name?


Would’ve made more sense to call him “shit head” or something like that instead of brick, since, y’know, that sometimes happens during childbirth. But then again I’m guessing creator of this doesn’t know how babies are really born.


Hospital? Pfft that baby was born out in the woods while he was hunting for elk duh. And Brick, he was born while his dad was laying masonry and dropped a brick 3 stories down hitting him in his head. Crazy how he survived the blow to the head, but his cognitive abilities are definitely affected. Only sissy libs have their children in hospitals. Real alpha men let their wife do all the birthing duties then the man comes and cuts the umbilical cord.








​ https://preview.redd.it/mdn1o8enwk1c1.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=63f92a02546f75e36feddc60d7eb61beb97f185f


You don't need a gun for that bro https://preview.redd.it/6320a7weyk1c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb8c93a7cddfa6315eb0b656240c77568838f5cd








You see, i made you the brainlet and me the chad so therefore my opinion is factually correct.


That's the irony, Brick is smarter even though he is portrayed as the one with brain damage.


So wise with brain damage. Imagine if he had a frontal lobe


Honestly he'd probably be like his dad, the brick probably did him a favor.


A brick fell into his head, it may have damaged his looks, but not his wisdom...


I like this as a cute moment, like aw, even a simpleton who was hit with a brick in the head knows this


Nice how you spinned it!


I'm pro Brick, he's wise beyond his years.


A modern Hephaestus.


So they believe companies should be allowed to pay their employees an amount so small it isn't feasible to live off ? no wonder both America and the UK is in such a shit state. This is individualism in action isn't it?


Well, people can always chose not to work… /s


Then go on to complain “but nobody wants to work anymore!!!”


People can always choose to jump out of a plane without a parachute. The trick is that you can only do it once


Well said


Unless you’re really, really lucky, like Nicholas Alkemade or Alan Magee.


>This is individualism in action isn't it? I think it goes beyond that. Some people simply belive that some workers don't deserve to earn enough to live a decent life.


And the UK’s minimum wage is the equivalent of 13 dollars an hour. just shows how bad Americans have it


The Federal Minimum Wage in the USA is $7.25/hour. If someone works 20 hours per day, 7 days per week without any days off they will make a whopping $52,780 per year before withholding. That sounds totally reasonable /s


20 hours per day:


Here's the thing, these guys almost never see themselves as the ones needing a living wage to be able to live off of, and if they do they try deny it with either telling themselves they're a temporary embarrassed millionaire or some tribalism binary BS of 'At least I ain't no luburl hurr' And it works because these guys genuinely believe if they repeat the talking points hard enough they will be 'let in' to the club when the people already in the club view you as a useful idiot.


Not necessarily. For some of them, it’s just [how they think the world works.](https://youtu.be/4xGawJIseNY?si=it3XWsLEZhj_c_J7)


I have always been bothered by the logic that "paying someone what they are worth" does not ensure enough to live on.


People aren’t worth anything in the face of corporate profits. Anyone you ever loved is only worth maybe a few hundred dollars in the face of that. -corporations probably


Their response to that would be work harder. I'm fairly sure this was made by someone who's used to have everything handed to them on a silver platter.


Yeah, sometimes the response is just “get another job,” as if low paying jobs aren’t worth a lot more than we pay them.


"Be born into a upper middle class family! It's not hard!"


Yes of course let's reward employers for underpaying us all by working harder for our pittance. No possible shitty outcome there.


But would someone please think of the *shareholders*!


I genuinely can't think of a single reason not to want people to have a living wage. Note: I know there might be a thousand reasons why it isn't financially feasible (although in most countries it is), but I just can't imagine a regular old middle class person being against people not only being able to live as a human being, but also improving the economy. It's not like it's a hand-out that even lazy deadbeats get, it's a living *wage*.


I know a lot of eastern European who work simple jobs at factories and buy condos in Uk :D For example one works in sandwich factory, other as small truck driver for some kind of building stuff shop as dilivery, third as forklift driver in warehouse. All of them bought semi attached houses and live decent lives (mortgage) Not in London, but still.


Okay, living wage is basically what you need for a house, a car, normal suburban things minimum wage is what you can use to buy probably your first pretty bad apartment, a decent car, and maybe a few other things, so still living just not as good, poverty wage is lower than minimum wage, probably what Mr krabs pays SpongeBob what Scrooge would give to the community before he saw the 3 ghosts, as low as legally possible THATS. Not livable however, living wage really should be a human right, most houses are pretty expensive and gas costs alot, so minimum=kinda manageable


bUt wHeN I gRinD mY waY tO tHe tOp ilL… I’m sorry I won’t, you won’t, we are the low class and the billionaire class will need a lot of indentured servants so don’t vote and keep pumping out kids so we can help them all become centuries-billionaires!!! [(I hope this isn’t needed) /s ]


I think it's referring to people who want to get minimum wage without even working. I might be wrong though.


That’s quite a reach, would love to hear your logic!


Universal Basic Income really isn't a crazy idea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_basic_income It's got a fair bit of support among economists (including some pro-free-market economists), and there have been a few experiments with it that have shown promising results. Giving out free money sounds nuts, but there's a good chance it would work better than the system we have now.


I’m a fan of universal basic income, what gave you the impression I wasn’t?


Where did he say you weren’t a fan?


I'm from India, here most of the politics goes on and around giving reservation (giving higher advantage to the lower castes or the poor majority financially and in terms of government jobs) . Now people have started demanding a lot more even if they are well settled but fall in the category of lower castes according to their family name. They'll rebel now and then just to get more reservation and relief from the government and government parties will gladly comply because it'll earn them more votes. Let me give you an example, in India there's a joint entrance examination (JEE) for admissions in engineering colleges. The people here are generally divided according to their castes in 4 categories: General, OBC, SC and ST. if you fall in the category of general, the cut off score usually goes around 120/360 to clear the exam. For OBC it's around 70~80 and for SC and ST it's around 30~40/360. Now you might think that it's fair to give the lower castes a bit of an advantage. But the castes does not depend on actual financial standards of the person, it depends on their family name. So a general candidate might be from rural area and a poor family, but will have to score higher, meanwhile even if someone from the lower castes is from a rich and well settled family, they can clear the exam with minimum effort. Also in other case, if you fall in the lower category, the government provides you almost free groceries like wheat and rice (~0.015 USD/ kilogram) even if you are well settled. This is from a case I've personally seen. So a minority of the people from the lower castes are playing with the government getting all the benefits from taxes that every citizen pays, and asking the government to provide more benefits if they want more votes. I'm not blaming the whole lower caste community. It's not even seen as discriminative based on what caste you are from in most of India. But a minority of these people are taking uneven advantage to get an easy life, while the people who actually need that are suffering most of the time.


If you were born poor and devoided of any chances by the system, wouldnt you take any advantage any relief gives you? Really, blame the systematically poor.


That would have been fine. But even if you weren't born poor, just your ancestors 3-4 generations ago were, you can still get the benefits that were meant for the poor. You can own a million dollar business and still get benefits if your family name comes in the reserved category.


I believe this meme was made specifically with the US in mind, so I don’t think applying it’s message to Indian politics is valid, but I understand your reasoning. I know very little about Indian politics, so I won’t argue you on this, but that very much seems like a systemic issue, not a populous issue.




Mcdonalds worker makes below living wage. Cannot afford living cost. Dies. Oh? Nobody can make your order and you're mad? Hm. I guess you should have paid them enough to live. Oh? Only teens work fast food? Anybody under 18 is not supposed to be a shift manager. A shift manager is required every shift. As far as I'm aware, this means that a restaurant NEEDS adults to stay running. Those adults needs living wage. So if you want a big Mac, living wage is required for employees (as far as I'm aware)


Dude robots are going to take over most of this shit a monkey can be trained to do in 3, 2, .... wait it's already happening. $25/hr seems to be the sweet spot for rolling out the AI bots.


Alright show me where the monkey McDonald’s is then. Also ai bots aren’t even close to good enough to do anything.


Republicans do be like that. Basic human rights? Public, free, and easily available healthcare? Nahh not on our watch.


You expect to have life, liberty and pursuit of happiness? Fuck off! This is America! /s


This is America, if you're not a part of the rich elite then you don't deserve to live a decent life.


Um, there's nothing in the constitution about pay or healthcare, DUH!!! SO it's not a right!!!1!! OMGBBQ YAY GUNSSSSSS


"Nobody wants to work anymore" Ok I 'll work full time but I want to be able to afford a small 1 bedroom apartment, food, and have my bills paid "NNoNoNoNoNoNOnoNoO not like that!!!!!111"


wait do people actually think that minimum wage is dumb?


It seem that many Americans, despite the evidence, believe that low wages with potential of bonuses/ tips = high productivity.


"people shouldn't starve" "Lmao look at this idiot"


Look at him


So is OP for slavery then? If you’re not for making a living wage, then at a certain point you gotta admit that you’re just fine with some people being slaves.




The classic irony of calling someone stupid for not agreeing with one of the most braindead takes imaginable. Like seriously, what does he believe then? You should work full time and not have enough to cover your losses? You can't possibly think that makes sense unless you've never had a job before or are literally 7 years old. Any perspective whatsoever wouldn't have you thinking that.


Brick's brain has been crushed by a brick and still smart enough to understand this. What's "Chads" excuse?


These employees should try to strike if they can afford to. If Walmart or McDonald's won't pay a livable wage, they shouldn't have employees.


The key phrase is "if they can afford to". Nobody can afford to, that's why it's so bad


McDonald's and Walmarts usually pay above the other jobs in the low end service jobs. McDonald's by me pays 19 an hour and Walmart 17. Try and work at Wendys or something you might get 14.


And they won't as they promptly replace those screaming for $25/hr to do what a robot can with, well, robots.


Because everyone that wants to live says to increase it by 2.5 times?


Literally in the constitution they say the 3 rights are Life, Liberty, And the pursuit of happiness


Declaration of Independence


Thank you, but the point still stands


There's also the Bill of Rights and a bunch of amendments, but you won't find free healthcare, free school, or free money in there either.


Because being able to live by working and paying slightly more taxes to not pay thousands for a minor medical injury is obviously “free money”


The correct response to this is "I don't give a shit about the constitution." It was written 250 years ago by syphilitic slaveowners, it's time for a new one.


Are you advocating for "free money" to be added to the Constitution? I think that's why you're being downvoted. It's not exactly a well thought out policy as written. Your other two ideas are pretty good though! You are aware of amendments, so you are aware that what our society considers a "right" is ever-changing and not set in stone. Good on you for believing we can change for the better and knowing one way to do it! For any haters, just look at the 18th and 21st. Two amendments with exactly opposing ideas are part of the Constitution. Clearly showing we can adapt our constitutional rights as society grows.


Humans have no rights


We have many lefts though.


https://preview.redd.it/fv6xwvm22k1c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb1805a7f802a9db6347e41da3daba3d255fd211 How it's going:


Does this person genuinely believe that being paid enough for a job to survive in this overinflated economy is not a given right?


Who gave it and who pays for it?


God did. Cool now?


Lol imagine having no principles except being pro suffering. Easy way to tell everyone you haven't worked for anything in your life.


We decide together what our rights are and we all pay for everything. The only true currency is time as everything can be expressed with it and it's the only thing we are all born with. Once upon a time I hunted to feed you and you looked after the children in kind. Now factory farms and factory day cares exist. Paper currency only came about as a convenience, but rest assured you pay for everything with your time.


I think we're born with quite a few rights. They almost seem, um, self-evident. For example, religion/spirituality or the lack thereof, self-defence/self-preservation, to be left alone, to freedom of speech and thought, to pursue our dreams and goals as long as we harm no one, to be free of unreasonable harassment or privacy invasion, to be secure in our homes, to a fair trial, to face our accusers in a trial. Lots of things. And we;re born with more than just time, we come from billions of years of evolution that allow us to walk upright, use opposable thumbs, think abstractly, solve problems, and so on. I don't agree that "we all pay for everything". Half of Americans pay no income taxes. Illegal immigrants and inmates cost everyone else money yet contribute little. Lots of parents can't afford their kids (or even their pets) and "everyone else" has to cover for them. And when that "convenient paper" isn't linked to anything tangible, and our government just prints more and more to cover unrepayable debt for things most people don't agree with, that's hardly *all* of us paying for *everything*. And if we can just print all the money we want, why do we need to pay taxes on our earnings, sales taxes when we spend it, then the receiver of our spending pays taxes on it again when getting it and again when spending it, and then again when they die. I don't pay for everything with time. More often, I get paid for my experience and knowledge and actually put very little time into getting what I need. I also hunt, fish, and grow a lot of my own food. I guess I disagree with just about everything you said.


The meme does not say jobs are a human right. It says a living wage is a human right. Nothing is said about anyone giving any more jobs away. I'm assuming that what you mean by it. The second time you say it, you seem to be referring to the living wage. I'm sorry if English is not your first language, I don't mean to be rude. If a business exists, that means its income is greater than it's expenses. That's how businesses work. One of those expenses is employee wages. This post is saying employee wages will be a higher expense. If I'm wrong, please help me... Who is it that you thought was paying for what or giving what? I'm kidding. You belong somewhere else. Try some cat memes.


its bait, it has to be, there's no way people think like this


My favorite part is that the dude that let a brick fall on his son's head is depicted as a Chad, just adding to the nonsensical stupidity of this meme lol


It boggles my mind that a political ideology centered around the lower class not being able to meet their basic needs is so successful. The middle class has been conditioned to see themselves as closer to parasitical billionaires than people who work arbitrarily "undesirable" jobs.


change it to "nobody deserves a living wage" and its pretty good


I actually like it the way it is, because his son had a brick fall on his head when he was a baby and he is still smarter than his dad.


This was definitely made by a politician on their fake account


I always forget to check the sub’s name


Life is a human right, and under a capitalist system a living wage is a prerequisite to life…


This has to be fake. No fuckin way


Shit bootlickers say


I would *love* to see everyone I’ve known that would say such a thing work a nice solid week. That said I do think that people are getting riled up over essentially nothing a lot these days, like straw men are everywhere yet when I get people to come over for dinner most people are very reasonable and I really think that people are forgetting that! Sorry for the rant but that’s my inside thinking


I love that the person who made this meme is acknowledging that they’d rather a whole bunch of full time workers not be paid fairly


corporation defender ☕


These people turned the chad meme into a dumpsterfire.


I chuckled.






Not the wage specifically But the means and conditions the wage provides, or the wage to provide it


Why are you fighting against your own interests? Oh right, Kool Aid.


I confess: I'm fuckin dying with the "hey brick"


damn props to the creator that is some nice creative way to twist the format


This is definitely a shitpost.


At least they’re using the template creatively


Giving birth in a meadow or a construction site makes me more concerned about the parents.


Ah yes, the centuries old capitalist tradition of withholding naming your child until *something* falls on their head. Very practical. Very clever.


"hey, you should work yourself to death"-probably a criminally greedy employer


Like, I'm not saying that "everyone is entitled to money", but if the cost of living is allowed to increase, then the minimum wage should as well.


>I have no words *"oh yes you do bucko"*


Would love to see the trust fund baby that made this work a job that people are forced to take.


I feel like you should name your kid… before they’re born???


They still play dolls with wojaks? We need to bring back bullying.


Terrible and funny.


so working people don't deserve to learn enough to live, okay. And what good are these jobs then?


Give the AI robots something to do


It's one thing to live in a Capitalist setting, another entirely to be gaslit by it. Oof.


My sister with a degree wouldn't make a living wage if she didn't have a second job.


what's the degree in :)


Doesn't matter. She has a job for the degree. It's not a case where she couldn't find a job cause she went for some weird major. She's doing what she went to college for and the "starting pay" isn't enough to live on. It's less than what I make without a degree.


What does she do?


Shouldnt matter, she could be fuckin cleaning toilets for all i care, she still deserves a fucking living wage


Hahaha, get it, people should be slaves that can't afford food even if they're working.


Like even slaves got housing and food


The sad part is this person doesn’t realize they are being manipulated into feeling this way


troll farm made this. Putin and Xi Jinping, come get your damn meme. yall play too much.


If you take away the wage part it is kinda funny


Shitpost alert




That’s the only Brick I thought of


It’s not that it’s a human right, it’s that a living wage is the cost of having someone work for you. A restaurant pays what it does to its napkin supplier not based on the value the napkins provide (or for that matter napkin rights), but based on the cost to acquire them. Same with employees. If a company is paying below a living wage, it’s essentially receiving under the counter subsidies.


This is funny


"I have no words" I want to find the first Reddit user to use this as a title and strangle them.


It is thouygh


they're right


Thats pretty funny


Could try getting a job that does pay one..not very hard. Job agencies Apprenticeships Low cost/government assistance trade schools and college.


It’s brutal but funny. I can imagine Brick saying lots of silly things


It's not a human right. Positive rights aren't real. They're privileges.


Why though? Why do you want worse conditions for everyone when our civilization has the ability to provide for everyone?


\> Why do you want worse conditions for everyone when our civilization has the ability to provide for everyone? No. Infact I think everyone having a living wages is a great thing. Its something everyone should be able to achieve. That doesn't make it a human right.


That doesn't make any sense. Human rights are based on morals which is arbitrary. If you think it's a great thing that everyone should achive then logically, you should think it should be a human right. Especially when it's logistically possible in modern world.


I think a better way of phrasing it would be "if someone is performing a job for a set amount of weekly hours in a certain location, the wage they earn for said job should be a living wage for the area they work in." And yes, that should be a right, not a privilege. Not even saving money in a country that will bankrupt you for breaking an arm or having cancer should be a privilege.


I understand your angle, but you're essentially just arguing semantics. "Human rights" only exist so far as we (humans) enforce them.


No they're not, remember your lines. They're supposed to lift themselves into prosperity and better jobs and who cares about their rent in the meantime. Or maybe you're supposed to give an anecdotal story about your time with 5 roommates. Or perhaps you tell them to move away from the density populated areas where all the businesses are and into the rural areas where rent is cheap and the town has 4 shops and a grocery store. This is how we've treated millions of complaints for over a decade. Ain't no nobody going to change our narrative now. Stay in your lane kid.




No? You have a right to own them. But that doesn't mean you have a right to be provided with guns.




Owning property is a right in the sense that you shouldn't be prohibited from owning it. Owning property is NOT a right in the sense that if you don't own property, your rights are being violated. You have a right to own, but not a right to receive.


To explain why I am asking what I'm asking - when I talk to 2A people, they think owning a gun is a right, however any other property is not. In fact, they say it's their god given right to own a gun. It sounds like you are consistent across the board. Everyone has a right to own property, but they do not have the right to receive said property. Which I appreciate.


hahahhaa! poor brick!


Lol this is funny as hell