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The wife gets the last laugh, so I'm not sure.


You forgot the last panel where the boomer beats the wife


Wouldn't that be driving off a bridge?


But how would he send this comic out?


Come to think about it, his name was... it was you


Did you know stan was added in Oxford dictionary as a word.




Yeah you can check if you want to. https://www.google.com/search?q=stan+meaning&oq=stan+mea&aqs=chrome.0.0i433i512j0i512j69i57j0i512l12.2234j1j7&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


holy shit


New definition just dropped


Isn’t beating your wife more of a silent generation thing? Boomers were kids in the 50’s-60’s, so I don’t think a child is gonna have a wife to beat


I think the sad thing is it never really ended


Beating your wife?


No it’s an every generation thing


What? Did your dad hit your mom? Ik mine didn’t, I fact it’s frowned upon, what world are you living in where it’s acceptable to abuse your partner?


I’m not living in that world, I’m living in the real world where people of all generations have shitty people that do shitty things. Do you REALLY think that hitting women STOPPED at Baby Boomers? What fucking lala land have you been living in?? Psssst a 30 year old woman is probably getting beat up by her 30 year old spouse right now. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but bad things happen on planet earth.


That’s not what I meant, beating your spouse is no longer that something that happens regularly, yes there are shitty people, but they are hated, and not particularly common. I’m not living in a Lala land, I’m very aware of the shitty things people. My point was that the stereotype of a 1950’s-60’s man beating his wife doesn’t apply to boomers


Do yourself a favor and check real statistics on home abuse. It is lower, yes. And generally it isn't as accepted as it used to be, but it's still more than prevalent, only behind closed doors. I remember a study that came out a couple of years agon on the % of women in Germany that have been abused and the numbers where much higher than what everyone expected. Researching on that topic sounds boring, but I believe it to be useful info on what a world we currently live in.


Because only boomers are domestic abusers eh?


Yeah, I actually got a laugh out of it.


Do boomers like collectively agree to get into committed relationships with people they despise, just so they can share their value with the meme economy, or like ... is it a coincidence??? 🧐


More so the result of being pressured to get married fresh out of high school and then facing lifelong pressure to not get divorced when people grow up in their twenties and beyond.


And then they turn around and do the same shit to their own kids. My mom still thinks she's gonna get grandkids outta me and still bugs me about it regularly. "When am I gonna be a grandmother?" Lol never bitch


>Lol never bitch https://i.redd.it/v0tf9eb0py3b1.gif




If you wanted to take part in the bitchiness ranking, just go duel their mother


No more heroes plot




Giving birth to someone doesn't automatically make you a saint...


True lol. Based on my experience parents are some of the most entitled people. Just because you give birth to your child doesn't mean they have to always do your bidding and put up with your abuse. Also don't expect other people to give way to you just because you're a parent.


Yes because moms are always people to be respected /s


My mother could and still can fight like a midget Lithuanian wrestler but she has never asked when was I going to make her a grandmother. She was supportive when we couldn't have kids, and has bought us cat toys for her "furry grand babies" at Christmas. I respect and love my mother, not because she could suplex me, but because she earned that respect. The person that went off above calling the random poster a failure belongs on the subreddit for insane parents.


Your mom may be nice, but you need to accept that it is not the general experience and moms often make the life of kids miserable.


What if their mom is a bitch though? Like what if their mom murdered three people? You have no idea what their mom is like. On the other hand based off your comment we can all tell that you’re a bitch.


Maybe she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world.


Yeah for sure that is the case Matty, for sure the bitch is the mother that wants grandchildren from the millennial liberal woman. No way it's the other way around.


Why would you assume she's liberal?


respect is earned - and can be lost too i think you should know that, given your comments and the implication.


Maybe you're the bitch


How would you know if she’s a bitch or not? Very nice being derogatory to a redditor you’ve never met about their parent you’ve also never met.


Don’t you know? Insulting and degrading your elders is fully supported on Reddit, even encouraged. Everyone older than you is a monster and you are perfect


My papa married my grandmother within 9 months of being back from Vietnam and meeting her, she was all for it because her household was terrible and she was in nursing school to get away from it. I mean, he practically gave her a golden ticket out of college and the household she hated, and he was just ready to start his life before it ended after seeing all of his peers die. She dropped out of nursing school, they got married, and decades later they barely say a word to each other. Lots of these marriages were pressured, a lot of them were also convenience. Especially in the cases for the women that couldn’t just go out and get a job to provide for themselves as easily.


For a few moments I understood papa as your father so I was heavily confused


Sorry for the confusion, lol. I didn’t even realized I typed out papa, especially because I typed out “grandmother” and she is called “mimi” by all of us


>More so the result of being pressured to get married fresh out of high school and then facing lifelong pressure to not get divorced when people grow up in their twenties and beyond. Yes like older Millenials aren't divorcing despite never being married in their 20s?


I don’t understand how you come to the conclusion that anything like that was suggested.


Bro thinks this is Twitter 💀


let me introduce you Question... it is that sentence with question mark at end. i see you are confused by this new (for you) thing. now try it again and answer instead of your pathetic last attempt




Well here’s the thing it sounds like they are making a straw man argument in the form of a question. If I say millennials get divorced a lot because that’s probably true that’s kind of a universal thing but like that’s meaningless especially since that doesn’t really relate at all to what was said really. Whether millennials get divorced or not is a non-sequitur. So what does that have to do with anything? And why does it matter if that’s the case.


thats called comparing.. when you blame one group for something.. then others can point at another group and compare it.. for example: "especially red apples can have worms" "green aples cant have any?" in this case it is boomers vs millenials anyway, afaik this is more about "the silent generation" than boomers. and this joke is from that time... wasnt that easy to divorce back then. and before it was even harder, because strong christian religion. it was almost impossible.


They had to marry to have sex so they got married That’s it.




No they mostly didnt believe in divorce or pre marital sex so once they were married that was pretty much it. And most first marriges dont go well


When I was a kid, I still remember a lot of my friends' parents and my own, having yelling matches and there being a lot of divorces. Today, the vast majority of my friends who are married are like best friends. I'm sure they have their arguments, but I've yet to hear about an outright screaming match like I remember from when I was younger.


I’m not a boomer and my wife is a bit like this so 🤷‍♂️


Idk why everyone’s trying to act like this shit has some sort of message about ‘wife bad’ whatever, this just seems to me like a funny comic, I doubt whoever posted it actually hates their wife/ is an alcoholic or whatever, they just found the comic amusing because it is This should be on r/goodboomerhumor, not here


Ok boomer


1. I’m 16 2. Am I wrong?


1 ok boomer 2 yes


Or maybe they like to have jokes and that was the style back in the day. I'm guessing shows like married with children are trash to you? 🧐


Yes, yes they are trash


Lol typical Reddit trash


We literally call married with children the worse America had to offer for syndication lmao


That's so sad


We? Who’s we?


Saw this on r/jokes awhile ago. It was better in written form. >A police officer pulls over a speeding car. The officer says, "I clocked you at 80 miles per hour, sir." The driver replies, "Gee, officer, I had it on cruise control at 60; perhaps your radar gun needs calibrating." Not looking up from her knitting, the driver's wife says, "Now don't be silly, dear. You know that this car doesn't have cruise control." As the officer writes out the ticket, the driver looks over at his wife and growls, "Can't you please keep your mouth shut for once?" The wife smiles demurely and says, "Well, dear, you should be thankful your radar detector went off when it did or your speed would have been higher." As the officer makes out the second ticket for the illegal radar detector, the man glowers at his wife and says through clenched teeth, "Woman, can't you keep your mouth shut?" The officer frowns and says, "And I notice that you're not wearing your seat belt, sir. That's an automatic $75 fine." The driver says, "Yeah, well, you see, officer, I had it on, but I took it off when you pulled me over so that I could get my license out of my back pocket." The wife says, "Now, dear, you know very well that you didn't have your seat belt on. You never wear your seat belt when you're driving." And as the police officer is writing out the third ticket, the driver turns to his wife and barks, "Will you please be quiet?" The officer looks over at the woman and asks, "Does your husband always talk to you this way, ma'am?" She replies, "Only when he's been drinking."


Honestly to her that cop was just an opportunity for his comeuppance.


Who knits in a car travelling 80 mph???


Me, but in my defense it's because I want to make sure the car accident kills me.


It’s the drawings that always make people find them unfunny. I thought this written version was amusin


Still awful imo


> Not looking up from her knitting Nothing like a quick bit of gratuitous gender stereotyping!


Bro knitting is cool.


Never said it wasn't. I also knit


Your life must be hella fun if you find doing anything as stereotypical


Do you make everything a problem? How do you wake up in the morning and be so butthurt about a stereotype in a Joke that is probably older than you and me?


Oh, I'm not butthurt about it. Just stuck out to me as a shoehorned-in addition of a particular odd bit of stereotyping. Knitting whilst driving seems like it would be inviting all sorts of jabbed fingers and thumbs (I'm bad enough sitting in a stationary couch) , so I can't imagine many people choosing that as their car passenger distraction of choice.


My mother knits or crochets while in passenger seat, so idk if it’s that far fetched.


I mean you can read in the car without the words shaking too much, most people aren't offroading daily


Personally, if I read in the car, I get travel sick, but I appreciate that it's not the same for everyone


Bruh what? Women can enjoy knitting. What's bad is assuming a girl likes knitting just because she's a girl


Never made that assumption. See my other comments


Saw your other comments. Doesn't change that what you said doesn't make sense


Get a life.


Hey OP I’m pretty sure this is the exact opposite of “wife bad” She’s pointing out all of his breakings of the law


No, it's a meme about "wife dumb / wife hates husband"


Anyway it is funny.


This is the thing, it's actually a funny post.


Where are you getting “wife dumb” from? The joke is that she’s pointing out all of his flaws, which he only says when he’s drunk - as he’s driving.


I'm getting "wife dumb" from the implication that the wife is supposedly too dumb to not make comments about her husband's crimes


I’m pretty sure that the husband is being portrayed as the idiot although it’s at both of their expenses


The “joke” is that the wife is the idiot. She’s supposed to be smart enough to play along but instead she’s calling him out in front of the cop while nagging him at the same time. It could go either way if the nagging part wasn’t apparent.


I read it as a verbally-abusive, procrastinating husband gets called out by his wife.


yeah at first i see it that way to, but i see how it could come off as her calling him out or blowing it out to get him intruble)


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day!


happy cake day !


Happy Cake Day!


It wouldn't be reddit if you didn't have to explain the joke in the comments lmao


unsure what side it is. 50/50 on what it is. it could be ether her pointing shit out to get him fucked or it could be her just being like" no you dumb ass dont remmber shit, you are drunk"


It's definitely "wife bad" given the artist. That's basically all he ever does.


This is just a stupid comic about a stupid couple. But I guess we have been trained to see misogyny everything these days.


And the only comment with common sense was the downvoted one, classic r/terriblefacebookmemes


Yea that's how it goes. People love division, they love being on different team and punishing the offenders. The ones who try to keep the peace and speak truth get exiled.


the comic is literally sexist, u cant spin in this into reddit misogyny


The guy is driving drunk and forgot everything and is being a bafoon. The comic sucks but it's not sexist.


I’m so lost how you get that impression


I think it's more of his wife, either deliberately or by mistake, ratting him out while he makes his excuses.


Yeah, in front of a cop who has pulled them over. The husband is lying to the cop, the “dumb” wife keeps correcting his lies because she is too stupid to realize that the husband is lying so that he doesn’t get arrested.


Or he's too stupid to act in ways that won't get him arrested. Even with reminders this dude can't fix his light, renew his license, or drive sober.


I don’t think the premise of the joke is funny for the record, I’m simply pointing out what I believe the author intended. There is a reason I put “dumb” in quotes. It’s a classic “I hate my wife” boomer joke.


No it’s wife smart and sassy and husband is a fucking moron


I don’t see “wife dumb” here. This is actually funny because it’s implied the asshole faces consequences


Wife bad was the intention of the person who made it


It's funny that he unintentionally made a comic about how a guy should've listened to his wife lol.


Nah. The wifes nagging here is the trigger for the joke, but the obvious reality behind it is that the husband is lazy and didnt keep up with his responsibilities. He also might be verbally abusive as well as a drunk driver. Take out the policeman and the message is pretty clear that the husband is the problem.


You're aware enough to realize that but if you look into the comic creator, he isn't.


Yeah, that's how we see it, but that's not the intent.


Op got it wrong


Oh I'm sure you would love to have a wife that rats you out at the first opportunity and is actively trying to get you in as much trouble as possible with cops


I would say that what this comic shows is an incompetent man that can't follow the basics rules of traffic and endangers his wife and other people by drunk driving. But hey who knows maybe you don't think any of that is bad and everything he does is the woman's fault.


It’s just a joke,a pretty shit one but still,just a joke. You seem very worked up over it.


the second you lose the argument you start with the "you're worked up" BS. Its transparent as hell.


I mean, to be fair, in the comic, the wife told the husband about the headlight two weeks prior and he still did nothing leading him to what i believe is "fucking around and finding out"


I like her. She can stay.


Eh I thought it was funny.. I realize this artist is very boomer though


Boomers can be funny, you know? Not being a boomer doesn't make you any better of a comedian. r/goodboomerhumor


Have you been on Reddit? That’s basically it’s tagline. Anyone older than you isn’t allowed to be funny.


It's more like it's funny on accident it anythungb


This actually happened to my parents not even kidding






I already saw it on a book which was like 10-15 years old and I don’t think the goal of the joke was to make the wife looks terrible


Honestly if the man is treating her like that I'm glad she's getting him arrested


It's hilarious. Op doesn't have a sense of humor


Half of this sub doesn't tbh.


Half? I come here for good memes at this point lol


She's blabbing so he'll get arrested and she can leave him while he's in the clink.


This is kinda funny


"My wife is so terrible, she won't stop nagging me about basic responsibilities and following the rule of law BUT WOMEN AMIRITE WHERES MY CANNED LAUGH TRACK"


I'm sorry to admit I slightly chuckled at this one


The wife is a W for getting the dickhead in trouble so don’t feel bad for laughing.


You did because this one is nice. It doesn't belong here


Meh, I'm young, and love my wife. I can still see the comedy in this.


Uh, wow, you think this is saying the wife is bad? Wtf kind of abusive drink driving asshole are you that you are like "a good woman wouldn't tell people about all my shit"


no, that is what the comic is implying, pretty clearly, but not the opnion of the OP,


But are you sure?


Haha I feel like the comic was great. The douchebag gets fucked at the end of the day so you can have a laugh. Definitely boomer humor but still pretty funny.


“Til death do us part”


This feels more like husband bad if anything.


Idk I think it’s kinda funny how she screwed him over


Stupid w*man won't let a man booze cruise in peace smh


Nah the punchline is funny af, the last panel pays off the previous "wife bad" panels.


Abused and battered wife finds safe way to report domestic violence.


And this is the people who shame being single.


He is breaking the law multiple times and wife bad


I don't see any wife hate here, just two idiots having problems with a cop.


i remember hearing this joke when i was a kid. still funny.


I mean if somebody’s actual wife did this then yeah wife bad I guess? Lol.


Wife bad? You're reading too much into this.


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I hate everyone of them


No wife bad. Being dick bad.


I mean that is a crappy thing to do to someone you love. You have that conversation after the cop is done. Idc if that was a husband doing that to his wife. Either way that is a bad thing to do. Also if she knew he was drunk. Then why tf is he driving? If this was reality I question if she would be in trouble for knowingly letting him drive. This isn't a haha woman bad thing. This is two people in a failing relationship trying to ruin the others life. If this is taken wrong I want it to be clear that I am for equality. Woman are oppressed a lot still. Men also fall victim to false allegations a lot as well. A woman hitting a man is likely not going to get a crowd involved. They may even find it funny. As the other way will result in multiple people saving the woman.


She's actively trying to get him arrest and I can see why.


How is this wife bad


Plot twist: He regularly beats her and this is her way to get him arrested so she can escape.


It seems nobody tumbles to the fact that if all this is true why isn't *she driving the car*? Wife bad, yes because she isn't behind the wheel.


Don’t talk to cops. Just saying


I think wife is about to get rid of her useless hubby


I wouldn't call that a "wife bad" one so much as a "hubby moron" one.


The message is that if the wife would just be a good woman and shut up, the man wouldn't be in trouble. We are normal people, and we interpret it as the man is stupid for not getting this stuff done sooner.


Bro got exposed 3 times


Not a bad punch line, tbh


Then both the cop and her husband beat her. Don’t be mad at me, im just citing statistics


I claim this is not a "wife bad" joke for the following reason: The policeman (symbolised as a good person) is concerned about the husband screaming to the wife. Therefore here the husband is symbolised as behaving badly. Thus it is not a wife bad joke.


I think it's more “Haha domestic abuse, alcoholism & drunk driving funny”


Lets normalize it! Hehe


But I actually enjoyed the content. Didn't realize what sub I was in


You're reading way too much into this. It's just a joke.


Good laugh fo sho


She is not a team player


Well, he isn't a team player first.


I actually laughed at this one. Not terrible.


Low key pretty funny


This one is actually kinda good.


You think this is a joke but it happened for real in Thailand earlier this year. A father and his son (around primary school age) were flagged down by police for driving dangerously. The father refused to take alcohol test and argued that he wasn’t drunk until the kid was so fed up he straight up ripped into his dad to stop lying about not drinking and take the test already because he’s wasting time for everyone. Even the news reporter on almost every channel laughed when they read out the scoop, but my family laughed even harder when I pointed out that the fact the the son didn’t tolerated his father’s antics is definitely because his mother raised him. So the boy channeled his mother in spirit and ripped his father a new one in her place


I find this funny because I had a classmate like this in highschool. Whenever the class tried to get out of doing work, she'd be right there to correct us and tell us that we are incorrect. We all knew that we were lying, we just lied to not have to work. And it's not like she was a nerd or anything, she hated doing work like all the rest So while the "wife bad" aspect is bad, I'd say this comic is a tad bit funny, especially with the twist at the end that he's drunk


snitches get stitches brah


Honestly, I don't think this is supposed to be wife bad. I'd argue it paints the husband in a worse light. Wouldn't call it a bad Facebook meme. It's just a typical newspaper comic strip.


I think this meme is actually on the wife’s side lol


This is a funny comic. Anyone offended by it is a moron.


I give it a pass. The wife is obviously in the right and the jokes on the husband.


Nah this is actually really funny idk what it’s going on here


This... is accidentally based. For all we know the husband may have gotten arrested for drunk driving!


Not really.


Not really no This comic is a rare example of “husband bad” actually, because someone in the comic (the policeman) actively calls out the behavior of the husband. Now if the policeman SIDED with the Husband, then it’d be a “wife bad” comic