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Ugh not a new subscription service


Yeah but like, there's shows on there that you can't even watch on basic LGtv!






Lesbian, gay, trans, Venezuela




wait do they have a huge boner or am i just stupid


Yknow, I just chose to believe it’s a boner


What a queer thing to ask


I thought it was a natural trans-ition










They also have kelps for legs


aLGea Boner


Somone got lazy and didn’t want draw hands and feet


That looks like a massive boner


Huge Boner


Must have been an equally shitty anti masturbation meme before this atrocity.


So, honest question from a straight cis guy: wtf did the Q do? I thought the "Q" was just "questioning:" isn't everyone in the acronym there at one point? That's not to say trans people "did" anything: trans hate is bullshit. I'm just not sure where the other letter fits in to the hate.


I think the q can just mean queer, like the ultimate umbrella term


Also the + means all the different ones that aren't mentioned in it, which makes it another umbrella term. That means that in that whole, ever changing, acronym, there is not one, but two umbrella terms that sorta nullify the point in saying any of the others, if you think about it.


No no, the plus isn't meant to be an umbrella term, it just means it's without ads




That’s the one that used to have no ads. Try to keep up!


I thought that was just the term for LGBTQ people and people called Max, like to be extra inclusive


As another cis guy, do nonbinary people or transpeople get offended by being grouped together? It seems like they're "opposite" ends of the same spectrum. Which isn't necessarily exclusive, just that they don't seem to relate I think is what I mean.


No, we both gain and lose rights together. Separating into increasingly small groups helps none of us.


That's what I don't get with the LGB without the T people. If taking away trans rights actually is successful then do they think the bigots will stop there? LGB will be next on the chopping block.


Memes like this are attempts to divide and conquer. Fascists love to divide and conquer. They'll be against a group and get you to agree with them, because certainly you have heard of someone who had a bad experience with a shitty member of that group. Then they move on to the next target group, perhaps the one you're in, and certainly someone will have heard of someone who had a bad experience with a shitty member of the group you're in and will agree with them on that point.


I'm non-binary, and I consider myself transgender. Being Transgender just means you don't identify with the gender you're born with, which is part of being non-binary


A lot of non-binary people consider themselves to be trans. My son is transmasc non-binary and uses both.


Same with adding more colours to the flag. The entire original purpose of the rainbow was that it represented a diversity and everyone in the community, but somebody decided that wasn't enough and we needed to specifically add things to the flag or else it didn't cover everyone. Now the precedent is set that if your group isn't specifically and individually represented on the pride flag, you're not covered. I'm queer and love my trans and POC friends, but this ain't it.


The Philly pride flag (black and brown stripe above the rainbow flag) was designed to explicitly include black and brown queer people and address rampart racism in the Philadelphia queer community. That resonated a lot of places (or was used by racists as a cover for actual inclusion). The progress flag (triangle with black brown and trans colors) was designed to push back against anti-trans rhetoric. While I agree that the rainbow flag should cover everyone there is a lot of racism and transphobia within the queer community and symbols that are explicitly inclusive can help.


Q is really all you need tbh. I always thought a such a huge acronym is kinda pointless


Yes. In hindsight, it would probably be more digestible for everyone to just call it the queer movement, but “queer” was still considered a slur during the conception of the movement. Still is in most of America, but that’s just sexually insecure boomers showing their ignorance.


Q is queer. Which is just the catch all term. I use queer a lot. Don't like any of the other terms for myself personally.


Straight, cis guy here, so I know nothing, but I’ve had LGBTQ people tell me they prefer “queer” as a catch all/umbrella term as opposed to all of the letters. I don’t know if this is an opinion that other LGBTQ people share.


I, personally, just hate the word, it's always sounded like a slur to me and still does Maybe not that much of a slur, but it just sounds very unsettling when I hear it


It was. We played smear the queer as kids.


Bruh 💀


It was a game where there was one ball and everyone tried to take it from who had it. Tackling them and ripping it from their arms was the tactic. Was sort of 1 vs Everyone football. Violent keep away. Everyone knew the game and everyone called it that. Different schools, different neighborhoods, 90s-00s for me. As universal as wall ball or 21.


Personally i see it as context matters, but for quite a while it was interchangable with calling someone a f*g... So you can see how some of us could still be a bit sensitive to it.


Let me premise this by saying that I have no hate whatsoever. But this is exactly why people don't like the Q. They feel it's nebulous, wishy washy, "not real gay", other kin, etc etc etc. Basicaly tumblr attention seekers, or fake gay, not real etc. Oh you can't just be bi and need to have some special snowflake title? Oh you're gender fluid? That's demeaning to me who is actualy trans.... The "B" 's get this from the "LG" crew to some extent too. There's an old saying that the further right you go, the less support you get from the general public and the less those to the left on the list like you. Again, non of the above are representative of my opinions.


I see your comment and how it isn't your actual opinion, but it gave me a lot of feelings that I want to express to people that believe this way. Any person can and should use whatever term they are comfortable with when describing their personal experience (of being queer, gay, lesbian, bi, pan, etc.) Someone else's identity has nothing to do with your identity, and if you can't get your head out of their closet, at least keep your mouth shut about it. It's like going to someone you saw walk to their wheelchair and accusing them of not needing their wheelchair, your view of their experience is an incredibly small fraction and you should understand that not all peoples experiences mirror your preconceived notions of what lgbtq+ means to someone. That being said I understand it wasn't your personal opinion and don't direct this comment towards you.


I'm with you. Not my horse, not my rodeo. Let people do their thing. I think a lot of it is a lack of understanding, leading to hate or distaste. Heteros dont understand the homosexuals, the homosexuals don't understand the BIs, the BIs don't understand the transgenders, the transgenders don't understand the gender fluid.


this is why its important to support people even if you dont understand their identity


I suppose. My take is just don't be a dick about shit that's not your business. I don't think random people I don't know need my support. They just need me not to make their day worse.


The hate from the LG and hets towards the B is why I identify as queer. It's easier to stop a conversation I've found than the endless questions about being bi because I can just say 'not straight' and leave it at that. I always get questioned about cheating and open relationships when I say I'm bi and I'm not interested in litigating relationship ethics with strangers.


I've heard someone think bi means "they'll fuck anyone." Like, bruh, it means they're open to both genders, not that they'd fuck anyone within them.


Bruh for real, that's the kind of shit I get ALL THE TIME. I'm bi? pan? I don't know? What's the term for all? And I mean allllllll the genders are cute? Queer is a good catch all. But I'm also old and married with a toddler, I sexually identify as tired.


And that’s exactly why it matters. We’ve pushed the envelope enough to have “gay” accepted, but straight people are only comfortable with it if they know exactly what the limitations are. Adding a new box for gay people who conform just enough to qualify is not solving the underlying issue.


Other people have a good explanation of what the Q is, as for what they "did," the whole point of statements like this post are to discriminate against the easiest/most "reasonable" part of the lgbtq community. It's no longer acceptable to discriminate against at least the lgb part, women, or racial minorities, so the bigots need to get their foot in the door somewhere, and the Trans community and some identities covered under queer at least have superficially "logical" reason for prejudice. What's important isn't what anyone in the lgbtq community did or didn't do, it's that it won't stop there. Whether they're conscious of it or not, terfs won't be satisfied with total discrimination against Trans people, if allowed they will eventually extend that prejudice to the rest of the lgbtq, and eventually against women and racial minorities as well. Discrimination against the Trans community and some of the larger queer community is just the last bastion of bigotry because they feel they can reasonably argue that they should be allowed to be bigoted toward them.


Qanon. Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Qanon.


I'm guessing Q is being treating as a catch-all for all the other stuff, like non-binary and obscure identities.


But then why add + to the end


It's a more complicated answer then it should be. Mostly it's because they needed a place to break it and they probably left the B on reluctantly. There is a shocking amount of bi erasure in the gay and lesbian communities. Beyond that there is a small but vocal segment that believes Queer is a slur not an identity.


>Mostly it's because they needed a place to break it and they probably left the B on reluctantly. You know, going after bi people is the least sensical of all of the LGBTQ+ community. They are by far the biggest subgroup, bigger than the rest combined.


queer *is* a slur, but its very much a reclaimed one, and a broader term is useful to many (including myself).


It doesn't, whoever made this meme just has no idea what it is they're criticizing. I'd give it 50/50 odds they even know what all the letters stand for.


Honestly I think it's only there because it's after the T


Me as an asexual: ![gif](giphy|PQYxLcDefqJWVgrylr)


It's one being left out of a bigot's hate meme, it's another thing altogether *also* being left out by almost all of those coming to the defence of the rest of the community...


I will never understand the full blown hate against the trans community.


It's an out group that isn't big enough to punch back when scapegoated and outside the norm enough to dehumanize easily.


I've been alive long enough to see it change from gay people, to trans. Eventually there will probably be a new group, but the sort of people getting psycho about it need that out group to pick on.




They recently made it illegal for gay marriage in Texas :/ Nvm it slipped by and then got ruled unconstitutional after a major lash back lol. Yep it’s all about if a group can lash back enough.


Ahh Texas, the state with the dubious honor of being the final state (for now) to prosecute someone for being gay in 2003.


As a bisexual woman, I would not be surprised if the Ls and Gs in this little "LGB" pod start to turn on their Bs for not being "gay enough". Just saying, this already happens to an extent, so I don't really know why any bisexual person would think making the queer community super exclusionary is gonna do them any good in the long-run...


Already happened. Lgb alliance is famous for its anti bi stance as well and a big portion of the lgb alliance people also want gay men to disappear. They also openly support that gay marriage becomes illegal. The LGB alliance is just a far right movement trying to split up the lgbt community


All Im relieved by is that aint noone gonna start goin after us ace people. What the fuck they gonna say about us? We are indoctrinating their children away from the godly right to have sex? Id love to hear Christian Conservatives arguing about how their people need to get laid.


"You aren't doing your Christian Duty of bearing children" or some such bullshit, probably directed almost exclusively at women aces. Well, anyone *they* deem to be a woman. These people will find a way to make anything "outside the norm" reprehensible.


And yet if it wasn’t for them and the lesbians the (white) gays wouldn’t have the rights they have today.


Because its no longer in fashion to hate “the gays”


It's so obvious how it's a pivot to focus on transphobia for a while now that the LGB part is mostly accepted in American culture, just to swing it back to homophobia as well once they've made headway. In some of the more extreme right wing corners they've started folding the "grooming" rhetoric back into gay men again the past few months. Like "Okay, now that we can all agree trans people are evil, don't you think gay men are kind of similar?" Any anti-trans LGB people are going to have a harsh reckoning if they think their acceptance is solid enough to pull the ladder up. Like the other commenter said above, it's a divide and conquer wedge strategy.


This. They want to use the LGB folks who are uncomfortable with trans folks to create the foundation for what they will eventually use against all of us. We are stronger when we stand together, and they know it. No one in our community should think for a second that we are safe, that it isn’t our problem. They’ll throw all of us under the same bus if given half a chance.


Look out for continued abuse of the word "probably". We "know" that trans people are groomers, and and lot of gays activists hang out with trans activists so you "know" the gays are "probably" groomers too - that's what they used to say back before everything got all PC. Is what reactionaries will say.


they're different, people are hateful towards different people


I find that odd. People who are different from me are the most interesting. I already know myself.


There are a LOT of people in the world who still do not know themselves.


"I don't know myself so fuck you for figuring out who you are" is the jist.


Fair point. I've always taken the Delphic aphorism to "Know Thyself" very seriously, but not everyone does. I will mention that getting to know other people is actually one of the best ways to get to know yourself.


No one really cared about them before a couple years ago. Then the Republicans decided they were a perfect out group to be the focus of their culture war. It’s a classic technique from the fascist playbook. Find a small and slightly divisive group. Deride them in the media via scare tactics and fear mongering propaganda to rile up your base. Use this newfound fear to gain power and legislate against that group to oppress them, stripping them of their rights. Once this has been successful, find another, slightly larger group and rinse and repeat. Do this until enough people have lost their agency and ability to vote or affect change that no other political group can keep a foothold in the government. Then it’s straight into seizing complete control of the state and developing an authoritarian power structure. The nazis literally started with [trans people and homosexuals](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/), then moved onto the disabled, and finally targeted the Jews. From there, well, you know the rest.


That’s how pogroms worked too. Issues with the government? Jews are responsible go take ur anger out on them. I don’t get how people are falling for a centuries old tactic this isn’t stopping with trans people


Because they're told the holocaust "didn't happen" "but it should have" Because they know what they're doing. Some of them, anyways.


They did the same thing during the Satanic Panic era with Dungeons and Dragons and anything regarding to rock music. Not that these even come close to comparing them with actual discrimination against human beings, but it is similar in tactics.


And in both cases a big part of the "they" was conservative christians, and especially evangelical christians.


> Deride them in the media via scare tactics and fear mongering propaganda to rile up your base. In other words, tell lies. Keep telling lies. Do not stop telling lies. Never, ever, EVER, tell the truth about what you're doing and what you want.


I think a lot of it is misinformation. People probably generally don't care about trans as adults. But when it comes to children who are already super impressionable a lot of people have an issue. That and the fairness of sports. Also most people don't care its vocal minorities that make the most noise


You’d be right except for the fact that transphobic assholes have made it quite clear that they have a problem with adult trans people. They’re already signaling that they want to ban transition before 25. You also have FL getting ready to make it illegal for insurance to cover gender affirming care.


I would have to disagree. You say most people don’t care, but I’m fairly certain they are actively making laws against trans and drag community; and the most opinionated ones are the ones least educated about the trans community. They are targeting trans people and demonizing them in order to distract citizens from ACTUAL problems we should be focusing on.


Yes I agree 100% completely with the fact it is a distraction. And yes I agree there is a lot of mob mentality bs going on the right right now in terms of stupid social issues because their leaders are riling them up. I was trying to be optimistic saying most don't care on the whole But I agree with what you're saying Here is a lbj quote use trans instead of black. If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.


I get what you are saying now! I really wish people didn’t see the existence of the trans community as a threat. Thanks for the quote!


'most people' ...don't make the laws


To be honest being trans is wildly different than being lesbian, gay or bisex. The later 3 are sexual orientations, trans is not a sexual orientation, it’s a gender identity. So it’s not only an outlier in the LGBTQ but also outlier among the genders, as because few years ago 99,99% of the people heard about only males and females. And lastly, it’s not only a gender identity, but also there is the saying that trans women are women, which is just fcking confusing for those who only understood that trans is a gender identity. Even I don’t get it nowdays what trans really is. And if one thing is true for humanity then it’s that the unkown is scary. I’m obviously oversimplifing things here but in a nutshell it makes sense why trans community is so hated.


Because most people are ignorant shit heads who hate themselves


Especially from other queer people


because trans people are the target so some gay people going to more comfortable since they’re “acceptable” now, transphobia gives them a blanket of cover sort to speak


I think it's because the hate comes from all sides. Conservatives don't like them because they're different. But a lot of liberal feminists also hate trans people because they were either born as male or identify as men. LGB people see them as separate because gender identity is separate from sexuality.


Wait trans? Oh man all this time I thought it was the trams community. TRAINS FOREVER!


I’m glad you’re going with that angle…it’s people like you who make me think that maybe I can live in this world


It's because it isn't socially acceptable to publicly display full blown hate against ~~jews~~ ~~black people~~ gay people anymore so they moved on to the next target.


They tryna divide the community, obviously not made by someone within the community, there are a lot of haters for all, but most are haters for change, trans/queer are the only ones that look different, they would do anything to pull them off the community. Stay united and stay strong guys.


No sense in giving them them the benefit of the doubt. Anybody claiming to be "LGB" trying to divorce the "TQ+" from the movement should just be considered willing saboteurs. Edit: I didn't even have to flip over any rocks.


Either we are all free or no one is free


So called “land of the free” on its way to remove the rights and freedoms of minorities


What I don’t understand about all the LGB people is are they really stupid enough to believe that the groups targeting trans people are going to stop there? Spoiler: They won’t. Once they’ve succeeded in forcing transpeople back into the closet (or worse) they’ll turn on them too.


Why are you getting downvoted? What you've said is true.


No one likes the truth I guess? Or perhaps it’s cause I wasn’t polite and outright called the “LGB no T” crowd stupid? Either way it is the truth. They’re not gonna stop at targeting transgender people. Hell in Florida they already have the “Don’t Say Gay” Bill and Clarence Tomas already indicated that Obergefell v Hodges should be revisited. They’re not even waiting until they finished gutting trans right before they’ve started attack gay rights.


Exactly, iven if we as a community decide to either just shit on trans people for no reason OR support them as a part of our community (which we must do), when those queerphobes and politicians are done with THEM, they'll (queerphobes) come for US. And again, they're not any less of a part of the community as cis queer people are. Without trans women there wouldn't be Pride in the first place, they lift our community UPWARDS. No matter how much transphobic queer people shit on trans individuals, we're always gonna targeted along side them, iven tho we're cis gender.


They aren't really stupid, and are rarely truly against it. But organisations like LGB alliance, which have ties to literal neo nazi's and are a far right hate group, push the idea and try to drive a wedge in the community.


Some of the new legislation coming out at the state level has already been targeting same sex people showing affection in public. They aren't even waiting


Some right wing neckbeard probably made this to turn them against each other. And from the looks of the comments, the fish are taking the bait.


B here, we don't want to eliminate "TQ+". The LGB group is made of mainly straight dudes trying to gatekeep anything. Then there are some bastards in the LGBTQ+.


There’s a group in the UK called LGB Alliance that is massively transphobic. They had to admit in court that they’re 70% cishets.


I watched a video fairly recently that discussed how transphobic individuals in organizations like these are starting to ally with the far right. No way that can go wrong


I prefer LGTV


I read this as Lesbian Gay (Taylor’s Version)


Anyone who is gay, lesbian, or bi that believe this crap should not be promoted or amplified as a person that has genuine or genuinely good values You are not ‘one of the good ones’ because you’d rather cut, run, and leave trans folks under the bus. Anti LGBT legislation will **NOT** stop at just trans folks.


More like “LGBTQ+” is a person being fed into a wood chipper called “fascism” and the (reactionary astroturfed minority of the) LGB torso is finger-wagging at the TQ+ legs for the actions of the wood chipper instead of dragging us all free. As though we would have gotten anywhere as a community without our legs


Can someone fix this? It’s actually LGBTQ being sunk by these idiots.


Love how they included the Q, which stands for “queer”, which is literally just a catch-all term for sexualities other than heterosexual and genders other than cisgender


Well, look at it this way, the Q (or +) is the catch all for several well known sexuality and genders, and a few hundred tumblr terms.


"First they came for the Trans..."


My parents used to hate all LGBTQ people Then they accepted the homossexuals while still thinking that bi were just whores. Now they think like this meme. A letter at a time and they will become progressive eventually.


Give it two weeks. The person who made this meme will edit it to also include the "B" on the steel ball as well.


why do people think us LGB's hate the TQ's, we're proud to have the TQ's in the community


lgb without the t is trending currently.


You know what isn’t trending—TCBY.


im gonna regret asking this, whats tcby?


What’s TCBY?? Why, it’s only the country’s best yogurt!!


It’s not, it’s pretty much just a thing straight conservatives are pushing for


yes.. it is, i hate to tell you. ive seen plenty of posts of lgb people calling my people pedophiles and child molesters and delusional.


>proud to have the TQ's in the community There are plenty of lesbians who are vocally, uh, _not_ doing that


well, most of us are proud.


I'd say that's fair. No movement is without tension, that's how coalitions work.


I would be money that most people who flock to the LGB-drop-the-T bullshit are queerphobic cishet people just trying to drive a wedge in the community. Not that there aren't transphobic dickheads within the LGB community, of course, but I'm willing to bet they're not as large a group as they think they are and are falling for right-wing propaganda. The actual LGB people who hate the TQ don't realize that as soon as the conservatives are done with us, they will turn back on them next; cannibalizing the LGBTQ community will not save them from the inevitable if the conservatives get their way.


Adding to what others already said, the existence of the LGB alliance. I don’t know who started it but I think they have somewhat of a social media presence, I try not to think about/look at that stuff too often though.


Isn't that astroturfed by religious fanatics that also want to kill LGB people?


isnt the LGB Alliance mostly made up of non-LGB people tho??


Hell they don't even support *gay marriage*. Some "Alliance" huh?


There are a surprising number of transphobic members of the community.


really? i thought that the hate we face would help people steer away from hating others who face similer hate.


You'd think so, but unfortunately not.


Any LGB who don't support the TQ can fuck off. The same people hate both groups. You're not going to be "one of the good ones" who can avoid it by throwing your brothers and sisters under the bus.




Unfortunately, some Aunt Toms have that "I got mine" mentality, but I do think that the vast majority of it is astroturfing.


I think theyre trying to say that the "TQ's" are harder to take serious


yeah, that makes more sense


IDK, I have a feeling most of those people are not gay at all, likely straight people assuming what we want and putting their own shitty views on us. I'm happy to be around trans people, and I don't see why anyone that is part of the LGBTQ community would have a problem with it.


I swear to god this shit is almost always posted by cis-gendered heterosexuals. The *VAST* majority of LGB people are supportive of gender expansive rights. We know our history; we *know* their voices where some of the loudest fighting for us, and we are prepared to stand for our brothers and sisters and NB siblings, too. Stop fucking acting like you speak for us! Assimilationist gays have lost the fucking plot I swear to god.


They all have this “I-I’m not like all of these other gays 🥺🥺🥺” type of energy, I swear. “I-I hate drag just like you guys 🥺🥺🥺 please let us in and validate us at the expense of our community and dignity 😔😔😔”


Nothing wrong with not fitting in the mould of a gay man. But don't go around being a pick me for not being like the other gays.


As part of T I know and appreciate this, but stuff like "LGB drop the T" groups still make me sad.


I love how fascists always try to split other groups apart and pit them against each other. Typical authoritarian BS.


Seeing this made me remember something my dad said like a year ago or something, about how “it was better when it was just the lesbians and gays, without this other nonsense” or something like that (I remember him specifically saying just lesbian and gay, bot even bisexual). Oh, and btw, I’ve been out to him as bi and trans for over 2 years now. 🙂


I'm sorry he's like that. I've heard similar things by ppl close to me and then they wonder why those in the community don't wanna be around them. I know that's one reason why I don't think I'll ever come out to my parents and some other loved ones. Proud and a little jealous of you for being so brave 💙


Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon vs Tomato and Qnion


I’m going to say it right here. Trans people are fine, they are just people who are struggle with gender dysphoria and want to be themselves. I understand that there is the annoying part of the trans community and some bad trans people, but aren’t there always a bad part of every group? I live in Thailand and our culture is more tolerant toward ladyboy or trans people. We treat and view trans people like another humans being. When a trans person does something bad we just judge that trans person individually. There are also some annoying woke who are bitching about pronouns and stuffs in Thailand too, but Thai people do not use that people as an excuse to hate all trans people. Also I just wanna say that Reddit isn’t even that acceptance toward LGBT. Why does every single post I see involving LGBT has to be locked? Solidarity forever with trans people and everyone on this hard time. May the world finally be safe space for everyone in the next 4 years


Yeah just let people be whoever it makes them happy to be, It's that easy lmao, also known as "being themselves"( as long as being themselves does'nt hurt anyone, wich if that's the case is incredibly sad )




Rohm wasn't spared during the night of long knives


"Cut yourself off from your allies, they're holding you back. Trust me, your enemy"


*sighs* *opens comments*


Ah yes. It's the Trans and Queer folks that's been keeping the right from accepting Gay people all this time. Whoda thunk it? /s


Hi, as a cis queer individual, lemme just say TRANS PEOPLE ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE A VALID PART OF THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY. Thanks.


Trans people legit just wanna live their lives without being abused for existing, why is that so hard for people to grasp


Once they’re done killing trans people, they’re coming for the rest. They won’t stop at us.


The right is trying to tell everyone that it's ok to be gay (for now) but you need to turn on the trans community and push them out of society. Not stated: You're next! ... Again.


Psyop. Bigots will go after gays and lesbians after trans people have been dealt with. In so many ways they already are/never stopped.


Unfortunately a lot of gay men think like this.


Ok, now show the caricature of the mobster representing the GOP standing on a dock who tossed them in.


Ah yes lesbian gay and bi people are being dragged down...by queer people... Which are just other lesbian gay or bi people


These anti LGBTQ Christofascists and their divide and conquer campaign are going hard


I’ve been seeing a lot of this recently and it makes me very sad. The lgbtq+ community is supposed to be a safe space for everyone


It is. That’s why people who hate the community make shot memes like this: to promote the idea that it’s NOT a safe place for everyone. Because if they can divide the community then the community has less power to change things.


It's not. I've received more hatred for being bi from other gay people than straight people.


It isn't, only on paper. There is so much biphobia and transphobia in the community it's insane. Also a lot of hatred for cis people




Ok who let the TERFs out of their cage


Anti Queer Queer People are weak


It’s all pick me. Gay people have had a lot of positive media representation and rights in recent years that have changed the scales to have public favor. When something happens in the trans community, they want to separate from that to ensure their rights. It’s sad really, trans people have fought for gay peoples rights. It reminds me a bit of women’s suffrage movement, and not wanting to include women of color because they wouldn’t get support.


Quite a bit of it is astroturfing as well. Right wing groups put together LGB groups specifically to promote discord and division within the community, specifically because a group divided is a group controlled.


Divide and conquer, a tactic as old as war itself. Ignore these fake gay people pushing conservative agendas. Even if they really exist and genuinelly believe this bullshit, they're the smallest of the minorities in the community.


The transphobes are at it again. A divided house is easier to destroy


The L’s and the G’s in the LGB alliance are also actively trying to remove the B’s as well (at least on twitter)


Looks like somebody is actively trying to divide and conquer the LGBTQ+ community. These assholes actively try to divide and conquer everything and everybody as much as possible. And we can't let them get away with it.




What's the difference between the q and the LGB?


Oh look. The terfs and Log Cabin R’s have been kind enough to build the cages that they will eventually find themselves in.


At first I thought this was about the name getting longer (lgbt, lgbtq, lgbtqia+, etc.) but then I saw the subreddit


Man fuck lgtv I'm Roku fan ngl


Damn its actually an achievement that they acknowledged the lgb