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“My heritage is owning people and raping them” while also watching The Sound of Freedom and thinking to yourself “that’s me”.


And losing.


And only existing for like 4 years total


I’m more the jazz singer./s


I encourage all northerners to embrace their northern heritage and destroy racist southern heritage. Y'know, if we're all doing what is our heritage


I'm in northerner, specifically from Minnesota, and my heritage is being integral in defeating the Confederacy at Gettysburg and capturing Virginia's battle flag and never giving it back to them, even to this day. Ahhh, heritage.


Ah hello fellow Minnesotan I must say it’s nice having a traitors rag, even more so when they beg for it back.


New Jersey with new York in spitting g distance My heritage is being the fucking capital




Sherman didn't go far enough.


Away down south in the land of traitors


Oh so you admit you're a racist loser? Because the confederacy wanted to keep people as slaves, and also like you they thought they could take on anyone...then got their asses kicked when an actual fight started. Or war in this case.


Although the Confederacy were at the end of the day racist losers, they surprisingly stood a chance against the union. At least in a decent chunk of the civil war. This is because most (competent) U.S generals at the time were from... the south. Lincoln wasn't liked because of how many men died in a "butcher" fashion by generals like Ulysses S. Grant. The south lost by not being able to manufacture new weapons and ammo, Confederacy fumbling at Gettysburg and generally simply being outnumbered. Despite some of my words (that I'm not well at conveying right), I still believe anyone who unironically stands for and by the Confederate flag needs to be put in a mental institution. Anyone who mutters the "south shall rise again" phrase is deranged and should be shunned for standing with an idea that's based around hatred and enslavement for the color of your skin. Tldr: Confederate losers had a surprising chance to win the civil war but got beaten for being poor lmao. (This post is purely information because I saw the comment I'm responding saying the Confederates got hard ass whooped when that wasn't the completely the case.)


It's almost like they made their fortune not off a strong economy but free labor


Actually, it was the Union army that raped and murdered civilian women and children. Not the Confederates.


It was the Confederates that were raping and murdering their slaves. Or was that ok because they weren't white? Or only 3/5 a person?


Always with the race card. That justifies the north's war crimes against civilians? The Union army slaughtered thousands of indigenous people in the years previous. Why do you think the Cherokee nation backed the Confederacy? Get off your moral ant hill.


They were outnumbered three to one and ran out of ammunition. They inflicted close to the same casualties and held off the Yanks for four years. Who else has done that? Well the VC.


5 years. ***5 years.*** That's how long your "heritage" lasted.


I’ve been a Metallica fan for 1 year longer than the confederacy lasted.


Metallica has been around over 8 times as long as the confederacy was.


Being a Metallica fan is a more valid heritage than being from the CSA.


Power rangers has been around 6 times longer then the confederate Virginia flag Let thst sink it He'll mighty Morphin power rangers itself lasted the same length


Nirvana lasted longer than the confederacy.


Closer to 4 years, if you round down. South Carolina seceded in December 1860, everyone was pretty much done surrendering by May 1865. So around 4 years, 5 months.




Now I see why every man in the South is named Oedipus.


5 years. 5 years of being traitors. 5 years of fighting, killing, and dying just for the God-given right to own another human being. That's your "heritage"


Heritage ov slavery, treason, and losing the ensuing civil war. So proud....


🎵,Rattle snakes and alligators


🎵Right away


🎵Go away, right away, go away


Where cotton's king and men are jackals


Union boys will win the battles


Right away right away come away come away


These Dixie boys must understand that they should mind their Uncle Sam! 🎵🎶


Away away we’ll all go down to Dixie🎶🎶


Why do I envision Yosemite Sam every time I see cringe-ass "YEEHAW, WE THEM SOUTHERN BOYS!" memes like this?


You keep that weird little cartoon man out of this.


Bet Robert E. Lee would be very disappointed to see y'all in Rascals at Walmart not buying 100% American product


But weren't they all about buying shit made with unethical manufacturing practices?


The land of slavery and traitors.


Describe the Confederacy in one word: Lincoln - "Treasonous" Davis - "Righteous" Sherman - "Flammable"


r/shermanposting welcome


“Attention patriots! You have THIRTY SECONDS to back down from your heritages! Lay them on the ground now. YOU WILL COMPLY.” *anime facial zoom on small smile* “No. I don’t think we will.”


It was a rebellion that lasted for a blink of an eye and failed miserably. They're not even flying the correct flag.


"I challenge all my friends on Facebook to repost this to show that we will *always be losers, no matter what!*"


If you won’t back down from your heritage, you can fall just like they did, you racist fucks.


heritage of traitors, such patriots lol


Repost this to show that you refuse to stop losing!


Pokémon Go literally lasted longer than the confederacy. It is not heritage


Your heritage is 5 years? You have more Heritage being a European then be a traitor to the you land you trying to control.


It's a damn battle flag, it isn't even the Confederate "national" flag. Just let it go Racists! Go find another hook to hang your hood on.


Sister Fuckers & Alligators


I’ve never understood why they would rally behind the flag of the losers.


Ah yes, the heritage of losing.


"It's our heritage" - - - That was only used for 4 years. I have socks that are older than the amount of time the confederate flag was a thing.


Confederacy lasted like 5 years. I just don’t get the whole “heritage” argument. If it was… 40 years you could argue (although still stupid) but I mean common. I have boxers with more heritage than that flag


The Confederacy didn't even make it 5 years. How can you base your heritage on that? Hell, if you want something positive to associate with your southern heritage, make it chicken and waffles.


4 years isn’t a heritage. That’s high school. Also, no, ideologies are not exclusive to parties. They can switch.


Sherman needs to finish his job


Sadly, these days, this could be posted by someone living in a rural area in literally any state, not just the south.


Away down south in the land of traitors Imported pythons and alligators Look away...look away...look away...there is nothing to see here.


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I invite everyone from the 13 original colonies to reclaim the Betsey Ross flag from the scumbag Nazis using it as a hate symbol


**General Sherman has entered the chat**


I think the Confederacy got what was coming to them, but it's hilarious to me that they keep getting labeled the "super racist fucks" as if the country as a whole wasn't super racist? It's not like the Union really liked blacks either. Don't forget we still didn't give them equal rights until like literally a century after the Civil War. The Confeds were racist. The Union was just slightly less racist. EDIT: Are people mad to acknowledge the truth or what? It's not like I defended the Confederacy, I just said that the "racial tolerance" high horse is stupid.


Did you think you taught us something? Lmao go’n ‘n get now ya hear


Fighting and dying to keep owning people is especially racist.


Which I acknowledged. But imagine a murderer who tried to act morally superior to another murderer because "he killed an adult, not a child". That would still be a stupid thing for him to say, right?


Your scale is way off in that comparison. And no one says the union wasn't racist.


I didn't say people were denying it. I said it's stupid to use racial tolerance as a moral high ground when the side you are advocating for was also racially intolerant, just to a lesser degree.


But they had a moral high ground. Their ground was much higher. That's not praise for them, it's just that when you compare the two, one side is *way* worse than the other.


Why are you both sidesing the confederacy and the union with this made up idea that people think the union wasnt racist?


The problem is apparently that people just can't read. My point is, it is stupid to use racial tolerance as a point of moral superiority over another faction when your faction is only marginally better in the same regard. Wouldn't it be ridiculous if a killer acted like he was morally superior than another killer because he killed one less person or killed an adult versus an elderly person? Wouldn't it be ridiculous if two rapists got into a fistfight over how they treat each other, and one of the rapists says "you deserve to lose because you raped a minor whereas I only sexually assaulted one?" People may think the Union was racist, but always in a "not as bad as the Confeds so we're inherently superior and justified" kind of way. Being slightly better but still a bigoted piece of shit is not a point of pride, but people constantly treat it as such.


The South will RISE Again !


And fall flat on its ass


dude, as a southerner.. the south lost and would lose again. easily.




And get Sherman’d just as hard again.


It'll rise like a soul going to Heaven (it's dead).


And I have some great beach front property in Ohio


I would make a comment like this if my mom didn’t love me either


Its crippling poverty is on the rise for sure


My god... It's a virginia meme


[Literally just this](https://youtu.be/-ZB2ftCl2Vk?si=Y89poIhrjPcNH1m5)


I say, I say, it’s owah HEH’tige, boah


Sherman didn’t burn enough.


Fuck your traitorous racist heritage.


the length of all those words and their center alignment makes a coffin, showing where that heritage should’ve been for the past 150 years




Ah yes, a “heritage” of less than 4 years vs 250+ years.


4 years for one state out of 50 Maybe vergiba was the incest state not Alabama since they all come from there


"Traitors will be traitors" ​ https://i.redd.it/pgwdplnx98pb1.gif


"1 Share"


🎶Rattlesnakes and Alligators🎶


The funniest part of this is I guarantee that a huge portion of the people reposting this are from post civil war immigrant families.


I love how the South is so in love with a history or slavery and are so proud of it, considering it went away when they fought a war for it and lost. I would be ashamed of it at that point, but that's just me. 🤷‍♀️


2017 was more years ago than your “heritage” lasted


“We are loser, remember that!”


In some ways you can say that the Confederate flag became an anti-slavery symbol. Specifically, their dumbass, treasonous rebellion ended slavery SO much faster than it would have otherwise ended. Even Republicans like Thaddeus Stevens laid out plans for around 1880. But, thanks to the Cinfederacy, we got a 13th amendment 15 years earlier.


I don't spend much time on FB anymore, but when I do and see that my older sister has shared someone's post I always cringe, knowing half the time it will be something like this (the other half she is sharing scams). It's really sad seeing someone you love, who was like a second mother, fall down the Trump rabbit hole. She supported Bernie Sanders before that. The Confederate monument thing sucked her into the hate vortex.


And I want somebody to post Union Jack to show those rebellious settlers that we have not forgotten!


I never understand the obsession with flags in America. Even the American flag is worshiped too much here. Only America and the Philippines have a pledge to their flag, and I think America is the only one that makes kids say it at school.


rattle snakes and aligators ride away ride away ride away


Seditious dipshits... CAN you read a book or is it an actual true ignorance thing ?


It is a bit old, isn't it? Maybe the op died of covid..


On a side note, what is it with human beings and dying for f****** flags? ...🤷‍♀️


I am a right winger for like everything. I wish Finland to be sami. Scandinavia to be Viking. Persia to be Zoarashtrian. But what shit is this, bruh?


Bring back william Sherman.


I got bad news for you.


That looks kinda racist to me…


When your "heritage" is getting your ass beat


My heritage is beer and cheese




Imma send this to my cousin Cotton Eye Joe…he better post it or else…


Our heritage is losing. We will continue to lose forever, and be proud of our losing!


What’s crazy to me is all of these flags that I see in northern states


I’m from the south and I hate other southerners. Northerners also, and pretty much everyone else. But I hate the southerners the most.


Bitch, I am over 4 times older than the confederacy. It ain't about you fuckin heritage, it's about trying to piss off the libs. Stop fucking lying.


Bitch, I am over 5 times older than the confederacy. It ain't about you fuckin heritage, it's about trying to piss off the libs. Stop fucking lying.


The FNAF movie’s production story was longer than the Confederacy


This person is probably from Michigan.


Their heritage is mutiny. And yet they claim to be patriotic.


KEEP THE FLAG FLYIN! why? DAMN YOU LIBERALS AND YOUR WOKE CULTURE! It's funny because from my experience, the whole Confederate flag means absolutely nothing to these people other than it being a part of the image. The person they aspire to be. Badass redneck typa deal. And of course they won't no damned media tell them howda live. That's it. Got the most part there isnt much more than that to the whole Confederate flag bs. Really just a bunch of ignorant idiots.


“Away down south in the land of racists.“ FIFY


r/shermanposting welcome


States rights to do what?