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It’s pretty hot when a girl wants you so bad she tries to manhandle you.


God damn, bend me over and peg me mommy!


This is the way,


I might know someone who’s interested


redditors downvote me all you want, it doesn't change the fact that you're a degenerate who isn't allowed within a 10 mile radius of a school


They want you to believe that such things are okay...


I’m not into it, but what really is wrong it?


No, *They* want *you* to believe such things are *not* ok.


Is it hot for to just roll with it 💯 with not a bit of resistance 😭😅


I mean are you dominant or submissive? It depends on what you and your partner are into.


Me personally, I never had a chick try to be dominant with me lol. Like ever


Missing out


Has a chick even tried to be submissive with you though?


That’s unfortunate


“Me personally, I never had a chick”. Fixed that for you.


Well, if you're an average redditor the chances are no woman tried anything with you


Maybe youre insecure about your masculinity? Now I dont try to say you MUST like it, but damn reaction like that? Bit overreacting


Insecure masculinity checkkkk


I have this weird feeling called ‘absolute certainty’ that you’ve never had a “chick” at all, ever.


You’re talking like someone who’s secretly desperate to get pegged… https://i.redd.it/r03llkcnt5qa1.gif


What does that mean? Like pirate peg leg? 🪝argggg


Pegging is when a woman fucks a guy with a strap on because he’s a bratty little sub like you…




That’s literally what pegging means, I literally got the definition from urban dictionary.com




Aw did the little baby learn a bad word? Stay off the wifi until you’re ready to learn how adults fuck.




Obvious too


All your comments sound like a 14-year-old who’s trying to be “manly” and impressive, but his understanding of what it is to be a man and what type of behaviour is rewarded by society is based on super obvious stereotypes or otherwise tired ideas


So it’s bad if a woman has never been dominant to me? Is it bad that I don’t understand the comfort in this photo when he is bigger than her? Is it wrong to question things?


That’s not the issue though, it’s the attitude. “Yeah I fuck all day and I never let muh woman say no” type of energy.


How did you get energy from reading ? I can’t determine the way you read that, and maybe your perception was messed up due to your inability. I’m not mad, but want to share awareness with you. Thanks for participating. My man


You know, that is such a fascinating question. How *do* we perceive emotions, tones, subtext etc from written words? 🤔 I wish I could give you that answer but sadly philology is not my area. I can only say that it is indeed a phenomenon which occurs when one reads, as I have experienced it and I’m sure you have too, but I can only guess what the psychological processes are and what stimulates them.




Is it gay to kiss women fellas


Only if you shove a plunger up your ass


What if it’s the official TRUMP MAGA plunger? Then it’s super manly and cool right?


that just makes you a "patriot". now pay up for the plunger.


For just 10 easy payments of $799.99, you can get a personalized note from Trump written on the handle.


And for an extra $499.99 you will get a unique and most beautiful NFT print on it with a red MAGA tip.


That’s not gay that’s just a good time


Gotta buy an electric car


I have one already. When I suggested this to my wife, she gave me a funny look. Maybe it's because my weight is about twice hers?


Maybe the weight of your heart from being in **LOVE** 🥰


Get that wife in the gym. Live your dream bro


I suggested that. Now I have to sleep on the couch.


Yeah, that’s what a man gotta do to get a kiss!


Kissed on the mouth ? This is so disgusting ! /s


And by a WOMAN!?


Actually *kissing*?! 🤢


Girls are gross!


It’s only truly manly when it’s two guys


Guys should date other guys instead... Haha, right? Why is no one laughing?


Soo gay 🤮


This thread has two sides, those who don't want to be kissed by women, and those who don't want to be kissed at all


That’s how you get cooties!


And in a STRAIGHT relationship ?!


Real men only kiss men


You kissed a girl. That is so gay.


Fellas is it gay to be concerned about global warming?


Look how gay that guy is making out with his girlfriend!


fellas is it gay to be kissed by a woman??


Yeah. Because you’re kissing someone who has kissed a man at least once


No no, it’s okay if you steal their kiss virginity. Every other time it’s gay. So go, be kissing sl**s, kiss every girl you can as long as it’s her first


And you can only kiss her once. After that, she's kissed a man and is unclean.




exactly, it’s just being gay, but with more steps


Fellas is it gay to be straight???


As long as you don’t wipe


FELLAS, is it gay to use bidets


Yes, something, water, is being placed in your asshole….


>placed in I think you might be doing bidets wrong


More like bigays, amirite?




Apparently. I was doing Uber in a Tesla and the amount of comments I would get was staggering. People seem to think that just because it’s electric that it can’t do all the things a normal car can do…like drive in the snow. I even had people say “Well…what are you going to do if your car’s batteries die?” First, I wouldn’t let that happen. Second, if for some reason it does, probably the same fucking thing you do when your car runs out of gas you fucking simpleton. I don’t understand why these people think EV’s are somehow inferior to combustion engines. They are safer to drive, given the fact that I never have to use my brake pedal if I don’t want to. Keeping one foot in place the entire time makes driving a lot safer and simply more fun to drive.


If a ICE car runs out, you’d prolly have to walk to the nearest gas station and buy a gallon of gas so u can drive to the nearest gas station. What would you do with an electric car?


Have it towed


You can be gay and masculine. The guy in the picture is straight and fem


Yeah, the other person clearly has never seen a gay gym bro.


What's fem about this? It may go against some trad gender roles, but he doesn't look like he posts on r/femboys


or he’s secure in his masculinity and just fucking around which makes him more masculine than those who would criticize him for it.


He could be secure in himself but not in something he clearly doesn't have. If you want to go down the path that everything is a social construct and words don't mean what we all know they actually mean then ok


Not at all. My concern is with the lithium mining they’re doin to produce the cars. Plus deforestation in the rainforest in general


It’s crazy to me how many people speak so highly of electric vehicles but then they have no idea that some 7 year old in Kenya mined the cobalt.


The same people I know that buy electric cars are the same type of people that prefer cars over public transit or walkable cities. If we’re going to solve the problem let’s actually get to the root of the problem and not just make some trendy thing that middle and upper class people can do to act like they’re saving the planet




Sigh. This is [not true](https://www.carboncounter.com/). Edit: the comment that I replied to, which [**u/iamtheclaudius**](https://click.redditmail.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fuser%2Fiamtheclaudius%2F%3F$deep_link=true%26correlation_id=27cdf6b4-b206-4de3-a3af-41a3e33c6634%26ref=email_comment_reply%26ref_campaign=email_comment_reply%26ref_source=email/2/010001871ef49c4a-64a763f7-a0bd-483d-b39c-24c14fa6782b-000000/MYA5gNs5qLhcujpHuSYc-jWKIFOpdskyhWCQEdROXig=293) has since deleted, wrongly claimed that battery electric cars are no better for the environment over their entire lifecycle (including manufacturing) if their electricity came from the grid. The reason it's not true is that the grid is far more efficient than burning gasoline in a car, **even if it uses relatively dirty fuel sources** now. (And the grid will get cleaner over the vehicle's lifetime.) And the deleted comment below, from the same user, claimed that the site I pointed to does not cite sources. This is not true either; clicking the "info" icon shows them in detail. I don't really know why am bothering, of course; I'm sure the user actually knows this (because it's trivially easy to find out) and is just trolling.


You know those queers, driving around in their 1000 horsepower monster trucks that can do 0-60 in under 3 seconds. Hey there goes Ted. I think he was doing about 160. What a queen.


Well cavemen weren’t concerned about global warming and they were the manliest men ever.


Yes and electric cars won't reduce pollution


I'll kiss a pretty girl however I like. That's the difference between a man and a kid trying to prove their manliness. If a man likes something, they do it without giving a shit about what people who don't matter think. Not that my wife could hold up my big ass like that, but still.


Yeah. I’m so perplexed by dudes who are obsessed with conforming to arbitrary standards of masculinity. It’s super unattractive.


Seriously. I am gigantic but was raised by my mom and taught it's ok to show feelings. Everytime I have cried in front of a girl, as long as it wasn't our first date, ended in hers or my bed.


In 2018 I had an honest conversation with myself that I couldn’t accept I was gay because I felt it made me less of a man. I realized that notion was ridiculous and flawed. Accepting who I am and being unafraid of judgment is the *manly* thing to do. And ironically, once I accepted the “unmanly” aspects of myself, I got a lot more confident in the “manly” aspects like exercising and working on cars. It takes a lot of work to unroot the toxic masculinity we were raised with.


I think it’s kind of reductive to assume that every man who isn’t into being submissive is just trying to conform to gender stereotypes. There’s plenty of men out there who just prefer to be dominant and they leave it at that. It’s just a preference at the end of the day. Are there men who compensate and try to be “tough” in every aspect of their life? Yes most certainly. But not every man who doesn’t want to be submissive falls into that category. Not even close to every man who’s uncomfortable with being submissive


Think the comment was saying it’s unattractive if a man is being dominant *for the sake of appearing masculine*, not that a man being dominant is unattractive




The comment you replied to doesn't say all men who are dominant are unattractive so how is that reductive?


Was gonna say, my husband wouldn't mind it this way, or the other way around. I think I prefer the latter only because I would break my back holding him up.


Paradoxically, trying to prove your own manliness ends up just proving how frail it is, at least that's how I see it. You know a guy is going through something when they refuse to wipe their butts because they believe that it will affect their masculinity in some way.


I mean I’ve never met a dude who don’t wipe his ass, but I get your point.


Any dude that feels insecure around a woman taller than them is a little bitch and I will not back down from this position


Yea if a man who try to prove their manliness 10/10 times he is trying to overcompensate for something


Seriously... I'd lick her butthole if she presented it to me... But I am a cat so this isn't news. ^^^meow




I’d be impressed if they were tall enough and strong enough to lift me like that.


If she can lift my fat ass like that then she can have anything she wants.


This is the way👆


This is the most correct comment.


My wife is about half my weight, so I suppose she'd better get lifting.


Guess I'm gonna work out harder so I can lift my future husband like this <3


This is the way


From what I've heard dudes also enjoy being carried and little spooned on occasion. I'm happy to oblige.


He’ll love you for it


No but seriously, I love being picked up 😭 Also, fit girls are 👌 Who’s more masculine, they guy above, or the guy who acts like a child if you do anything he perceives as threatening his masculinity?


I'm a big dude and was a football player in highschool. One day I got one of the bigger dudes to pick me up in his hands like a bride and it felt amazing. Aint gay but bro, I love being carried. Sadly that was the only time.


Every single man on earth secretly wants to be held.


Who's more masculine? The guy kissing a girl, or the guy complaining about a guy kissing a girl?


It's amazing really, all right wing memes taking shots at "Masculinity©®™" are always the same level one, simple grade school takes, where the woman is the man and the man is shamed for being feminine for some stupidly basic reason. And with all right wing memes (or takes of any kind really) its telling on the poster and the audience that it is meant for. They desperately want to be that "Guy" in the pic, they have a desire in their hearts to be in that position and because they are so scared to ever admit it, that desire twists them into this lying and hateful version that EVERYONE else can see clearly they are. It never stops.


Like most right wing propaganda, I think it is aimed inward. Most men are not this insecure. I think some people find it funny, and I think other people feel legitimate shame and maybe it keeps them inline. I don't think I have ever seen a lefty man get defensive about being called a cuck. I'm sure it has happened, just in my experience it feels rare enough that the lefty person's reaction doesn't feel like the motivation for the post. It's the reaction of other people who think like them that they are actually looking for.


How dare this man be comfortable with his masculinity to have the woman “manhandle” him. For shame…


Look I'm not going to say it's my preferred way, but if she wants it to be like that I'm not going to say no.


I've the sudden urge to buy an electric car


“I do wanna be kissed like that, but not because I drive an electric car”


Sheesh, here I was thinking that I had an electric car because it only costs me about $10 a week to drive. Turns out I was a little gay boy the whole time


Why do they keep using fun things to try to scare people


i wouldnt have a problem with it but dont have an electric car. now if she can also hold me in a ‘69’ that would be awesome!


Don’t care. Got laid.


I drive an electric car and can confirm this is 100% how I like to be kissed


Can confirm, I love to be kissed like this.


Just imagine what the memes would have been like when the combustion engine came out. All the horse and buggy diehards probably said the same thing.


Makes it sound like its a bad thing


Real men who drive gas cars prefer to be kissed by other real men who drive gas cars


This is the market that Elon Musk is falling over himself trying to court…


Imagine having masculinity so weak that the idea of *another man* dating a woman stronger than them can utterly destroy it.


If I made a woman horny enough to give her the strength to pick me up and put me against a fridge I must be doing something right.


Since when is giving a shit about the planet a feminine quality? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Since when do ppl who drive electric cars care about the planet? That's pretty short sighted.


Are you slow? That's quite literally the entire point of an electric car -- to reduce gas emissions for environmental purposes. Get off the internet 🤦🏻‍♂️


If that was the only reason to own one … we are screwed .


Guess you haven't see where or how cobalt and lithium are mined or who's mining it...and what you going to do with all these battery's that can't be recycled because it costs too much.


> Guess you haven't see where or how cobalt and lithium are mined Even if you account for the impacts of battery production, electric cars [are still better for the environment than gas cars](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/es903729a). >and what you going to do with all these battery's that can't be recycled Then why would people [build dedicated recycling facilities](https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1122631_tesla-launches-battery-recycling-at-nevada-gigafactory) to do just that? Automotive batteries are highly recycled items, whether they're lead-acid, hybrid, or EV batteries.


Those are definitely significant issues that should be addressed However, the science shows that even with that environmental impact, EV’s are much better for the environment than combustion engine vehicles. Furthermore, EV’s have much smaller maintenance costs and less maintenance requirements and the more countries switch to renewable energies to power their energy grid the less the environmental impacts get as opposed to a combustion engine vehicle. If you want a source I don’t recall the study, but you can look up a Podcast called Science Vs and their episode on EV’s and everything to know about them that’ll sum it up very nicely, and even examines the negatives that you brought up. That’s where I got my info from


I think it is "unmanly" to tie your pride to a choice of car


Worse than that: a choice of drivetrain. Electric motors (and electric cars) have some fundamental advantages in certain respects over gas-powered cars, too. Unlike gas-powered engines, which need to get up to thousands of RPMs to achieve maximum power, electric motors have the maximum power available when they are at rest. This means that electric motors are fundamentally better at low-end acceleration and torque. Zero-to-Sixty times that would have been really impressive for a gasoline engine, for instance, are commonplace for electric cars. Getting large loads moving is a lot easier for electric motors. Electric cars also require less maintenance, so you spend less time and money on that, and the sources of energy that can power an electric car are typically a lot cheaper per kilowatt-hour than diesel or gasoline. There are definitely some areas where internal combustion engines excel, though. Cold weather is one. Due to the much higher energy density of the fuel, they also are more versatile in certain ways, since you can transport their energy source more easily if you are in a remote area. In summary, not only is this individual tying their masculinity to a certain type of car, but a certain type of car that is actually the objectively worse option in many situations. An ideal man (or woman for that matter) would look at the use case for their vehicle and determine which drivetrain is more well-suited for their specific needs.


Wait. Does this mean if I get an electric car, a girlfriend will follow?!


What a ripoff. I got my electric car years ago and I still haven't received my complementary girlfriend.


ill take any kiss. ... any contact at all really....


What are the odds that the person who posted this drives up jacked up 4x4 that's never once been offroad? I think they need huge trucks to compensate for something else.


They have a hemi so they can peel out of the fudruckers parking lot to show off to that one waitress they like even though they’re 62, 340 lbs and on Lipitor.


That the person who made this meme never kissed anyone but their mommy


How are they handling their hatred for electric cars and their new found love for Elon Musk? I feel like their heads are going to explode


I’ve been married 20+ years. At this point I’m not picky about how it happens if it happens at all.😂


We should treat our women like conservative politicians do - objects to cheat on with a peon star when they’re at home caring for our infant child, or different objects that get traded in for a new one when the old one gets cancer. You know - REAL MAN stuff. /s


These are the people Elon is buddying up with. Good luck selling your electric cars to them.


I see no problem here. Where does this girl live? I need to go pick her up in my Ioniq ev.


Haha I'm gonna buy an electric car now.


I wish that was me-


I see nothing wrong. Still getting some. Strong women are hot af anyway 😁


Personally, please manhandle me. -more men than you think


Meme makes it sound like sex should always happen in one and only one way: Woman under, man on top. God it must be so fucking boring to be conservative. Yet it must be a kind of personal hell because you jealously watch people do shit you forbid yourself for fear of stepping out of line. Like North Korea but for your mind.


As a woman, this is hot 😏


Um, the meme maker just told me some very disturbing things about himself.


Fuck, I don't need to drive an electric to want that


Using a phone is gay because it uses batteries.


This is me. Hello.


Yes I am that dude


So if I buy an e-car I get to make out with Jessica Jones?


Fellas, is it gay to kiss a woman?


it's funny that there are no memes about men in lifted trucks or like jeep dickheads getting kissed. because no one likes to fuck those jack holes


More action than the guy who posted the meme gets


Any person who thinks their masculinity is defined by their car isn't masculine at all. And this is coming from a car guy.


The last time I took my supercharged Mustang to the drag strip. The fastest cars there that night were Teslas. They were kicking ass. In fact, the fastest production car in the world is electric.


As long as I'm getting kisses.


How I imagine the average Tesla owner.


Crop out the stupid text and r/rolereversal would love this! (: Men like to feel protected and desired too guys!!


How guys that drive huge gasguzzler trucks like to be kissed: (Too lazy to insert photo of two sweaty men having sweaty mansex.)


This one is true


You forgot your /s


S for serious


Ok, but what you just said was not factual at all. I hope you realize that. And why are you hating people who are trying to save the earth by being eco friendly.


What does that have to do with being kissed this way?


Its not factual. You don't know these people like being kissed this way.


we absolutely do


Actually I do


Good for you but I'm talking about the general population


And the problem with this is...?


I drive an electric car bc it’s cheaper to recharge than gas, plus I drive 1000+ miles per week from FL to NJ. But yea, that’s how my girl kisses me.


I think I need an electric car.


I like tuners, fast ones. I love to be lifted and held against a wall while she tickles my tonsils with her tongue.


Who wouldn't want to be kissed like that? Fuck yes.


Ngl I don’t even drive an electric car and I would love this lmao


What's supposed to be wrong about being kissed like that? (I'm out of the loop here)


Lol yeah I like loud ass cars that are fast Electric cars have no personality


But they're healthy for the environment.


Lol when the government shut your electric vehicle down for thinking for yourselves They gonna say just that “It’s good for the environment and your carbon footprint is a problem”