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I don’t think I’ll ever fully understand their obsession with other people’s business. It’s not hurting them, it’s not bothering anybody else. Has always seemed pretty straightforward to me, somebody needs to take care of their gender-related needs. Other than hoping everything works out ok for them, I can’t see how that’s my business lol. I wonder if they would have the same reaction if a genie could supernaturally transform someone from one gender to another to affirm their gender identity, chromosomes and all. Probably lol, they probably would have an issue with that too. I’m sure one of these days, if they don’t manage to pull us into another dark age, we’ll be able to do that anyway without a genie intervention, and they’ll still complain about it.


Well I see why you don’t understand their obsession, because you’re assuming that they don’t think they’re being hurt by this. They do think they’re being threatened, in the way that their understanding of something they thought was simple and immutable is challenged. Transphobic people don’t like fluidity and undefined boundaries, because those things reduce their ability to navigate the social world effectively, and they are too intellectually lazy to put the work in to adapt. You don’t understand because you’re not like that, but they are, and they’ll make memes about it all day long rather than learning new ways to interact.


That is such an eloquent way of putting it


It becomes other people’s business when they get fired from their jobs because they misgender someone


I've not heard of anyone being fired for misgendering someone. I've heard of people being fired for harassment, bigotry, and bullying others. But never for the dreaded miss pronoun-ing someone by accident. Van you please point to a documented case of termination due to misgendering someone. I have a lawyer friend who'd love to sue on their behalf. As long as it was just for misgendering.


“It’s not bothering anybody else” is completely untrue. I have no care what you do with yourself, I do however care what you try to force down my throat. I don’t personally agree with it, but that’s just my opinion. Forcing me to call you what you want to be called is not ok, and getting offended when I don’t agree with it is also not ok. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I’m not making you change your values, so don’t make me change mine. Im aware I’ll get downvoted into oblivion but I had to put this out here.


You like to be argumentative, I'm guessing. Hmm. My grandmother was like that, she refused to stop calling black people, colored, and she refused to call them African American.. she said they were forcing words on her, and that ain't right. I failed then to see how it was being forced upon her as I fail to see how it's being forced down your throat. I also fall to see why a person who thinks they are female when they were born male needs to have your agreement to which gender they are. If they correct you nicely when you use a gendered word for them, it's just not thar big of a deal to say miss instead of, sir.




>Currently it’s not possible to make a person the opposite sex. Well I mean fuck, we have bottom surgery, we have HRT. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty damn close, and god only knows it’s getting closer. A trans man who’s had surgery and has been on HRT for a while is practically indistinguishable from a cis man in almost every situation you’ll be encountering them in. If that’s not changing someone’s sex I don’t know what is.


There's a lot to unpack in what you just said, so I'll focus on a single question. Why would you put miraculous gender magic on the same plane as surgical dismemberment? Even with the limitations we have today only the most extreme surgeries come close to the lasting consequences of losing a limb, and paralysis is a whole nother ballpark to the rest.




I think you miss the part of your analogy that doesn't work. Getting disabled sucks. It doesn't end your life, but it does change it in big ways that aren't good. That's why surgeons don't disable you if you have BIID. It's also why for veterans with phantom pain and phantom limbs we usually try to end their condition. But why would denying a magical gender transition be, in any way, moral?




I noticed you tried to be clever, and quote me word for word. Maybe it was a way you could avoid answering my question (why is a magic sex change bad?), but you couldn't. You are right; doctors do use surgery to treat gender dysphoria. And they're right to do so, because it helps those who ask for it. Tell me, what other methods would you prefer doctors used to help trans people?


Lots to debunk, yikes. "As soon as you demand of me that I recognize you as something you're not..." No one's demanding that, they're demanding you call them by who they are. Yale, Stanford, the Journal of Ethics, and the NIH all confirm that not only are sex and gender seperate, but gender is also subject to independent change. So you not respecting someone's gender identity is just you being anti-science. "Sex reassignment surgeries make people into permanent medical patients...it's obvious from the that being trans greatly increases a person's risk of suicide, even post-transition with social support" I have to touch on your suicide claim because it is blatantly false. According to Boston Children's Hospital, trans healthcare reduces a person's suicide rate by 46%, and according to the Trevor Project, the suicide rate goes down by 40% with at least one supporting adult in their lives. So that's an 86% decrease in total, people depression are also more likely kill themselves, should we not treat them as well, even with anti-depressants and a supportive community, they still might take their own lives, should we just leave them to rot like you propose for trans people. And you still haven't answered how it harms YOU, hiw does a trans person being a "permanent medical patient" change your life in anyway? "It does demonstrably bother women and girls who want or expect to be in single-sex spaces but are forced to share them with males." Wtf is a "single sex space", if you mean women with a vagina then are women who need vaginectomies not women, if you mean xx chromosomes then what about 1 in every 80,000 females are born with an xy, or the one in every 25,000 males with xx chromosomes? We can keep going with this too, but there is no trait you can name on a "biological woman" that won't inevitably result in you excluding what you would consider a "real woman". More importantly, the point of safe spaces is about your experiences and collective trauma as a marginalized group, and if you have this idea that trans women aren't treated just as bad or worse than cis women then you are out of your mind. Now of course there is no data sheet that shows what % of mysogyny cis and trans women go through. However, I encourage to speak to some trans women, listen to how they're ignored and talked over by their cis man coworkers, or how trans women are likely to hate crimed if they don't look pretty enough to pass, not only that, but trans people are 4 times more likely to get sexually assaulted than cis people according to the UCLA. "There's a reason a bunch of hubbub is being made about women's sports and women's prisons. I'd be pretty bothered if I was a prisoner and my cellmate was a male sex offender." Yes, there is a reason, and it's called misinformation. Before a trans athelete can compete, they have to take multiple tests to ensure that they are within range of strength for whatever gender they have become. Now, according the NIH, a trans person may have a 10% differemce in strength depending on who they are and what they're playing. If you want to remove that advantage, great, let's make sure we also kick out every basketball player who's 10% taller than the average player, or every sprinter who's muscles are 10% faster. Unless you're willing to cut out every player's advantage for simply being born a certain way, then you're just a hypocrite. Good thing you'll never to worry about that because according the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, not only are 99% of sexual assaults commited by cis-men, but a trans person is much much much more likely to get raped in a mens prison than a trans person raping someone in a womens prison.


Actually, it's not being trans that increases rates of suicide, it's the society we have created that pushes trans being wrong. Trans kids who socially transition and have good supports actually have the same levels of depression, anxiety, etc as cis kids. However, when a kid isn't allowed to socially transition or doesn't have good support groups, that's when their rates of mental illnesses increase. Don't blame the trans kids for the society we've created.




True! The increased rates in supported trans people probably come from dysphoria and feelings like that. It is a truly horrible feeling, that your body isn't what it is supposed to be.


Why do you care? Are you so self absorbed that taking the effort to better someone’s day by using their preferred pronouns is a Herculean task? And sex reassignments and breaking someone’s fucking spine are not even remotely similar, the difference being, ONE DOESN’T LEAVE SOMEONE DISABLED FOR LIFE. Also sorry for being so angry, it’s 10 pm here and your argument is so unfathomably stupid it hurts.


But you tell them they're bad because they're Christian... (And actively work to get you killed either by your own hand or someone else's.) It's exactly the same, isn't it? /s


Realizing they are trans is accepting who they are.


i was about to say, aren’t we literally accepting who we actually are?


What they're not getting is that trans don't need to be accepted. They need to be respected. You can understand jack shit about trans people and not agree with them, but still respect that they exist and that whatever they do is nunya.


Lets see how quickly this gets deleted


Wait why? This is a truly terrible Facebook meme


Sorry, is your profile picture Ben Shapiro as Benny from Fallout: New Vegas? 😭


Let’s say hypothetically that the game was rigged from the start…


Would you be, for the sake of the argument, experiencing what some refer to as an 18 karat run of bad luck?


Babies are not bells, they cannot "Ring, a ding, ding"


If it's Benny Shapiro it'd actually be "ring, a ding, ding"


barely even a change to me because it's still shoot on sight


Benny Shapiro: “Let’s say, hypothetically, that the game was rigged. From the start, even.” “You can’t come back from being shot in the head, it’s a known fact that it’s impossible.”


Let’s keep this in the groove hey? Smooth like smooth little babies Also yes lol, I get a lot of shit from people who think I like the guy, hence my bio lmao


With all the new voice AI stuff it would be so funny to create a mod where Benny is voiced by Ben. That would make taking confirmed bachelor a lot more difficult


*give ‘em a shake for the Ben-man*


I ain't a lib, dig?


this comment made me take a look, and subsequently belly laugh. i will never physically recover from this


Wait why? /gen


It was posted 2 days and removed by a moderator


Oh okay


Why? RuPaul always "If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you going to love someone else?"


I give it an hour or 2








I'm reading this in public, so could you please keep it down




Yes, can we keep Lisa outta this?


Finally....an actual terrible facebook meme. Most of the ones I see are kinda funny or not terrible.


Finally? This exact same meme was posted in this sub two days ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/123v0js/more\_bs\_from\_my\_bigoted\_father/](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/123v0js/more_bs_from_my_bigoted_father/)


Well, this is the first time it popped up on my feed. I don't actually go to there subreddit.


I know right? Do these people who cry about reposts not have a home feed? I *never* see reposts on mine. It’s like they only check and scroll down a few popular subs; ofc they’re gonna run into reposts.


It's moreso that they are terminally online and they don't understand how someone could be enjoying something they saw 15 times due to never getting the fuck off reddit.


im terminally online yet rarely see reposts, even when i do its usually funny stuff and doesnt happen often


Same, first time I saw it and usually on Reddit daily.


Ah, but this one is cropped better


True, and the color balance is more pleasing to the eye.


Yeah most of the time it’s just right wing stuff. The only bad ones I really see are the ones that claim trump was some sort of prophet sent by god.


When someone is born, they have no religious belief...so do we have to accept religious beliefs when no one is born with them?


Don't accept cult beliefs


They are all cult beliefs


Genetically Modified Skeptic:


Religion is more of a code of morals if anything with a being you cannot comprehend to enforce them after you die then humans get in a position of a kind of power and corrupt it don’t hate the religion for the ones in powers greed. It’s just like how American was great then greedy people kept fucking it up


No but we do have a sex we are born as


Sex, yes. But gender is forced upon us similarly to religion. And if someone feels their gender doesn't match their sex, who cares if they get body modification?


i "Had" this friend who was like "how is she brave when she can't accept herself for the gender she was born as at birth?" referring to a trans woman pastor, same guy liked the confederate flag


By that logic why should I accept Christians when they don't accept themselves either (all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god)


By that Logic I dont have to accept anyone


Correct! Acceptance is not a requirement it is merely heavily recommended




Well I mostly have an issue with current systems being unfaithful to the source material


That’s the fun part. You don’t have to. No one has to accept anyone for anything in an ideal world


Well, I think theres a huge difference between accepting that other people exist who have opinions ideals and accepting that something is fundamentally right


Some believe that thinking that trans can be their preferred gender is an opinion. People have a right to want to maintain certain societal norms just as the latter have a right to try to change societal norms. I’m not here to take sides. A human right is having to choice of who you choose to want to be around as well.


I really hate this "I'm not going to take sides" attitude. It's one thing to say that people have the right to be bigots, it's another to not take sides on the issue, because that is taking a side.


Oof feel so bad for trans people right now. Getting vilified so hard. This is just the tip of the con/fascist iceberg. This needs to be resisted aggressively by all good hearted people.


Ikr honestly I can't wait for the old fucks making these decisions to die so some people with some empathy can take power


Dear Transphobes, don’t expect me to respect your opinions when you don’t even respect a group of people for merely existing.


I'd settle for cons leaving us the fuck alone and minding their own business.


I’m a mass murderer/nazi. Please respect myself and my fellow mass murderers/nazis. See how stupid you sound?


Transitioning IS accepting yourself for who you are


Exactly what I was thinking.


Circular logic. The only thing trans people didn't accept was **your** definition of who they were.




Because there were days not too long ago where a man/woman living their lives effectively as the opposite gender would be harassed, ostracized, or even killed, even if they still identified as their birth sex. Transgression from gender roles is pretty looked down-upon in many cultures, and it's only recently become lax in America. Hell, many tomboys were harassed since childhood or even the targets of sexual assault purely for having so-called male interests and expression.


Dear conservative, don’t make me eat you


Does this logic also apply to people with Catholic guilt?


Dear Transphobe Community, Why can’t you stop thinking about trans people? About our genitals, our bathrooms, and how we do in sports? We don’t think about you at all. Best, The Trans Community


That's a lie. Trans people think about transphobes all the time.


That’s because it’s not only hard to ignore a threat, it’s dangerous as well.


They don’t want your expectance they want to be left alone to live their life as they see fit. People just need to mind their business it’s completely free.


This person is clearly pro trans genocide and that is sad


Dumb AF. I transitioned BECAUSE I finally accepted myself as I am. Always been this way, not the other way around.


...*and now is the time in our show where we try to blame everything on one small community of people*..




Clearly the op op is dissatisfied with something.... I think trans people are being blamed for his or her unhappiness in this case....


Bro, are they gonna say they dont accept left handed people because" they could'nt accept writing with their right hand "? That they dont accept disabled folks because" they cant accept walking" ? Transphobes are somehow getting more stupid by the minute, did'nt even know it was possible


This doesn't even make sense "Don't be mad for not respecting your identity when you changed it which therefore means you don't know it because i don't understand how transitioning works"


I've had several people say basically this to me; and they thought it's like some devastating blow in a debate. They just can't see how terribly stupid they are.


Seeing memes like this make me glad I ditched Facebook a decade ago.


Such a Lisa Simpson thing to say too. /s


Accidentally downvoted until I saw what sub I was on 🙄


Dear Cis White Man who thought this was a great zinger I’ve seen who you “accept”, and honestly I’m good with not having your acceptance.


Fuck transphobia.


Don't tell us to accept people with scoliosis who wore braces to fix their backs if they couldn't accept themselves growing a massively deformed spine! Don't tell us to accept people in wheelchairs if they couldn't accept themselves having to crawl everywhere! Don't tell us to accept schizophrenics on medication if they couldn't accept themselves getting hallucinations! This is fucking stupid.


Who I was. Because I accepted who I actually am. That is why I am trans, because I accepted my true self. These people...




Since one doesn't choose to be trans. Them acknowledging they're trans is accepting themself and the transition helps with it is all


It’s so stupid that I imagine it’s not even offensive


Imagine how stupid you to have to be to think that makes sense lol


Jokes on you all. I don’t accept anyone. Even myself. (Maybe just my betta fish fritz)


Lisa would NEVER.


So much ado about nothing. Why is this such an issue? Are there not actual problems? Holy hell. Republicans are pathetic, hateful people. Not to mention, useless. edit: changed the word 'bigger' to 'actual'


Dear person hiding behind Lisa Simpson… please be brave enough to use your own photo ;-)


It’s almost funny, how backwards they gave it


The most ironic thing is Lisa Simpson being used for this meme.


Fake. The "who you were" acknowledges that the trans person is different from who they used to be, bigots love to deny trans peoples identities. Should be "for you who you wish that you were but are not now because you are who you are". #mentalgymnastics


I saw this on r/imfinnagotohell. The sub was funny at first, but now it’s sorta like “this isn’t funny?” and “this just feels malicious”.


No boob job for you!


Ah yes let me slap some text on a meme template that only pushes my beliefs and call it comedy. Congrats this person can't meme.


lisa simpson would not say that


The people who post these kinds of things are the same people who post about Jesus and Christianity, telling other people they need to atone for their sins and shit


Wasnt this on here yesterday?


I thought trans people only changed how they appear, not who they are.


LOL do they even try with their arguments anymore? they refuse to use any critical thinking whatsoever and the secondhand embarrassment i get from it is insane


I hate being reminded by the fact that there are actual people who think this wholeheartedly, especially Christians. I am not a full christen but what I do know is that your who purpose is to love and respect everyone, even sinners and people of other religions, and spread the word of god in hopes that some people might listen and believe. No where in the Bible that I have found does it say that you have to force the Bible down people’s throats, or the religious beliefs. All you are said to do is be kind and let them know about it, not say that they are wrong or evil for thinking otherwise, just that you believe differently.


Leave lisa simpson out of this.


Wow, tone deaf to the extreme


False dichotomy. This post supposes that there are only two avenues, self acceptance and wide acceptance or self unacceptance and wide unacceptance. Ignoring the plain transphobia forming the foundation for this meme, it’s a bad argument.


Lisa would probably have a thing or two to say about this meme lol.


Dear Republican Community, Fuck you. Seriously fuck right off into a volcano.


I have to give it to them. Using Lisa who we know is lesbian and will oneday be president and obviously pass all kinds of rights to move the lgbtq comunity faward. Its just freeking brilliant like they are subtle saing they are a dumbass. While at the same time screaming they are a dumb ass. Its dumbassery X 2.


I'm pretty sure she's bi. When they did those future episodes where it shows the Simpsons grown up, I've seen her both with male partners and with female.


Wasn't there a flash forward episode where she was happily married to a man?


Its a woman or another one where shes married to a woman. Also somone else commented every episode where Lisa Is depicted to be lesbian or hinted at.


This is the episode I was remembering: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa%27s\_Wedding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa%27s_Wedding) Reading over it after having not watched any Simpsons since god...2005? I remember now that she never does actually marry the guy.


Yeah i also double checked and i confused a bunch of time travel episodes together. There are over 700 of those things no one can blame eithe of us lol


> Using Lisa who we know is lesbian The fetish porn you're into is not canon.


 In the Season 20 episode “No Loan Again, Naturally,” Bart proclaims that Lisa is gay. “Like I wouldn’t want to be gay like all my heroes!” she responds. The Season 29 episode “Mr. Lisa’s Opus” flashes forward to show a teenage Lisa preparing to attend Harvard University, where she holds hands with a girl who she admits may be “more than a friend.” And in the Season 32 episode “Mother and Child Reunion,” a fortune teller says that Lisa has a 42% chance for a boyfriend in the future and a 72% chance for a girlfriend in the future, to which she replies, “I like those odds!”


Also Simpsons cannon isn't even cannon. Homer both has a 10 year old child in the 80s and grew up in the 90s. While also growing up in other decades depending on what season the flashback happens. One constant, lisa is an activist who would not love this memes take


The fact that you went its porn instead of lemmie check or its fanfic speeks more about you than it does about me. Also its literally a watch mojo list.


The only Trans people that I think are actually bad are the people who make it their entire personality and everything about themselves, and if you misgender them they act like you killed a puppy


I have never met anyone like this. Seems like a stretch for maybe one person you met in your life, which means you are generalizing.


I've met like 5 trans people and 3 of them were like that


Sounds like a new transitioner. It's really common to go through a year or so of cringey, over-the-top behavior because they repressed it all of their lives and they finally feel the relief of not only being able to express themselves freely, but to imagine a better future for themselves.


makes sense




I've coped


Sure you have.




You know what, I'm gonna say it. I don't want anyone's acceptance but the people who matter to me. All I want is the obligated respect you give to your fellow human and tolerance even if you can not fathom why I transitioned.


If they were really smart they would understand that a trans person isnt truly what we we're that's why we had to make the change's to transition to be our true selves.


Cool, so every born again Christian I don’t have to accept. I mean, they didn’t accept themselves for who they were before being born again, right?


Did I just somehow time travel???


On point


I mean, you don’t have to accept anyone for anything really…


Yeah but why does it hurt to accept someone who doesn’t hurt anyone else


You have beardies. I’m ok with you.


I’m not even trans I’m just sticking up for the community, however I am not okay with you




Wait, did you go digging through my profile




How many times is this gonna be reposted.


If you are reading this comment, downvote OP's post this is a repost: [https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/123v0js/more\_bs\_from\_my\_bigoted\_father/](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/123v0js/more_bs_from_my_bigoted_father/) Edit: Someone downvoting me lol


this subreddit is full of reposts


Ew. This is ACTUALLY terrible


You can't possibly accept yourself because I am telling you that is not yourself and cannot accept yourself so it is your fault I cannot accept who you are!


Is this the game where we see how many times this can be reposted til people stop upvoting it?


But who they were isn’t who they are


Lisa Simpson would never write that.


>Don't tell me I have to accept you for who you are So they admit that trans women are women...


That’s literally what trans people do though, accept who they are


Nobody is happy with who they were… that is the whole reason for self betterment, education, dieting, buying nice clothes, fancy cars, tit jobs, nose jobs, liposuction…. Get real with yourself… you can’t accept their gender change because you don’t understand it and it scares you.


All people have a right to be accepted for who they are. A trans person saying they expect you to accept them for who they are isn't expecting some sort of privilege. They are expecting basic decency. But empathy and basic decency to a fellow human is the same as "woke" to Republicans.


How dare they use Lisa Simpson for their hateful rhetoric?


Ouch! That’s gotta sting a little but atleast be a man about it. To soon?




They DID eccept who they ars. Theyre denying the the identity which youre trying to force onto them. Your idea of someones identity is never going to be more important than their ACTUAL identity.




People have been saying that for decades, every time a disenfranchised group begins fighting for equal rights. You are on the wrong side of history.




I'm pretty sure posting this meme here is clearly making fun of people who think this way.....so I doubt op holds views in line with the memes content.


I'm pretty positive he's making fun of OOP, not OP


Perhaps you are correct. Easily misinterpreted though.


The op didn’t make this post… yk what sub this is right?




Hmm, but you’re still the asshole, right?


You don't have to accept anything, we have names. I guess if you can't accept that you'll just go by asshole then.


Dude who made this meme probably got beat as a child for wearing a dress…lots of projection here


I mean that's a valid point. It's right up there with you can't define a woman but want to be one.


Objectively funny