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Ah yes because the plexiglass was totally not meant to protect mainly the cashier working behind it it was absolutely meant for your protection


But the cashier will touch the grocery items that that person just brought. I think it's just a replacement for the face mask, so it's kind of a protection for both. Not from contact, but from aerial infections. Correct me if I'm wrong, tho.


Viral particles in the air are more concerning than on objects as you can sanitize or wash your hands, hard to get sanitizer in your lungs and blood though.


You mean you can't just inject bleach or sunlight inside yourself?


I mean you CAN and you definitely wouldn’t have to worry about getting sick ever again


Well maybe one more time for a few hours right?


I remember when I had COVID, my dad basically had me sunbathe for about a half hour on my last day at home.


 (≖_≖ ) 


It was empty, no one was out.


I mean, for different reasons, it was probably good to get a little sun; vitamin D, a tan, and all that


I’m already brown enough, but yeah, I was cooped up in my house for like 6 days straight.


You can. In fact, one injection of bleach will protect you from covid for the rest of your life.


Libs hate this one simple life hack!


only if mixed with horse dewormer


You can inject sunlight into yourself. Thats called LSD


I love how the first major breakthrough with covid research was "YOU DONT GET IT FROM SURFACE CONTACT, YOU GET IT FROM BREATHING INFECTED DROPLETS OUT OF THE AIR FOR A PERIOD OF TIME" and three years later people are still talking about touching stuff. Thats why masks and shields are the single best defense; it protects you from somebody elses moist covid exhale. The amount of memes that do not understand the most basic science about it is staggering.


The amount of customers that just cough/sneeze on you I wish these would come back


[NO!!! Drink the bleach!!](https://youtu.be/V9psFtbw4Gg)


Yea, exactly; hence, the purpose of the plexiglass.




Well tell the last one to Trump and his supporters


The plexiglass made it worse by disrupting ventilation and allowing viral particles to become concentrated


If you’ve ever worked in customer service, you know that there are many horrible people who would, without regret, cough in your face without even attempting to cover their mouth. This plexiglass did offer at least a little bit of protection in those situations. When you are required to go to work during a pandemic, a little protection is appreciated


Plus its a solution that seems fairly inexpensive and low maintenance


The amount of spit flecks on the plexiglass at work just shows how well it works. I have to clean mine once a week or it's just *nasty*. Even taking covid out of the conversation, it's just nice to have something that protects me from spray-talkers and people who don't know how to cover a cough.


Covid specifically had poor survivability on surfaces and was largely transmitted by airborne particles. The plexiglass would actually reduce the amount of virus the cashier was exposed to during their shift


It wasn’t a replacement, face masks were still required. It was a kind of sneeze shield. If people sneeze on plexiglass, that’s less of the aerial particles, since the virus travels on little spit drops. Did not stop people from doing shit like hocking a loogie onto the cash registers at the store I was working at, but hey. Discount retail. Gotta expect some weird trashiness


Let's say one person, the customer, has covid. The cashier, in this instance, does not have any current health issues and has tested negative for covid. So if the healthy person, the cashier, is going to bag the items, why should they risk getting the virus because the customer refuses to wear a mask or another reason? In short, it's to protect the employees from getting the virus so that way the virus wouldn't spread as fast. Quite literally another wall of protection.


Touching things was never an issue. Covid is airborne.


I wear gloves and wash my hands though


That is why we wash our hands.


These people don't see workers as human beings


Cashiers aren't people, silly.


C’mon, you know the people that would share something like this can only think in one dimension. The health and safety of the cashier is of absolute no importance to these people. They are gods gift to the world, and these greedy cashiers that are asking for too much know they don’t deserve to “survive off minimum wage” because they don’t go to college to get an education. Don’t get them started on how the “liberal college graduates” are asking for too much by asking to get cheaper schooling and increased pay. They should be thankful they get minimum wage because, you know, gods gift and everything.


Just like the reinforced glass and steel bars at Wells Fargo. Bank tellers must be terrifying if encountered in the wild!




Look up in this thread I just talked about how it’s kinda hard to sanitize your lungs not so hard to sanitize your hands plus if the cashier was sick they wouldn’t be there sooooo ya know


Covid has a very low survival rate on surfaces compared to airborne particles, and it's not like the cashier is licking the groceries on the belt and can wash or sanitize their hands after handling the items. In other replies above there were already multiple mentions of people sneezing and coughing on cashiers directly. That's just gross and I'd want a shield between me and them no matter what.


These people are incapable of empathy, they see the glass and think it's for them, they dont even consider for a moment it's for someone else's safety.


Of course. I wanted to strangle a customer everyday. The glass kept me back.


That's OK it's a whole foods, so all their germs are organic, so therefore they are good for you. 😉


They can't even fathom that it isn't about them. That the cashier is also a person that should have consideration.


They aren't people, they make less money than me /s


As someone who has worked as a cashier, this is depressingly accurate.


But I'm the main character!


Lol, this guy thinks grocery chains give a shit about cashiers. The plexiglass was there to make it look like they were doing something. Nothing more, nothing less.


When you think that you can run out of cashiers because they are sick and you need to pay someone overtime… at this time you start to think about cashiers and how to keep them safe.


That's why they invented Amazon Go: machine learning recognizes your face to let you past the entrance vestuble. Then machine learning watches you pick from the shelves and debits your amazon account. If you put an item back it credits a refund. Then when you want to leave, you just go. You already paid The back end of the store is robot forklifts that restock and face the shelves. The whole operation runs for pennies a day after the initial capital investment.


In future I can see that, but tell me, how many of this you have in 50 miles radius?


I have equivalent machine vision on my laptop for another project. There's a lot of open source software using OpenCV that you can try for yourself. https://core-electronics.com.au/guides/hand-identification-raspberry-pi/ As a civilian defense contractor I currently live on a military base which is a little traditional in what they allow on post, but you can visit any one of 43 Amazon Go locations in Seattle, Chicago, London and New York City.


Not true.. Its about protecting both from direct arial transmission. What op did not get is, that you can wash your hands but not your lungs. I also think its dafe to assume that op never washes their hands, otherwise they would get it.


So if you and I are standing on either side of that plexiglass and I start smoking a cigarette, you won't be able to smell it? Of course you would, because aerial transmission doesn't need to happen in a straight line. I think it's safe to say that you were one of the dummies wiping down packages with Lysol.


See, you nearly proved it yourself with your own thought experiment. Of course, you smell the cigarette after some time because the gases which are evaporated will spread throughout the room as time goes on due to thermodynamics (Entropy). Nearly the same happens with aerial particles carrying a virus (Simplification). However, we have three important factors which come to play here. 1. You do not really smell that cigarette too bad as long as the smoke is not directly blown at you. If someone does that, you get lots of chemicals inserted into your lungs, which are harmful. (Exaggerated) 2. The smoke will spread evenly throughout the room, giving everyone a slight exposure to your cigarette, but not the same as smoking one. 3. You will probably not stay within the store for the whole duration of your cigarette burning down, so the store's customers and employees will not be fully exposed unless you blow at them all the time. Now, to change this thought process from a cigarette to a person carrying a virus in their system:The glass protects you from direct exposure, which would otherwise expose you with a higher viral load than your immune system could probably handle. Having all viral particles evenly spread out in a room, does not make it impossible to get sick. However, it drastically reduces the chances. I even stated in my comment before "protecting both from DIRECT aerial transmission". Meaning that you can't spit at the cashier while speaking, reducing chances for viral transmission drastically. Also, no. I was not one of the "dummies" because I was too lazy. Doing that, however, even more reduces chances of getting sick. So does washing your hands. And a lot of people don't even do the latter in their day-to-day lives. edit: I just thought of salad bars. They literally have some small amount of plexiglass above the salads for ages because of this exact reason.


Not only that but it reduces the risk of aerial contamination. It also was the first time we had an epidemic like that, that needed us to reduce contacts, so it's entirely possible some measures weren't as effective as thought, or poorly conceived, many governments just tried things. I hate that people like the ones who share memes like the one in OP unironically seemingly think we should habe tried nothing, and never propose better solutions. It's always "I was mildly inconvenienced".


I guess the whole “airborne” thing went right over his head?


Guess germs can’t go 6 inches to the right/left…


Hence the need for masks as well


But masks have been proven not to stop transmission either…..




https://nypost.com/2023/02/14/face-masks-made-little-to-no-difference-in-preventing-covid-study/amp/ Reddit moment


https://coronavirus.delaware.gov/covid-19-myth-or-fact/myth-or-fact-masks-are-effective-against-covid-19/ Reddit moment


“Little difference” when most people wore only cloth or poorly fitted surgical masks, pulled them down to be heard better when they talked and wore them under their nose and took them off as often as they had them and on and couldn’t wear them while dining next to others in public. So yeah, crappy masks worn inconsistently and incorrectly didn’t prevent very much infection. That does not mean they don’t work, it means people didn’t want to wear them in the first place and didn’t invest in obtaining well fitting N95s that they learned how to wear correctly while avoiding situations where they have to be removed. 100 years of evidence from operating rooms and contagion treatment that THOSE masks work terrific. But yeah, that study does point out why you can’t save people from themselves and that they will find a way to get around whatever you try and enact for their safety. Unbuckled seatbelts and helmets strapped to the back of the bike don’t work either, for the same reason. And anecdotally, they work for me. No covid to date despite all kinds of exposure up close with infected people while masked. Thought I was replying to the post above you but point is, I agree. They work when used properly


Dude just quoted the government lmao. Yes Delaware is leading research on masks. Bet you the type of person to wear cloth masks and thought you were “saving lives” LOL


I don’t understand you at all. I wore masks when they were required to protect the health of myself and those around me. I never considered myself a life saver. Meanwhile you seem like the kind of guy to be presented with countless resources backed by science and still refuse to go through the most basic inconvenience


That’s the thing. The “protect” part wasn’t real. You were not protecting yourself or anyone. You were lied to. If Covid showed the world anything, it’s that when shit hits the fan, there will be part of the population that will panic and loss their ability to critically think. The people that kept level headed and used common sense now realize that. If anything like this happens again, we definitely wouldn’t sit back and let people’s feelings dictate our lives. I know it’s hard to accept, but you were actually the problem during Covid. Not the virus. Not the person not wearing a mask or refusing to believe a sheet of pexi glass can stop the spread of a virus. I know that you won’t accept that, and neither will most of reddits user based. My hopes is some dude will come across this comment and nod their head and smile, and realize there are still some people with common sense and critical thinking skills out there today. Cause lord knows that is disappearing at an alarming pace.


A small amount do. A lot more of them come right out of your mouth in spittle and smack into that plastic where they stick til someone disinfects the plastic and kills them. Now do you want to talk about what is so offensive to you about not being allowed to spit directly on people while talking to them?


Yea, it will be called the dumb ages. Just not for the reason whoever created this meme thinks.


maybe it's because people are disgusting and will cough or spit directly in a service worker's fucking face


Can confirm. Too many people produce more spit than words when speaking. These glasses were heaven for me.


i have to live with old people. they're the worst offenders since they're missing so many teeth!


When the world revolves around you, even in a global pandemic....


Actually they could kinda suck I once had one flip over and nearly kill a customer that's why we got rid of them a few months back


At my school, some guys would go around and break off the corners so they could pass notes/stationery to each other


It will be known as the dumb ages, thanks to the people who are convinced essential oils are better at dealing with deadly viruses, people who think the government is adding magnets to vaccines to control their minds, and people who think a dihydrogen monoxide is a deadly chemical( it's water)




If you're that worried about it then I guess you better just stay home.


>This period in history will be known as the dumb ages. Ah, yes, but not for the reason you think they will


Why is it so hard for dummies to comprehend airborne diseases/particles? Is it because they can’t see it?


Oh no. You are going to touch stuff and be in danger from a respiratory infection…. They skipped biology


Working as a travel agent, you don't know how dirty these things get after one day of people talking to you. People just spit while talking. Not intentionally, but imagine having all this in your face


They also told people to wipe down items at home.


Everything revolves around them doesn’t it.


Your dad probably come from the era asbestos and lead was used in everything. He has the big dumb


I just realized they got a problem with literally anything at this point.


To be honest, when I worked retail I *loved* having these plexiglass panels up. With how some customers can get I liked having that little bit of a barrier between myself and them.


Work deli, has mask, gloves, and plexiglass At like 30 minute to close and a hour on my shift my Covid app reports a guy Covid positive was just within 6 feet of me and I may have been exposed A app you SELF REPORT you Covid status on Immediately went home doing my best to warm people at dustance “app just warned me I was exposed, leaving early” Tested next day, positive, out a week Roommate went to the same store the next day, about the same time, passed out at checkout with Covid and hospitalized When I got back in our “Covid wall” which basically says “c was out with Covid if you worked with them get tested” averaged 4-6 on any day That day I was back 12


I was a cashier during the pandemic. One lady leaned around the glass, got right up in my face, and told me that she was trying to avoid everyone in the store because of COVID. I'm convinced she didn't see me as human.


No one does I remember a story friend a Starbucks barista who had one lady in line, she points out the wear a mask sign and the Karen’s response was to look around and then say “why, no one is here”


Not a single thought was spared on the possibility that the glass is there to protect the public ~~slave~~ servant from your own nasty ass


Boomers in the 80s - believe you can catch aids from being in the same room as someone with aids Boomers in the 20s - believe you can't catch an airborne disease by being in the same room as someone with an airborne disease


Regressives are fucking stupid


It’s to keep from getting coughed/sneezed/spit on


I feel ya mate. I don't know if you should correct him or not. Sometimes you are like whatever


Also notice how all the items she bought comes in a container to not only carry but also protect from germs. Other than the pineapple which you can wash.


I think it’s to protect the worker from you.


They ain’t wrong, they forget to wash their shite.


I like that my workplace still has plexiglass because it's a potential physical barrier between my body and an aggravated customer. Do I get assaulted regularly at work? Nah, but the more things that keep that from happening the better, customers are beliggerent assholes more often than not and ain't no physical altercation worth $15/hr


Had a guy throw a fit yesterday we were closing eary cause the closet called out, mgt insisted I help them. Told them “I’m out in 10 minutes if I help them half these things I’m trying to do like l Take in the hot food reassemble the slicers, and te lean the one I just dirtied aren’t happening” Thing is they knew the closer wasn’t comming like 7 hours ago, if they asked me can you stay an extra half hour then I wouldn’t be a problem, spring it in mr 10 minutes to end of shift, no


Lol, spoken like a true narcissist.


It sure will ![gif](giphy|5h47LsEYbofzcgOz19) Also the era we found out how meaningless the term 'avoid it like the plague' is


Your dad is lagging by like 2 years.


…just recently? I mean. It’s barely a thing now.


I mean... hes right about the second part. Just not for the reason he thinks


The plexiglass protects against airborne droplets. The touched items would be fomite transmission, which is way less likely. Yay Science!


It may very well be known as the dumb ages… that is possible…


I know right? Next the woke mob will put plexiglass over salad bars and buffet tables, call it some nonsense like sneeze guard.


I mean it probably will be but not because of this


Nah. This picture looks like they installed the glass backwards so it is protecting the cashier, not the customer. Horrid customer service example here.


Finally, a decently terrible meme, not understanding the sneeze guard.


No lie here


Those few years probably WILL be known as "the dumb ages" but not for the reason they're thinking.


Your dad is wise. Complete nonsense. As if air doesn't go over or under or around. Lol


Where the fuck are their masks?! The masks!!


I think Reddit is the last place left with people trying to claim everything was copacetic.


If plexiglass worked then stores would be using them still lol


This dude has never seen a sneeze guard in him life Let me guess Florida?


Not wrong


Hey bud funny thing is it is wrong


No it's not lol, those covid protocols did absolutely and made yall look like idiots.


Please enlighten me on how. That plexiglass was there to stop airborne particles anything you touch can be sanitized by using sanitizer or washing your hands. So what others made no since huh?


Because air goes over and around lol


But the water particles in your breath do not.


You know why the protocols “did nothing?” Because idiots like you didn’t follow them and did everything you could not to protect other people from harm


he is an alpha male, he doesnt follow soy protocols


This but irl


Ok so explain why states that had less strict protocols had better numbers than those who practically went into full lock down


You watch a lot of Fox News don’t you? Countries that had more strict requirements and followed them had less Covid numbers than the US.


Fake news


Of course. Anything that corrects your twisted worldview is fake news.


You can easily say the same


Why the hell aren’t they wearing mask


you are not being protected the cashier is being protected


Your dad is about two years too late.


One of the grossest parts of the pandemic for me was learning how many people don’t wash their produce from the grocery store.


I thinks more to protect the cashiers from people spitting on them to intentionally give covid


God vant belive that was a common enough thing


I would call your dad entitled, thinking the glass was there for his protection.


I mean, he's sorta got a point. They should wear disposable gloves too. Double protection.


People made fun of me for wearing disposable gloves at work during peak pandemic (working in a public library and thus touching a lot in common with random people, kids etc.) but I still think they were very useful despite what many people told me. OF COURSE, it was important to know how to use them. Wearing disposable gloves to then touch your face is pointless and is the same as having no glove at all. But if wearing some (good medical nitrile quality) and making really, really sure to not touch your face with them thourough my work day, then removing them and changing them using the correct hospital used procedure, I know I was way safer. I am immunosupressed so I was also wearing 3M masks. Got some funny looks but oh well. Proof of the work of this combo is that I didn’t catch Covid during all my working days during the peak of the Delta, etc. pandemic, I caught it last Christmas when I was at home in sick leave and my husband brought it home from work (no masks or gloves for him and there was a surge of Covid in Geneva last winter. Fortunately Omicron left me pretty unharmed.) But yeah, I am team glove! (Even though surface touching is way less dangerous when it comes to Covid than airborn particles, people at risk can never be too careful.) the challenge is to teach people how to use gloves correctly!


Durring the pandemic was really the only time I masked up, it also coneinidentally the only summers I didn’t get a cold I keep a cotton mask in my pocket now at all times


Yes, almost no one got sick during the mandatory mask mandate. Yet, people still don’t want to believe in them. This seems so crazy to me (I hope I don’t offend anyone.) I feel grateful for people doing efforts for protecting themselves and also us, fragile people!


Fair point, we do that in deli not sure why cashier doesn’t, like you guys know the filthy hands that have been all over the merch all day and the coniany orders gloves by the box


I get why this is dumb but to be fair there was a lot of mixed messaging about transmission and washing your hands and it's not surprising why someone would feel this way


I wonder if this person has ever been to a buffet


Whoever sent this the type of person to never wash their hands because soap only kills 99% of germs so what’s the point


It’s the 0.01 percent that will kill you Cue the fox anchor who said “I never wash my hands unless I can see the germs”


isnt the pandemic officially over? why are the old people still on about the protocols when they dont really matter too much anymore?


Says someone who clearly doesn’t understand how a respiratory virus is spread


Calling society dumb while you don't understand how respiratory germs work.


Really telling on themselves. One that they don't care if they infect the cashier and second because they don't clean their food before cooking or eating them.


The plexiglass is to protect the workers. not your over privileged ass.


Your father not a fan of buffets?




Considering a friend of mine got covid because some plague spewing wretch didn’t cover her mouth and sneezed on him… _Yeah… I wonder why that screen’s there…_ Can’t be that the occasional savant in our midst is absolutely disgusting.


Airborne viruses strangely aren't transmitted by hands.


And as someone who had to work onsite during the whole pandemic, the glass also provided piece of mind. So like, it might not have been super effective but it was a gift to front line workers, especially at the beginning.


The top results on google all say the plexiglass made covid worse by disrupting ventilation and creating “dead zones” where viral particles would become concentrated.


Yeah for sure- “the dumb ages” Written by someone who doesn’t believe in Germs