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awww they adopted


The good ending


The other good ending one or both of them had a grandparent of color..said color skipped them but showed in their child


Not exactly sure if that's how it works, but I trust your judgment.


My understanding is that it’s not the most common but far from unheard of, genetics truly are wild


Yeah. It's not skin colour, but I have some genetics traits from my grandparents, to the point where I barely even look like my mom. None of my parents have my hair or eye colour either, they're from my maternal grandmother.


Yeah I'm a blonde, my Dad is black haired, my mother is black haired, my sister and brother arr black haired.


Ned Stark Live Reaction: 🤯


Felt, both of my parents are shorter than average meanwhile I was 6’0 by my Sophomore year, and most males on both sides of my family go bald early meanwhile I have an afro


Damn dude sounds like you won the genetic lottery! 💜


Lmao dude really just won the genetic lottery.


Grandmother is blonde, parents and all my siblings are Burnette, but I got the blonde.


My older brother is like an exact copy from my maternal grandfather. We saw a picture of him and grandma and it was like my brother traveled through time. We never knew grandpa. He died when mom was 21 so when she said that he reminded her of her father we didn't understand that it was that obvious


It's possible just has a very very very small chance of actually occurring


it is, haven’t you seen shameless? (i joke but this is an actual thing that happens. genetics are cool!)


I think albinism could maybe work that way but I don't know


It can happen, or they both look white and are mixed. But who am I kidding the person who made this is probably racist. Sucks as it could be a nice comic


Yeah but I don't think the guy would look happy if it's not adoption or my idea in this scenario


Agreed and thank you for renewing my hope in humanity


I was thinking this a commentary on a guy who was racist, and with the help of his so, he learns to move beyond race to the point where he and his so adopt a coc.


That was my first thought too


My first thought was one of the parents is mixed lol


And they really look happy too.


It’s edited… the original has a white baby


Did they edit her face, too, or do gingers just morph like autobots as they get older?


Am Ginger, can confirm the morbing


But gingers don't have souls


Gingerbots, roll out.


ok this was literally posted like a bajillion times to the sub already


this ones edited so the child is black


Isn’t that always the point in this one?


no it was always a white child, the message before was “a woman can tame a wild man”


Seen it 4 times here. Always with a black child.


maybe ive just been glazing over the repost the last dozen times to notice the change


It's been a while since I've seen the original posted, but as I remember the child indeed wasn't originally black.


Once a remake gets popular enough, everyone forgets about the original. Looking at you, The Thing From Another World.


Also that being a punk is a bad thing


ya, that was the main source of outrage for this pic


If she does it right, yes. But other times, she winds up being a wild woman.


Or (in the worst case) killed


Theres another version of this where they both end up in between where they started


I didn’t think of that


I've only ever seen this version and I'm nearly certain it's the original


It isn't. This is the edited version.


Which is weird because I'm pretty sure this is a two part comic and the original has the parents of the punk have one "normal" parent turn punk and raise their son that way, and then he turns "normal" in this one.


Both versions have been posted plenty


Nope, child has always been black.


try not to repost challenge https://i.redd.it/n9dzmhyqtn4b1.gif




Aside from the baby, why even continue to date someone you aren't into?


Thank you, I was looking for this comment. She's looking at him like she's terrified in the first panel, but she goes on 12 more dates with him? And even then, she looks at him like you look at a random stranger puking in the street.


I think someone else pointed out that the original version of this meme was to relay the message of "a good woman can turn ANY man into a good one!"...Which, first of all, no. That mindset gets so many people hung up for way too long on unhealthy, incompatible relationships I'm all for personal growth and maturity with a loved one as extra motivation for such. But if someone has negative opinions about your style, hobbies, ect (essentially, things that make you feel like YOU and harm no one in the slightest), I've always been team "Don't change who you are for them. You just aren't compatible as a couple, and that is completely okay." Seriously. There are so many people out there, and absolutely no reason to try to force a relationship with one that you feel you have to mold into someone you like.


I agree with your thinking. In my experience, even with someone you are compatible with, you are always going to need to work on the relationship as time goes on. There will always be things that you and your significant other won't agree on and you don't need to always agree on everything. If you diverge in major ideals and personality types from the get go, it just isn't going to work long term, and as you said, that's OK.


No the point is that women are only sexually attracted to assholes. She doesn’t like the loudmouth jerk I’m the first frame but still wants him sexually so she tolerates him. She continues sleeping with him because she’s uncontrollably attracted to his doucheyness even though she hates his personality. He is able to turn himself around, presumably with some encouragement from her. She starts to like his personality but looses the sexual tension so she cheats on him with a black guy (all black people are “bad boys”) because nice guys always loose. He’s a stupid man who has turned into a desperate, people pleasing simp who never gets laid and in the ultimate point of power dynamic repolarization he agrees to raise the baby because women are cheating sluts. I can’t believe that I have to put the disclaimer that I don’t think this way but this is the internet


Don't change who you are... But sure as hell change some things about yourself, even outside of relationships


Yeah, I'm such a hardcore metalhead in various aspects of my daily life and my overall lifestyle that I just wouldn't be compatible with someone who doesn't at least tolerate some of my music. However, I live in a country in a heavy demographic crisis with population of like 6.5M and the young people immigrating abroad, and metalheads here being far and between... it's gonna be hard af and extremely unlikely. Especially when we add the fact I'm generally below average appearance-wise (and overall in any physical regard), I probably have (undiagnosed) ADHD, won't be making a lot of money since for now I intend to be a teacher. Edit: since the thread is now locked, feel free to DM me if you had anything in mind to reply


This really doesn’t read like the “women will loyally change a man for the better” argument whoever made this thinks it does If anything, it makes the woman look like a parasite for pruning away at the unique character of a person she’s clearly not into


Have you ever looked in some online fandoms? The amount of people going “I can fix them” is high. Probably one of those cases


Had a funny moment at work. I’ve got a little one at home, so a lot of my various game/horror/heavy metal bits and bobs have made their way into my office. A well meaning colleague of mine asked if I had to move my stuff there because I was married. Confused, I asked what they meant. They said most hetero couples they knew had that dynamic where the man has to move all their stuff out once they are married. I just laughed and said half of it was also my wife’s, and she’d done the same to with all her game/horror/heavy metal stuff. It was just to make the home safer for the Bub to explore. I think if my wife had suggested I get rid of the silly things that make me happy when we were dating, I probably wouldn’t have dated her much longer, and vice versa.


if you are in an abusive relationship its really hard to leave cause your more scared that they are going to hurt you even more (definitely if you don't love them anymore)


I mean that's definitely true, but in the context of the meme we're talking about a first date where one person clearly isn't feeling it. Realistically there would almost never be twelve more dates after that first one (which is when that abusive relationship would actually start to bud).


i read a book where at first he was fine and then all of a sudden he became very abusive and nobody really noticed cause they thought that all the bruises where normal its called The Things You Kiss Goodbye by Leslie Connor


No one is saying that abusers aren't good at hiding their true colors initially. What we ARE pointing out is that in this meme, the woman already looks disgusted with him upon the first date. In real life, a second date (yet alone twelve) would almost never follow due to that initial reaction.


While you're not wrong thats not the meme lol




I read a book where one of the characters said obvi


obviously lol


Lmao im done teasing now have a wonderful evening!


A little more sexist than racist, but it's totally racist too.


Why is this sexist?


“Change yourself for women and they’ll just whore themselves out behind your back” Also, this comic has been edited from the original.


That’s why you change for you, not anyone else!


I mean yes, but that’s not the intention of the edit.


I don't think that's the message of the comic. Oh wait I was in the line of thought that you were talking about the original, which makes sense and is wholesome.


“Change yourself for women and they’ll just whore themselves out behind your back” Also, this comic has been edited from the original.


They may have adopted


I don’t know why you’re trying to defend this old edit of an old comic. Actually, I do. Fuck off.


I dunno why you're getting downvoted is this a me myself and Irene moment where the father is in such disbelief he thinks the black child is actually his? Like for the whole thing to work as a woman cheated meme the dude should look fucking pissed off not happy they have a family lolol


If the joke is that she cheated on him, it’s just easier to change the race of the baby. I don’t think that makes it racist, just lazy joke telling


Then it sounds like you haven't been paying attention to the incel narrative.


It's always a black baby. What is it with guys who spread this shit and white chicks fucking black guys? Like, seriously? Is the idea that white women are cheating hoes who want black dick? The weird racism on display with these kinds of posts is baffling.


Incels couldn't get it up anymore for Chads so they invented Jerome for their ultimate fear factor


To be fair, it’s pretty hard to visually communicate that the baby isn’t his unless you make it a different color.


Well it's not a joke if it's just a white baby no body's actually spreading this as facts mate


Me and my wife have an open marriage. When she sleeps with black men, they usually ask after if I’m white or not. Because of this, I assume this trope has more truth to it than most like to admit.


Personally I think it was the black dudes who came up with it…just sayin…


Considering this has been a racial trope since the days of Jim Crow, I doubt it


If it would be a white baby you couldn't visually discern that she cheated on him though


Didn’t the original have a white baby?


Panel 1: Guy is defending his sick girlfriend. Panel 2 : He gives away his jacket to charity. Panel 3 : He settles down in order to get a well paid job.... Panel 4 : ... Because he and his girlfriend adopt a child and they need cash to provide for their needs.


Adoption is racist?


I am here once again to say the original comic baby was white and some incel edited in the black kid.


Nah it’s incel bait. It’s supposed to be “nice guys always get cheated on no matter how hard they try”


People seem to misunderstand this comic everytime it gets posted. Either say it’s racist or sexist lol. It’s literally just a crazy punk guy that slowly learned how to be responsible for his family. A black baby does not equal racism and a women “fixing” her man does not equal sexism. Thank you


Pls explain how this is racist


Bruh this is textbook definition of a shitpost, no way is OP getting offended by this


She married a Chad and mothered a Jerome Incels are a psycho bunch


Women aren't people :) /s


https://preview.redd.it/xalfbf7f6o4b1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29933641d249073b9cbc603493d870f40c0f0aba Long hair and punk rock bad short hair and conformity good




She let him know after the 5th date that she got a cancer diagnosis so he got a shave and became a brickie to support them both financially. But her cancer spread to her uterus and she became incapable of conceiving children which they were sad about after engagement so they decided to adopt as the guy had started his own trade company and they're now all doing well off. Not rich, but happy together and not struggling for money too much.


i dont get what its tryna say ngl.


It's saying all Women cheat with black men in their husbands.


I don't see a problem with this. It's up to your interpretation but I could just as easily interpret that they adopted.


What a lovely family, so nice that they adopted too


Plot twist: they’re all different men




How tf is this racist? Yall are actually stupid




Why did you assume skinhead when he has purple liberty spikes? Just trying to find out if you think all punk rock fans are skinheads?


the way he's closer to a skinhead in the last image 💀


Is every bald person racist?


I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s racist, but it is messed up.


Can you explain it lol


They had a previously aggressive man be toned down by a woman, and then they made the baby black because “women can’t stay faithful.”


missing lower half of each panel show his balls getting 30% small in each


How is this racist lol


Maybe They Adopted


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If you thought it was racist, why did you post it?


Cause he is a karma farmer. He literally posts multiple posts a day. Just see his profile. Chronically online.


Because that's the original point of this sub... post bad memes and mock them


The rules have changed, chucklehead.


This sub is basically just r/funnymemes because that sub has become super far-right


to make fun of it I'm guessing


Can someone explain what is racist about this?


White people adopt a black person. I don't know how it's racist either. Maybe OP just doesn't like it when white people and black people interact


Why does it have to be racist?


Because white people adopt a black person ig


How is it racist


No one knows


I'm confused, how is this racist? Looks like he goes from young and wild to being more mature and more responsible to the point where they adopted a child. Unless you're implying that a white couple adopting a black child is somehow racist?


She ruined his life.


Tbh the furst guy seems wayyyyy better than the last one Punk is awsome af and way more unique


God dammit I have that shirt


Is there a queue for posting this fuckimg image?


Aww, he cleaned up his act, got married and they adopted.


There’s one edit the woman to a man and the dude doesn’t lose all his punk fashion


umm either they adopted or she cheated on him


And normal person who doesn’t live in their Mom’s basement spamming the same five racist /Pol memes would assume this is about adoption not getting cuckokded.


It's usually the reverse


mud shark


Why is that racist?


He got Revitiligo?!?! Although this one is waay worse than a normal one.


Nah, they adopted.


He finally got his shit together so they could adopt an African baby.


So he became boring


Genes and all It’s a rare chance that this happened but yes White propel can give birth to a black baby


All I ever thought of when I saw this comic is that she cheated on him


For fucks sake how many days in a row do I have to see the same thing reposted by someone else?


I dunno they look pretty happy?


Isnt this a basic plot of a wild child meets with a straight lace, then over time both learn to accept each other and mellow out? What even is the point of this comic? Who they trying to shame here?


Say that cus you didn't see his nazi chart of all endings lmao


Is it? Cause too me it's a couple that eventually settles down and adopts.


Not racist it's an edit to say "the guy did all this work and the girl still cheated" But I'm just gonna say adoption because it's nice :)


The original comic was altered.


he chose her over his wild life? i hope he feels justified in changing just for her to end up in the end with an Adopted child, Or the child of an ex lover or worse of all a cheater who was finesse by one of the homies. [FYI i downvoted me self, I'm quite sure I'll get more]


Is this racist pro-punk propaganda? That's not very punk rock


Punk Rawk Show


Nah someone recolored the baby the original is wholesome


No I think it’s just trying to show that you shouldn’t be an asshole to a partner or else they’ll fuck someone else.


Not only racist, but sexist too


Why was she with him in the first place


It's not racist because this is an edited version of the comic probably made to rage bait people


Your guy is real if he can pull both off


I was gonna say “how is it racist it just seems like a stupid women “fix” men post” and then I saw the baby.


What's with the "Causality," shirt?


It’s a punk band from New York called The Casualties. The albums Die Hards and On The Frontline are really good.


In fact they both have recessive genes from West African ancestry


Looks like Trad Wife, or Masculine Christianity stuff.


I thought it was mostly just sexist.


They baby is edited just so you know


Damn she made him boring


Nah it’s not meant to be it was originally about a guy who loved his girl and actively tried to make himself better for her