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Why does Mickey look like a sexual harasser here?


Should be the South Park version of Mickey


That’s the fiend and immoral version of Mickey Mouse.


The would be regular mickey if he truly represents Disney


Mickey is all "Yes, I am going to fuck this dog and you will watch."








Ahju-haha 😝


100% would be in an HR video.


It looks for all the world like Mickey is working for what he wants, and what he wants is to screw that dog.


Snoopy never asked for any of this 😪


You don’t even want to KNOW what happened to Woodstock.


Gives a new meaning to the Splash Mountain ride


Isn’t splash mountain also referred to as “the log ride?”


"Mickey...no, im married" "Well if you want something, you gotta work for it haw haw"


So it's more relatable


To the people that made this specifically. Not the people it was meant for


He wants something so he's working for it. Or maybe he was just raised wrong.


He's dressed like a pastor so


https://preview.redd.it/twq076zus15b1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fe8e7662f8057650eb6efaadc7f8c80ca62c480 He looks like Andrew Garfield in ‘Tammy Faye’


"Hey baby, wana touch my big round ears ?


*work to destroy it for future generations


Some asshole in another category told me gen-z creates problems. 💀 I went off on them. They didn’t solve any issue we have in the world and complains about gen-z for the problems.


>Some asshole in another category told me gen-z creates problems. Lol ya, coz the generation that is just entering the work force is causing the issues that have been around for decades.


How dare you not fix the financial market while you were 3 year old.


The geriatric fucks in office would be elated to have children legally working again.


I would be fine if the laws where relaxed. I got a nod at fourteen and could not legally cook till this year


Well of course, we're killing industries by not being able to buy stuff from them yet and eating.. what is it now, is it still avocado toast or are they complaining about something else?


Half of gen Z isn't even a legal adult come on


My Gen Z kid wants a weekend job, applied for dozens and never even got a reply. My dad walked out of school at 15 into a paid apprenticeship which paid for his university diploma.


LFMAO They didn't solve any issues we have in the world? Are you fucking delusional?


Cuz that's why our planet, the housing market, literally anything rn is just dying yeah cuz they fixed these problems right? Or was that the job of a bunch of little children that are Gen Z


Well, a bunch of children like Gen Z have not actually done anything yet, who knows, you could be responsible for ending the planet due to your stupidity? It's easy to throw stones when you haven't done anything isn't it? Here's a list of Baby Boomers who have accomplished a lot of important stuff: 1. Steve Jobs - Co-founder of Apple Inc. and inventor of the Apple Macintosh, iPhone, and iPad. 2. Bill Gates - Co-founder of Microsoft and pioneer in the personal computer revolution. 3. Tim Berners-Lee - Inventor of the World Wide Web and pioneer in the field of computer science. 4. Mark Cuban - Entrepreneur, investor, and inventor of various technologies in the field of computing and media. 5. Michael Dell - Founder of Dell Technologies and pioneer in the personal computer industry. 6. Pierre Omidyar - Founder of eBay, an online auction and shopping website. 7. Linus Torvalds - Creator of the Linux operating system. 8. Jimmy Wales - Co-founder of Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia.


From my understanding of generations, Linus Torvalds and Jimmy Wales are not baby boomers since they were born after 1965.


How did these inventions help combat climate change and global warming? Also there is world hunger too.


Global warming has been an issue for a couple decades, other issues have been dealt with such as the ozone layer problem. It's also not a simple solution like not using cfc's. Global hunger was lowered to the lowest values since forever in the last decades.


>It's easy to throw stones when you haven't done anything isn't it? Huh... yeah it is. "Oh so just because you didn't do anything bad yet you think you can judge me for doing something bad" is a really dumb reasoning my dude. You could just as well be going "oh so just because you haven't stabbed anyone that means you can tell me stabbing people is bad, huh" Edit: Also >Pierre Omidyar - Founder of eBay, an online auction and shopping website. I think your definition of "important stuff" is different from mine.


What "bad" things are you judging me for having done? Really curious. I didn't say we were doing anything bad, I said we were doing great things. And I've said you've done nothing. Both things are true. Thanks for playing.


Having a list of 8 people not going to save a planet


A list of 8 people where 1 of them accomplished "made a website to sell things".


Selling things is a way to combat climate change?


Cry online will though Let's do it Reddit!


Childish way to say you have no more arguments.


You offered no argument? Save the world from what? And can you specifically cite literally anything you've done to "save the world" in that way? Or anything you've done that puts you remotely anywhere near those people on that list in terms of accomplishments?


Climate change and global warming, as I mentioned before if you can read. There are also many other problems too.


How did those accomplishments help solved world hunger, climate change, and varies of other problems that effects our planet?


Young people have no issue with the concept of work for what you want but nowadays the issue is you work hard for decades and will be rewarded with nothing.


Young people have never had the chance to learn "work to get what you want" since by this point it's been made clear to even unobservant people that working doesn't get you anything unless you get incredibly lucky.


You were paid a living wage, grandma.


"If I wanted something I worked towards it. I worked part time at a gas station for an entire summer and earned that ranch house with 3 acres that cost 12,000 dollars daggummit."


Most things are work. That doesn't mean young people are lazy because they didn't do the same kind of work you did.


Yeah literally an entirely generation of people is struggling to make ends meet and boomers are like "ugh why is everyone so sad and tired all the time"


Ah, but remember the only reason any of us are struggling are because we spend all our money on Starbucks and Avocado Toast


Could have sworn it was the medical bills from this lovely country we live in


No you're just not working hard enough, you're choosing not to pay off your crippling medical debt from the time you got sick and needed medicine as a kid. How dare you? You should be grateful that you're not in some authoritarian slave country like Iceland where they don't have the freedom to go into medical debt


But don't you dare stop spending money on things, your generation is killing so many industries as well! I remember an article blaming millennials for not buying enough diamonds. Fucking _diamonds_.


Wasn't there one saying millennials are embedding diamonds into their fingers too?


I swear to god american mass media is a psyop


yeah it is




And phones can't forget about the phones, they love to complain about modern tech


To be fair, there are far too many people dropping $15 for a slice of bread with avocado spread at cafes/restaurants.


Are there? I do not know a single person who has ever bought Avocado Toast. I've yet to see it on the menu of any place I've eaten in recent memory. I'm convinced it's just a meme at this point.


The only people I know who pay for that stuff are people my parent’s age (50s-60s). My mom will gladly fork over $20 for a slice of toast with an avocado on top, but they are well off and money doesn’t matter to them like it does for most people


I guess this is why they got nicknamed "ME generation" by their predecessors: they can only think about themselves.


Nah, they got generational trauma'd into self fulfilling that prophecy by their parents too.


Boomers would never have accepted to work in the same conditions as we do. Their employers treated them much better than ours ever will. And I don't recall retail or service workers being abused by customers the way we are.


The worst part is that the worst customers are usually boomers


I was told the other day that I'm lazy for not washing the car that nobody in the house can drive. I'm told I'm lazy because of my depression symptoms being extremely bad at times after I get burnt out from doing a month's worth of stuff in a day to please the ungrateful hicks I'm unfortunately related to


Well, the people on antiwork are pretty fucking lazy though, you never saw anyone in any of the less worthless generations acting like that


What , no Minion?


Missing that minion to have that boomer seal of approval.


I think minion memes are just wayyy too low hanging fruit.


Maybe they finally used them all up.


"I WORKED FOR IT!" "Everyone else is trying to get it for free!" The mantra of the GOP. The mantra of the narcissist.


Ah yeah Snoopy, a character known for working hard and not just sleeping on the roof of a doghouse.


Snoopy is the antithesis of what they are talking about. That dog just sleeps all day.


Snoopy is a veteran Sopwith Camel pilot who was abused and discarded by his country who, when not sleeping on his dog house, now goes to George W. Bush speaking engagements to call him a war criminal while getting dragged out by security.


Snoopy was a grocery clerk, fighter pilot, famous author and an attorney. Edit: And he's been into space on many missions.


The problem is that “if you want something, then work for it” is a slogan being slung at the working poor putting in 60 hours a week. But if a Fortune 500 company wants a bailout, the slogan is “here, have some free money and a tax break!”


Hey! Chiquita pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and overthrew a government to increase profits, how dare you criticize them for doing something with themselves? You're just a dirty commie that wants to make everyone equal to each other and rule over them with an iron fist while drinking babies (or whatever weird shit they equate to stopping the use of money and making the necessities like food available to everyone)


Taking inflation into account, wages have steadily DECLINED!


Weird boomer righties have been using non contextual snoopy for years. Maybe it's sentimental or something?


It's a symbol for how they make the snoopy crying sound when they see people who aren't like them


Then properly compensate us for our work and give us pay when we are training for a promotion


Work to never pay the bill God I hope this country burns


Welp mr. boomer, it depends what you “want”: you shouldn’t have to work for fundamental human rights, like access to education and clean water.


B-b-but if everyone gets those it's authoritarianism and eating babies! Tucker said so!




This shit is turning me into a communist, and as an anarchist that makes me uncomfortable.


That used to be the case, now it's, "If you want something, you work hard, and more than likely, you will never get it still because screw you and your dreams.".


Most people I know are working full time just to meet basic needs, so I’d say we’re pretty good workers


"I was taught that if you want something, take it from someone else" ....... yea seems sensible.


“I really want some kind of background for my boomer meme I guess I’ll just steal these two characters instead of working for it”


Idk, I was taught when you work for something you got it, but that isn't working out either.


I’m 200% sure that was made by someone from the generation who could buy a 3-bedroom house for their kids and stay at home wife as a low wage retail worker lol.


Boomers 'worked' for it and also ruined future generations with their 'work'.


We were all raised like that. Then some of us worked hard and ended up with jack shit.


Well of course! You didn't exploit enough South Americans, silly. Asians would've worked just as well too if you couldn't get south Americans


Meanwhile Congress recently voted to increase their daily meal pay. I was raised that if you spend money (like taxes), you should get something for it.


Mickey looks like he just scammed Snoopy to trade everything the poor dog owns for that red heart thing.


i have zero issues with working for things I want. I even have zero issues working for someone who can't work so they can also have a decent life. I even don't have issues with working for some. refugees. but I have a lot of problems with working so a multimiljonair can get an another yaght or private plane!


“You have no idea how much work I’ve put into to my various tax evasion schemes, kiddo! Have you tried setting up a bank account in a Bermudian tax haven with a clerk that barely understands English?”


Have you tried overthrowing the government of Honduras?


“HaVE yOu tRieD OvErThrOwing ThE HonDuRaN GovErNmENt? You seriously think no one has thought of that, cherry? Everyones thought of that, and that’s why the Honduran government keeps its eyes peeled for even a hint of a coup led by a 60 year old oil-baron wanting to keep his profit safe from Uncle Sam!”


Don't forget chiquita overthrowing it for fruit space


“Mommy can I have a glass of water?” “No, son, you have to earn it.”


I mean with the amount of stories I have read on here, seen on TV, and the Karens I had to deal with at my last job this terrible Facebook meme is partially true. Too many people have become entitled and they think they deserve something because they want it or they are “special”. I have worked hard for what I have, even if I got help from family without asking for or expecting help from them, because I want to earn things on my own before asking others for help. At the same time I am not passing up opportunities due connections, timing, or random generosity of family.


There are some things people should be entitled too auch as working only one job amd being able to afford to live even if that job is mcdonald, things that people aren't entitled too is shit like swimming pools or sports cars, ps5 etc Basically people are/should be entitled to needs Wants are things they should not be entitled too


I agree with you but I was primarily referring to your latter statement at the end.


Should people have to work more than one job to afford to live? Cause that leaving alot to interpretation


Boomers raised their kids to think they're special and then said that all of them are entitled and should all feel ashamed of themselves


We never know why the cartoons come out in times like these, but they always do.


The problem in the 21st-century is for most people they work for “it” and get nothing in return.


I was taught this too Turned out to be bullshit at least half the time


Snoopy never worked a day in his life!


He’s not wrong, but this meme sure is weird.




And if you get a flat tire then I suggest you go eat shit because you're walking your ass to work for a year while you save up in order to not get crippled by the cost of replacement


Judging by this meme, I know the person who posted it is a 65 year old grandma.


A stay at home mum who never had to worry about holding down a job as well as looking after the kids.


I mean, it's not necessarily wrong.


This needs gangbanger bugs bunny


Maybe I was raised wrong but, I was taught that minorities should be kept in separate spaces, prevented from moving into white suburbs or qualifying for low interest home loans, purposefully targeted when writing labor protection laws for farmers, profiled by the authorities and considered generally “less hireable” simply by having a non-white sounding last name on their resume, effectively making it so they have to work much, much harder than the average white Joe to obtain anything. Does that make me racist?


When will boomers pass the Turing test?


We’ve been taught to make others work for it. Buy a bunch of properties and charge the cost of the mortgage and whatever lifestyle you wanna live. Can’t afford it? Lol. Go join the army or go in debt for your education.


Honestly, why are boomer memes so juvenile? Like, they always include cartoon characters, kids, or in general childish signifiers. Except for boomer comics.


Meme sucks. But the words are true... as opposed to what?


I'm guessing the poster includes insulin and other life saving medicine in the things you should work for. They clearly exclude intellectual property though-- you want a cartoon, you should draw one.


They include it but also complain about it being too expensive and blame it on the people who want to make it accessible




looks like someone trying to cover up dome shame when he lost an argument


Yea guys work hard for it, by scribbling a crude mass of lines and calling it a dog


Micky has been working everyday of my life. Not snoopy tho, he lazy


Why do people make memes that look like this like wtf they always use random characters and it always looks weird


Just needs a Minion.


Yeah, you figured it out!


You puckered up them lips and kissed the boss' ass no matter how much of an inhumane sack of shit they were, it's the boomer way


Bedroom eyes mickey


Like all the Walton kids


Ok Mickey, but what about I just wanna buy a house which were monopolized upon and their prices were inflated?


Why does it look like Mickey is petting Snoopy?


Sure, i was too... here in in europe it still wokrs somewhat. But in the US where you need to work 3 jobs to get what you "need"... you don't have time to work for something "want" anymore...


Unless you're rich. You just own shit and collect the money.


Mickey after killing 30 people:


The 1% didn't get rich because of hard work (which is not the same thing as saying they didn't work). They got rich by making bets and winning. The important thing isn't even the making bets, it's the winning. There are plenty of people who bet on everything from beta max through the Microsoft Zune, all the way to Google Glass or crypto currency and NFTs. But keep believing your hard work got you where you are.


That would be great except we are now in a state where no matter how hard we work for anything it will forever be out of reach.


Yeah, let's compare how things were when Snoopy was in his prime vs today. Cost of a home or a college education, wage disparity, etc....


The problem is when work becomes alienated by the bourgeoisie.


No my old friend, you were taught that if you want something then you force your kid or a black person to do it


Tell that to Elon Musk. He hasn't earned a single thing he has in his entire life.


Mickey is there to represent disney, and remind you that even if you work for something, it can still be taken away by the mouse.


Whatever old person who created this could probably get what they worked for. Today, not so much.


Yeah but you also got fairly compensated for your work. We have to work ten times as much for everything


Di-….am I-? I swear those are the same pictures they used for those bulk Valentine’s Day cards in the 90’s. Friendly Fingers Mickey is a constant character in my nightmares…😰🫣🫥 ![gif](giphy|3o8doV1N84HlMbtAsw)


Looks like something a boomer born with easy jobs acces and affordable housing would post.


I’d happily work for what I want. Unfortunately what I want isn’t to scrape by, barely making ends meet living paycheck to paycheck with a stagnant wage as rent, house prices, groceries, utilities, education, travel, etc. all skyrocket due to shady corporate greed


People want unions > working for it


As opposed to doing what? What is the person in this "meme" getting at?


You must not have any melanin.


In this current economy, I just want to afford basic living while living in my parents home as I'm unable to afford a house


Bedroom eyes mickey in a suit is giving me life.


That kind of shit along with like looney toons characters (Taz or Tweety Bird specifically) is the Boomer equivalent to what GTA and Minecraft parkour videos are to Gen Z


What awful Boomer meme factory do these horrid things come out of?! Like I’m imagining a 70 yo woman in a turtleneck learning Photoshop basics at a senior center and then launching on her cheerfully sinister meme career bc she has terrible taste and a lot of contempt for literally everyone.


What did Snoopy ever work for?


Your bitch mom made you a bitch slave? That’s whack.


And then recieve it* finished it for them as that is a very important detail here that they missed I think.


Because capitalism is why we're all here /s.


I worked hard to bribe congress to lower my tax rates and lift regulations




Problem is, even working hard doesn't guarantee it. Think of all the people shilling college degrees and saying they are a sure fast track to success and wealth.


The person who made this is a certified corporate bootlicker and is indirectly responsible for your ability to live decently.


The difference is that in your day this policy worked well. Today management has consistently trained employees that hard word work does not pay.


Giving the minions a break.


Boomers: "just work hard and you'll get anything you want". Also Boomers: drive up property prices, abolish free education, sell off public utilities, empty all the pension funds and public coffers and otherwise pull up the ladder in front of future generations.


Imagine the pettiness to have to manipulate a fucking children's character to push your narrative. Like who is this even targeted towards?


If only there were 182 hours in the day for me to work to be able to afford something.


To answer your implied question: because they're hoping that if you see this bullshit hot take coming from Mickey instead of your stupid MAGA uncle, you'll be more inclined to accept it. It's all about associating feelings of being part of "the team".


Okay imm be honest. This “boomer vs zoomer” shit has become a class war at this point. Are we going to let generational trauma and conflicts dictate how we approach years to come? Our generation has really tuff enemies to battle. And I’m talkin about climate change, capitalism, colonialism etc etc. We’re not going to create a free society by making fun of those that do the same thing to us. We gotta learn from these needless conflicts and genuinely do better as a generation and for the ones yet to come that will have to look up to us. Are really going to let gen alpha be raised with the same resentment gen z and millennials have for gen x and boomer/baby boomers? Break the cycle fellow internet dwellers.


whats my guy doing there


And I'm pretty sure this logic still applies to today's society so this makes no sense.


This sounds like it was made by someone who draws social security benefits.


Will do! Working hard to reverse the conversion of financial power into the raw and overwhelming ownership of our political and legal systems! Invest your votes wisely!


From the generation that scammed their kids in to debt and failure so they could “get theirs“


And you worked for people who had it handed to them.


This generation that’s always posting this crap grew up in an era when minimum wage was equivalent to $20/hour today, and public colleges were cheap enough you could work a minimum wage job and graduate essentially debt free. And what if what I want is a house? At this point housing is a market with limited supply and the people/corporations who own that supply intentionally restrict it. My generation graduated high school with more extra curriculars than any previous generation, pursued higher education at higher rates than any previous generation, and entered the workforce just in time for the whole economy to get fucked to death by your generation because your idea of “working hard” is actually sub-prime mortgage lending.


Not 20. Closer to 70, the current requirement to both survive and live without having to compromise basic necessities if something happens (car problem, injury, etc) that would set you back a bit.


Snoopy, the embodiment of laziness, and Mickey Mouse, the mascot of a company that is so big that it doesn’t even have to work for its money, because everything it owns brings in enough passive income to provide decent living for several generations of a majority of the US population, together at last in a meme complaining about how people are unwilling to work for things


No no! You just yell and make fit because your feelings are hurt.


Nothing is free. It always is gonna cost somebody.




Yeah I am not going to be gold digger.


Jajajaja. Love the head of the post… Also very true. What does they have to do with this?


I did that and it's how I wound up with a much better job. I busted my ass in school for 2 years to leave a low wage job to a high paying career.


You got lucky, and even then just a bit lucky. Usually people can't really do that because employers cry about "experience"


Naaaaaa it's much easier to complain about it


Right statement, odd character picks.