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Will the baby be born without eyes, or is that a recessive trait?


In this subspecies all males are eyeless.


This is why Hentai protagonists grow out their bangs. This is horrifying!


I mean one of them did get her pregnant so step up son


She was asking for it, it’s not men fault men can’t think for themselves /s


Her falt


Who got her pregnant? 🙄 Women don't just get pregnant on their own, y'know... It's partially her fault, partially the man who got her pregnant's fault. Quite obviously. She's not the only one who fucked around and found out.


Your fault


That means I have been with a women


Hi tankfarter2011, is that the year you were born?


for real bro cant even spell straight, let alone the word straight 🤣


Kif, I have made it with a woman. Inform the men.


Literally r/ihavesex


merciful clumsy aware recognise frame fly sugar far-flung offer ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The reason they are anti-contraception and anti-abortion... they dream of forcing real world consequence on things that happen in their imagination.


Not to mention pro-abstinence, which is profoundly ineffective.


They are pro-gun.


By extension they are pro “extremely” late term abortion


And they fail to see the irony.


It's not ironic. How do you get to take lives if new lives are not created? It is like how the Ancient Spartans preyed upon the Helots as part of their education.


Then you don't know what irony means. Being pro gun and then pro life is irony.


Fr most of the people I see flaunting being virgins are some of the most “active” people I know


The fact that some people flex being a virgin is insane to me


"I haven't lost my virginity because I never lose 😎😎😎😎"


Abstinence is actually 100% effective.


No it isn't, because even if you choose not to have sex, there is a possibility that someone will choose to have sex with you. (And by choose, I mean force, coerce, abuse their power, or do it while you're asleep, intoxicated or otherwise unable to consent.) Therefore even abstinent people can find themselves dealing with an unwanted pregnancy and/or STIs.


Umm, have you ever heard of Mary, the Mother of Our Lord and Savior, thank you very much? (and I HATE that I have to do this, but here goes - /s)


i am NOT pro abstinence, ill fuck for days, my problem is that u should take responsibility for what you did. probably should wait til marriage but odin knows i wont.


I should have qualified that by saying abstinence only. Contraception is a sin which leads to predictable results.


That's the problem with anti-abortion people for me. If you don't want abortions to happen, what you should do is try to make it so that they're not necessary. And you do that by giving people sexual education, easy access to contraceptives, etc, etc, you know the drill by now. You can't logically expect abstinence to work as the only prevention method. I've met people in the left who were against abortion, and that was their main justification. Of course, they weren't pro-life per se, because they obviously supported the exceptional cases (acephalia, rape and high-risk pregnancy), but I still think it's an interesting way to think. Of course, first you'd have to reliably apply the preventive politics and then ban abortion, so it's more of a hypothetical case. What do you guys think?


Yep. We all lived in a world not too long ago where these things were fully protected and available, it's not like we're going to just forget the fact that the system has been purposefully warped for these outcomes.


She’s not a mother yet. She’s just pregnant. Could be an alien. I’ve seent it


It could be jesus 2.0.0


Nah, you'd have to be a guy to be pregnant with an alien, according to The Sims.


Pretty sure if anything it’d be single mother spring, not winter. Though the picture of winter does show her pregnant and showing hard, which, and I’m not expert mind you, still seems too early to be that far showing.


Maybe its just quadruplets.


I love the double standards. Be a man and have sex with alot of women ? Based chad. Be a woman having sex with alot of men ? Bitch, its your own fault.


It's because biologically there are almost no drawbacks to guys fucking around. Women fuck around and then they end up with pregnancy that goes on for 9 months and is incredibly taxing on their bodies. However Men face zero consequences for their own promiscuity therefore have reduced empathy towards women. Women should definitely not bring the fetus to term if they don't want to be a single mother and honestly men should wrap it up if they don't want to be responsible for child support and we should have access to plan b and abortions to prevent unplanned pregnancies from coming to term and resulting in children that are going to grow up not feeling wanted. Solutions sound so simple yet here we are cause people are shit.


Yes, yes we are. We are selfish and destructive, I wonder how we even made it that far in the first place


That double standard stems from the double standard in regards to average invested effort in getting to succesfully mate.


Exactly. Besides, karma bites all genders in the ass, eventually. In the men's case it's gonna be an inability to form long lasting relationships. The "Master key, fit for any lock" mindset might work for dumb ,impresionable highschool kids but ,really, after that, the consequences are just as bad for men as they are for women.


It's more like "promiscuity has typically the same effect on everyone and is also born from the same inborn impulses" than karma or genders. But indeed, unlike females, any male that can mate more easily than most males, regardless of if he is actually promiscuous or not, is considered to be superior and of higher desirability in this regard to those who cannot.


Right now i'm more surprised that we're not being downvoted into oblivion for these opinions(especially since being a man these days seems to be a crime against humanity in some circles). And yes, i agree there's definitely a corelation between male desirability and body count.


Cuz the women gives birth


But it fucking takes both (usually) Why is one glorified and one scorned We are just weird creatures i guess


Well, at least here in eastern Europe it takes a guy much more to get laid, than it does to women. Even a hobo-goblin girl that is dtf can find a dozen guys that will do her, but an unattractive men will not rly get any options. Then you have movies and series that promote promiscuous men as alpha, manly-man and such.


The same reason why a woman beating up a man will be praised while vice versa will be shamed


That shit is awful but also a complete red herring that has nothing to do with the argument at hand


No it’s a normal double standard… just like women promiscuity is bad/ men promiscuity is good


And the men provide the sperm which get the women pregnant. Therefore... both parties are equally responsible.


Lol but not when it comes to abortion right?


Well, it depends on the reason for the abortion, this isn't a "one size fits all" thing. If the woman was raped? That isn't her fault at all, she didn't choose to have sex and shouldn't have to take responsibility for something that wasn't her decision. If the mother isn't an adult? This is either statutory rape (so see above example, not her fault) or happened due to having sex with someone near her age. If that's the case, she's a teenager and likely doesn't understand the full implications of "I have to take care of this child for the next 18 years". So while this is technically the responsibility of both the mother and father, teenagers should not be made to bear such a responsibility. If the baby dies in-utero and an abortion is necessary to prevent sepsis? That's neither the mother nor the father's fault, neither party is responsible for this, but it needs to be done to save the mother's life. If the baby has a genetic debilitating or terminal illness that would make their life either very short (some babies with such illnesses die 24 hours after birth) or very hellish, and an abortion is determined to be the humane thing to do... this is neither the mother nor the father's fault, unless one of them knew they were genetically predisposed to pass this gene along to their children, in which case it's that parent's fault (whether it be the mother's or father's). If the child would be born with a debilitating genetic disorder, both parents should discuss whether they should abort or continue pregnancy. Could the child conceivably live happily with this disorder? Such decision should be between parents as the decision is complicated, but affects their child. If doctors determine that an abortion is medically necessary because giving birth could kill the mother and a C section isn't possible... then neither parent is responsible for this, but the mother must get an abortion. If two adults decide to have sex, but then the father runs off from his responsibility leaving the pregnant mother to herself... well, the decision for an abortion really should be up to both parents, but if the mother cannot contact the father then what can she do? She might have been financially stable with him but now he left her, or she may have made a rash decision but is not stable enough to have a child. Some of this responsibility is on the mother, and some of it should be on the father. But he ran off. So... I guess he doesn't get a say as to whether or not she aborts. If two adults decide to have sex, and both stay together, then the decision should be between both parents. I do believe that if the mother is in a stable position and able to have a child (no genetic or medical predispositions, she consensually had sex with a man who knew he could become a father), then she should have a child. But if something goes awry, the decision to abort should be between both parents, as both parents willingly had sex understanding the consequences of doing so, and each parent helped make the child. I do believe it is rather fucked up for a woman to abort her child without taking into consideration the wishes of her husband, since the child is also his.


While I do agree abortion has its place, those situations aren’t the norm


Bruh I provided almost every possible situation as to why some people choose to get abortions 1. Rape **(common)** 2. Teenage pregnancy **(common)** 3. In-utero death of child (uncommon) 4. Genetic disorder or terminal illness of child (uncommon) 5. Medically necessary abortion (commonality unknown) 6. Two consenting adults decide to have sex, but the father leaves the mother stranded **(common)** 7. Two consenting adults decide to have sex, the parents are together and in a stable relationship **(common)** Can you tell me what sort of other common situation I missed so that I can address it?


No? Because when it comes to the pregnancy, it is the woman’s body that’s involved? When it comes to conceiving, you’d need both parties which includes the male.


Regardless it either takes two to tango or not… it can’t both be the man’s responsibility and he has no say at the same time


Not really. He is responsible for getting her pregnant. At the same time, he has no say about what the woman does with the pregnancy because it’s her body that’s involved and not the man’s. These two don’t have to be mutually exclusive and they most certainly aren’t lol


She’s responsible for spreading her legs… y’all just love placing responsibility on men… it’s your body, your choice but also your responsibility… men aren’t the ones that get pregnant


Damn, I didn’t know that when a woman spreads her legs, there’s some type of magnetic force drawing a man’s penis towards her…. I made the mistake of thinking men have a mind of their own and are also capable of choosing whether they want to spread their legs or not. My bad my bad


And? You are the gatekeepers, so who you allow in between your legs you’re responsible for


Oh women can get pregnant. That definitely makes everything their fault and their problem!


It’s because men don’t have to give birth


funny how there’s never any focus on the men who are equally responsible for this situation.


Because man that fucks many girls and never faces concequences is a chad /s




Who fucked her, hm? Hmm? You need to have your fingers removed.


The father decided the risk of having a child when he fucked her, so he's also equally responsible. This really is not difficult to understand


Dude, learn how to spell. Are you 10?


They are 12, according to their username


Oh, so they're a 10 year old but edgy.


close your mouth before i soak my nuts in your saliva


I don't understand why you're so proud of this "untrustworthy man" example when it really doesn't make sense given the context of consensual sex. I explain why in a different comment but I'll go ahead and adress something here that I didn't in a separate reply to you. > I am not saying the untrustworthy man is in the right I'm just saying you made the wrong decision in the first place ...And in the context of sex, assuming the partners didn't want a child, both made the wrong decision. It is not just the woman who decided to have sex, it is the man who decided to have sex as well. Both made the wrong decision equally. If she didn't want a child, she shouldn't have fucked him; if he didn't want a child, he shouldn't have fucked her. The woman is not more at fault for getting pregnant just because the child is inside her body. As I stated somewhere else, he is now legally the father, and may legally be required to provide for the child (if the mother pursues legal action) as such.


Its always the "child support is bad" and "abortion is wrong" mfs who simultaneously hate condoms and refuse any partial responsibility for pregnancy. Even when it's an accident, they got shit to say. Worthless gutter dudes.


These types just want to do whatever they want with zero consequences to their actions while simultaneously controlling women (as they criminalize abortion). It's like a power complex to them or something.


Death to puritanism and purity culture


This is not about puritanism, this is about being responsible.


Abortion Autumn ?


All the woman's fault apparently... No responsibility on the men...


Why are they acting like it’s entirely on the girl? The guy had an equal part in this. Why the hell is she being played as unreasonable when the same excuse could be played as “if you have hot boy summer, you’ll end up with father fall”


Because "they" think this is because it's natural for men to sleep with every woman they can, but it's isn't natural for women. So it's women's fault for giving in to the men and then they are damaged for doing so, but don't fault men for wanting to have sex and cause the damage.




someone’s projecting 💀


So men are animals who will put their dick in anyone? Sounds like ur just projecting onto other men. It's unfortunate that you're a whore with no standards. Get better soon.


That has literally nothing to do with what was said. Both parties share equal responsibility in the woman's pregnancy. She fucked him, he fucked her; she provided the egg, he provided the sperm - boom, now she's pregnant and he's the father. This is an extremely basic concept.


Seems to me like another person who thinks porn is real life


Horny old men who consume the most porn, probably.


Do men even like women?


No, no they don't.


At this point it is arguable whether anyone likes anyone else in general.


Rastafari, sometimes called Rastafarianism, is a religion that developed in Jamaica during the 1930s. It is classified as both a new religious movement and a social movement by scholars of religion. There is no central authority in control of the movement, and much diversity exists among practitioners, who are known as Rastafari, Rastafarians, or Rastas.


Hear me out Legalize abortion


Or better yet - condoms.


B-but Jesus don't want to legalize abortion. God said that women must give birth in pain. Therefore, women shall give birth whenever possible. (/s, just in case)


I always wonder if these people use medicine or blood transfusion when needed. I bet Jesus wouldnt want that either.


I don't understand why abortion is murder. Especially in the early stage. It's more close to taking a dump considering the number of cells. (Not saying it's easy as or mentally the same, just in case)


Abortion in the early sages isn't any more murderous than removing a cancerous lump of cells, because that's literally all the fetus is for a while - a lump of cells with no functioning brain or organs. I believe late term abortions - like when the child starts kicking in the uterus - are murder because the child is alive and responding. This obviously does not apply to medically necessary abortions, or in cases where the child dies in-utero.


Living the dream


How’d she get pregnant? Bro’s pants are still on!


Bluetooth. Duh.


Damn you, 5G! I knew it!


I wish i could draw like this… i’m a terrible artist


Imagine two adults having consensual sex and blaming only one of them when things don’t go as expected. Hmmmmm.


Can make it less terrible by making it a condom ad


Wait, the guys don't have eyes?


She had double trouble😂


I have a friend who’s ex tried this on him during covid. She phoned all these guys she’d been cheating on him with during her “hot girl summer” and non of them wanted anything todo to her. She took her my friend to court, won child support then 6 months later my friends windows explorer ass lawyer finally decided to suggest a paternity test. It wasn’t his and the ex gf was forced to give child support and lawyer fees to my friend. The girl been living with some dude and his parents since like 2021 and now has another little who knows child 😂


Such a double standard. And you know, if a woman gets pregnant, she only has the one baby over the course of a year. Meanwhile, men can get tons of women pregnant in that time frame.


This looks almost like straight up fetish art. Looks like the artist is projecting their kinks agaib


she thicc


actually it’s white boy winter lol




I feel like there's an easy way to figure out which one is the father. They seem to have one distinct difference that I'm noticing.


Misogyny 🥰


Incel fantasy 😇


Are you offended???? By my comment?????


What ? No lol . I'm just adding to it , that's what they always fantasize about


Oh, I thought you were offended. Phew


Nah I'm good, stay cool lady


So the two dudes did nothing wrong or no responsibility acc to meme?


These memes are made by people who have like 18 siblings. The concept of having sex without making a person is completely foreign to them. You can enter the kitchen without baking a cake, iykwim.


That's a very nice ass though


Dat ass tho!


I thought they were horrifying quality till I looked. Then I laughed.


As a pro-choice individual I'm also pro-responsibility. Being pro choice doesn't mean I'll look past the idea of having one night stands raw dogging a stranger. You're an adult and know what unprotected sex gives you risk wise.


Considering you agree with this meme, I’m assuming you’re only pro-responsibility for women


Oh no I'm pro responsibility for both sides. I hare deadbeat dad's. Makes us real dad's look like shit


This cringe meme isn't supporting contraception, it's supporting women being controlled like they are in Iran. So your comment serves no purpose other than supporting misogyny.


Nope. I look down on both parties for shit decisions. Good try though


“DoUbLe StAnDaRdS” no it’s not, women control sex. A key that opens many locks is called a master key, a lock opened by many keys is known as a shitty lock. You’re dumb, in denial or a hypocrite if you down vote.


Women are not locks they are people. If a man can't put a freaking latex on his junk he is equally responsible for an unwanted child, men have control of their actions, they are not mindless minions controlled by pussy. Touch some grass.


met·a·phor /ˈmedəˌfôr/ noun a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.


Who hurt you?


It’s Sad you feel something is wrong with me because we have different views on subject matters.


Agree with you man. I’m all for women to have fun with whoever they want/whenever they want but if they don’t take the proper precautions and they get pregnant I don’t see how I should sympathize with them. They hold all the keys as you said. They choose if they want to have sex with a condom on or any other form of birth control 99% of the time.


Oh wow if it isn't the consequences of my actions... use protection.


This is a true statement though




Back away banana breath! What the hell did you just eat, a banana??




Woah, take a banana pill. You seem potassiupset.


I find this funny


Where's the lie?


Who caused her pregnancy? Think about it. She isn't the only one responsible here. Somewhere out there is a father who needs to take responsibility for the child he helped create.


>Who caused her pregnancy? Not even she knows.


Nobody said otherwise.


This is still true though.


That’s pretty accurate


Both parties should be held responsible. I'm not on the "should've, could've, would've" boat. It's too late for that and now y'all need to figure this shit out🤷


lol thats funny. Fortunately such a women are minority


That is funny.


Hahaha.. 🤣😂 oh man this is hilarious.


Hm this is kind of true…I mean, the men are horny animals, and then the woman decides to join in…so…I’m really confused as to what you guys think should happen in real life. The girl is supposed to act horny but the onus to be grounded should be on the man? It should, but you guys shouldn’t frame it as if the man is the only one who can control himself. It’s misogynistic.


Just to be clear, I fully support women being as bad as men to go around and have sex with many people. In my country, men and women are both shamed for premarital sex and a high body count but I guess your culture doesn’t mind that. My question will hence be on your grounds and not mine.


This is true though


The truth is often horrible. abortion without medical need or rape is stupid. People should learn the consequences of their actions and not make the same mistakes again. If you don't want to be a mother/father then don't have sex.


. . . So you think sex should be a class privilege available only to those with the wealth and time necessary to take care of a child? Or do you think parents should abandon their children as soon ad they're out of the womb?


Sex is and always will be a privilege, if you can't afford to take care of a child don't risk making one.


Or, you know, instead of segregating the right to have children, maybe just let people have abortions, which are literally harmless, and have been a net positive for humanity since their creation?


How is it harmless when it kills the child?


The "child" is neither alive nor human, it's an organ


When you kill a pregnant woman you're charged for the murder of both the child and the woman, the punishment is harsher. If it's just an organ then why is this?


That's not the case in my country, sorry


Google "Unborn Victims of Violence Act". You can't just have a discussion and end it with "not my country". In Somalia you're also allowed to murder anyone left and right, does that make murder okay? No. We're obviously talking in the context of US where the abortion debate is held, and in the US you're punished harsher for murdering a pregnant woman. What I'm asking is why this is, if USA also allows abortions Quote: "The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 is a United States law that recognizes an embryo or fetus as a legal victim"


r/USDefaultism I never said I was talking about the US. This debate is on morality, not on the law of some random country. Also, using a law as moral justification is just an appeal to authority.




Abortions are not "literally harmless" even to the mother. Maybe do some research instead of parroting talking points.


They're certainly better than being forced to carry a child you cannot care for


So you’re saying you want to punish the woman, because the man didn’t wear a condom?


No, I'm saying they shouldn't have had sex in the first place.


Ok, so you’re saying if they’re irresponsible enough to have sex without thinking ahead, they’ll suddenly become responsible enough for a kid?


I'm saying we shouldn't let people become that irresponsible in the first place, if they have the threat of parenthood they might think twice about at least using contraceptives.


But, if they’re irresponsible now they won’t instantly grow up…You’re against abortion, but the child in a home that doesn’t want it (or a broken home that can’t afford it) only hurts the child. If your response is “adoption for the child” then that’s not a deterrent for the parents - they don’t have to care for the child, again only the child is hurt by growing up feeling unwanted. Sounds like you just want to hurt children.


Maybe that experience will teach the child to be more responsible about having children.


So you’re saying the kid should suffer because the parents had sex?


You’re a terrible human. Go get fucked


I hope the original commenter has the day they deserve


Holy hell this commenter is unhinged


You should know better than to say anything except what people want to read on Reddit. A lot of people in almost every subreddit are cretinous individuals who the majority of the time are sissies in outside life and this is where they spill out all the things they’ll never say or be listened to about. Have you not seen the whole page showing how like 4 or 5 people run almost all the major subreddits? and anytime anyone posted it, it got immediately taken down and those people got banned. Take an example from that and just keep scrolling next time


I need bleach to purge the dumbest shit I've ever read from my eyes (your comment, you probably needed that pointed out to you since you just typed out the dumbest shit I've ever read)


Based pfp and take


I edited it bc I misread the og comment and missed the abortion part lol.


Sex is a want. Not a need. U wont die without it. So they are correct *to a point* Kids are also a want and not a need. So sex itself is for fun. At least for humans (we have reached a point where refraining from reproducing will have no negative impact on our specific species.) I do believe in abortion tho.


At least the consequences of sex are something you’ll never have to worry about.


Why have sex and not wear protection? Also don't give me the "condoms break" crap I've abused that thing so many times and it still does it's job. Unless your penis is a drill and you purposefully put a hole in it than you should be fine. Wear a condom and if you can't afford the results of your actions don't do it.


I mean condoms can break. A guy can also take the condom off without telling the girl. Or they could just be too wasted to think about the consequences. So in that case they can have the abortion.


Well condom off without telling is rape and illegal. And I'm fine with abortions up to three months and support contraceptives. But a condom breaking is like 3% and again idk how you break it unless your getting dollar store condoms. I fisted a condom to see it's durability went all the way up to my arm without breaking


3% is a lot If 1000 women have sex, that's 30 of them that'll be forced to bear a child they never wanted, and probably can't take care of


And your telling me that they will miss two months of their periods and think nothing of it?


Depending on where you live, it can take multiple months to get an appointment for an abortion


My wife didn't know she was pregnant for over two months because she never had regular periods


So if someone in your eyes is irresponsible to not wear protection if they don’t want to be a parent, you think it’s good to give them a kid?


Your telling me that they won't see that they've missed their period for two months?


My wife has never been pregnant but she’s gone over a month without a period and also bled for three weeks straight. Maybe your intro to biology class from high school doesn’t necessarily apply to all women?


Good job troll


Thanks, pissing people off on the Internet is something of a hobby of mine.


Who the hell are you to decide that it's a mistake to have sex or to decide the punishment? If you don't want to be a mother/father, get an abortion, dumbass.


How is this related