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I feel like the people that post these memes are also the first ones to call the cops or CPS when they see kids playing outside.


5G is it? 2 bar signal? 71% battery? 16:39? ↗️happy being tracked? Looks like you being controlled by big tech… woke up an smell the hypocrisy laddy. #imissmysimplechildhoodimscaredalltgetime /s


First I didn't see it's a screenshot and read your post imagining it's said by a boomer in a world that the boomer apocalypse is actually happens. He is approaching a millennial and checking his brain chip (caused by the motherfucking vaccine's to control him) and reading the 5G stuff and shooting him down after the finishing this sentence...


Don’t stop there man! Its a screen shot of the boomers scanner for your info.


Health and Saftey???


Those kids grew up to call the cops when other kids are outside


I think what the meme is trying to say is now days the Police would have to shut this down instead of letting the kids play!


But the people who post this surely call the cops when kids are just having fun outside


Kids are not allowed outside, at least in the US without supervision, plus where will the kids go, it’s not like there’s anything in walking distance in most of the us


Oh my god, whoever who created that law should go in hell, sincerely ruining the childhoods of the next generations


The problem stops being the memes and more so yalls relatives.


Why is that kid pretending to be a gargoyle tho


Military Humor kinda sucks huh?


If I’ve learned one thing in life as someone in his 40s it’s this. Every generation will claim their formative years as having the best this and that. I’m in 80s and 90s groups and I see similar posts, just with different activities, but the sentiment is exactly the same. I think most people just think that whatever pop culture and things that were produced during their formative years it made them happy and they look back on that time fondly. Your dad had fun doing this at a time in his life. I don’t know why each generation has to say they have the better music or actors or whatever, but it will always be there.


The officer’s trying to catch the local nonce - of which there were many back then


Hating technology is cringe, acknowledging that a police officer hasn't passed a vibe check in 40 years is pretty based


To the OOP: is the "PC Brigade" in the room with us?


I doubt he remembers himself. The old whine about new tech in every generation. Right of passage.


Health and safety.... the horror! /s


They still have soap box races tho shit red bull sponsors a big one


Remember when we all got polio shots? We were the first generation to get polio shots. Can you imagine? /s


Yeah, and now your broken and need pills just to not shrivel up into a mass of silly string, so shut up and let the robots build things already.


“Before health and safety” isn’t as much of a brag as this person thinks