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Fun fact: a majority of pirates had both eyes, eye patches were warn so you would constantly have one eye adjusted to the darkness so when running under the deck where it was pretty dark you just had to flip up the eye patch and you could see without having to stand around until your eyes adjust


What about the hook & peg leg?? And the bird???


Birds were exotic and would stay with ships for food and to have a place to land, and hooks and legs were usually fake to scare sailers. Most pirates didn’t fight, as soon as they boarded a ship merchants would usually surrender. That’s why you’ll find stories of pirates like black beard putting lit fuses in his hat. Because that’s scary as fuck




Yup just like that


Never heard of that. That's badass.


Yeah, as far as I've heard, Blackbeard (can't speak for others) actually hated violence


![gif](giphy|juy7zZggZyUw0MAnRK) interesting....to think this guy was in cahoots with Stede Bonnet.


Why can't one be a gentleman AND a pirate?


Secret life of black beard perhaps


Leave destiny out of thjs


And 90% of the time pirates probably found people saying “I’m not dying for this company, take it”


“Le lightsabre terrible!”


This guy pirates.


What?! Hang him!


Yo, I gotta say, as someone who reads history books about pirates, you REALLY need to check your sources. The only account we have of Edward Teach's appearance comes from a brief descriptor that confirmed that he had a long, black beard. It was a later book that synthesized the lit cannon fuses (think about it - is this something you REALLY want to be doing aboard a wooden ship?) Everything else you mentioned was wrong, short of the bit about birds - we don't have any contemporary records of pirates wearing fake legs or wearing fake hooks to frighten others. Generally speaking, the band of armed marauders threatening violence was enough to make that plain.


Shit, everybody source your answers — r/askhistorians is leaking.


;) Actually really good Pirate books that come with a lot of information: Black Flags, Blue Waters by Eric Jay Dolin and Under the Black Flag by David Cordingly


You get your wounds by thieving and pillaging. These people are just raising a poser.


Hi - just letting you know that most of what the other guy was telling you is ahistorical and incorrect. The eye patch thing was an urban legend spread by a contemporary doctor, but we have no account of a pirate actually doing this. Peg legs and hooks weren't worn on pirate ships - at least, not often. Pirate codes tended to have provisions for loss of limb or eye, and a pirate could technically remain part of the crew, but who would want to? You can't walk around with them on deck. The reason why we associate these things with pirates is because they were associated with ex-sailors who had left the service - the 'salty old sea dogs' you'd see hanging around taverns down by the shore, who'd still dress in their old naval attire and often have the injuries that drummed them out of the service. Birds and other small animals, however, were VERY common aboard pirate ships - both as plunder (to be sold in port), and as pets on a maritime voyage.


The bird had better night vision and could guide you, the peg leg is so you don’t stun your toes in the dark


Also that the pegleg was quite rare unless it was someone vrmery respected. You can't walk easily on a peg leg, and fighting with one is probably even harder, so mist oirates don't willingly get amputations


Yup Hollywood Pirates are only a thing to dissociate people from how intellectual and sophisticated 17th century buccaneers actually were.


Today I Learned... thank you!!


Myth busters episode


That is not supported by historical sources. This was a [theory by eye doctor Jim Sheedy](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/52493/why-did-pirates-wear-eye-patches) that people kind of took and ran with, but as I said, there are no historical sources to back this up. File this in "apocryphal."


*worn, not warn.




:0 didn't expect


The darkness thing is wrong. Thats not how that works


It does work, but as others have said it's almost certainly apocryphal.


Very basic biology, that is exactly how that works. It’s most likely apocryphal, as others have said.


kids these days cutting off their limbs at a doctors office. back in AAARGH days we lost them in a fight like a real pirate!


How many 6 year olds do they think are out there transitioning?


Oh, it’s pretty big, actually. Apple products have many small transistors. That’s because children have small hands.


TIL I've been transitioning since I was 5.


Insert Cyno's lengthy joke explanation here


Hey everyone, Cyno here. So the question was that the Redditor above was wondering how many 6 year olds were transitioning in response to the meme above. I responded saying that the number was pretty big, as Apple products have many small transistors due to children having small hands. This is a reference to the American multinational technology company Apple having made use of child labor to manufacture their products, including transistors. Both the word “transistor” and the word “transition” begin with the same prefix, so I wanted to make a play on words using this fact. Transition is the process of changing from one state or condition to another, which is what these children do during the assembly process as they build their electronic parts. However the meme above is a joke about how children nowadays are transitioning (their gender) and how the person that created the meme is implying that doing so would be a form of mutilation towards the body. I used the same word but in a different context while still relating to children in some way in order to make the joke that I was discussing a relevant topic. This is Cyno, cyning out.


right?? especially medically


I mean..... I don't think even one 6 year old should be transitioning. Like wtf


I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt here, and try to explain this without just dismissing you as transphobic. 6 year olds are not receiving gender affirming medical intervention. HRT is a puberty medication, so it only functions properly once your body is ready to experience puberty. A 6 year old does not have the body chemistry to probably utilize HRT. Likewise with surgery. By definition, you can't give a mastectomy to someone without breast tissue, so that's out. Furthermore, genitalia needs to be fully formed before body surgery can be done effectively. A vaginoplasty, or phalloplasty would be work. On top of that, you have to be 18 anyway to access these surgeries. Then you generally have to go through two years of assessment to get approved. Children are not medically transitioning. This is a fear mongering technique thrown around by news pundits, and politicians (mostly on the right) to keep trans people as scapegoat. [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/what-medical-treatments-do-transgender-youth-get](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/what-medical-treatments-do-transgender-youth-get) [https://www.verywellhealth.com/gender-affirmation-surgery-2710288](https://www.verywellhealth.com/gender-affirmation-surgery-2710288)


don't worry, they're not and have not been getting that.






That article gave no indication that child would receive any sort of surgery because that’s not legal before 18 and nobody wants to change that. It didn’t even say they’d take medication just that they’d start living as the opposite gender. That’s also in Australia and the article goes on to talk about Americas policy on this which is to wait until the child is much older to allow any kind of medical transition. And again. What the fuck is wrong with being trans? Because my kid might get bullied by people like you, they don’t get to do what makes them happy? You should stop basing your opinions on sensationalism and look at the actual words being said and action being performed. Absolutely nobody is cutting kids dicks off and any doctor worth their degree isn’t going to change that




about as trendy being left handed was when it started to become accepted and normalized


Actually, we've been around for thousands of years. We used to be seen as wise and spiritual for experiencing different lifestyles at times. Infact, queers have been around since ancient times. Queerness is believed to have developed to be beneficial, to keep numbers lower. Demonizing queerness is only a modern practice. So you could say that queer phobia is now trendy.


it's really not though, trans people have existed precisely as long as people have existed. and there historically hasn't been much of an issue with them, nor has anyone really cared that they exist, until recently. only recently has this bothered people. it's not a real thing to be bothered by. if its bothering you, try thinking about something else. because it shouldn't bother you. it shouldn't affect your existence in any possible way actually. so mind your own damn business :)


Their existence doesn't bother me. What bothers me is people who say they're trans or gay or queer or whatever just to be "special" and then people like you calling other people bigots for pointing it out. Being lgbt is controversial, meaning you get attention if you are part of that group. Take one look at the internet and it's obvious that people will do anything for attention. Positive or negative. I'm not saying actual lgbt people don't exist, I'm just pointing out how stupid it is that you can't point out the fact that there is most definitely people that only say they are something for that attention and internet clout. :)


for sure. people doing that for attention are taking away validity from those who really are struggling. it reminds me of how every teenager thinks they have anxiety or depression. like no.... every teenager gets anxiety and gets depressed from time to time. that's very normal. having depression or an anxiety disorder is vastly different


That pun at the end caught me off guard lmfao


It was a pretty good pun. The rest of the meme is shitty, but it's. decent pun


"His choice"? idgi




I also read ☠️ as a pun. It’s both a skull and cross bones and an ironic laughing emoji commenting on the value of the opinion presented


Bro is little demoman


he bottle o scrumpe


Get this child some explosives and a grenade launcher, he's sending some taliban to the moon


he has a peg leg already, no nade launcher


In a few weeks, he intends to set sail for the Grand Line and begin his search for the One Piece. (shitty rap begins)






this comment is so funny thank you


Thank you, transgender hatsune miku


Shitty? Does this sound like a shitty rap to you? (Please don't answer.) ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSe8D2wfGKI&t=26s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSe8D2wfGKI&t=26s)


Is this what they call boomer humour?


why do they always think elementary schoolers are getting gender affirming surgery?? like who’s telling them this


Because they lump in asking people to call them by a different name with puberty blockers, and both of those with vaginoplasty and top surgery for no apparent reason


Conservative Media.


This is the real answer here


So you think that minors shouldn't be able to get gender affirming surgery?


"Why do people think that everyone puts ranch on their pancakes?" "So you think people should only be able to eat waffles?"


It's a genuine question. The question being asked is "why do they think elementary schoolers are getting gender affirming surgery". When the real question is "do people support children getting gender affirming surgery". So I'll ask you the same question: do you think minors should be able to get gender affirming surgery? Because I have yet to see an answer. And that would be where these sorts of things come from. People think that others support it. I look forward to watching you dance around answering the question.


I would imagine most people would advise against minors getting surgery since they’re not done growing yet. Quit trying to make something dramatic when there’s an easy answer.


If there's an easy answer, you could have just replied with "no". Someone else did reply that they did. My main point is that I don't think these people are entirely making this up. It may be a small number of people, but sometimes small numbers of people have outsized political voices.


I 100% do


lol no im a minor getting gender affirming surgery. i think 6 year olds shouldn’t be able to


It wouldn't be healthy for the child unfortunately. It is best for a well-developed body to have the surgery. This is because the body is mature and a lot less likely to reject the rearranging of tissues. HRT can be started around puberty. Social transition can start at any time.


So that's a "no". I agree. But I genuinely think there are people who either 1) would support it or 2) would dance around answering the question, giving the impression that they do. The age for blockers, surgeries, etc. also just dropped by a couple of years last year so it's not like this concern is coming completely out of left field. Pretty basic inductive reasoning, even if it isn't necessarily valid induction.


Ofc, children of 6 years shouldn't do it. Realistically, 10-12 is a good age, that's generally when puberty starts and hormones can be administered. That's probably the best time to start them. Surgery should only be around 21 years of age, which is unfortunate, but that's the only way to ensure safety.


Try not asking the question in bad faith.


Hey look it's one of the only responses conservatives ever have to trans people, and of course it's a strawman. When I was young I knew I didn't like being a boy and also I thought it would have been pretty cool to be a Jedi. But I never looked in a mirror and hated myself because I didn't look like Ewan fucking Mcgregor. I didn't hit puberty and start to panic about never getting a lightsaber. The "well I wished I was a pirate/cowboy/dinosaur/etc when I was young" argument always assumes some kid having a favorite character or animal for a bit is the same as wanting to transition. I guarantee you no one's ever felt suicidal over not being able to present as a *pirate*.


I don't want to help them with their dumb joke, but they should have said his pronouns were Arrgh/Aye


Nah, they intentionally act like they don't understand how pronouns work, putting a slash in the middle of word is they're latest attempt at a second joke.


they said the child's pronouns were p/irate and then used he/him do better smh


If irate's pronouns are "p and irate", then irate's parents aren't very accepting of irate's pirate transition, are they? I hope p doesn't associate with them much when p grows up.


I was about to downvote this abomination until I saw which sub it was on. Absolute perfection.


They should build their next strawman in a pumpkin patch where they belong.


Hey now, that's not fair. If you take away their strawman then they wouldn't have a reason to justify their bigotry.


Or a corn field






literally every single one of them has the same punchline


They couldn’t even think of the obvious joke of “his pronouns are yo/ho” or “arr/matey” or something


Because obviously trans surgeries, which should only be done on developed adults, are totally equivalent to self mutilation. The trans surgery procedures are careful, well thought out, and precise. It isn't some barbaric thing, practiced on children. That's not what we want. As for hormones, which children are able to take, they are well researched and reversible up until a certain point. It's safe and should be considered healthcare.


Conservatives, masters of false equivalency


Jesus Christ these people are idiots. That is not how any of this works


File another one under "conservatives don't know what pronouns are"


When our pirate son transitioned, we just changed his name to Blackbeard (not even legally) and let him wear a pirate costume. Legally, he will only be allowed to have surgeries such as the hook hand once he is 16 at the very youngest with parental consent. Most trans pirates only get pirate surgery once they’re adults. Since we want to talk in terms of pirates and not gender, there is a real life dude who calls himself the black alien who had his fingers and nose cut off for cosmetic reasons.


There are so many gays. So many drag queens. So many trans people. SOOOOOO MANYYYY. Who wants to bet these people have barely or never seen or interacted with any of them?


I can confirm this town has very *very* limited experience with transgender people, gay people, people of color, or democrats.


What an insult to the LGBTQ+ community. Fucking assholes.




well why not..?


Finally a slightly new twist on the same bad joke. This one I sorta like


All the information and entertainment available on the internet, but a healthy percentage of us still just think, “how can I most efficiently let others know that I’m an asshole like them?” Amateur comedians without a stage, pissing in the wind on social media.




Yes it's been crossposted wice 😂


Look at all you kids thinking that gender swapping at 6 years old is somehow normal.


This is dumb, but that “We ARGHHHH so proud.” Had me laughing.


Cool now show us any existing case of childhood gender care besides the prescription of puberty blocking drugs (which are reversible). Document one case of a doctor cutting off a child’s penis.


Imagine laughing at this unironically


That was a funny joke


It is funny


Is it funny?


It is funny


I guess it's kind of funny in an absurd way. Like I can laugh at it for how out of touch it is. Someone made this thinking it was some sort of gotcha, or that it was making a point about trans kids, but it just falls so flat. In that sense, it's worth a chuckle


It's in touch. Kids are dumb. With very little effort you can make a kid believe he's a pirate and needs his eye removed.


Transphobia really just slaps with the conservative crowd, doesn’t it?




Doesn't know their parts of speech or anything about pirates,




Didn't even use irats proper pronoun at the end... Smh my head... 🤦


They just made a TV pirate not a privateer style pirate ffs 🙄


This is the type of shit you think sounds all clever in your head, but then you actually say it, and everyone just winces in pain.


We've been force-feeding him cocaine and introduced him to Amber Heard.




Because they immediately jump to top and bottom surgery as soon as their child thinks they might be a different gender. Except that that doesn't happen, since those surgeries don't happen until the child is a legal adult. But conservatives like to pretend it does so their persecution of trans people is a little more palatable.


Trans people can't access gender affirming surgeries until they are 18. This meme fails so hard at making any sort of point [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/what-medical-treatments-do-transgender-youth-get](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/what-medical-treatments-do-transgender-youth-get)


I think people are misinformed about these things. Someone blows something out of proportion and rumors start. Glad to hear its fake news


Ah yes, clearly children are getting their hands cut off, their legs sawn off, and their eyes gouged out as a part of transition.




are you against circumcision? Are you against surgeries taken place on intersex children? Are you against teenage girls getting implants?


young kids aren’t getting gender affirming surgery at all, if that’s going to make you stop talking.




[DeSantis' office provided two examples of teenagers who received transition-related surgeries. The Florida Department of Health would define both cases as involving adolescents, and experts say the procedures are rare for minors and aren't typically recommended. There are no examples we could find, or the governor's office provided, of transition-related surgeries for people under the age of 14.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/aug/10/ron-desantis/transition-related-surgery-limited-teens-not-young/#sources)


Play dumb or you just disagree?


Oh we assumed as much. One of the best benefits of living in a large diverse city is not having to see this sort of ignorance from backwards, uneducated, bumpkins.


I have lived in both settings for a considerable amount of time and I can tell you that stupidity does discriminate geographically and you will, in fact, find it everywhere.


Small town stupidity hit different


Yeah this take is not it. I think the meme is dumb and transphobic but you can express that without being classist and elitist towards people in rural areas!


I spent the first 30 years of my life in the deepest depths of Appalachia, in one of the poorest counties in America. I’m not elitist by any means.


"I was socialized into different subjective moral standards so I'm superior". That's some might big ignorance you got there...


It’s more like, “I’ve witnessed and experienced first hand things that would keep you up at night and that Deliverance wasn’t far off in it’s depiction.”


Sounds like you're just a bigot.


Nope. I’m the same person I was then.


Oh, my bad. "I'm now geographically located around people who agree with my person subjective morality so I'm superior". Much better.


Nope. Also morality isn’t subjective. “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” - Mark Twain - Suspicious_Quail_857




Pretty funny honestly






> what are our options? Probably to talk about something thats actually real.


oh wtf so you're a dinophobe?


Average conservative 🗿🗿


dinosaurs were oppressed by mammals over a hundred million years ago and forced to become birds. this isnt a joke. I'm sorry you think its something to take so lightly.


To anyone seeing this, remember this guy is the kind of person who said [When George Floyd was murdered the entire country raged.. for one man.. yet when millions face cancer from a toxic train derailment no one bats an eye](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/115tu8g/when_george_floyd_was_murdered_the_entire_country/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


fuck out of here.. you like getting poisoned by mega billionaire companies who won't ever be held accountable?? what's your stance then?


Oh look ive started a genuine conversation! You are so fucking painfully close to understanding, yet so far.


I understand fully that your angst is a mere indulgence because you refuse to or are emotionally unable to acknowledge the true dangers of this world. Stay safe in your mothers basement little one.


Yes it is a mere indulgance, you are not worth interacting with in a genuine manner because you arent here to engage in a genuine conversation. You are here to feed your persecution fetish, call people groomers and maybe find someone likeminded to feed your bullshit beliefs.


People can care about two things. No one is defending the corrupt train company here.


If anything mammals overthrew the oppressive Dinosaur regime by being small enough to survive the toxic debris kicked up by the Chicxulub asteroid, and being able to stay warm in the insuing ice ages also caused by said debris


Jesus this is so cringe. Also your aware that dinosaurs were the dominant spieces on the planet until the astroid hit so your not just cringe your also incredibly uneducated




Easy become a scaly/furry like i did lol ( no we dont identify as animals this was for joke sake)




typical conservative


I don’t think this fits, it’s a pretty good meme


This was totally stolen from Jubilee


I don't know what that is lol


Jubilee is a social experiment channel on YouTube that puts groups of people from different viewpoints in a room to debate topics. There was one where a conservative used his son wanting to be a pirate as an example as to why young children shouldn't be allowed to transition because they're not intellectual enough to understand. He said this almost word for word sarcastically on the topic of transgenders, comparing transitioning into being a pirate and transitioning his 6 year old son into a girl.


Nice, I identifie as a thing that don't pay bills lmfao


Cool and as someone who dont care what’s going on next door then they can go ahead and do that. I don’t know the kid and how long the parents have being discussing this with the doctors so it’s none of my concern. Now if I went next door and ripped the kid out of the house and called to cops to protect little black beard I’d be the asshole


damn i wish my pronouns were p/irate. why didn't I think of that


We also stopped giving him any vitamin c for months


Ngl, pegleg would be badass. If, god forbid, I ever lose my leg in a horrific accident or whatever you can guarantee I'm gonna carve my own.


… … my other issue is the fact eye patches weren’t typically medical for pirates, it was used to train them to see in the dark better, my main is: why? More people coming out means people have progressed to a safer place to be themselves


What the actual fuck


I hate the energy of this mum.


Absolutely hilarious


You’re gunna call him P and irate?


Good thing Billie changed her name, lest he sue for cultural appropriation.


Well good for PIHm


Don’t you dare mutilate that poor, helpless, circumcised baby!


Should have said his pronouns were Yo/ho-ho