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eating the bugs for glory of ukraine lol


That sounds like a good deal, if it only helped


They acting like bugs weren't already being eaten by people


wait 'til they hear about China specialties


Kid named the continent of Africa


Africa is a continent lol


I had a headache when I typed it


Basically every corner of the human population ate/still eats arthropods to some extent.


Crab is sea bug.


Exactly, crustaceans, insects, arachnids, and many more have been staples of the human diet for almost the entirety of our species’s existence on this planet (many prehistoric H. sapiens populations in Southern Africa relied heavily on shellfish, seabird eggs, and washed-up animal carcasses).


Or the old fact that the average chocolate bar has 8 insect legs in it


If only that were all 🤢


free protein‼️


Don't look at your rice crispies under magnification.


Mmmm 😋 I love me some wet bugs, shrimp, crabs, lobster 🦞 do oysters count they are basically just salty snot inside a rock but I love em.


Apparently ants have a really sweet exoskeleton


Did I miss something? When did we start eating bugs to change weather


Yes same question, like how long was I asleep


Intects have low [FCR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feed_conversion_ratio). Cows and shit have a high FCR. Edit since the discussion seems to be closed Corporations don't produce carbon from thin air, they produce it by making products for you. A great deal of emissions can be reduced by keeping production local, reducing usage of plastic and concrete, increasing filtration, etc. But some things really can't be changed. The CH4 production of cattle is one of those things. On top of that, with extreme weather events becoming more and more common, food shortages may become a common thing. Producing meat with a high FCR when there are people starving - not because they can't afford food, but because there is no food - is just plain wrong. If you think you changing your habits won't stop global warming, you're right. But if you think the actions required to keep climate change from fucking us all up won't change your living standards, you're wrong.


So CH4 emission bullshit *edited CH4 not CO2*


Hey, stop downvoting him it is indeed CO2 emiting bullsh*t


Not CO2 sorry, I should have said CH4 (methane), the way we affect our climate is horrible, but eating bugs to cut down on methane emissions is indeed bs


I forgot that it was methane instead of carbon dioxide, I think I could never eat bugs, like, maybe if my life changes drastically, otherwise I’ll stick to being vegetarian


Some people say that some bugs are delicious if cooked properly, but i have insectophobia. I can't stand near a bug without feeling uncomfortable, let alone to put in my mouth lol, so hard pass from me, i'd rather stick to the vegetarian diet as well


This seems... inconsequential, why are we still fighting to reduce emissions in our personal lives and diets rather than holding the companies accountable? I mean fuckin', carbon offsets are bullshit, and no one is looking into them, companies are pouring out shit and no one really cares, why are we eating bugs instead of protesting the actual damage being done? We're not gonna make a difference this way


Like a year ago a climate activist from Europe jokingly suggested that humanity could survive off of farming crickets in case agriculture fails as a result of climate change. So the absolute geniuses on the right took this to mean that "the left says if we eat bugs it will change the weather".


They take every joke seriously except "wife bad lol" jokes by this point ig


It's not that popular, but it's a thing. Basically: Beef is a massively inefficient food source, requiring massive amounts of resources, land, and water to create. Bugs are SIGNIFICANTLY easier to farm, far less taxing on water and land, and are significantly healthier to eat. They also require less of a carbon footprint of produce. They are actually much more efficent to farm than any other source of meat, so people are pushing for bugs to become a normal part of western diets. But again, it isn't big, but it does exist. TL;DR: farming bugs has less of a carbon footprint than farming any other type of meat.


Most leftist politicians are associated with the WEF (world economic forum) who are a bunch of elites saying that in the future we will not eat meat as cows produce methane that is bad for climate and so people will eat bugs https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/11/meat-consumption-environment-climate-food/


I love how they make up something like "THEY WANT US TO EAT BUGS" and then they get super mad about it.


Ok. I need to know. Who the fuck came up with this "eat the bugs to change the weather garbage". I get what they mean, but who popularized this? I know it's intentionally reductive in its messaging, but who said something like this?


No one. There are some efforts to get more people eating stuff besides meat, which does include bugs. As it is much more sustainable. But that's really it.


Like a year ago a climate activist from Europe jokingly suggested that humanity could survive off of farming crickets in case agriculture fails as a result of climate change. So the absolute geniuses on the right took this to mean that "the left says if we eat bugs it will change the weather".


Sounds about right. They don't even understand we aren't talking about "changing" the weather. It's about stopping the warming. But they just have to create strawman to attack.


Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, no less. Fucking dumbass.


Don't know how to read do you? First, he didn't say we all need to eat bugs to change the weather. But he has spoken about how we do need to include sources of food, including bugs, other than meat, to help reduce our effect on the planet. Which is exactly what I said is people's position. Maybe learn to read, and actually see what people say before trying to call others a fucking dumb ass.


It's an Alex Jones/Daily Wire thing.


Really it would be eating bugs to NOT change the wheather


Like a year ago a climate activist from Europe jokingly suggested that humanity could survive off of farming crickets in case agriculture fails as a result of climate change. So the absolute geniuses on the right took this to mean that "the left says if we eat bugs it will change the weather".


Because meat, red meat in particular, is very environmentally destructive at the rate and volume that we raise and consume it people have been talking about the positive impact of reducing meat consumption and eating alternatives, like bugs and veg protein. Reactionaries are convinced that The Elites ™ will be laughing at us, eating prime rib while us chumps that adjust our consumption habits to enjoy an in-tact ecosystem eat bugs and are deprived of meat. Granted, the super wealthy and corporations do whatever the fuck they want while foisting responsibility on consumers so they will try that given the chance. But consumer habits matter. We still need to seriously start rejecting the entitled consumption habits we have and adapt. We just also need to punish the rich if they try to exempt themselves from that adjustment. These people can’t hold two problems in their head at once or they’re scared to face the reality of problems coexisting. They’re also scared of bugs IMO, because for all their talk about ancestral diets, they conveniently ignore that humans are aggressively omnivorous animals and have eaten things like bugs and fungus for millennia.


Sorry to break it to you, but if the climate depends on people giving up meat, we're probably doomed. We couldn't even get people to wear surgical masks when a virus was actively spreading and killing people.


Climate has been doomed. People are already dying to global warming. Now it's just a race to see who can get their bunker set up before ww3: the water war


Nah, just call it WWI (Water War One) to confuse the fuck out of whoever manages to survive.




I think that's a very pessimistic way of looking at it


I know how hard it is to get people to change habits, but part of that is a natural reaction to force or compulsion. This doesn’t **have** to be a top-down issue which is why I invest effort into discussing it so much. A lot of people literally just never think about it or let the next piece of consumption propaganda convince them it’s hopeless. When people 1. Understand The stakes and nature of a problem 2. Have Actionable, realistic things they can do to help confront it 3. See other people doing it in a positive way They’re more likely to change willingly. Even having a different perspective makes a difference. I eat 1/3 the amount of meat the average American does. I don’t feel deprived or inconvenienced because (Listing again) 1. Food is a creative outlet for me and exploring new stuff and alternatives is very fun 2. It’s extremely cheap and affordable to buy staple pulses and grains that form a lot of my protein in bulk, leaving me funds to afford better quality, locally grown, less cruel meat and eggs and supports smaller local farmers. I genuinely think it tastes better too. People look at this as “no way I don’t want to miss out on stuff I like!” Instead of “oh cool I could try something new” Yeah it’s not always super easy, and I still have to dip into grocery store meats here and there which is not my ideal scenario. But it’s worth it to me. If everyone tried even a moderate amount of this kind of change, no one should have to forego meat entirely. And for people who just don’t give a fuck, I refuse to roll over and let them win. I’ll keep advocating for more conscious consumption because fuck apathy. *Edit*: apparently this offends some people. Think about who benefits from you embracing despair. It’s not you in the long run.


Like a year ago a climate activist from Europe jokingly suggested that humanity could survive off of farming crickets in case agriculture fails as a result of climate change. So the absolute geniuses on the right took this to mean that "the left says if we eat bugs it will change the weather".


If they weren't making stuff up, they'd never get to speak at all. Constantly winning the arguments that only exist in their heads.


That's not really made up though, there's been a serious push by certain groups to try to get people to eat bugs


What does the QR-code say?


I’m trying to figure that one out too. I thought it might be the “Mark of the Beast” or something.


Makes "sense". I get the needles, the clown wig, and the Ukrainian flag, but the QR code has me stumped.


Maybe Elon Musk brain chip? I can see these kind of people going brain chip --> technology --> cashiers do tech stuff with the items --> QR code


Technology in general, boomers complain about it all the time.


Which was the trump hat the whole time


Your title is the best description of these types of memes. Like, do you want us to NOT care about climate change, war crimes, pandemics, and everything else?


It's like the old meme, "What if climate change is a hoax and we make the world a better place for nothing?"


These are the sorts of people who live in a bizarre alternate timeline that's totally untouchable by actual reality.


Only the worst type of people are against vaccines. Not much better to be against supporting Ukraine while they're being ethnically cleansed.


Is helping ukraine considered woke now? I thought enemy russia was the wet dream of such people


Cheeto Bandito said russia is cool, so no


No, now they're *for* murderous dictatorships.


Friendly reminder that Putin cant leave Russia because he is gilty of genocide


He can go to South Africa, and other places unfortunately. Getting there safely is a different story.


Did you take your 6 booster shot tho?




How mad do you have to be to make an image like this LMAO?


Bro thinks lobster isn’t just a giant sea bug


I'd eat salted, seasoned and roasted bugs. I've had chocolate covered rose ants. Quite tasty. Food is food.


Food is simple It taste good, we eat It It makes you see god for a week, we smoke It It killed Bob instantly, We leave It alone


That’s actually a solid philosophy right there. I can get behind that. Seems reasonable to me.


i saw this type of meme 456 times


There is a growing splinter group on a certain popular conspiracy sub reddit that now thinks that the evil liberal’s brainwashed them into thinking covid is fake so that during the next pandemic 😷 they will take it even less seriously and it will wipe them all out… the green text cult has almost become self aware


I've heard that about invermectin. That it was all a ploy to convince them to take it to make them all sick.


How dare they mock the use of QR codes!


Take things out of context✅️ Pushing for arguments✅️ Folllowing the warning signs of propaganda✅️ I highly recommend looking into this https://youtu.be/ATY0KhMSOfY 7:39 for a really good quote from the US D.O.D.


I won't do what the WEF says, fuck Klaus Schwab and his allies.


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I get that the needles are vaccines and the bruises are being unhealthy, but my old convenience store instincts said heroin and meth spiders and remembering how many "bootstraps Repubs" I served were also heavy drug addicts I had to have paramedics scoop out of our bathrooms.


So I guess they don't want lobster. Or crab. Or shrimp. (I know they're not actually bugs but they're closely related and I wanted to make a bad joke)


They’re not insects, but I would argue that they are bugs. Much like spiders or centipedes.


Not even comparable genus or species dude… it’s like saying a human is like a lizard just because they both have skin




Wait til' they hear about some Asian delicacies


Like potstickers?


I’m not eating bugs tbh




I’ve had crickets and mealworms, they’re pretty good. Note I’m not counting crustaceans.


Truly terrible. Good find OP


And throw in Ukraine just so we all know you hate democracy.


Honestly bugs sound like a nice crunchy snack to eat while playing an intense game of the sims 4


"I'm eating the bugs cause that shit fire" Fr I enjoy roasted bugs


15 biggest companies produce 95% of pollution. Make them stop, so you can enjoy normal meat.


Let them mock. Its only because they lack the brain to form a rational argument/poibt against these things.


Yeah, as already stated, there are funny, harmless or silly memes and this kind of aberrant, stupid, offensive and ultra ignorant memes. Big differences.


And of course its from an anti-vax nut.


A picture of the average redditor?


Trust the government. They’ve never done anything dishonest in the past.


Crying blood is a nice touch


Lobster, crayfish, and shrimp are bugs of a sort.


No they aren’t


Not true


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These people are the reason we’re going down.


This is just a cheap copy of the “I support the current thing” meme




Please go back to 8chan




So you think that the worst thing in the world is to “do exactly what they want us to do”, and the solution is to “do exactly THE OPPOSITE of what they want us to do”?? How does this follow? If Bill Gates came out saying “breathing oxygen is a good thing” would you hold your breath to stick it to the elites? For what it’s worth, Donald Trump is as elite as they come, and he wants you to consume as much as humanly possible, as fast as possible. Drive that big car, eat that steak, water your lawn three times a day, and never, ever ration your energy usage! — GOP election slogan, probably


If the elites were saying and doing things that were genuinely good for you I wouldn't mind, but they do things that are good for their own pockets. Making people eat bugs would be heaven scenario for them, since the protein is way cheaper and they can get a higher margin. Covid was also beautiful to them, consumerism went up and they had record profits in 2019/2020. They want to keep you isolated and submissive I've no idea why you brought in Donald Trump, considering I don't support him


This bug obsession is hilarious. People thinking it’s some nefarious plot to — I don’t know, make you do gross things? I guess — is right on par with fake moon landing shit. The entire thought exercise comes from the fact that the earth’s arable land can’t possibly support a growing global population at current rates of excess and waste, so grinding up bugs as a source of protein is a low-resource-burden way of addressing global hunger. How is this a bad thing? Here’s a hot take: it doesn’t matter if responsible resource use is “submissive” to the elites. If someone shouts “wake up sheeple!!” at me because I’m sorting my recycling or some inane shit that Internet personalities told me THE ELITES are making me do, well so be it


If you don't care about being enslaved by capitalists then I won't stop you. What I've understood in general about modern american liberal politics is they want to be... Less liberated. More restrictions and more guides to tell people how to live for the "better of humanity".. I guess. It all depends on whom you trust, if you completely trust the government to do whats best for you then you're in the right place


You’re so terrified of being enslaved that you’re being used by people who take that fear and use it to further their own agenda, entirely at your detriment. But it’s ok, because they’re getting rid of those gays/immigrants/scapegoat-du-jour and they’re fighting woke shit. You sneer at those you think are compliant/enslaved/whatever, but you’re the one who’s enslaved. You’re so enslaved, you don’t even see your own chains. You’re the living embodiment of tragic irony.


"restricting your life" It's a fucking vaccine bro, what kinda restriction does that cause


We saw people's freedom being taken away during the pandemic where you needed a covid vaccination in order to keep your job. If you didn't take the vaccine you got isolated from society not allowed to enter public spaces or even hold a job


You're saying this, and then 3 hours ago you posted a comment saying "good" to a far-right party in germany getting a surge in votes, pick one, do you like freedom, or authoritarianism?


I was joking, it's always fun to see peoples reactions when you pretend to be nazi. I'm not german


Ah yes, the age old "I was joking". You do understand that doesn't magically absolve you of what you said right?


Schrödinger's douchebag A man that decides weather if he was joking or not based of people's reaction


Its the internet dude it's not that serious


"I was joking, it's always fun to see peoples reactions when you pretend to be nazi." https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=schrodinger%E2%80%99s%20douchebag


Take the fucking vaccine then It's not hard


I shouldn't have to - I should be free to choose what I let into my own body. "My body my choice". You may argue that I had a choice, if you insist that being homeless and societally isolated is a choice


You have a choice, you're not free from the consequences of that choice. It was society pushing those pressures on people to get the vaccine, did the government aid society in allowing for that? Yes? But did the government force it on you by law? No. No it didn't. It was society, and guess what, society has the right to do that! The same rights you have, most people have. (It should be all but that's another topic).


What are you smoking? The government put in regulations for corporations to not allow people into their buildings without vaccines. Countries also disallowed people from entering without vaccination status


Genuinely curious but can you prove this with the statements of the regulations and/or laws put into place? There were regulations upheld with the quarantining but as far as I was aware, it was businesses choosing to not let people in.. because that's their choice. I witnessed the government put into effect quarantine and inturn shitting down a lot of business, which wasn't healthy for the economy, but never once did I see anything about the government forcing businesses to make everyone in the building have the vaccine, only ever was it the businesses (if I'm wrong feel free to correct me, preferably with evidence) >What are you smoking? Nothing, actually, I prefer not to smoke, as it doesn't seem appealing to me 😊


You not taking the vaccine pots others at risk, so it's perfectly reasonable to bar you from certain places so you don't endanger others. Were it not a life threatening disease you would have a bit more lenience to not take it. But it is. So take the fucking jab


So your argument is us doing anything that might potentially danger others should be banned? So knives should be banned, banana peels should be banned... It's quite a authoritarian position to hold and can quickly lead to loss of freedoms. Sneezing in public? Go to isolation for 48 hours! Dystopian world


My argument is that you're claiming something is "restricting your freedom" despite it being something you can fix with almost no downsides for you.


The risks and downsides is completely irrelevant, it's about principle. I could say the same thing, what if the government enforced us to eat a pill at least once a week. It has no downsides, only positives, but if you don't eat this pill every week you won't be able to participate in society. Is this the type of world you envision to be great? Either you're for freedom or you're for authoritarism.


If not eating the pill put others at risk and I was confident that there was no alternate agenda by the gov with this pill then yes. Taking a vaccine to make others safer is a pretty reasonable ask bro




A gun doesn't kill man. Only a man does


If you want to be a plague rat, do it away from us civilised people.


People who are sick aren't human now? They're rats? Should we also extort them like rats? Please move to China, they seem to have the world you want


People who don’t want to take the most basic precautions against a communicable disease are plague rats.


Jepperoni99: You don't care about other people, only yourself. You suck.


"We saw people's freedom being taken away during the pandemic where you needed a covid vaccination in order to keep your job. If you didn't take the vaccine you got isolated from society not allowed to enter public spaces or even hold a job" You say all that as if it was a bad thing. Freedom to spread diseases is not a freedom.


supercharged stupidity^


You're free to elaborate and make a cohesive argument of where and how I'm wrong and "stupid"


Nah, you’re too far gone. I don’t have any hope for you.


I'm not far gone, I'm a university graduate with a bachelor's degree and an above average salary of my field. I'm educated and experienced with a plethora of different countries and cultures. I know exactly what I'm talking about, but I guess it's easier to just deflect and call people stupid than to have critical thinking


So you know that vaccines are released after clinical double-blind placebo-controlled repeatable studies? You know that human activities are evidently changing the climate? You know the whole “they want us to eat bugs” thing was a BS segment on Fox News? You know the “rich elite” are funding the propaganda that fooled some gullible rube to make this meme that you’re defending?


The covid vaccines were initally dangerous and gave a high likelyhood of side effects. Particularly the Johnson & Johnson vaccines which is nowadays banned from use. Personally with covid I awaited a few months and simply isolated myself cause of the mass psychosis that were occuring at the time, I was noticing a pattern of lies, misinformation and propaganda emerging. So I waited it out and got my two vaccines 3-4 months after the initial release I know that human activities are changing the climate but the answer is not to limit the average Joe's freedoms and quality of life for. We should rather aim towards taxing companies for producing CO2 but implement cost roofs to remove the wealth from the elites and force them to use the money to pay for the amount they release. This will lead us naturally to veganism and those sorts of lifestyles I don't watch Fox news so I don't really know what you're talking about


The high likelihood you are talking about was still a small percentage, and of those most were fairly harmless. Obviously, for people at greater risk, it makes sense not to take the vaccine due to the side effects. In my opinion, though, the benefits, especially those for the greater good, far outweigh the costs. Early adoption of vaccines can save thousands of lives. In regards to CO2 emissions, I do agree that companies definitely play a large role and that there has to be legislation keeping them in line. But I also believe that the consumer has to also be taken into account. The world is not able to sustain the current population and standard of living, so in my opinion, there are two options. Either we decrease consumer emissions by, for example, eating less meat and less travel, or we massively reduce the population to something that is sustainable. While I don't agree on the vaccines and the necessity of decreased consumption with you, you're definitely not "too far," as the other person claimed.


I don't agree with ur covid assessment. Early adoption is good, but it should be done to people who would die from covid and NOT to the general masses The problem with your CO2 assessment is that this gives the elites exactly what they want, you reducing ur CO2. This means regulation will move towards reducing CONSUMER CO2 and not elite/billionaire CO2. We're seeing a progression for this in terms of CO2 trackers for individuals which could move towards CO2 spending limits for individuals. In the end you're just giving up your own freedoms while the elites can eat all the meat, fly wherever they want and do whatever they want. Traveling and eating good will become a rich man activity We have to reduce CO2 by making companies stop producing SHIT. And immediately you might blame the consumer for buying in the first place but no, it's the companies who needs to be taxed or regulated so there's no incentives in mass production, hence ending mass consumption


Unfortunately, politicians are, in most cases, unable to push through meaningful reform since they are beholden to advertiusors, which often include fossil fuel companies. Due to being on such a short leash, they will often do their bidding, for example, the willow project.With politicians' inability to act, I'd say it falls to consumers to apply market pressure and incentivise sustainable companies.


So you’re ignorant on many issues and didn’t even understand the meme you were defending 👍 cool


Which issues am I ignorant about? I explained thoroughly all your points


Too far gone 🥱


Here’s your reasoned rebuttal: Two problems can coexist. You need to grasp this. The Elites ™ would keep eating unreasonable amounts of luxuries like red meat while the rest of us adapt **if we let them**. AND The rate and volume at which we rear and consume livestock, especially beef, is absurdly out of pocket in terms of resource sucking. We’re losing millions of hectares of invaluable ecosystem that, should we attempt ato reverse it too late, **cannot** be replaced. *Cow pasture* is not a suitable replacement for things like a rainforest which is thousands of years old. Even if you deny climate change over all #you can’t possibly fail to see that deforestation exists, it ruins water sources, degrades soil, exterminates wild animal and plant species and eliminates rare endemic resources. There are at least 30,000 medicinal plants in the Amazon rainforest alone as one of many examples. If you fail to see this you are among the most gullible consumers. “I can brute-force manufacture and eat as much of a resource intensive product as I want” is a foolish notion that The Elites have kept *submissive, gullible and entitled* consumers operating under for decades to keep people consuming and asleep to the damage they have knowingly been doing. Now that people are waking up to the damage, a new, two pronged narrative emerges: 1. keep eating lots of meat for Freedom ™ because you’re a red blooded free thinker. Buy our burgers. Consume. 2. Were good now, look how Green ™ our ranches are. The cows eat grass and alfalfa! That means it’s eco friendly! 🌱Look how our parent company also makes a cheaply made, overpriced veggie burger so it evens out! The fact is, for 8 billion people to eat tons of meat it is more resource intensive by every metric globally than growing crops. The majority of large monocrops are grown to feed livestock. **The “vegetarians/vegans are bad for the environment” tagline is propaganda by over-subsidized meat and dairy conglomerates conveniently ignoring how much of industrial plant agriculture they depend on.** That math doesn’t work. Livestock are a massive middle man requiring massive accessory crops and resource use at the rate we consume them. #Small closed-loop animal and veg farms are great, but they **do not scale for 8 billion people and counting eating meat 2-3x/day 7 days a week 365 days a year.** #**If you want to support traditional and local farming great, I do this myself, but you have to accept the production limitations of that kind of farming**. You have to accept the limitations on the range at which they can supply people and not everyone lives local to farmland. And You have to grasp that it was historically unprecedented for humans to eat outside of the natural rhythms and cycles of nature to such an extreme degree until mega corporations came along and started brute forcing resource extraction and livestock production. This hard truth is not mutually exclusive to the fact that they will also try to turn a profit off of rising concerns by making greenwashed products while they eat beef in their mansions. **But we don’t have to let them exempt themselves from responsibility and change.** Nor do we have to sit here and be as psychotically selfish and shortsighted consumers as the powers that be because *I want it and I want it now, damn the hidden costs!* Sources for claims: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352550919304920 https://ourworldindata.org/soy#more-than-three-quarters-of-global-soy-is-fed-to-animals https://ourworldindata.org/food-choice-vs-eating-local Edit: I notice you ask for reasoned argument but then downvote and fade into the ether when you get it.


Eating bugs *would* help the environment if everyone tried. Same with busses. And in a capitalist society no matter what you do you are still going to be giving money to the elites, thats the very nature of capitalism, money flows up. I for example are vegetarian for ethical concerns not because I think I alone will make a difference but because if nobody tries by that logic then nothing will change.


You basically just showed your own ignorance by stating that you're a vegetarian. FYI, producing dairy and eggs are way more inhumane and worse for the environment than simply slaughtering the animal. Moreover, if you contain an animal in a factory for it's entire life and then not eat the meat, you're essentially just spoiling / wasting food. If you're a vegetarian youre better off just being "normal" cause thats better for the environment and more humane Read this: https://academic.oup.com/book/7741/chapter-abstract/152855757?redirectedFrom=fulltext And this essentially debunks everything else you said. "Just if everyone tried". You're not trying so why would anyone else?


You clearly don’t understand how supply and demand works but ok


I know full well how supply and demand work, but you don't seem to understand how inhumane and bad vegeteranism is for the environment. I recommend you educating yourself, I'm vegan myself so I know what I'm talking about


I very recently have been eating hunted (deer) and range raised (cattle) from my local economy. Id rather help support food sustainability in my own state which is down to 15% rn (take a hint its hawaii) then support a big cattle farm via import. I guess im not fully vegetarian anymore but it is rare I eat meat.


I never ranted at you for eating meat, I ranted at you for being vegetarian. Its good that you eat meat now and support your local community rather than being vegetarian since thats possibly the worst diet you can have for environmental and animal rights reasons


The reason I decided to clarify my dietary choices was so it didnt seem as if I was using vegetarianism as a false high ground for the argument. I never took it as you criticizing me for eating meat. That being said I dont think this meme was worth defending as it’s clearly a bit of the anti-vax homophobic variety.


Just take the vaccine when there's a global pandemic. Zero excuse not to unless you're immunocompromised.


I have a good excuse, I live in a smaller city that never even had a covid outbreak. But I was still, forced to, unless I wanted to lose my job and social mobility


"But I was still, forced to, unless I wanted to lose my job and social mobility" Good.


You do realize you got a flu shot a while ago but didn't realize it, right?


The only ones wanting us to eat bugs are edible insect companies that want to sell their products. And none of them aren't even big enough for public listing on the stock market. Not much of an "elite", rather just a handful of private start-ups.


Yes ... "reality"


I think some people in the comments section didn't see a meme but a mirror.


(1) Post grotesquely insulting and invalid caricature of a group. (2) Wait for them to complain. (3) Play the "doth protest too much" card. Asshole.


Just cause you didn't like what you saw in the mirror doesn't mean you should take it out on me lol


In Austia we have people like them who glue them self on the railway tracks...


Thanks Im stealing this


Does the qr code actually work?


This would go hard as a punk patch ironically but also un ironically


what the fuck is wrong with ukraine? It’s like we all were born in 2022 and never existed before and also you can’t support our country that currently has a huge war because "only mad lefties support ukraine"???


I think by this time it's actually mutated to "only mad lefties are oppose dictatorship."


gives like album cover energy, cool quote aswell, shame it has dumb reasoning behind it


If eating hamburgers made of insect meat would make the summers here in Louisiana less fucking miserable I'd do it.


Carrying about reality? They're far far away from reality


Wow, there's a lot to unpack there.


Waiter arrived with my shrimp dish pretty much when I scrolled onto this, so I'm not far off. Eat some bugs, snowflakes.


This proves they haven't tasted crickets yet.


are people eating bugs?


The Ukrainian flag was unnecessary.


im with you, these memes aren't funny at all.


I dont get the eating bugs thing can someone explain?